× A t a n a s × Hristofor × D r a g a n o v ×
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{Ain't so cold tonight}
My fingers trace the exit w o u n d s
by graveyard light
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Bulgarian autumns were always long and pleasant, and for all that Atanas loved snow, he could appreciate the mild autumn weather, too. Lovely weather for a nice ride by sea, really, and thankfully so. He closed his eyes against the gentle breeze which swept over the Durmstrang students assembled on the dock, all dressed in their severe, dull red uniforms. He stuck dutifully with his fellow members of the Klyk Vampira house; he sometimes wondered how he'd come to be in this house full of deceit and manipulation- he himself was mistrusting, but wasn't to be mistrusted, really- but knew that he definitely didn't belong in Drakonya Krov for their quiet, generally cool-headed nature, but at the same time suited their stubbornness. His sense of self-service, however, was overwhelming- that was what probably landed him in Klyk Vampira.