How much the name cost:
Hannah_143_love ( 0 gold)

- This was me all brand new and stuff... 2 years ago XD
xcloudienightx (0 gold)

-yep I don't know why but i liked dressing up like this ever since i joined zomg o.O
xyume of yuukix (0gold)

-oh this started when i won this 10k on either the Daily chance or zomg freebies.
it all started here XD
xi eat your cookiezx (10k gold)

Birdy Form:

- Damn i remember that time in ss(zomg) that i was trying to do the glitch with the best crew i ever had... but it failed XD
CandiexHolic (20k gold)

- I can finally do the Glitch in Shallow Seas ^.-
xMai Falling Starx (0k gold)

- Moved my Stuff and put it in this account ^.-
iEat your cookiez (10k gold)

- changed my name back to iEat your cookiez except last time it was
x- iSpazz Chuu -x (20k gold)

-This name never lasted for 1 week... ^_^
ll iPoop Cupcakes ll (30k gold)

never lasted for a week... even the name "x- iSpazz Chuu -x" lasted longer.
x- Noodlez -x

I thought i was going to quit so i sold all my items....but a certain friend asked me not too.. so i didn't ^_^

Made august 28th 2010....