Total Value: 3,930,711 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Spring Nymph
Cat Burglaress
Ruby Milady Skirt
Seracila Pendant
Seracila Pendant
Cosplay Avatar

Total Value: 4,722,892 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Starcrossed Lovers' Tragedy
Hidden Ace
Gold Promise Ring
Reve Rouille
Mizuchis Jewel
Mizuchis Jewel
Reve Rouille
Reve Rouille
Noels Gift
Noels Gift
Noels Gift
Bonus Cosplay Avatar!

Total Value: 4,753,861 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Captain Ara's Nestegg
Pirate Anchor
Pirate Anchor
Smok the Baby Dragon
Hidden Ace
Bad Moon
Fall of the Morning Star
Hidden Ace
Compass of Seidh
Compass of Seidh