(This is an activity I stole from a friend who I will refer to as Zarakoda, who developed it with another friend I choose to call Bones.)
Basic concept: Every writer has their own Muses, kinda like the Classical Greek Muses, but not quite. The writer's task is to name them and identify their primary characteristics, as well as any genres or particular pieces of writing they prefer/have strongly influenced. The following, as the journal title suggests, are mine.
Included are versions of my Muses created with an online program called the Meezmaker. (www.Meez.com)
Meaning: 'Love'
Agape is the sap. She's the one who plans out parings when I've got no idea of plot, the one who'd rather write romantic vignettes than anything serious. She is also particularly fond of pairing fanfiction, and I'd have no trouble blaming her for at least part of my obsessiveness over certain fandoms.
1. You've just met her. She seems charming, if posessed of odd taste in makeup. She's friendly, seemingly quite happy.
2. You've tried to write something with her around. It's a serious story, or at least you think so, but she keeps distracting you. "C'mon... I've got a better idea. Come over here and I'll whisper it in your ear. Lean in a little closer... that's it. You're a quick learner." Somewhat disturbed by this, you push her away. "No," you say firmly, turning back to your work. "Not now. Maybe later- probably not."
3. She turns on the waterworks in the face of resistance. "Bu-bu-but I thought you loved meeee! Pleeeeeeease do what I want! I promise it won't cause any problems! I'll go away as soon as it's done! I sweeeeeear!"
4. You've acceeded. She's dancing in circles around your chosen writing desk, celebrating. No one knows where the bouquet of flowers came from. You sigh and turn back to the piece of fluff she demanded so. Maybe it stinks. Maybe you'll throw it out when she leaves again. Maybe it'll completely change that epic story arc you had mapped out in your head. You don't know right now- because she still hasn't given you peace to think!
Meaning: 'Graceful spinner'
Khariklo likes to combine things. It's almost an obsession. She's the one who will drag names out of three different languages, run them all together, and re-arrange things or add syllables to her satisfaction to make one big amalgamated mess. She also likes to do the same thing with ideas- she'll take vague thoughts from several different concepts and combine them. Sometimes they make more sense this way; sometimes they make less. She and Agape get along because when Agape decides she wants to imitate a particular romantic setup, Khariklo finds the existing concept where it'll work, then starts to tailor it to fit better. She can be useful and annoying- the latter because she has little regard for logic and flow. She just wants to see everything as one big story; it doesn't have to make sense to anyone but her.
1. First meetings, of course. She seems interesting- an artsy type, you can tell. Probably bursting with creativity. Quirky, though, and if she keeps letting squirrels climb all over her, you're sure she'll contract rabies.
2. At this point, you've decided that this Muse takes wierdness to new heights. What in the world is she doing?
3. Uuuuuuh-oh. She has an idea. You can tell by the manic look in her eyes and the low chuckle... "Heh heh. Heh heh heh. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA." You are in trouble now.
4. You're trying to ignore her. She won't let you. The similarities to Agape make you wonder if they're twins.
5. Ignoring has failed. She's just- too- annoying. Now she's in the driver's seat, and true to that artsiness you noticed before, she's got the director's chair and a bullhorn. And man, if you thought she was annoying when she didn't get what she wanted... well, she's much worse now.
6. The piece is written. You're frustrated- she's dragged ideas you liked through the mud, tossed others into a blender, and pressed 'liquify'. You're not sure if it's tripe or not. And for some reason she's floating in midair. Perhaps your annoyance gives her special powers. Regardless, it means you can't push her over that cliff you see behind her. But then again... you look back at the piece, re-read a few lines. Maybe you don't want to get rid of this Muse just yet. (Out of your sightline, she smirks.)
Meaning: 'Knowledge'
Ismene, thankfully, steps in when Khariklo gets too loud. (Hence why she's showing up now.) She asks the questions that Khariklo and Agape like to ignore- the hows and the whys and the whats and the wherefores that make everything work. She's critical, both of ideas and of style; she is my internal editor. She drives me to research things, to work out every detail before I jump into a project. Like Khariklo, she's both useful and frustrating. Thanks to her, I can't watch anything without trying to figure out how it works, nitpicking, and looking for the little things that should have been fixed. On the other hand, she does ensure that I scrutinize my own creations thoroughly.
1. As the Muse who I most relate to, she looks kind of like I'd like to look. The eyeglass was just a couldn't-resist touch; but I'd love to have the ankh necklace or that shirt. Her hands have henna tattoos on them, and the chunky bracelet on her wrist is Buddhist in origin. Of course, she must be in a library.
2. "You did what?" Ismene the Fact Checker has encountered something that doesn't make sense.
3. "Nuh-uh." You are being rebuked. Severely. Hiding in a corner would not be unexpected at this point. She explains to you why this will not work, why you are an idiot for not realizing it sooner, and how anyone who read this in your writing would have thought you were stupid. You feel very, very small, and experience some desire to hit yourself over the head with something.
4. All of a sudden, she seems much more cheerful. "Here, look, you have the whole internet at your disposal. It's not that hard to figure these things out. Just go to Google..." You're relieved that she's no longer lecturing, but your frustration at yourself for missing something so obvious has combined with a frustration at her for treating you like a child.
5. "And this is called a book. If it's not on the internet, it's probably in one of these. You can get them at libraries or bookstores. Sometimes Target has the one you need, though not often. You turn the pages like sooooo- and if you need to look up something specific in the back, there's an index that lists every subject in the book along with page numbers for easy reference." (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it.)
6. You've fixed whatever problem she identified, and you must admit, your writing is better for it. But that smug look on her face just drives you up the wall...
Meaning: ‘Night’
Of all the Muses I’ve met so far, Nyx is my favorite. She only comes out at night, usually when I should be doing homework, but she has the almost magical ability to rein in the others and make them work in harmony. She’s also by far the darkest of my Muses, but I don’t mind; I feel that when she gets involved, even if things get dark, they’re better for it. She gives me an edge that I otherwise lack, counteracting Agape’s sweetness. Under her influence, characters that I had seen as pure good develop flaws that make them more interesting, worlds become dangerous, and conflicts reveal themselves. She’s really quite useful.
1. Meeting Nyx for the first time is interesting. She always appears from above; she’s odd like that. Heavy makeup, facial tattoos, and bare feet go with the only even vaguely Greek outfit of any of the Muses. Still, there’s something about her earnest expression that is vaguely endearing.
2. Ah. She has an idea, and because it’s Nyx, she’s expressing it eloquently and dramatically. You watch interestedly; somehow this bodes well.
3. She has convinced you to write what she wants you to. Being the helpful sort, though, she brings you coffee. It is after ten PM, after all; you need this to stay awake until you’re done scribbling down these phrases. Just a few more pages and then you can sleep…
4. Now, here’s a shock. She’s helping you! Sprawled out on your floor, scratching notes on a pad of paper, this Muse is actively involved in the creative process. You smile. This one is truly likeable, unlike some others you could mention.
5. … You should have known it was too good to last. You’re still working frantically to transcribe the idea she gave you, and she’s sacked out asleep like you wish you were. On your bed, no less. You sigh and turn back to your work in progress. Someone’s gotta finish this thing, after all. And after it you have homework.
6. Heaven forbid you should try to stop before she’s done with you. Bad things will happen to you and your precious characters.
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The Book Of Remembrance and Forgetting
Hopefully, mostly remembrance. My New Year's Resolution this year was to keep a journal...this isn't exactly a chronicle of my exploits (though at times it becomes such) as a stream-of-conciousness narrative. Enjoy.