Chapter 1: Monday (incomplete)
Kwon Jiyong sat at his desk inside the classroom filled of students that consisted of a overwhelming female to male ratio, looking out the window as he rested his chin upon his hand in deep thought. When he thought about it, if a person was male, when it came to liking someone, it would imply first looking at her face, followed by her legs, and then her chest, he supposes. Because really, what else is there to love? <br /><br />Jiyong looked back to the front of the classroom, anticipating the bell to finally ring to indicate the end of the period, and ultimately, free time until his next class, which wasn't in another two to three hours really. He twirled his pencil in his hand in a bored manner, not bothering to write anything down on his paper.<br /><br />After only a few seconds of looking at the board and not really bothering to take notes, Jiyong looked back over to his side and noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he noticed a pair of girls waving up at someone with huge smiles on their faces.<br /><br />Looking back over to his other side, wondering if they were waving to someone there, only to be met with students either taking notes or trying hard not to fall asleep, he looked back out the window and stared for a short span of two seconds before he waved at the two girls with a charming smile.<br /><br />The girls squealed in response as they giggled at each other as they talked amongst saying things like, "aaahh, he's so cute!" meanwhile blushing innocently. Continuing to stare at the two girls for a while longer, Jiyong thought of how natural it is to judge someone by their looks. <br /><br />It's a part of human nature to judge by appearance if one is honest with themselves. It's not simply the men that are superficial, rather, both genders are at fault. No one really bothers with things that they can't see. Like, for example, the heart. Those girls who just squealed over him don't like "him" as a person, but rather, it's all about his looks and his face.<br /><br />Yawning loudly, Jiyong decided to stop thinking about it for now. Then, all of a sudden a sharp pain was delivered to the back of his head with a loud "smack", causing Jiyong to yelp in both surprise and pain. Looking back, Jiyong exclaimed indignantly, "That hurt! Geez, what is it..." only to be met with the sight of Chaerin standing there with a slightly annoyed look on her face, her hand on her hip as she reprimanded Jiyong.<br />"Chaerin-ah?" Jiyong blinked in confusion. When did the bell ring? He must've zoned out longer then he thought he had if Chaerin was out of her seat and about the classroom. Deciding to dismiss the thought, Jiyong whined at Chaerin, "Why'd you hit me?!" as he rubbed the back of his head lightly. Goodness that girl could hit hard.<br /><br />"Jiyong-ah, you..." Chaerin began but was cut off by Jiyong.<br /><br />"Did you just me with your fist?! You did, didn't you?!" Jiyong questioned vehemently, an expression of mock hurt on his face.. "How scary..." Jiyong mumbled out playfully, a slight smile on his face.. It was all in good fun really, but dear lord did she have to hit so hard?<br /><br />Not liking to be cut off so rudely, even if it was her best friend, she picked up Jiyong's pencil and pointed the tip at his face slightly threateningly as she continued her previous statement, lightly scolding Jiyong like a child and partially advising Jiyong for the better. "Jiyong-ah, it's because you keep doing unrefined things such as yawning out loud with such a pretty face like yours that you keep getting dumped by the girls you go out with in a flash, ya know? And look at what you've done with your hair now! You really do love to stand out, don't you?" Exasperated, Chaerin threw his pencil back at him as Jiyong.<br /><br />"Yeah, yeah. And yup! I wanted to do something a bit different this time around. You like?" Jiyong dismissed the advice with a wave of his hand, catching the thrown pencil and placing it down upon his desk, afterword leaning forward a bit to rest his elbow on his desk and rested his head upon his hand. He began to play with his hair slightly as he indicated toward his dyed hair. <br /><br />Chaerin shrugged offhandedly. "It suits you. But anyways, you never listen to advice when it's given to you. It's because you keep dismissing our concern and advice that you get dumped so frequently and easily. If you keep going on like that, your girlfriend's gonna fall outta love with ya soon enough. Maybe even today." Jiyong sat up straight as he leaned against the window, Chaerin leaning against his desk with an expression of both concern and smugness on her face.<br /><br />Jiyong laughed out playfully as he waggled his eyebrows at Chaerin, who only rolled her eyes at the action, "I thought as much. I look so sexy, right? But anyways, thanks for your concern but it's not needed. I already got dumped anyways." he shrugged his shoulders dismissively. Chaerin stayed silent for a small moment.<br /><br />"... When?" she questioned curiously, now completely disregarding the previous light hearted flirting from her best friend as she questioned him about his relationship. "Yesterday." was his simple reply. It's not like he cared all that much really. It happened so often he's lost count of how many times he's been dumped for not meeting their ridiculously high expectations. Really, those girls could be so fickle. <br /><br />Jiyong huffed mentally at the though. Oh well, their loss, he supposed. He picked up his pencil and began to scribble on his paper absent mindedly. It was awfully quiet. Oh, Chaerin isn't speaking? Jiyong looked up from his paper to see Chaerin's apologetic expression. <br /><br />"She told me... that I wasn't the person she thought I was." Jiyong explained. <br />"See? Told you so." Chaerin said with a look of exasperation. Really, he needed to learn how to take other people's advice.<br /><br />Jiyong sighed as he looked down at his hand, twirling his pen in his hand upon the table. "It's her own fault for assuming. They're always the one who confess to me to begin with. And then they get all disappointed when I'm not what they expect me to be." Jiyong stopped spinning the pencil and went back to leaning forward in his set, resting his chin upon his hand. <br /><br />"In your case, there's a huge gap between your personality and your appearance." Chaerin stated matter-of-factly. "It's practically a scam." Jiyong gave her a "are you serious" expression.<br /><br />"When you're on that stage, Jiyong-ah. You look so beautiful and lively. It's as if nothing in the world could make you as happy as you are when you're up there, rapping to your heart's content. You look so ridiculously beautiful and captivating that still catch myself thinking 'wow. stunning.', even though I know exactly what kind of person you are deep inside. How should I put it?" Chaerin paused as she tried to collect her thoughts, finding the correct words to make her point down to the last syllable. "I think there's a very captivating air around you when you're holding a mic. And then there's that face of yours, which makes you seem just like the prince these naive girls have been fantasizing about. Well, it's not hard to understand why they would."<br /><br />What are they even doing at that club so late at night anyways? Shouldn't they be the good little girls they are and stay at home? Jiyong thought. For such naive girls, they sure were brave. It was technically against school rules to sneak out after curfew if you lived in a dorm. Personally, Jiyong thought those girls should stay away. They didn't know what kinds of trouble they could get into if they ever got caught. It's not like the club members themselves were people to be wary of, to be truthful, they were all more or less civilized and kind. To an extent. But really, it's better to be safe than sorry, right? Even if they were mildly civilized, there were the occasional fights that broke out every now and then.<br /><br />Jiyong sighed, mumbling out in tiredly, "Geez. I guess this image is going to follow me around until I retire..." and even then, not really. But really, he enjoyed the spotlight. It made him feel alive.<br /><br />Jiyong had entered his current university, Chosun University, through a musical scholarship. Chosun was built in a famous uptown district, originally an elite school for well-bred young women. That is, until three years ago when it went co-ed. Ever since then, it began to take in boys as well, although the boy to girl ratio still remains relatively low, the female students having an overwhelming majority. The main reason may attribute to the fact that the middle school sector is still an all-girls institute.<br /><br />Most of the girls here are so pampered and sheltered who know next to nothing about the world, it made Jiyong cringe at their ridiculously innocent idealisms. In comparison to the many other co-ed schools around, these girls had rather unusual impressions when it came to boys. They set impossibly high standards, wanting the boy of their choice to be beyond perfect, which is of course, obviously impossible for anyone to ever hope of accomplishing. <br /><br />Sighing, Jiyong breathed out, "They should get it in their heads that perfect guys like those from books or TV dramas and what not don't exist." Jiyong played with his bangs absent mindedly. Looking over to Chaerin, he smiled as he continued. "I'd consider myself lucky if I could get someone as realistic as you, Chaerin-ah." <br /><br />Smiling back, Chaerin asked in a playful manner, "Oh? Then how 'bout it, wanna try going out with me?" <br />Jiyong's immediate answer was, "Sure, why not?" a look of willingness upon his face. He needed to stop being so brash about his decisions. Chaerin thought. She shivered in disgust as she said, "... No way. Agreeing to it so lightly...!" Chaerin yelled out slightly angry. Goodness, Jiyong really needed to stop making such impulse decisions.<br /><br />"So you were just kidding?" Jiyong blinked twice as he crossed his arms. "Of course I was!" Chaerin exclaimed as she had the sudden urge to throttle Jiyong for being so ridiculous.<br /><br />"Mm. Kay!" Jiyong smiled brightly at Chaerin as she sighed in both relief and annoyance clear upon her face. "I knew you didn't mean it from the start~!" Jiyong said playfully as he laughed at her softly. "Stuff like falling in love, you never know when it's going to happen to you."<br /><br />"..." was Chaerin's only response as she shook her head. <br /><br />Soon enough, Youngbae appeared as he held a book that looked more like a pamphlet in his hand, calling out to Jiyong and Chaerin as he unintentionally interrupted their conversation, although it was appreciated due to the awkward silence that had ensued after Jiyong had muttered those words. "Hey, Jiyong-ah, Chaerin-ah, you guys don't have class for another two or so hours right?" Youngbae stopped next to Chaerin as he waited for their response.<br /><br />"Mhmm. Why?" Jiyong questioned as he began to play with his bangs again. <br />"Oh, you dyed your hair this time? I was wondering what you were going to do with your hair this time around. You come up with really weird decisions when it comes to your hair and fashion sense, don't you?" Youngbae chuckled as he gestured toward Jiyong's now-blond hair. "Yup! Don't I look sexy?" Jiyong laughed out as he leaned back against the window, one hand upon the back of his chair the other upon his desk.<br /><br />Shaking his head, Youngbae smiled softly at Jiyong's silly antics. "Yeah. very." was his sarcastic reply. Jiyong always came up with such crazy hair styles, his new hairstyles were always spontaneous and random so no one really knew when he was going to change his hair next. But Jiyong was always like that, and it's one of his likeable natures.<br /><br />"Anyways, I was wondering if you guys wanted to order pizza?" Since they all had the same class next, and coincidentally in the same classroom as well, why not order some lunch to go? <br /><br />Jiyong sat up excitedly as he exclaimed in approval. "Oh! Yeah yeah!" Placing whatever it was Youngbae was holding, Jiyong saw that it was the pizza catalogue. Oh, duh. Jiyong thought to himself as he chuckled inwardly. He was really slow sometimes. <br />Chaerin moved from the side of Jiyong's desk to stand behind him as they flipped through the catalogue. After a few minutes of deliberating, they decided what they wanted for their order. "Okay, so I'll get the eggplant and minced meat one." Chaerin said as she moved back over to the desk to the left of Jiyong's as she sat upon the top. "And I'll have the ribs." Jiyong said. "Isn't that all just meat?" Youngbae questioned. Jiyong shrugged.<br /><br />"Seunghyun oppa isn't here yet." a pair of girls said off to the side right outside the window, out on the balcony of their classroom. Jiyong looked over as he overheard their conversation, his interest piqued. <br />"I guess he's really not coming to school today." one of the girls sighed out dejectedly. <br />"I wonder if he's down with the flu." the girl said as she leaned over the railing slightly.<br />"Yeah, I'm worried too." the other girl replied.<br /><br />"Looks like Seunghyun hyung hasn't shown up today." Youngbae stated. "Seunghyun?" Jiyong questioned as he looked over to Youngbae. "As in Choi Seunghyun the graduate?" <br /><br />"Ah, that's right! Seunghyun performs at the same club as you doesn't he?" Youngbae exclaimed softly in realization. "Are the two of you close or something?" he questioned.<br />"Nope, not at all." Jiyong replied bluntly. "We're just acquaintances. We sometimes see each other at the club and once in a while perform on the same night. He doesn't really come to that club often though." Jiyong explained.<br />"Oh, I see." Youngbae replied. "It's Monday today, isn't it?" Jiyong asked, thinking of a rumor that'd he heard a while ago.<br />"Yup. The day he will definitely say 'yes'." Youngbae responded. <br />"And at the end of the week, he'll tell his partner exactly this: 'I couldn't fall in love with you. Let's break up.' " Chaerin piped in. Jiyong and Youngbae looked over to Chaerin. <br />"Oh, that reminds me. Chaerin, didn't you..." Youngbae began.<br />"Yup! I went out with him for exactly one week in May." she said with a smile and an air of accomplishment around her.<br />"Why are you so proud of that?" Jiyong questioned warily.<br />"Mm. Simple. 'Cause when I got to date him for that one week, I felt as if I hit the jackpot." Chaerin replied as she did the peace sign, wide smile still upon her face.<br />"Hey, isn't that contradicting what you told me earlier?" Jiyong questioned slightly accusingly.<br />"I guess." Chaerin said as she shrugged and leaned back against the desk behind her.<br />"Anyhow, normal guys like me will never understand people who are that popular. Exactly what kind of person is this Choi Seunghyun anyway?" Youngbae questioned.<br />"Hmm... well..." Jiyong began as he stood up from his seat. "He's handsome." he stated.<br /><br />Youngbae who had moved over to sit down in the desk in front of Jiyong's had a "well duh" look on his face as he replied, "Goodness, Jiyong. I already knew that. I can tell by just look at him." Youngbae sighed as he shook his head.<br />Jiyong began to walk away. "Hey, Jiyong!" Youngbae called out, wondering where Jiyong was going so abruptly.<br /><br />"Hey, someone's gotta get the pizzas, right? I told the delivery man that I'd pick them up in front of the school gate." Jiyong said as he turned around, walking backward as he did so, and tossed his pencil towards Youngbae.<br /><br />Catching the pencil in his hand, Youngbae stared after Jiyong as he exclaimed toward Youngbae a quick farewell. "See ya. The two of you can help me finish up my assignment in return."<br /><br />--<br /><br />After walking for a bit, Jiyong had arrived to the front of the school and was currently sitting with his back against the wall, hiding from the sun in the shade. Looking up at the trees, he waiting for the delivery man to arrive with his order.<br />"Normal guys like me will never understand people who are that popular." Youngbae had said. Jiyong thought about those words. He felt as if someone's said something similar to that to him before... although the situation was entirely different from today's. He's never really had much of an interest in Seunghyun. But at that moment, Jiyong found himself wondering what type of person he was. He may be handsome, but for some reason, Jiyong wanted to know more about him aside from the rumors and his obviously appealing appearance. <br /><br />I'm definitely a much more decent person than he is though. Jiyong thought to himself. Hearing an engine pulling nearer, Jiyong noticed a nice car pulling up to a stop in front of the school.<br />Oh, is that the pizza man? Jiyong thought as the car made loud screeching noises from the sudden stop. Who, pizza delivery with a Porsche? Jiyong though with slight alarm and excitement. However, Jiyong noticed someone step out of the car, a loud slam followed as the driver and passenger exchanged words. <br /><br />With alarm, Jiyong noticed that it was none other than the infamous Choi Seunghyun who had stepped out of the car, the driver being a very beautiful woman. oh, my. Jiyong thought. Seunghyun seemed to notice him sitting off to the side, exchanged a few more words with the woman before she drove off. <br /><br />Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, Seunghyun walked over to Jiyong as he greeted him. "Mornin'." Seunghyun greeted with a smile. Jiyong waved back with a smile of his own. "Yo!" Jiyong greeted back, the atmosphere around him light and cheerful. "Long time no see, hyung." Jiyong said. He really was handsome. For being only one year older then Jiyong, he seemed to be the epitome of coolness. "You're early today." he continued.<br /><br />Whenever Seunghyun was around, he always managed to cause a stir with that handsome face of his. It didn't really bug Jiyong, seeing in how he could see why everyone was so interested in him. His high cheekbones and thick eye brows offset his personality, which was really quiet but kind. "Was that Your girlfriend for the week?" Jiyong questioned, attempting at some small talk. He didn't really know what else to talk about honestly. It's not like they really knew each other that well. "She looks older than 20." Jiyong observed as he looked over at Seunghyun who was now standing to his right, leaning slightly against the wall.<br /><br />"Not very observant, are you hoobae? Wrong on both accounts." Seunghyun said with a slight smile on his face.<br />"So, what are you doing here? You have class now don't you?" Seunghyun questioned.<br />"I'm waiting for pizza! And, actually no. Not for another two or so hours." Jiyong replied.<br />"Ahh, I see."<br />From the moment he stepped into this school, he'd been immensely popular with all the girls. And at the beginning of each week, he will definitely go out with the first person that confesses to him. The reason his popularity doesn't drop even though he puts such an abrupt end to every relationship is because he would sincerely do everything his partner wants in the one week that they are going out.<br /><br />I think one week's long enough for a dream. Seunghyun... is perfectly faithful. Jiyong remembered Chaerin saying. Hmm. I bet those girls are still anxiously looking out for him. Jiyong mused thoughtfully.<br /><br />"So, have you been confessed to today yet?" Jiyong asked curiously.<br />"Hmm? No, not yet." Seunghyun replied, slightly surprised at the question. He didn't really think that undergraduates knew of his reputation for weekly relationships.<br />"Hmm. So it's going to start from now, huh. Well, we'll have to see about that."<br />Seunghyun stared at Jiyong for a long while.<br />"Then, are you really fine with anyone as long as they confess to you first?" Jiyong questioned as he looked over to the senior. He was kind of intimidating at first but once you got around that, he was a really quiet guy. Pretty nice and polite. "Even if they're not your type at all?" he continued.<br /><br />Seunghyun blinked before turning his gaze toward the sky. "My type? You wouldn't know if someone's your type just by looking at their face, would you? What I mean was... how do I put this..." Seunghyun paused a moment as he gathered his thoughts. "A type? Well, I'm not too sure about that... I don't really focus or think about looks. For example, the gentle-looking type or the sexy type or anything along those lines is fine." Seunghyun elaborated somewhat. "Oh, but I like your face, hoobae." Seunghyun complimented as he looked back over to Jiyong. "I guess that's what you mean by 'type' " he continued.<br /><br />At that moment, Jiyong was hit by a sudden impulse. "I see. Then how about it?" He didn't really expect anything out of this, and he was half sure that Seunghyun would kindly reject his offer. But he was simply curious to see how he would react to his "confession". That's all.<br /><br />Seunghyun looked at Jiyong with a puzzled look. "Why don't you go out with me, hyung?" Not really expecting much, Jiyong waiting patiently for his reply. Seunghyun simply stared in shock. He then saw the deliveryman with the pizza, the loud screeching and the sound of the engine a dead giveaway anyhow. With a loud slam, the deliveryman stepped out of the car with the pizza, looking for their customer. "Are you Jiyong-sshi?" he questioned. <br />"Yeah." Seunghyun said. To what really, who knew. Jiyong wasn't really paying attention and made the motion of standing up to go get his long waited for pizza.<br />"Ah." Jiyong became frantic as he searched through all his pockets for his wallet, only to come up empty handed. While Jiyong was frantically looking for his wallet (quickly realizing that he'd left it in his bag in his classroom), Seunghyun was taking care of the bill.<br />"That'll be 36,000 won with tax." the delivery man had said.<br />"Here you go." Seunghyun handed over the money.<br />"Thank you, sir."<br /><br />Jiyong became dejected as he realized his mistake, still unaware that Seunghyun had already taken care of things. "Oh, this smells nice." Seunghyun said off to the side.<br />"Thank you for your patronage!" The deliveryman said as he sped off to go deliver his next delivery. <br />"Hyung, sorry, but I left my wallet in class." Jiyong said as he walked over to where Seunghyun stood holding the pizza box. He then noticed that Seunghyun had already taken care of the bill.<br /><br />--<br /><br />Back at the door of his classroom, Seunghyun having walked him there, Jiyong opened the door as he thanked Seunghyun. "I'll pay you back later.' he said, grateful . "Nah, 's okay. You should get going before your pizza gets cold." Having held the pizza the entire way walk over to Jiyong's classroom thrust it in front of Jiyong, who looked a bit surprised. "Well, I have to go that way. See ya later." Seunghyun who pointed to his left waved goodbye as he smiled at Jiyong, walking away as he did so.<br /><br />With Jiyong still in front of the doorway looked after Seunghyun confusedly as he replied, "Ah. Sure." But mainly Jiyong was still trying to figure out if he had heard correctly. Eh? Is it really okay? Jiyong couldn't believe it. He sure is a nice guy. Jiyong couldn't help but think. Well, I guess I'll just ask one of the girls later for which class he's in.<br /><br />--<br /><br />Jiyong had just had his last class and was getting ready to go home, finishing packing up his last few belongings and gathering his textbooks.<br /><br />"Hey, Ji, you wanna drop by HMV on the way home later?" Youngbae questioned, who was standing to the right of Jiyong. <br />Jiyong looked up as he focused his attention on his best friend. "Sure, why not." Jiyong replied before he stood up from putting his shoes back on to stare contemplatively, feeling as if he had forgotten something.<br /><br />"Wait... I feel like I forgot something." Jiyong said as he contemplated. <br />"What is it? You don't have a performance today, right?" Youngbae asked.<br />"No, but..." Jiyong nurmed as he then noticed someone in the doorway. It was of course, none other than his senior Seunghyun, who was waving at him with a smile on his face.<br /><br />Then it clicked in Jiyong's mind. "Ah!" Jiyong exclaimed as he walked over to Seunghyun. "Sorry 'bout that, hyung. Thanks for the help earlier!" he smiled as he handed Seunghyun the appropriate amount of money.<br />"Hmm? Ah. So you're majoring in music? So am I. I'm studying so I can audition for YGE." Seunghyun said as he took the money from Jiyong's hand, only to put it in his front coat pocket.<br />"Oh, that so?" Jiyong said slightly distracted, confused as to why Seunghyun was putting the money back in his pocket.<br />"I was wondering if we could go home together today." Seunghyun requested. <br />"Huh?" Jiyong's mind was spinning in confusion, still trying to process the fact that Seunghyun apparently didn't mind paying for the bill. Strange, but kind hyung, that he is.<br />"Oh, you got something to do?" Seunghyun said with a questioning look. <br />"Nngh. No. But don't you have something going on right now?" Jiyong questioned, getting over the money factor that had just occurred as he instead focused on Seunghyun's schedule. <br />"Not really. Not anything that I need to do." Seunghyun replied with a blink and slightly contemplative look. Jiyong gave him one of those stares that said "are you kidding me?" as he moved closer to reprimand his hyung.<br />"You've got club activities don't you?! Right?"<br />"Ahh."<br />"I never see you at the club whenever I get the chance to go and the few times that I've been able to see you perform really impressed me. You have such a great talent for rapping, hyung! If you don't keep performing how you are going to get into YGE? It's great practice for when you audition. Plus, your talent for rapping will go to waste if you keep going on like this." <br />"Oh, by the way."<br />"Yah, don't try to change the subject!"<br />"I'm not trying to do that! Have you got a cell phone?"<br />"I do, why?"<br />"Awesome! I was hoping we could exchange numbers and e-mail addresses.<br />"..." Has he always been the type of person who'd go out of his way to make friends with others? Jiyong thought.<br />"Is your cell phone infrared?"<br />"I dunno anything 'bout that type of thing. Let's just key it in normally."<br />"Jiyong, do you have a nickname?"<br />"Hah?" Jiyong looked at Seunghyun questioningly. "Well, yeah. Usually people call me Ji."<br />"Um. any other nicknames?" Seunghyun asked hopefully.<br />"Well, I'm also known as G-Dragon. You know my stage name right? But anyhow, why?"<br />"Say, can I call you Yong?"<br />"Hmm?"<br />"or um, would you prefer GD? It's just. Ji... is a name that's... hmm... difficult for me to say. There was a woman who dumped me once before... and coincidentally, her name was Jiyoung and I call her Ji too."<br />"Sure, I guess. You can just call me Yong."
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Anywhere you are, that's where I'll call home.

|Nuthang, they're the new thing

♪It goes L-O-LL-I-P-O-P~
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|Nuthang, they're the new thing

♪It goes L-O-LL-I-P-O-P~