Report in!: Catriona McCaffery
Show me your face.:
What would you prefer?: Trin
Tell me some things to look for.: Trin is a short tempered young woman, especialy if you point out she is a woman. She does not agree with a new war but goes along with it, for reasons she calls "family honor" She cares deeply for her men, and her mecha.
Your affiliation is?:
What's your status?: Alpha Wingman
Things you're fond of?: Honor on and off the battle field
weapon upgrades
possible mecha uses out side of war
What you would like to avoid?: Berserker fighters
drunken men
annoying people
You look about..:5'10
Give me some background.: Trin is the daughter of ace pilot Triton McCaffery, who was killed by a pilot from , during the first war. Being her father was her only family, she was moved from foster home to foster home until she ran away at 14 and joined the mecha corps with her fathers unit. Trin excelled at her studies there and soon became a top rated pilot and mechanic. She wants this war to end but feels it her duty to keep her fathers memory alive by being one of the best. Shes amazingly also an accomplished pianist. She is well known for playing opera during battle.
They keep getting younger and younger.: 21
Sex?: Female
Is that yours?:
What's the model?: Caprica class model 423 "the Centurian"
Mech's weapon loadout?: One long range gun capable of putting out a negative ion blast powerful enough to take out a mid sized battle cruiser. The long range weapon can convert into two shorter range guns shooting standard plasma rounds or incendiary grenades. Has 300 ft of high grade plasma detonation cord.
Anything else?
Hello, is anyone there?:Setsuna Ai no Kitsune
Show me your face.:

What would you prefer?: Trin
Tell me some things to look for.: Trin is a short tempered young woman, especialy if you point out she is a woman. She does not agree with a new war but goes along with it, for reasons she calls "family honor" She cares deeply for her men, and her mecha.
Your affiliation is?:
What's your status?: Alpha Wingman
Things you're fond of?: Honor on and off the battle field
weapon upgrades
possible mecha uses out side of war
What you would like to avoid?: Berserker fighters
drunken men
annoying people
You look about..:5'10
Give me some background.: Trin is the daughter of ace pilot Triton McCaffery, who was killed by a pilot from , during the first war. Being her father was her only family, she was moved from foster home to foster home until she ran away at 14 and joined the mecha corps with her fathers unit. Trin excelled at her studies there and soon became a top rated pilot and mechanic. She wants this war to end but feels it her duty to keep her fathers memory alive by being one of the best. Shes amazingly also an accomplished pianist. She is well known for playing opera during battle.
They keep getting younger and younger.: 21
Sex?: Female
Is that yours?:

What's the model?: Caprica class model 423 "the Centurian"
Mech's weapon loadout?: One long range gun capable of putting out a negative ion blast powerful enough to take out a mid sized battle cruiser. The long range weapon can convert into two shorter range guns shooting standard plasma rounds or incendiary grenades. Has 300 ft of high grade plasma detonation cord.
Anything else?
Hello, is anyone there?:Setsuna Ai no Kitsune