Total Value: 588,324 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Padmavati's Lotus
Blue Dragon Silk Shoes
Aquamarine UpsideDown Top
Blue Dragon Silk Pants
Sapphire Plume
Sapphire Plume
Sapphire Plume
Sapphire Plume

Total Value: 1,194,226 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Flight of the Macaw
Buddhist Monk's Straw Sandals
Jinxi's Charm (9th Gen)
Jinxi's Charm (3rd Gen)
Jinxi's Charm
Jinxi's Charm (2nd Gen)

Total Value: 2,722,403 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 2nd gen.
Bad Moon 5th Gen.
Enchanted Book 6th Gen.
Shadow Spirit
Black GetaGRIP Gloves
Smok the Baby Dragon
Black Musketeer Boots
Ancient Naginata
Buttoned Down Fauna Shirt 'n' Sweater
Christian Siriano's Trousers (Black)
SDPlus #95 Gimpi Doll

Total Value: 1,617,299 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Death Whisper (13th gen)
Demonic Wind
Demonic Armor
Demonic Armor
Charred Tundra Pants
Ethermane Hellfish Greaves
Ethermane Hellfish Helm