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lvkewls gaia diary
life around the gaia world
random comments > june & july 2010
Kiqui09: ugh they are all stuck right infront of me
The Diary of Natalia: Yeah, I had ghost saws too, and wasted a full range lol
lvkewl: Kiq wanna stand on our spot plox
Tado666: hahaha lv said it before i could
Kiqui09: was hopin that i could get ridda the lil bit of lag by runnin round lol

i love AH: s**t brb
lvkewl: kk
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: again ^^;
lvkewl: makes bob look normal ^^;;
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: hahaha she cant help it
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: its the red bull she drinks
lvkewl: mebe try nuther drink
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: ^^; she should
lvkewl: i'd drink one can RBull mebe per mth .. i dunt trust tat drink lol
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: i never drink that s**t
lvkewl: nvrmind .. she can b a guinea pig for RB
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: ^^; poor her
i love AH: sorry but m drinking redbull,wodka red now
lvkewl: lol but eet goes well with vodka
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: guh the poor vodka

Lieutenant Riku Jinka: so whos going to make jinka hard
lvkewl: lol i av no heals xpp
lvkewl: gaga
i love AH: lol
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: ^^; i have two and only one works on all
lvkewl: u might wanna use the real name if u want eet faster
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: >>
GaGa - The Monster Ball: >o> someone called?
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: MAKE US ALL HARD NOW PLEASE!!!!!
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: hard is rock crying

i love AH: welcome,nurofen what a great name
Nurofen: thanks, My mum chose it
to MajinBob: give meh heads up nxt time u want to hold layers
i love AH: i use lots off you in weekends
MajinBob: Didnt know you was here :p
to MajinBob: chu Dork^^
i love AH: or aren`t you called like the painkiller
Nurofen: brilliant, yeah *rolls eyes*
i love AH: lol tell your mom it`s a great name

lvkewl: yeah rock & tef awesome buffs
i love AH: i like iron more
lvkewl: no ur just kinky
i love AH: its better to tie some one down with iron,lol

i love AH: sorry
lvkewl: tell her shes bigger loser
lvkewl: ask her go put hand cuffs on ^^
i love AH: lol i did and kinky lv!
lvkewl: tell her Ryuu says Cave
iPrincie: wat is lv is that a sort of a crew or guild or sumthing?
Lieutenant_Riku_Jinka: crying no tempting

iPrincie: ps 4 slot left
lvkewl: add plox
iPrincie: plox wher i she?
lvkewl: lol srry plox = please
iPrincie: oh i c
lvkewl: add i_love_ah

i love AH: funny to see you without bubbles

Lenaluiz: =^.^= wow always see this brave Piarata

true born kitsune vamp: HEY LV. HOW OLD ARE YOU
true born kitsune vamp: I WANT YOU LV

II_Kisame_II: Nate its your bedtime go to sleep
NateShikaVi: join me ? :O
II_Kisame_II: Leader of my crew
NateShikaVi: i menat in bed xD

NateShikaVi: maddi jus reminds me of a joke i heard XD
iMaddison: T3T
lvkewl: lol 1st time i met Madd
NateShikaVi: two essex girls in a shop, notice a very good looking guy, but one notices he has dandruff, so she says, hmm looks like he needs head and hsoulder, the other girl says, i know how to give head but whats shoulders
lvkewl: haha omg
MetallicBubblesx2: >>;
iMaddison: DX

OMFG Taylor: I wanna be in a crew with maj, lv, kum, and... two other people D:
OMFG Taylor: and add up our TCs surprised
MetallicBubblesx2: Are those the highest TC's next to yours? xD
OMFG Taylor: so at the end of everyother batle? surprised

OMFG Taylor: Hey lv biggrin
Jollilicious: lvk you get fleet biggrin
lvkewl: hihi tay
Jollilicious: and
MetallicBubblesx2: Yes, div
Jollilicious: uh what else? >>
lvkewl: XDD ohhh nuuuu not fleet
MetallicBubblesx2: xD div and fleet
Jollilicious: you and taylor need practice soo
lvkewl: XDD
Jollilicious: you get fleet biggrin
lvkewl: wtf leave us alone
OMFG Taylor: xD
Jollilicious: nope surprised
Jollilicious: fleet fleet

xxSnowyIcexx tries to stuff her chainsaw in bush...
xxSnowyIcexx: it dont fit... >,<

MajinBob: I've been wanting to say that ll night XD
Lieutenant Riku Jinka yawn

teh_friendly_ghost: lag makes runs so much more fun....-.
II_Kisame_II: Problem is we are dragging too much monsters
II_Kisame_II: and thats causnig lag
II_Kisame_II: if we had quicksand we could limit that
lvkewl: tat why i speed mobb XDD
MetallicBubblesx2: Yeah, this def. isn't the norm
lvkewl: ohh this is pure speed
lvkewl: keeps meh awake
MetallicBubblesx2: Lol

Agwe-God-Of-Water: thanks for letting me go with yall
Agwe-God-Of-Water: since you guys are like...elite xD
MetallicBubblesx2: Lol, elite
NateShikaVi: well wer ebetter but yknow wink
lvkewl: were nuubs thou ^^;;
NateShikaVi: ish noob good or bad thing ? XP

NateShikaVi: kay so the route is, tail, (screen before fluffs) wiat for everyone and for 1st fleet to die, then do second fleet, run past fluffs, to end of tail, new fleet, then to chest, open, fleet, queen k

lvkewl: Xavi^^
lvkewl: Valk
Valkyrie Wulf: hai ^^
II_Kisame_II: Yay 3 muskeeters
Xavi KunX: stalker o.o

XOTKI: how about this .. you take the arm I'll take the head D:

Lucifer Helel: Dx

0w0Honey0w0: :3

lvkewl: XDD

Lucifer Helel: Awh'

XOTKI: yue can have the legs

Lucifer Helel: Cute face

Lucifer Helel: D;

BlkDth999: nah

XOTKI: deal?

0w0Honey0w0: eb hard 1 spot & 3 &

BlkDth999: i want the head sad

XOTKI: boo D:

Lucifer Helel: SS hard 2 spots o 3 o

Lucifer Helel: ;c

XOTKI: fine but I want his ears d:

Redeye War: can i have the leg?

XOTKI: sure biggrin which one do you want?

Shaky Panda: eb has cookies!

XOTKI: right or left&

0w0Honey0w0: yuush ~ ; D

BlkDth999: we piecin you off lv XD

Redeye War: both?

XOTKI: uhh okay guess yue is not getting anyting then D:

0w0Honey0w0: and we have marshall & w &

Redeye War: xD left then

Shaky Panda: bahaha ;D

XOTKI: okieee biggrin imma take right arm biggrin

Viral Master: You want them to join you not run away from you.

0w0Honey0w0: hes my "future hsband" D:

XOTKI: lv's left arm up for bid biggrin

XOTKI: starting 0 at

Izzy Rawr Danny: Lmap

BlkDth999: 5 g

Izzy Rawr Danny: *lmao

XOTKI: going once

Viral Master: 10 g

Redeye War: 5.1 g

BlkDth999: o_o

Viral Master: xD

Redeye War: xD 15

BlkDth999: u rich bishes crying

Viral Master: 50 g

BlkDth999: i only got 9 gold

0w0Honey0w0: eb hard 1 spot o 3 o

Redeye War: 100g

Viral Master: What are we betting on?

Viral Master: xD

Izzy Rawr Danny: idk

XOTKI: lv's left arm biggrin

Redeye War: xD

BlkDth999: 101 gold

Viral Master: 150g

Redeye War: damn i'm poor

Izzy Rawr Danny: 200

Redeye War: 200g

0w0Honey0w0: 437k D:

Redeye War: 1kl

BlkDth999: O_O

Redeye War: /1k

Izzy Rawr Danny: 465k

Viral Master: I'll give you my love.

Redeye War: xD my soul

BlkDth999: OMG !!! lv u animal XD

Viral Master: My... Bodeh!

0w0Honey0w0: eb hard 1 spot ;A;

Redeye War: i give you my hat~

XOTKI: yeah sure GOLD!

lvkewl: can i DC noe ^^;;


XOTKI: sold?*

BlkDth999: LOL

XOTKI: fail keyboard xx

Izzy Rawr Danny: Lol.

XOTKI: i swear i can't type on this x.x

BlkDth999: u stuk lv XD

Yueviathan-san: give me a song i got my youtube up and i cant watch my yaoi or yuri so give me some music
XOTKI can totally imagin yue putting up a masturbating song xD

gothpunkchibi: wait we need divinity
Ayoo Big Boi: want me to go grab mine
gothpunkchibi: yes
DevilishKitty: :O seems someone is faster
Ayoo Big Boi: nvm
DevilishKitty: *strokes kewl* Yosh, yosh~
gothpunkchibi: u go kewl!
The dunes around you slump together to form a gigantic sandy form!
lvkewl: mm feelin der luv
DevilishKitty: Kewl, you have an unbelievably amount of orbs in total. *lol*
DevilishKitty: Amusing.
lvkewl: dunt look at mah bawls o::
gothpunkchibi: sexy lol
DevilishKitty: haha

Princess_kai-takari: sorry i was late.
Princess_kai-takari: my hamster needed a peepee :/
Howaido Karasu: you are forgiven
Princess_kai-takari: : DD
Howaido Karasu: ...I feel like that hamster is more pampered then me
Princess_kai-takari: it probably is &3&
Princess_kai-takari: it has 2 house and gets candy bars that last foe 2 months
Howaido Karasu: ...yeah wow
Princess_kai-takari: he shits anywhere he wants too... D: & ;kfj;sldkjfa
Howaido Karasu: lol XD
Princess_kai-takari: and has his own pool .

xXXNinja_yaLeeXXx: [18:53:44] Xavi~: you know you guys take all my best ppl &
zhenlovesyou: XD
i t s T o x i c B t c h: ROFL.
II_Kisame_II: xD
lvkewl: X))
xXXNinja_yaLeeXXx: he wont stop whispering... sad
II_Kisame_II: 5m 19s
lvkewl: not bad
II_Kisame_II: it would have been 5m 04s

Jasper Ace: kewl, did you want to do one last run?
lvkewl: idk i kinda tired now X((
Vacio por Dentro: omg
Jasper Ace: It'll just be one run sad
lvkewl: done 6hrs today
Vacio por Dentro: &&!! 280k TC &&!!!!!!
Jasper Ace: 6 hours 10 minutes?

pinkbubblestarz: we're doing speed
lvkewl: add pls
Ghostie Haunter of ToeSox: yayness :3
pinkbubblestarz: o___O 200k+ TC??

Jasper Ace: I can't believe I just did that xD
Jasper Ace: I just lured all 5 fluffs using firerain xD

i_f_6: sorry i killed the other layer i thot u'd left
lvkewl: who
i_f_6: && him/her
Kumori Seirei: XD
i_f_6: what are you anyway? a bat?
lvkewl: u not server hoppin ?_?
Kumori Seirei: wyvern
lvkewl: LOL
i_f_6: oooh
Kumori Seirei: i was on the other servers
lvkewl: fancy name for a BAT XDD
i_f_6: *peeks at wyvern*
Kumori Seirei: its not a bat XD
lvkewl: call if u want meh to hold layers etc
lvkewl: 1M bat^^
i_f_6: 1M?
Kumori Seirei: its a wyvern XD
i_f_6: oh
i_f_6: lol
lvkewl: 1.4M for 1st gen lol
lvkewl: bb bat

Latinagal: LVK
Latinagal: biggrin
Latinagal: it's my jolli :X

Lieutenant Riku Jinka has upgraded a Dervish ring up to CL 10.0!
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: yay spam
Cali teh Herm: xD
Lieutenant Riku Jinka cuddles new ring
Cali teh Herm has upgraded a ButtSecks RING TO cl 10.0!
Cali teh Herm: s**t caps
Cali teh Herm: failed that one

MajinBob: Lets just start robos XD
Blackstar Vanilla: does her math homework
Cali teh Herm: :B
lvkewl: haha
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: but i wanted 3
MajinBob: I'm surprised tado doesnt like this area since there are tentacles here
Cali teh Herm: sounds wrong[to me]
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: &.& robos evil and ugly
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: but i like the tentacles

Blackstar Vanilla: i should buff rock on marshall D
Cali teh Herm: xD

to Tado666: heheh does aries get on with Saggs
Tado666: i have no idea i think your the only sagg i know
Tado666: @_@ your a fire sign
Tado666: &.& and damn you where right
Tado666: Sagittarius is a perfect temperamental match for Aries.

Rein F Wolfe: HEY LVKEWL
lvkewl: hey join kisa
Rein F Wolfe: ....
Rein F Wolfe: KEWL
Rein F Wolfe: ILY

MetallicBubblesx2: fghjkl; Sorry back I needed a shower
MetallicBubblesx2: And a refresh apparently. xD
mahareta: ah...that was the smell wink
Netrix_SR: shes all wet
MetallicBubblesx2: &~& Why are you people thinking of me wet
MetallicBubblesx2: D:& MAYBE IM DRY
lvkewl: obby
Netrix_SR: yeah.............of course your dry
Netrix_SR: and my sentiments exactly lvk
mahareta: it's just trix and his naughty mind

MetallicBubblesx2: LOL OMG
MetallicBubblesx2: Lvl
lvkewl: yush
MetallicBubblesx2: You're standing ontop of the water
MetallicBubblesx2: ~screenie~
lvkewl: LOL screenie or eet didnt happen lol
MetallicBubblesx2: Lolol so is trix
MetallicBubblesx2: Lv, look at the screenie xD
MetallicBubblesx2: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd7/sexysaku112forever/876543214678976543.png
Netrix_SR: and bloody hell i knew i was Jesus
MetallicBubblesx2: That's not the point D:&

Lady Kayura: lvlkewl your total CL is crazy
lvkewl: shusssssh tats glitched
Lady Kayura is much less impressed then wink
roblin5: hahahahahaha lvk
lvkewl: Tays is better ^^

lvkewl: opsss my bad, srry
iBailelizabeth: Lol s'ok
lvkewl: i was lazy & used der keybrd ^^;;
nickstep: xD
iBailelizabeth: Smart razz
lvkewl: lazy = new smart .. wootness
iBailelizabeth: If that was the case, I'd be so ******** smart. =/
lvkewl: hahah nuuuuuuuuuuu ...
lvkewl: ME
iBailelizabeth: I'm lazier :U
lvkewl: bleh i ish der lazy bish here
lvkewl: WB B
iBailelizabeth: You wish ;]
nickstep: lols...
lvkewl: mmm i did & got mah wish .. TY
Ban_Perfection: lol
iBailelizabeth: I'm so lazy, I'm not even gonna argue. &o&
lvkewl: hahahah xd

FiinalDreamer: :/ ahh this is so confusing &.&
FiinalDreamer: she said that wasnt it
FiinalDreamer: -_-
FiinalDreamer: she wants to know how to make her own user name have spaces. personally i wouldnt care less about spaces... but she really wants to know...
iBailelizabeth: You change your username and you press that big ol space bar.
lvkewl: as in lvkewl being l v k e w l
FiinalDreamer: yeah i think thats what she means
lvkewl: tats the only other type names i have seen
FiinalDreamer: &.& i keep telling her but she wont believe me -_-

MajinBob: Nah D:
ChouxSea: yuh its on D&
Tado666: &.& sure
ChouxSea: not it
Tado666: lv is
You climb up the ladder and out into Barton Town.
Tado666: lv your getting warm

II_Kisame_II: You killed 3 newbs great
Nikki srsly: he's so magnificent
II_Kisame_II: Eat them all!
Epsilo: he was after me
lvkewl: LOL Kisa
II_Kisame_II: You giving me a bad name Landshark. Kill Faster!
Nikki srsly: i could use some div plox
Kouhei-san: XDD
II_Kisame_II: Be more Efficient you idiot
II_Kisame_II: Come men I get you all these people and you can't eat them
II_Kisame_II: wahts wrong with you
Kouhei-san: *Jaws theme music plays*
Island Dragoon: WATCH 4 ITS BITE
II_Kisame_II: Hey you guys stop defibing its so uncool
II_Kisame_II: Long live Kisame and Landshark!
[Polaris]: Poor Landy
II_Kisame_II: Got the last blow!
II_Kisame_II: Haha i killed landshark
II_Kisame_II: My mighty landshark will get you one day, he'll be hiding in your closet just watch out

Foxy-Girl 657 stabs yeco
Foxy-Girl 657: &=D
Lady Saya Otonashi: o=
Lady Saya Otonashi: Blood everywhere! o.o
Foxy-Girl 657 laughs
Foxy-Girl 657: &=D
Lady Saya Otonashi: Yum yum ^.^
Lady Saya Otonashi: Ahaha, You killed him o.o
Foxy-Girl 657: Muhahaha!
Foxy-Girl 657: I told you yeco stay in the corner!!
Lady Saya Otonashi: Mhmm...this corner is our haven ^_^

Astrolyptic jumps Mayor for chocolate she can't have
The BuzzKill: no its mine ^0^
MajinBob: NO MINE D:
MajinBob: I offer you tado's soul for it &.&
Astrolyptic: poor Tado XD
Tado666: WTF why my soul
MajinBob: They said I can lick teh wrapper for your soul &.&
Tado666: and i havent seen my soul in over 7 yrs how is it bob
MajinBob: I dunno with Jojos biggrin
Tado666: ......my poor soul crying
MajinBob: I could give it to George &.&
Lt Ryuuzaki Zenkato: reminder to self not to give my soul to bob
The BuzzKill: Its k. ~handa Tado teh wrapper and grabs and clings to Tado's soul and then plays pattycake with it~

jtbc81: lolz a black ghost and a white one
Rastafari-dnt-eat-pork: im a seahorse you cad
Rastafari-dnt-eat-pork: a cyborg seahorse biggrin
jtbc81: haha too dark can't see

Starlit Fate: Men in their 20's play football, men in their 30's play tennis, men in their 40's play golf... have you noticed when men get older the balls get smaller?

MajinBob: That clam 69ed me :O
DreamScholar: ^_^?
Queen Lorelei: You only think you're getting the upper hand, dry ones. I waited until now to tip the balance against you!
DreamScholar: O..okay... ^_^;;;;
Tado666: hahaha
lvkewl: LOL
Tado666: but but its not that bad go ahead dream
DreamScholar: *too busy fighting, anyway*

Tado666: i was trying to reply to comments and the playlist was lagging my zomg
Madam Enigma: bless you
Blackstar Vanilla: bless u
Madam Enigma: lol
Madam Enigma: but your spit will put the fires out
Tado666: yay i cant wait to burn in hell
Blackstar Vanilla: burn in hell it is XD

Takara Taji: opening theme to rurouni kenshin
KaryuunoSamurai: o: Freckles?
Takara Taji: yes! &3
Pandie Jen: o 3o
KaryuunoSamurai: English or Japanese version?
Takara Taji: japanese
Takara Taji: always japanese XD
KaryuunoSamurai loves Kenshin too &.&
Takara Taji: have you seen the ovas?
KaryuunoSamurai: yeah I have... hated the last one ._.
Takara Taji: me too ;_;
Takara Taji: kenshin went through so much s**t in his life he deserved a happy ending
KaryuunoSamurai: it also pissed off the original creator of it
Pandie Jen: o uo
Takara Taji: itd piss me off too
Takara Taji: o i don't really consider the ovas partof th "real" series
KaryuunoSamurai: since the person who originally wrote and did the manag wanted his character to have a happy go lucky life and the story to be light hearted
Takara Taji: so who the hell created such a depressing OVA? o.o
KaryuunoSamurai: the first OVA was pretty good but sort've also canon to the manga wih Jinchuus
KaryuunoSamurai: Sony did
Takara Taji: yea the first one was good
KaryuunoSamurai: I wish they'd animated Jinchuu though ._.
Takara Taji: me too ;_;
KaryuunoSamurai: since it's possibly one of the best arcs of the series and it told soo much of Kenshin's past
Takara Taji: yeaaah
Takara Taji: gah
Takara Taji: the ending makes me mad D:
KaryuunoSamurai: I read Jinchuu before watching the last OVA and my reaction was pretty much " WTH is this? " I was waiting for them to bring up Jinchuu and they only showed this small bit and it was confusing
Takara Taji: i never actually read the entire manga series
KaryuunoSamurai: you should o: there's this mini story after Jinchuu that shows Kenshin being happy and getting a happy ending
Takara Taji: oh good!
Hiding in the mist: D:
Takara Taji: which book is ?
Takara Taji: is that?
Takara Taji: the very ending?
KaryuunoSamurai: you can find it on the oro site, erm I did. can't remember the name of the book it was. and there's also a mini arc for Yahiko's adventures too
KaryuunoSamurai: http://the-oro.com/kk_lay.php?x=multi/scan you can find the kaden scans here for Kenshin

lvkewl: urg defo uyn new PC
lvkewl: buyin*
Mrs Panty: lol how old is it?
lvkewl: 8 mebe 9 years .. etts P4
Mrs Panty: wowwww
KaryuunoSamurai: That Grunny had a passkey with a numeric combination on it...
Mrs Panty: thats ancient
lvkewl: the new i5 or 7 looks nice idk
lvkewl: haha but but eet was awesome for eets time

Hiding in the mist: I'll brb after this
Takara Taji: and we hve this freaking delicious ice cream XD
Hiding in the mist: Gotta get a dead body out of a car
Mrs Panty: only 1?
Takara Taji: aw'w cass, whatd you do this time? XD
Hiding in the mist: D:&
Hiding in the mist: b-but!
Hiding in the mist: he didn't pay!
Mrs Panty: wouldve taken you for the serial type

lvkewl: KT playin kiss chase wit fluffy
KTSM: razz

iiAikoChan: oh and im surrounded by corn
iiAikoChan: yaaaaay corn ¬¬
iiAikoChan: its hairy D:
iiAikoChan: vegtables shouldnt grow hair
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: o .o
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: lo
iiAikoChan: mmm peaches :3
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: strawberries
iiAikoChan: fruit hair is more acceptable
iiAikoChan: kiwi biggrin

iiAikoChan: i read this book
iiAikoChan: about this german canibal
iiAikoChan: and he met this guy thru a chat room that would let the cannibal eat him
iiAikoChan: so they went to the cannibals house
iiAikoChan: and they were in the bath tub together (gay)
iiAikoChan: and the cannibal cut off the guys p***s and they both tried to eat it! D:
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: -snickers-
iiAikoChan: but it was too chewy so they sauteed it
lvkewl: wtf
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: LOL
iiAikoChan: idk if thats how its spelled xD
Saoturna: Who reads that? o.0
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: your mom
iiAikoChan: lmao i work in a library
iiAikoChan: i come upon thing
iiAikoChan: i found this other book
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: x3
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: here she goes
iiAikoChan: where this women had sex with like all these huge obesse men
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: ok
iiAikoChan: and doc**ented it xDD
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: D;
iiAikoChan: and just wrote about sex with fat guys
xXToXik-SaLaDXx: what the ******** section int he library are you in
iiAikoChan: non-fiction

Siybur: this is the best crew ever :3
Siybur high fives everyone
ChouxSea misses
ChouxSea: D:
Siybur: lol
ChouxSea: oww my forehead
Siybur: srry 'bout ur forhead

77Near77: is it really laggy right now
77Near77: or just me
sareon: come help me
sareon: somethings hitting me xD
OMG I _love_anime_: same 4 me
77Near77: your a goner
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: i am lagging as ******** DXDXDX
sareon: i cant even see and your lagging ?
sareon: T&.T
77Near77: close the kitty pr0nz
77Near77: and then try biggrin
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: xD
sareon: xD
Tayeko: &O&
sareon: defib me oh merciful mates
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: xD
sareon: hurry T.T
sareon: xD
77Near77: shaddup :O
77Near77: fightin for our lives here
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: lmao

sareon: oh guys the powers where out a sec ago so i have to load ss for 20 min
sareon: mind if i go in now
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: xDD
77Near77: other than the fact that they make runs so slow
lvkewl: lol kk gud idea XDD
sareon: see ya in 10 min xD
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: lmao
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: 10min

lvkewl: ahh srry Fanged .. chu mean which Bob XOO
Fanged Dark Wolf: As in majinbob
lvkewl: XDDD
lvkewl: av we crewed be4 or u av new username ?_?
Fanged Dark Wolf: No, we've crewed before.. I used to be Vampiric_Dark_Wolf
OMG I _love_anime_: Oh the belcher
lvkewl: ahh i c X)
OMG I _love_anime_: not u but bob lol

ChouxSea: ******** we just started a fewmin ago
ChouxSea: ;o;
to ChouxSea: lol nice
to ChouxSea: i just got ya PM o:::
ChouxSea: O:
ChouxSea: i sent that a while ago. having trouble responding in between runs

Honeyass: Dakruon: lv? biggrin Copy and paste this plz for lv "Me loves you :'3" lol
lvkewl: am i on right screen XPP
lvkewl: xdddddd
Tado666: you are on the right one lv
lvkewl: tell her she still owns meh a race & coat^^

sIide it in: mese will you tell nick to pass the salt
l-M e s e-l: STOPPIT D;
sIide it in: &:3
Jelly Like Soda: Is near jus not talking?
77Near77: Mese, tell lv to stop talking so much
puII it out: mese will you tell slide to tell mese to pass the mashed potatoes
sIide it in: lol
l-M e s e-l: Wait...whut o.o;;
puII it out: take care of lvl for us

77Near77: Do you know how overrated chuck norris jokes are..?
Jelly Like Soda: nope xD
sIide it in: dont makeme put you in the naughty corner
puII it out: bill gates only wrote minor programming which expanded..he didn't make computers
77Near77: everytime i hear one i wanna face palm and choke a kitten =/
Jelly Like Soda: Oooh
Jelly Like Soda: r u going to experiment on me in that corner ??

Jelly Like Soda: Im on a boat- T-pain " I ******** a mermaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid"
Jelly Like Soda: Yes seriously
77Near77: id have to drink about two bottles of cough syrup to get on your level oO

Xx_FauxPathy_xX: my mr. pibb tastes funny..
sIide it in: sorry faux
sIide it in: that was my fault &.&
MJxD: Dr pepper all the wa
Xx_FauxPathy_xX: &_&
Xx_FauxPathy_xX: mt dew &3
MJxD: no thats shiot is crack cant have it
sIide it in: there's this place called voodoo here
puII it out: come join us
sIide it in: well, in portland
sIide it in: that makes mt. dew doughnuts o:
sIide it in: mouthgasm
Xx_FauxPathy_xX: Vault &3!!!!
Xx_FauxPathy_xX: mt dew doughnuts in voodoo? ._.

sIide it in: i wish i could get a cat or rabbit, my dog would eat it though
l-M e s e-l: lolol
MJxD: we have three dogs one cat and one turtle
sIide it in: maybe i'll just cage up lvkewl
l-M e s e-l: Kinky &.&
MJxD: lolz XD
lvkewl: o::
MJxD: we cage up are dogs at night

sIide it in: oh hey guy
puII it out: ps hard last spot
sIide it in: i'm gonna make sweet sweet love to your TC
lvkewl: hihi
sIide it in: just saying

Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: darn spout lol
Mrs Panty: yeah annoying x.x
Pandie Jen: blocking the chest x(
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: D; she got her butt where it doesn't belong
lvkewl: lol
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: i mean look at them! big butts D;
A shimmering wall of what seems to be solid water bars yo

to XOTKI: dammnn chu like need alot sticky stuff
XOTKI: wut? sticky stuff?
to XOTKI: bandage o::: wut ya fink i meant XDDD
XOTKI: uhh ... haha definatly now what I though you ment xD
XOTKI: meant*
to XOTKI: gahh perv

II_Kisame_II: lvk aria you two alive?
II_Kisame_II steals lvks cherries
II_Kisame_II eats them quickly

I_Kisame_II: D; guys i ebtter be leaving after ths run, just reliased what time it is
II_Kisame_II: 2:44am london time xD
Zi: :O
lvkewl: yeah kisa ya dunt wanna b like loser like meh .. been on since 3am till 9am XDD
XOTKI: why am i not surprized lv =.=
lvkewl: razz
XOTKI: I'm really starting to think all england people have sleeping issues
II_Kisame_II: I don't blame them
II_Kisame_II: maybe its because we have tea all the time
lvkewl: & biscuits
II_Kisame_II: You guys should have oreos with tea
XOTKI: reaper is the most natural one out of the 4 england people i know of
lvkewl: lol wut brand t u drink
II_Kisame_II: Pg tips
lvkewl: ohh i am typhoo
lvkewl: glad ya didnt say twinngs
lvkewl: or wut ever USA ppl count as english T LOL
II_Kisame_II: ah that stuff is s**t

Bout De Chocolat x3 would like to understand why lv loose more health that the others
xxEnviousSinn88xx: lo
Jollilicious: he doesn't have meat
Bout De Chocolat x3: but
Bout De Chocolat x3: it's not a reason xD
xxEnviousSinn88xx: i sh lv as much as i could lol
Bout De Chocolat x3: lol
lvkewl: ty

lvkewl: we can beat der Gnome ^^ tats always funn
Futoi Mashumaro: YES!!!!

Futoi Mashumaro: you're going to die first lv
Futoi Mashumaro: &.&

KTSM: Now for that endboss....
Futoi Mashumaro: let's hack him
girl who fell to earth: ...
KaryuunoSamurai: o: so we're doing EB?
girl who fell to earth: huh?
KTSM: I don't really wanna xD
KaryuunoSamurai: me neither

TY to Choux, Kyrie, Futio & Panty ^^
You were overwhelmed during wave 82 buried beneath bugs, but unbroken in spirit.
There were 550 roaches and 201 walkers spawned in the Hive.
Your current record is 992 spawns. You can do even better next time!
Your earned 69 additional Charge Orbs! Congratulations!

ChouxSea: kk keep one
ChouxSea: O:
ChouxSea: wat shud we name it before we kill it?
Kyrie1991: Back. : )
lvkewl: obby ya keep ya mouth open to catch flies
ChouxSea: or other things

ChouxSea: ooo saythat agen elvi
ChouxSea: no when you said "mmm" ...nvm :/

ChouxSea: lexi wants water?
ChouxSea: lexi is horny?
ChouxSea: they talk a lot then too &&

ChouxSea: hive you say?
ChouxSea: kk
ChouxSea: i only want to blow and be blown O:
lvkewl: take wish Futo
Futoi Mashumaro: T___T
ChouxSea: fato*
ChouxSea: can i stay a 4?

ChouxSea: my dad has nasal issues D:
Futoi Mashumaro: so does my rabbit
ChouxSea: poor juno
ChouxSea: do u feed her apple cider vinegar?
Futoi Mashumaro: no i don't i just like to listen to her nose whistle
ChouxSea: i wanna hear it whistle tho

Tado666: [11:41:30 PM] Artoro: not atm[11:41:37 PM] Artoro: SSing with slow ppls
Artoro: back o;
ChouxSea: honey wants to join
ChouxSea: iunno
Tado666: ^_^ wb
ChouxSea: put it to a vote
ChouxSea: all in favor of kick say "FUUU ARTY"
Tado666: but but

ChouxSea: elvi ur tc isnt big enuf
Tado666: i knoe it needs to be bigger

ChouxSea: too much pot for you?
URL-Length: xD
Orion Quest: lol
URL-Length: I was drinking water
URL-Length: Then you said pot
URL-Length: & o&
URL-Length: And I went choking
ChouxSea: ;o;
ChouxSea: dont die

Futoi Mashumaro: strawberries give me hives T__T

Lord midnightlover: thjankyou

Tado666: ooooh assy c**!!!!!
lAssassinatioNl: loud or silently?
Tado666: haha
Tado666: just get your a** down here

roblin5: omg lv
lvkewl: wut wut
roblin5: going for 300K?
lvkewl: gahhh gahh can ppl stop pervin for once o:
Ordinary Night: LOL?
roblin5: lol
Jollilicious: LMFAO x3

Ordinary Night: You guys go all out
Jollilicious: lol lvk goes all out :p
Jollilicious points to his tc
Jollilicious: hehe i'm jp lvk &33
Ordinary Night: Man you guys mob more than I usually do P:
XeroZer0: XD

Stronger Than I Seem: your just emo cause my babys bald and scores more a** then you do ; 3 ;

MetallicBubblesx2: Holy assmonkeys.
MetallicBubblesx2: I have like ten invalids, brb

Dakruon: Metalllll &:U
MetallicBubblesx2: The saws out here won't stop coming D:&
Hatori Miharu: ;o;
lvkewl: obby can i watch
Hatori Miharu: o-o
MetallicBubblesx2: LOL
Dakruon: hahahahah
lvkewl: damn what she said was sooo hawt ^o
Dakruon: *plams face* here we go
Dakruon: xD
MetallicBubblesx2: o.o
lvkewl: xxD chu shud b used to eet by noe
Dakruon: hehhe I totally am xD

lvkewl: C& = wuts tat
Dakruon: no UUUUUUU &W &
Dakruon: I meant to make a smile C:
Dakruon: but failed
lAssassinatioNl: aww xD
lvkewl: lawl
Dakruon: that looks kinda cool to tho. C&
Dakruon: C&
lvkewl: like chicky head
anime4babe416: I was thinking icecream
lAssassinatioNl: from side o3o
URL-Length: Finally
lvkewl: gahhh now i want ice cream damn this hawt weather X((
URL-Length: @____@
Dakruon: does it? Looks kinda like a ....ligh bulb? what the hell was I thinking xD
Dakruon: you guys have better guesses lol
lAssassinatioNl: you were thinking of..light bulbls?
anime4babe416: xD hahah lightbulb
lvkewl: haha
lAssassinatioNl: bulbs *
lvkewl: i didnt wanna say eet
Dakruon: Yeah I thought it looked like one for a little bit P
Dakruon: P:
lAssassinatioNl: omfg the word is funny
lAssassinatioNl: bulb
lvkewl: wtf
Dakruon: bulb
Dakruon: and lag
lAssassinatioNl: bulb bulb bulb
lAssassinatioNl: now i will run around everywhere and shouting BULB
ssassinatioNl: hardcore buuuuuullllbbzzz D;&
to URL-Length: OMG PS is makin meh sleepy o:
Dakruon: Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzz
URL-Length: Awe D
lAssassinatioNl: o 3o because of the bulbs?
lAssassinatioNl: hrhr bulbs
Dakruon: Bolbs
Dakruon: xP
anime4babe416: xD heeheee hahaha hahah bublbs
lAssassinatioNl: boobs o3o
anime4babe416: o-o
Dakruon: I knew it would come down to that just wasnt sure when or who lol
lAssassinatioNl: :´D
lvkewl: heeh at least eet wasnt meh .. ssshussh
Dakruon: I thought it was going to be kewl lol
lvkewl: crying
lAssassinatioNl: xDD
Dakruon: LOLZ
lvkewl: Nuuuuu
lAssassinatioNl: perfect timing
Dakruon: Yes indeed P:
lvkewl: i was finkin eet .. just didnt say XD
lAssassinatioNl: xD
Dakruon: awe &3 *hug?* :'3
lAssassinatioNl: bunny powers c:
lvkewl: obby yush pls
lAssassinatioNl: BULB GROUP HUG
Dakruon: Kewl is thinkin boob hugh
Dakruon: *hug I know it
Dakruon: He just isnt saying
Dakruon: &3
lAssassinatioNl: we can do a BOOB hug too o3o
Dakruon: surprised Kinky
lAssassinatioNl: i know you want it
Dakruon: Kewl gets to hug meh frist tho. =']

Mirenithil: UR MOM!!
URL-Length: ._____.
Rex Bannon does her mom
URL-Length: D: &
Mirenithil: XD
lvkewl: xxD
Rex Bannon: i was only a 8.5, tell her i can do better
URL-Length: Pfft
Mirenithil: Oh god
URL-Length: It's a one-time thing.

Futoi Mashumaro: brb i'm cold need to get a blanket
Yue Bairong: ... in the summer?
lvkewl: her place is always cold imao
Futoi Mashumaro: lol yeah it's snowing right now
Yue Bairong: Antarctic?
Futoi Mashumaro: yeah
Yue Bairong: Bring some snow here!
Futoi Mashumaro: lol it's not snowing here
Futoi Mashumaro: just the ac is to cold for me

lvkewl: Futoi is comin, hope tats okies ^^
Hatori Miharu: Have her bring keen and tef. surprised
lvkewl: mmk
to Futoi_Mashumaro: keen & teflon pls^^
Hatori Miharu: Passed lead to you for when she comes
lvkewl: bleh now how am i suspode to go afk :/
Princess Raebella: lol
Hatori Miharu: D:
Hatori Miharu: You can give it back after you invite her. ;o;

lvkewl: Honey hugs
Honeyass: damn you lv
lvkewl: xxD
Honeyass: pointing out the new pig item
lvkewl: get eet quick u luvvvv eet
Honeyass: & sad
Honeyass: I don't have the gold for it!

kiersin: my voip went down, not sure why
Futoi Mashumaro: i eat everything
Futoi Mashumaro: except bugs
Futoi Mashumaro: &.& only if i'm really hungry
kiersin: Futoi, did you eat my VOIP?
Futoi Mashumaro: sorry
Futoi Mashumaro: i was really hungry T___T
kiersin: WHY?
Futoi Mashumaro: it was tasty
kiersin: are you sure?
Futoi Mashumaro: toasted o's you know you want some

ChouxSea has upgraded a OMGWTF ring up to CL 2479.0!
LIL Deamon37: wut does the omgwtf ring doo
LIL Deamon37 has upgraded a Solar Rays ring up to CL 4.0!
ChouxSea: It increase your max stamina while attacking the opponent.
LIL Deamon37: how did u get it so high
ChouxSea has upgraded a Solar Rays ring up to CL 84469238.0!
ChouxSea: i just play all the time

OMG I _love_anime_: umm we still got two rocks
lvkewl: want meh to grab 3rd ^^
bronxbigred: what we need I will change mine
CaL-00: i can change mine, but to what?
OMG I _love_anime_: ahahahahaha

ChouxSea: tmi, futoi
Futoi Mashumaro: ?
Futoi Mashumaro: i don't understand your nonsense

Kumori Seirei: saw gilry
Kumori Seirei: gilroy
lvkewl: lol
Orion Quest: lol
lvkewl: do chu eat him
Orion Quest: did you kill it?
Kumori Seirei: dead in 1 hit XD

Futoi Mashumaro: i'm 2
ChouxSea: /reports
Futoi Mashumaro: i'm the youngest
ChouxSea: hey futoi where do you live? i wanna give you some candy and toys.
Futoi Mashumaro: omg CANADA!!!!!!
Futoi Mashumaro: come give me candy
Futoi Mashumaro: and i'll even let you touch me
lvkewl: damn i gotta go out buy candys

lvkewl: oppsss boofs
lvkewl: kk
Kumori Seirei: you typing like that on pirpose? XD
lvkewl: haha yeah
lvkewl: i can stop if it ticks ya off
Orion Quest: lol
lvkewl: .. or do more XDD
Clone of Mindy: lol
Iwuvu_hellokitty: yep
lvkewl: wait till mayor gets here shes worse
Kumori Seirei: XD

lvkewl: rubs ya sword.. eets BIG XOO
Dakruon: lol your so gross xD

Futoi Mashumaro: *stuffs Tado between fat rolls*

migs01: ss=sey sex
Asian Prostitude: Lawl . :]

Mr Panty: im pretty sure we died because my meat ran out
Mr Panty: after i died, everyone else did
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: ;w; its okay
Tado666: &.& thus why i like to carry my meat
Lieutenant Riku Jinka: kinky
Tado666: -_- guh that sounds WRONG
lvkewl: haha
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: o3o

lvkewl: That Grunny had a passkey with a numeric combination on it...
Mr Panty: GTFO
Tado666: lv is an b*****d can be on the phone and still kill the com

Tado666: &.& can someone make me hard

URL-Length: Blk lend me some of yer peeps
URL-Length: o 3o
lvkewl: i only just signed in crying
BlkDth999: i need another one myself razz
URL-Length: Um..
URL-Length: Get..
URL-Length: /claims May and Lv
URL-Length: Get someone else
URL-Length: razz
BlkDth999: how bout i trade a newb for lv XD
URL-Length: What are we doing?
lvkewl: o:
URL-Length: idk
lvkewl: u can sell us for other crews
URL-Length: We might join nate and kick Lv
lvkewl: obby i'd do the same if i was chu too XDDD
URL-Length: Can't. The noob's his firend
URL-Length: o 3o
lvkewl: i phail right noe, may as well go wit der flow
URL-Length: xD
URL-Length: go with the blow*

ChouxSea: I heal dying people in my crew panel, and it's okay...they don't get blown 'cause they are on another screen.

Tado666 uses cookie as pillow

Tado666: &.& shes laughing
Essence of Music: What?
Tado666: i think
Essence of Music: && Can I not laugh?
Tado666: but you dont llike to talk
Essence of Music: Yeah.....

EPIC ZACK : ready or not
OMGWTF: Who dares approach this gate? Your insolence shall be punished!
EPIC ZACK : here he comes

Spes ver eternus: my computer was like, hemorhaging the entire time.

ChouxSea has itunes on.
lvkewl: obby now i can close mah utube X))))

ChouxSea: u can be better
ChouxSea: you just need400k
XOTKI: ... who is he? D:
lvkewl: i b deaad by then
ChouxSea: iunno
ChouxSea: rly?
ChouxSea: ive never been into nekro ?o?
lvkewl: obby gud time to start
ChouxSea: ur ded nao dx

II_Kisame_II: You two stop making out
ChouxSea: Ok...but can we still cyber? D:
lvkewl: cyberin ish gud
lvkewl: helps typin skillz
ChouxSea: omg elvi send me more of those sexy links O:

Jollilicious: what are you doing anyways? =o
lvkewl: idk listenin to basshunter on utube X))
PuNk-GiRl2231: we had to supress for a 9.0 kewl
PuNk-GiRl2231: so the monsters don't kill her
Jollilicious: I love basshunter =o
Jollilicious: niceee
Jollilicious: he's hot :X
Jollilicious: i'd totally do him. && but i think he's a bit freaky =X
lvkewl: haha u like the english or swedish versions imao
Jollilicious: both
Jollilicious: but i think he sounds hotter in swedish :X
lvkewl: hah well if u do do him.. let meh watch
Jollilicious: most def ;D
Jollilicious: lmfao x3
lvkewl: haha u sound ya luv him alot
Jollilicious: how about you? sweedish or english? surprised
lvkewl: crush &3
Jollilicious: more like infactuated with him ^^ nothing wrong with that &3
lvkewl: mm i ish easy but i listenin to english version at mo
Jollilicious: ohh =o i hate his gf. x.x his gf is like in EVERY
Jollilicious: video
lvkewl: hha
lvkewl: i keep her busy for ya
Jollilicious: hahaha x3 sounds good!

OMFG Taylor: whats the beach like? surprised
OMFG Taylor: never been there
Tigcat2: &-& It's sandy
HotRed_Streak: lol ignore him, he's a n00b
HotRed_Streak: XD
OMFG Taylor: I heard you can go underwater and fight a whale @_@
Almost as if the blades were in the walls...or under the floor...
Tigcat2: Not a wha- nvm.

ChouxSea: Quicksand is great for mushrooms in vg.
ChouxSea: but other than that gumshoe...its even better
The Sparky Lightning: XD
Spes ver eternus: but aren't muchrooms stuck in place anyway? o-o
Spes ver eternus: WAIT.
Spes ver eternus: that's the joke
Shaah Ani Chiu: Gumshoe + friady cat on papa saw = infinite saws...
Spes ver eternus: I get ittttt
ChouxSea: no i'm not joking o.o
lvkewl: wut about scardy der shrooms ?_? does tat work
The Sparky Lightning: do uk something that can be bad?
ChouxSea: i like to taunt the mushrooms when im mobbing
Spes ver eternus: but mushrooms don't move o-o why would you need quicksand?
The Sparky Lightning: or considered cruel 2 the animated
The Sparky Lightning: using ducttape then scaring them with scardey

Spes ver eternus: SONOFA.
Spes ver eternus: I just salvaged my defib ;-;
The Sparky Lightning: &.&
Spes ver eternus: WHYYYYYYYY
The Sparky Lightning: ik how that is
lvkewl: X(
The Sparky Lightning: i salvaged my slash
Spes ver eternus: I'mma go cry now :C

Cartel Seals: O.O
Tado666: &.& didnt want to know
Cartel Seals: i did
Cartel Seals: darn
ChouxSea: orbgasm

Tado666: c** SEALS
Cartel Seals: oops
Cartel Seals: o.O
ChouxSea: cartel hurry and roll on down
Cartel Seals: tight hole =O
Tado666: kinky
ChouxSea: only for you fatteh

URL-Length: Naw bro no SS for me
URL-Length: It wouldn't load
URL-Length: T__T
XOTKI: liar D:
URL-Length: Kicked me out 3 times
Tado666: i told you to kick it
URL-Length: Have fun
URL-Length: C:
XOTKI: I wanna see you crash before you say it doesn't load D&

XOTKI: hatii dead D:
ChouxSea: C:
Honeyass: nooooooes ;o;
XOTKI: someone do cpr on her D:
XOTKI: defib is not working t.T
Honeyass: hat!!!!
lvkewl: obby can i watch u two in action
XOTKI: honey cam have the honour D:

kiwispring is getting off...-.-
KTSM: Awww D=
lvkewl: obby can i watch
kiwispring: For lunch..ahaha

Ume2gether4ever: im not dying again D:&
Tado666: wtf
lvkewl: eats popcorn 7 watches yyyyooooome die
Ume2gether4ever: XD
Tado666: LV ********
lvkewl: passes popcorn to ume X)))
Ume2gether4ever: HAHAHAHA
Ume2gether4ever: ~Munches on it~
Ume2gether4ever: XD
lvkewl: Tado666: LV ********
lvkewl: obby when
Marshall: Do you see now why I didn't try to explain it to you, wanting you to see it for yourself instead?
Ume2gether4ever: XD
Tado666: kinky
Ume2gether4ever: 3some with marshall
Ume2gether4ever: XD
Tado666: and no
lvkewl: in chur car amonst der cat hair X))
Ume2gether4ever: That Grunny had a passkey with a numeric combination on it...
Tado666: &.& no thanks


chouxsea: i need to wash my face mask off den D:
to chouxsea: hehe omg tats all ya gonna eat noe
chouxsea: brb
to chouxsea: mmm obby wanna meh to lick eet off chu
chouxsea: i haveother stuff...but no xD
chouxsea: if you want? O:
to chouxsea: ya use de natural strawberry for ya face right
chouxsea: is your salvia made out of moisturizer? O:
to chouxsea: ohh der green stuff, nasty taste .. but okies
chouxsea: i use mud mask mmmm yummy
chouxsea: its from the dead sea...ill link you
to chouxsea: mm i ish no mudfish
to chouxsea: obby salty

II_Kisame_II: Yo Wulf!
Valkyrie_Wulf: dont tell him i was crewed with you guys k ^ ^'' .. i told him i had to go for eb earlier

-Mage puppet-: lag!!!!!!!!!!!!
CattyHug: run
II_Kisame_II: This is Disneyland!
II_Kisame_II kicks marshall

KeityKat: uh oh
metalblood24: =[
KeityKat pokes kisame
lvkewl: aww kisa refreshed out o:
KeityKat: he exploded
lvkewl: chu poked too hard
metalblood24: lol
KeityKat hangs head in shame
II_Kisame_II: I accidently closed my broswer faceplam

-Mage puppet-: lag
ChouxSea: just dafob urself
II_Kisame_II: My defib missed
metalblood24: lol well ty
ChouxSea: keen is down :'D
metalblood24: yes!

M I I2 O T I C : oh s**t tayyy. 282k tc. @-@
M I I2 O T I C : LV. O:
OMFG Taylor: xD
lvkewl: we stlk each other w/o stlker dots , were pro miro
M I I2 O T I C : LOL
M I I2 O T I C : i haven't seen you in a while though. D&
M I I2 O T I C : you failed at stalking. o:
lvkewl: pff i dunt even try B
M I I2 O T I C : xDD
ChouxSea: Omg, Tay! You're a 3.0? But, that's so high! How did you get so strong?

II_Kisame_II: okay when chapter 2 is out ninja use those orbs to upggrade your unsoulbound rings to lvl 20 ninja
II_Kisame_II: You know lvl you can create a swimmming pool out of your orbs
lvkewl: ?_?
lvkewl: hehe
II_Kisame_II: If you ever hold a party let me know, ( i ma steal some of your orbs)
KeityKat: really fun
ChouxSea: how much gold would it take to by a swimming poll irl?
KeityKat: honey you coming?
ChouxSea: gaia gold*
KeityKat: 15k
II_Kisame_II: about $10
KeityKat: well for a surface bull yeah
KeityKat: err... pool
KeityKat: 15k for an inground one
II_Kisame_II: buy a shovel and dig one up
ChouxSea: for a kiddie pool?
lvkewl: lol
ChouxSea: howmuch?
KeityKat: 15-2- dollards
II_Kisame_II: also you might need to buyy a lot of black bin bags, so that might raise the cost

Yancelebi: someone remind me next time not to turn the volume on when I am watching porn and the phone is ringing crying
Yancelebi: Gawd my Mom was like wtf was that and I was like uh um you know crazy people from the outside
to Yancelebi: hahaha
You just found the Recipe: Seaweed Hair!
Yancelebi: Lol I was like damn it
to Yancelebi: get crappier phone which dunt pick so much sound
Yancelebi: ROTFL
The wall of water that was here before is gone now and a tunnel leads down into the darkness below...
Yancelebi: Ya which those make me hella mad and piss off when you cant hear someone lol rotfl
Yancelebi: Like my cousin use to have one of those and I use to go hello hello who is this
Yancelebi: and this is how it would have sonud
to Yancelebi: hehe well only use tat fone whe ya watch pron
Yancelebi: H. T.....y c... .v.r to ... s..e...ng
Yancelebi: Ya and it suppose to say Hi Tiffany come over to get something
Yancelebi: Lol rotfl I thought she said come over to get ******** and i was like WT
Yancelebi: Oh and btw idk why but my cousins nicknamed me as Tiffany
to Yancelebi: hahaha
Yancelebi: -.- nicknames these days........

KeityKat pokes mage
II_Kisame_II: Kat use a knife and try it again
lvkewl: lol
II_Kisame_II: You might get a response next time round
lvkewl: mm we dunt want him dead thou O:
lvkewl: tat only helps der queen
KeityKat stabs mage to get his attention
KeityKat: stabby stabby
lvkewl tries to dodge the blood~splat
II_Kisame_II does samahada ten thousand years of pain

Honeyass: LV!

lvkewl: Yush

Honeyass: &3333

Dakruon: lvl I still need to talk off my clothes for you lol

Hatori Miharu: POOFTER

Your Crew Leader is choosing the challenge level for this encounter.

lvkewl: XOOOO obby

Honeyass: I love you sexy voice!

You chose the 'Hard' challenge setting for this scenario. Enter the whirlpool to begin.

_Sabin River_: looking crew for duneslam

Dakruon: lolol &3

Alpha Ninja124 : help

lvkewl: no distraction then crying

Dakruon: Nope not today sorry bby &':

Dakruon: Mabye later P:

XOTKI: btw are rumours true that tay took a semester off to farm for tc?

lvkewl: imao ask Miro

Sea Spout: The center has fallen!

Sea Spout: No! The Queen is dead!

Sea Spout: The center has fallen!

Sea Spout: The ocean reclaims us!

The wall of water that was here before is gone now and a tunnel leads down into the darkness below...

XOTKI: jaydee or mii told me x.x

x C H I Y O K I x: not being funny but in english slang

to OMG_I__love_anime_: wut chu doin 7 long time no c .. u avoidin meh

x C H I Y O K I x: do you have any idea what i like brains means?

Brasstastic: lol ok back

i like brains: ?

x C H I Y O K I x: getting head

lvkewl: ermm Brains XDDD

x C H I Y O K I x: lol

x C H I Y O K I x: nahh

lvkewl: haha Chi XDD

Brasstastic: LMAO

i like brains: :O yessss

x C H I Y O K I x: getting brains = getting a bj

i like brains: sweet

x C H I Y O K I x: i want kfc

x C H I Y O K I x: NAO

Mr Panty: you're brit

lvkewl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udeo2GYcqIw

x C H I Y O K I x: and?

Mr Panty: you dont even know what kentucky means

i like brains: i want some kfc sad

x C H I Y O K I x: dude we have kfc...

x C H I Y O K I x: :/

Mr Panty: wheat bread loaf cut in half with huge pepperonies, sauce, and cheese
Mr Panty: and then toasted.. veggies put on afterward
Mr Panty: pizza sub
lvkewl: ohhh mann now i ish hungry
Pandie Jen: same x__x
Tado666: &.& lv should of gotten food like all of us did
Pandie Jen: hm...
michelle7471: ss hard 2 spot
lvkewl: gimmie the site i order one frm HK & see if the hang up on meh XDD
Mr Panty: LOL'
lvkewl: i'd like order everyfink 7 when they ask for the address it b like wtf XO
Tado666: hahaha
Pandie Jen: brb need to call dad...
lvkewl: they do express delivery right
Mr Panty: lol no

Beriadwen-sama: Tado I swear that is your favorite phrase
Pandie Jen: kinky
Pandie Jen: xP
lvkewl: imao
Beriadwen-sama: && kinky
ndie Jen: xP
lvkewl: imao
Beriadwen-sama: && kinky
Mr Panty: tado likes it likethat
Yancelebi: Hahhahahahahah
Tado666: lol it is
Beriadwen-sama: X3
to Yancelebi: XO
Pandie Jen: brb dictionary.com
Beriadwen-sama: uh oh
Tado666: &.&
Beriadwen-sama: shes going to look it up
Mr Panty: i think its supposed to mean "deviating from the traditional norm"
Pandie Jen: I look up all sorts of stuff
Pandie Jen: = 3=
Beriadwen-sama: && kinky
Tado666: -_- i say kinky to point out to ppl that my mind &.& thought about it the wrong way and wants to bring everyone else mind there

Storming-Moon-Pup: Ok I'm going to ask a silly question... what does GTFO mean?
Mr Panty: get the ******** out xD
Beriadwen-sama: I thought it meant get the ******** out?

Mr Panty: hey lv
Mr Panty: i always G you here
Pandie Jen: awww ;__;
Mr Panty: lol
lvkewl: haha OMG
lvkewl: u hit mah spot each time bby
Beriadwen-sama: &&
Tado666: KINKY
Storming-Moon-Pup: That Grunny had a passkey with a numeric combination on it...
Pandie Jen: ^^;

Pandie Jen: x__x
A shimmering wall of what seems to be solid water bars you from entering further into the caves beyond.
Pandie Jen dies from all the speed
Mr Panty: RAWR
Queen Lorelei: You only think you're getting the upper hand, dry ones. I waited until now to tip the balance against you!
Tado666: demanding bish
Pandie Jen: ikr?

Mr Panty: hey lv
lvkewl: yush
Mr Panty: do you realize how long we've been doing this today?
lvkewl: i lost track v.v
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: nu :3
Mr Panty: 10.5 hours
Takara Taji: o.0
lvkewl: XOOO oMg marathon
Takara Taji: i worked for 9.5 hours

Takeshi Masakazu: wow lvkewl nice TC o__o
Sea Spout: Alarm! Alarm! Surface dwellers!
Sea Spout: The intruders are here to rescue the Other! Get them!
lvkewl: lol TY chu av nice hair ^^
Bikipip: WTF O_O
Takeshi Masakazu: lol thanks
Bikipip: 200K TCL O_O
Takeshi Masakazu: ikr
lvkewl: lol i speed ss every day
Bikipip: how long you been on gaia?
lvkewl: mm since sept 09
Hotshot359: lol that was fun
Bikipip: O_O
Thelchtereia: You've made it this far, but no farther, Air Breathers! Attack them, my barnacle brethren!
iiShroom: wow I'm much older than you though
lvkewl: yeah but u av life .. i dont XD

BlkDth999: WTF IS THT DEMON !!!! O_O
BlkDth999: a cheese monster?
BlkDth999: swiss cheese monster XD
DemonThunder: add me back , I cant survive the cheese butt refrences
lvkewl: IMAO
BlkDth999: lol kk
Kumori Seirei: wha?

RL-Length: Lv gimme that big panduh
URL-Length: ; 3;
URL-Length: Mail it over
lvkewl: XDD
lvkewl: too big .. i av to hack eet to bits 1st
URL-Length: T_____T
Blackstar Vanilla: u guys live near each other's country.
lvkewl: i send chu the head 1st
lvkewl: i ish in HK
Blackstar Vanilla: O_O
URL-Length: He's in HK i'm ib Vietnam
URL-Length: xD
URL-Length: kay Lv
URL-Length: C:
Blackstar Vanilla: oooh hk so awesome, been there twice XD
URL-Length: You'll give me head?
URL-Length: O:
URL-Length: xD
lvkewl: XO

Blackstar Vanilla: gerty needs more melons
URL-Length: D:
Blackstar Vanilla: i'll put you in the cabinet
Blackstar Vanilla: YES THE CABINETTT!
PlumpGerty: NOOOOOOO T__T
Blackstar Vanilla: lv must like eating gnomes
URL-Length: D:
URL-Length: Ew
URL-Length: Only if they lose the beard
PlumpGerty: The beard never goes &.&
Blackstar Vanilla: or the kitty on his head eats gnoemz
URL-Length: p***y*

You chose the 'Normal' challenge setting for this scenario. Click the door again to enter.
URL-Length: s**t
URL-Length: Lv come in and out
URL-Length: ; o;
URL-Length: Out now
lvkewl: obby
URL-Length: ; 3;

Hatori Miharu: don8 food
lvkewl: i av ramen
Hatori Miharu: ihy ;-;
lvkewl: u can av ramen too XO

Storming-Moon-Pup: sorry about that I crashed

Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: ;w;

Takara Taji: gah that's really annoying... i don't even think the other ring is actually attacking
Takara Taji: imma refresh
Mr Panty: no verbal apologies.. you have to kiss taka's disgusting feets
Takara Taji: ya, i've been walking around in horse and dog s**t all day biggrin D
Takara Taji: ok imma refresh. brb


y_Toy: snogs lv

lvkewl: could av been frm ireland XDDD

Sleeping_Insomnia: xD

ll Macrodemia Nut ll: xDDDD

Sleeping_Insomnia: now now lol

21st_Cherry_Toy: well by your accent i say english

Demon Alucard-Sama: tado has vivox :O
21st_Cherry_Toy: so does lv
Sleeping_Insomnia snogs Macky
ll Macrodemia Nut ll: o3o
21st_Cherry_Toy: he is stingy with giving out his sexyness
ll Macrodemia Nut ll grouse
Tado666: &.& yes i do
Sleeping_Insomnia: &w&

Tado666: &.& demon i know cherry is very distracting but can you make us all hard
ll Macrodemia Nut ll: o_o
lvkewl: XDD
21st_Cherry_Toy: giggles
Tado666: crying demon has rock and div
Demon Alucard-Sama: no, distracted by eating cake
21st_Cherry_Toy: yes make us hard
ll Macrodemia Nut ll: My rock is as hard as can be. D:
Demon Alucard-Sama: now to eat the cherries that were on top of the cake ^.~, mmmm i like to suck on them well toying with them in my mouth ;D

Yancelebi: Going to sleep -.- GOD DAMN IT GO TO SLEEP LV

iMassivePackage: Kewl what buffs u got?
lvkewl: so far dens & sphere
Original Drake Eclipse has upgraded a My Density ring up to CL 10.0!
lvkewl: i can change to what ever u want
Original Drake Eclipse: that sounds so wrong

lvkewl: hehe 3 'n' s always catch meh out chan

You chose the 'Hard' challenge setting for this scenario. Enter the whirlpool to begin.

ChevaUrick: same xDD

channnie170: lolz yea i have heart that before xD

A powerful whirlpool suction pulls you down, deep below the water.

channnie170: sall i change it to 2 xD

lvkewl: or i type 172

lvkewl: nahhhh

channnie170: why

channnie170: why 172

lvkewl: its gud as eet is ya name

lvkewl: i finkin of blink182

channnie170: omg xD

lvkewl: XP

Tado666: wow i just noticed it had 3ns

ChevaUrick: pool party biggrin
ChevaUrick: yeah i got it ^___^
Beriadwen-sama: got to earn that again, o.o woot
ChevaUrick: lvv helped me a lot getting it... like panty did ^^
Beriadwen-sama: aren't we already wet though?
ChevaUrick: a bit o_o xD
Ryuku Yagami: o.o
ChevaUrick: so you cant see that i peed my pants
Ryuku Yagami: surprised
Tiippie: xD lol
ChevaUrick: well lv has no pants o_o
Beriadwen-sama: =-= did I sense minds going to the gutter? XD

lvkewl: imao
NateShikaVi: i wa sleft with 12hp... BUT I DID IT
NateShikaVi: ikr XD ill show you what i said to arty XD
NateShikaVi: [21:13:23] Nate.: i was liek no no no ******** you cuk ******** you come on meat ******** yes i love you now ******** you robo hit it hit it ******** cat

lvkewl: ty chev
You just found the Recipe: Monster Lobster Claws!
ChevaUrick: huh?
lvkewl: u watchin der fluff
ChevaUrick: yeah xD
Thelchtereia: You've made it this far, but no farther, Air Breathers! Attack them, my barnacle brethren!
Pandie Jen: lag.....@.@
ChevaUrick: btw ya know that "der" is german for the?
You just found the Recipe: Water Trident!
Pandie Jen: nope
lvkewl: XDDD nope XOO
Pandie Jen: xD
ChevaUrick: xD

Pandie Jen: oh hey!
Beriadwen-sama: ?
Pandie Jen: this pencil sharpener that I got w/ my colored pencils is made in germany 8D
Beriadwen-sama: rofl
ChevaUrick: YEAH!
A powerful force moves you through space...
Pandie Jen: x3
ChevaUrick: you see real quality comes from germany xD
Pandie Jen: well...for somethings xP
Beriadwen-sama: && that so has a double meaning
ChevaUrick: everything here is made in china lawl
lvkewl: imao
Pandie Jen: so things made in germany= made in china?
ChevaUrick: child work Dx
Pandie Jen: o.o; that's so jacked up
ChevaUrick: i dunno xD
Pandie Jen: well...the brand is called kum...
ChevaUrick: but things we buy...souvenirs or other stuff... everywhere "made in china" xD
Pandie Jen: idk if you're seen it before

Tado666: only heal we had in hive was wish
xxMizorexxIcexx: kekekeke
Tado666: so we all where having to blow each other

xxMizorexxIcexx: kinkatron, you coming DX
xxMizorexxIcexx: yay XD
Tado666: &.& as long as its not c**ing then sure
xxMizorexxIcexx: lmao.
xxMizorexxIcexx: my friend used to say c**ing instead of ocming.

Lavenkawaii: lvkwel is that ur real lvl?
Harlot Queen: 2 more
Lavenkawaii: SS HARD 2 spots open
Lavenkawaii: ss hard 2 spots open
lvkewl: lvl 10 just added last ring
Harlot Queen: someone's a hardcore zomg player
Lavenkawaii: ok
lvkewl: XDDD u peep at meh
Lavenkawaii: how long have you been playing zOMG?
lvkewl: snce sep 09

Yoshi Tamaki: can i pet ur kitty
lvkewl: Obby ^^
Predator Prairie Pup: Zrrk! Kee-tr^k plik!
Yoshi Tamaki: can i touch ur Fabric
Yoshi Tamaki: i mean can i take it off
Hit the Backspace key to reply to bunji_kin
bunji_kin: i saw your doing hive do u need someone?
lvkewl: wow a make meh explode XO
Yoshi Tamaki: ur too clothed
Yoshi Tamaki: IM A MAN IN REAL LIFE HAHAHA b***h
lvkewl: add pls
bunji_kin: on my way from vg
lvkewl: Imao tats even better dude, come play X))))

URL-Length: Any slot open for Hive"?
The Hive is suddenly alive again...and it's all crawling toward you!
Surrounded! (wave 14)
to URL-Length: full at mo, with ryuu
URL-Length: Awe ok :C
to URL-Length: its not tat great a crew thou X((
bunji_kin: u have a fan apparently xP
The tunnels are quiet. The bugs must be regrouping for another attack...
URL-Length: I still want badges.
to bunji_kin: say wut
URL-Length: I SENSE FAILURE!! /hops to Clutch

Lady Rayna: yh im so sexy even the bugs want me
URL-Length: o 3o
LulausLunaRennyHyuuchiga: ur gonna get inpregnated by them & biggrin
Lady Rayna: &_________________________________&
LulausLunaRennyHyuuchiga: XD
Lt Ryuuzaki Zenkato: shes already impregnated by me &.&
LulausLunaRennyHyuuchiga: just lyk the aliens do
LulausLunaRennyHyuuchiga: giv her buffs ppl!
Lady Rayna: gimme bug repleient

Etherealsage: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me. So throw me down and toss me around and tell me how you like me. ^.^
Your highest previous spawn count is 904.
URL-Length: ORGY &333
URL-Length: I don't like you

They're coming! From the Flanks! (wave 37)
Tado666: ******** off mayor
Tado666: yeah ill watch it come out of my mouth

XOTKI: elllvvee tchu broke my chatt D:
lvkewl: XDD
Evangelistia: brb, need to pay a bill
lvkewl: i wish i could break more chu
XOTKI: chat breaker D:
lvkewl: brb gonna refresh
XOTKI: mkay D:
lvkewl: what else can i break of chu ,3
XOTKI: chat breaker &&;

XOTKI: wait are you still reloading? X.x
XOTKI: nvm
lvkewl: i ish here bby
XOTKI: how was I supposed to know DX
lvkewl: can i be ya teddy bear
XOTKI: I hurt teddy bears &&;
lvkewl: imao when der bolt on mah head disappears chu know
lvkewl: XOO
XOTKI: w/e I knew that DX
XOTKI: forgot ///

Inamorta: He called me a "Meran" yesterday for killing anchor bugs
Inamorta: I dont know
Tado666: lol
PlumpGerty: xDD
Inamorta: Mispelled Moron? xD

Mr Panty: guys idk if i can come for the next round
Mr Panty: i have to do my hamster and feed my homework
Mr Panty: i mean uh..

bunji_kin: ds?  u are probably busy crying

to bunji_kin: crying speed ssi need gold

to bunji_kin: wo ya with

bunji_kin: i pay you xD

A powerful whirlpool suction pulls you down, deep below the water.

bunji_kin: nate, dak, girlwho fell and 3kere

to bunji_kin: obby chu know i be with chu for free .. do i get pics XOO

to bunji_kin: ohhh wait chu still talkin about DS

bunji_kin: LOLz

to bunji_kin: lol i only know nate & chu .. i on brain at mo too X((

bunji_kin: is ok

bunji_kin: you too popular anyway

bunji_kin: everyone always wants you bad

Mr Panty: i almost always have this on my lap when im on gaia

A powerful whirlpool suction pulls you down, deep below the water.

Mr Panty: and im not using a strap either

Tado666: kinky

Mr Panty: its a V so i can just kinda hold it with my legs

Mr Panty: LOL

Inamorta: I have been playing since Dec. of 06

PlumpGerty: WHOA WHAT

Tado666: lol couldnt help it

Yuusuke: blargh, give me orbgasm, dammit~
Tado666: &.& kinky

PlumpGerty: We were unable to send your message: bo_bannan is offline.
PlumpGerty: haha fail
justine125: noob

PlumpGerty: Nate is leechinggg
PlumpGerty: You should kick him
lvkewl: lol
You can hear them everywhere...there's movement all around...
PlumpGerty: Wait he has crown
The ground trembles!!!
Walker Wave! (wave 10)
lvkewl: lawl

LinkRoxas: i dont understand how a mama and papa saw do it O.o
princexnightmare: Xd
lvkewl: XD
princexnightmare: well fist they have saw sex
vj808: the connect blades lol
LinkRoxas: so is the wood dust the sperm O.o
LinkRoxas: where does the buzz saw come out of the mama
princexnightmare: the eye
emitria: that's jsut so weird XD
LinkRoxas: are buzz saw girl or boy O.o how can i tell
princexnightmare: well if its a pointy blade thats says alot

PlumpGerty: This'll be my last run for now
Scarlet Foxkit: o.o kk
PlumpGerty: I've been on the computer for like 24 hours straight e.e
Scarlet Foxkit: O_O
PlumpGerty: Guess who has no life :'D
lvkewl: lol i gotta try & beat tat ^^
Scarlet Foxkit: lol
Scarlet Foxkit: dont forget to sleep
lvkewl: i dun 12 so far ^o^
PlumpGerty: Nooo, you're gonna make me stay here just so I can be here for like 48 hours or something sad
Kira Kizakame: ive been on a computer for 6 days and 17 hours strait
PlumpGerty: With no sleep? e.e
Kira Kizakame: no sleep
Scarlet Foxkit: doubtful
lvkewl: fawk
lvkewl: i dunt wanna beat tat XP
Kira Kizakame: you would be surprise how many people dont have lifes in oregon

Yue Bairong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ichQOqbewA&feature=related
Yue Bairong: You will come to love them
PlumpGerty: Noooooo
Yue Bairong: I have after listening to it three times
PlumpGerty: Why Yue?! D':
PlumpGerty: THE SUN BABY D;
PlumpGerty: Must not look in the eye crying
PlumpGerty diessss
lvkewl: no cure huh
Yue Bairong: Ah I want to find that doll that can talk
PlumpGerty: I keep laughing at Tinky Winky though D;
Yue Bairong: I think it was the purple one
PlumpGerty: Its name just sounds so funny sad
Yue Bairong: How do you spell poo?
lvkewl: i fort eet was poh
Yue Bairong: Ah it is P-Oh.
lvkewl: xp
Yue Bairong: I thought I just heard Ho.
lvkewl: they shud make one called N-ub
PlumpGerty: xDDD
PlumpGerty: Worst thing to show a person with no sleep for more than a day :c
Yue Bairong: It keeps you awake
Yue Bairong: Tinky winky will sneak out of your bucket

PlumpGerty: What do I call lv?
PlumpGerty: Ell-vee or lev or cool or kewl
PlumpGerty: Or ell-vee-coo-ull
lvkewl: ernn 'lv'
Yue Bairong: Uh
PlumpGerty: I mean over voip o:
Yue Bairong: How abo

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