trees could grow musical instruments? Then when it's a really nice day out and the wind is blowing the trees would start making music. Hmm..It's a nice thought. I was listening to this song called "violins and trees" and while the lyrics have nothing to do with trees growing violins, that's what it made me think of. Anyways, on to other stuff. I haven't written in a long time, I know. But not many people rely on my notes here, so it's not like i've been leaving you all hanging, because the "all" probably consists of like, two people. Anyhow: Life. It's good, it's ok, it's going. I'm having one of those days where you're just at peace with the world, you know? Of course, I've probably got only about half an hour left for peaceful nice thoughts, then i should actually get some work done. But, ah, why not live for the now, rather then the 30 minutes from now? You know..( and you probably don't, but "you know" is just one of my phrases that pop up a lot,sorry) lots of weird really simple things make me happy. A few of you know about some of them. Probably my biggest happy-simple-thing is vacuum cleaners. Which, yeah, i admit, REALLY weird thing to like. It's just..hmm. what is it about them that i like so much...Hold on, let me think about it. I just like the way a floor looks all s**c and span, (HOW do you spell that? s**c? SpicK? goodness lordy lou, i need to figure that out..) after you use one. Oh, i should have said this at the beginning of the note, but if you're looking for a note with an actual PURPOSE you better start looking elsewhere, this is more of a hmm-i'm-thinking-about-meaningless-things sort of note. Well, i don't know, i mean it does have the opportunity to turn into a very meaningful note, but I'm not so sure i'll seize such an opportunity. Another thing about happiness: Why are some people happy and others not? Is it actually a CHOICE? do people wake up and think "hmm, i'm going to be happy today" when otherwise they would not be? if you TRY genuinly hard to be happy when your life is full of junk will you actually be able to be happy? I don't know. I mean, there was a time when i was extremely unhappy with everything happening around me, and i was so unhappy that i didn't even value the good things that i had, which i really should have. But if my self-of-the-past were reading this right now, she'd probably be like "shut up, you don't know me, i'm sick of this!" in a very cliched teenager-y sort of way. But oh, cliched teenager past self, I DO know you, how freaking twisted is that. Mm..I've lost you all haven't i? Back to happiness. At that time, i don't know if i could have just been like "yeah, some things in my life suck, and maybe they suck a lot, but i've got to get over it and be happy." and have it work just like that. I dont' know, do you think happiness is a choice? Let me know. ON TO OTHER THINGS. (oh god, get ready for the book nerd talk. this could get bad.) I just read the latest john green book and it was fabulous. Will Grayson, Will Grayson-that's the title. HOWEVER if you're like "hey, i'm gonna go read a john green book cause this chick always talks about them, i guess i'll just read this latest one" i say DONT. Because it's not exactly his best book in my opinion, it's GOOD but not like "holy mittens, that was the best book i've read in my life". If you're looking for a best book of your life sort of book, then either read Paper Towns or Looking For Alaska. (paper towns is my favorite, but some people disagree with me) Yep, i'm promoting books. yay for literature! (unless it sucks, like the books that we're forced to read in school usually do. in which case, boo literature, what were people thinking when they thought that things like Lord of the Flies or Of Mice and Men were good? Whhhaaaat?) ahh, Dis-trac-tion. It seems like that word should be broken up, like so. I think i read a book/a book written like a bunch of poems where they did that. mayhaps. Oh, goodness, i'm off topic..Or am i..? Was there even a topic? Mittens, i suppose there wasn't. Andbutso (latest phrase), that concludes my message. if you made it all the way through it, bravo and Toodle-oo.
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Don't you just hate when someone says, "I <3 you."?
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
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![]() Cynthiasideways Community Member ![]() |
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Okay, so. The key to happiness is a few things, I think, say, if your life seems suckish, even if there are just a few suckish things that really get you down. For one, don't lose your self respect, ever. Having self respect boosts your happiness level by like-a thousand. Secondly, try to add more good things to your life, like doing things with or for other people...ummm...what else...
Um. Is it possible to chose to be happy? I think sometimes, if what you find to be sucky isn't really such a HuGe deal, but you're making it out to be, that could be miminmized and you COULD say, "I'm going to try to be happier about this thinly suckish life." But if it's something that really really really pisses you off and makes your heart break, I think you need some type of therapy (friend, family, stranger, or God therapy) to make it better-make you happy, because that is the kind of unhappy that does not and cannot be fixed with a simple choice to just be happy.
Happy happy happy, I would be saying to myself sarcastically if I was in a horrible situation and someone said, just be happy.
I know what you mean, I think. The beauty in a freshly vacuummed floor.
That's all for now. Hope your show goes swell!