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My Random Writings
this journal is basically my place to write random stuff =3
+Anima Fanfic
In this world there are people with special gifts knon as +Anima, they have the power of animals and each individual has their own animal characteristics...
our story begins with a princess, and her companion fleeing from the capital of Astaria because they became +Anima.

The princess, named Hime turns to her companion, Yomi and says "Oh, aren't there other +Anima in this place. How are we supposed to survive if we can't find any?"

Yomi looked around the area and said "we can't, that is why we must get out of here before something bad happens..."

Yomi was raised with Hime like a sister and cares for her very much.

Hime said.."Yomi, how are we supposed to..." she cut off mid sentence and her fox ears pop out, she is a fox +anima "I hear something" she continued

Yomi's ears popped up too, she is a cat +anima "we've gotta hide!" she took Hime's hand and dashed behind a rock to hide behind.

Hime sniffered the air around her as she tugged her hand away from Yomi "It's a Kim-Un-Kur!" She ran out to greet them, making sure that her +Anima was hidden "Hello Friend" she said sweetly.

Yomi grew up not liking the kim-un-kur because she was raised in a family that was involved with the Astarian military and she was also in the military herself for a while, before she bacame a +anima.

Yomi tensed up and said "we should not involve ourselves with him.." she started to grit her teeth in frustration

Hime glared at Yomi "We shouldn't be mean to them Yomi, I mean, the Kim-Un-Kur are a wonderful people. Besides look at the friends he has." She smiled as she pointed to the group of children with him "He looks like a nice person too. Why do you always have to be so mean, you're like Iggy." Hime starts to pout

Yomi sighed and her ears drooped down a little, she knew that she couln't try to change Hime's mind so she gave in "alright. for this case I will make an exeption and not be like commander Igneous"

Hime clapped her hands together and smiled "Wonderful. So, kind Kim-Un-Kur and his friends, may we travel with you?"

the Kim-Un-Kur, who's name was Senri smiled at Hime and Yomi and said "yes you may come with us."

A little girl who was travelling with the group, who's name was Nana asked "why are you guys out here in the first place?"

Yomi whispered in Hime's ear and said " I think we should wait before we explain things to them"

Hime smiled at Senri as she turned to face him "We will show you why if you tell us your names." Hime never really listened to Yomi, that's why she was out there in the first place

A boy with Black hair and is wearing feathers gave a grin as he pointed to himself "I'm Cooro." he said

Senri said "my name is Senri"

A boy who was also tavelling with the group, who had silver-ish blue hair and sapphire blue eyes sighed, with irritation in his voice "I'm Husky." he had his arms across his chest

Husky sighed as he glared: "Great, more girls..."

Cooro smiled as he walked forward and smiled at Yomi and Hime: "I'm Cooro, it's nice to meet you."

Hime gave her usually cute smile to each of them "Thank you for letting us stay with you, but I must warn you, being around us could put you four in a lot of danger" she nodded her head as though she was thinking it over.

Yomi asked if they were +Anima "so.. are you four +anima?...I am a Cat +anima..." she let her white cat ears and white cat tail with black band markings on it come out. Her ears were very noticable since they were white and she had black hair.

Hime closed her eyes as her fox tail and ears came out "And I'm a fox +Anima. I hope this won't change your opinion on letting us join you."

Cooro smiled "Not at all, to be honest, we're +Anima too. I'm a crow"

Husky glared at Cooro and whispered to him: "Shut up, we don't need them knowing about us." He faced Yomi and Hime again "Might I ask why you two are running away from the Astarian Government?"

Senri showed that he was a bear +Anima and let his claw come out and he looked at Hime with an attractive smile and walked over to her and he toched her skin softly

Husky said "Yes, how did you two become +Anima? I'm curious to know." Husky had a smug look on his face when he asked

Yomi started to explain the story. "you see.. Hime and I escaped from Astar because we became +Anima.. as a result of a battle."

Cooro retracted his wings "I hope it wasn't too scary"

Hime giggled as she brushed her hand across Senri's fur "I was almost killed in the war between the Kim-Un-Kur and the Astarian Military. I was saved by my powers, but they assumed I was a Kim-Un-Kur because of it. That is, they thought that until Daddy came in and yelled them silly for trying to kill me."

Yomi nodded "yep..that's basically what happened"

Husky sighed again and looked over at Yomi and Hime: "Fine. You can come with us."

Cooro jumped in the air with joy: "Yay!"

Hime smiled as she looked at Senri, blushed, then quickly turned her head to look at the others: "Thank you very much. We hope that we can help you on your travels, and we can be good friends with you all."

Then the six +Anima started to make travel plans and plans to make camp.

during this time, Yomi noticed that Husky was very irritated, so she decided to ask him about it. she likes to help people with problems.
Yomi said "so.. Husky why don't you like girls? what happened that makes you not like them?"

Husky started walking away from Yomi: "That's none of your business, now is it?"

Yomi got frustrated with Husky so she grabbed him by the hand and demanded that he explain the reason "i don't care if it's not our business, we still have the right to know, maybe i can help you"

Senri started following Hime And Cooro

Nana started following them as well "HEY! wait for mee!"

Cooro started walking as he grabbed Hime's hand and started pulling her: "Come on!"

Hime laughed as she was being pulled by Cooro: "Calm down Cooro, I'm not going anywhere."

Senri walked close behind Hime and Nana followed behind and said "guys! I think we need to make camp"

Yomi sighed at Husky's remark

Husky turned around to face Yomi: "And why do you need to know? Can you change my past to help me?"

Yomi said "no I cannot change what has happened in your past but, perhaps I can show you that girls aren't so bad.."

Hime was still laughing as she called to Nana and Senri: "Ms. Nana, Mr. Senri, hurry. I can't stop him, he's way to fast. Yomi, Mr. Husky, come along!"

Husky followed after them and whispered under his breath: "They called me a girl..."

Cooro released Hime: "You're really light Hime."

Hime lost balance when Cooro let her go and she stumbled around: "Thanks Cooro, I'm always like this." Hime smiled because she knew that she was light because she was anemic

Senri came up behind Hime and caught her as she stumbled "be careful.."

Yomi replied to Husky: "i'm really sorry that happened to you..." then she went to give him a hug

Nana landed on the ground and retracted her wings and went to talk to Yomi and Husky. she heard what husky said about him being called a girl in his childhood. she never heard him tell anyone that before "wow Husky, i'm sorry that happened"

Husky grinded his teeth as he ran over to Cooro and ignored them.

Hime looked up at Senri and smile: "Thank you Mr. Senri, I will be." She got to her feet and looked over at Yomi, then at the sky Night "will be coming soon..."

Yomi got frustrated again, she hates it when she tries to help a person and they just blow her off. she looked at Hime and the Sky too "yeah. you're right Hime, we better make camp"

Senri went to go find some fire wood to make a fire

Nana stayed with Yomi and Hime

Husky said "Come on Cooro, we need to help Senri"

Cooro replies "Alright" and runs after Husky and Senri

Hime looks at the boys, then at Nana: "Do the boys do the work for making camp, Ms. Nana?"

Nana replied: "yeah, they do most of the work when it comes to this kind of stuff...as you can see i'm more of a domestic person."

Yomi asked "shall us girls find something to eat? while the boys get the stuff for the fire?" she smiled and her ears and tail came out

Senri is daydreaming about Hime while he and the other boys get the firewood. He likes her company and he likes how she is pretty.

Hime nodded as her ears and tail came out: "I think that will be a good idea. Should I search the river Yomi? you know how much I love water and watching the fish."

Yomi smiled and said "sure, go ahead and search the river and Nana and i will search in the forest" then she stared walking towards the forest

Nana stuttered "I...I ddd-don't like forests at night..." Nana was scared and her body shook with fear "d-ddaady is gonna get meee!!! HEEELP!!!" she screamed and her wings came out and she started flying irratically

meanwhile, the boys were getting fire wood...

Cooro asked Senri "Um...Senri, is something on your mind?"

Husky commented "He's probably wondering why he has to deal with two more girls in our group."

Senri said "Hime is pretty, I like her.."

Husky stood in shock and dropped the wood he was carrying.

Cooro grinned: That's great I like her too

Hime ran off to the river and took off her boots as she stepped in it and watched the fish. Her royal accent came out as she spoke: "Oh sweet creatures of the water, how wonderful you are." She looked around trying to find something to eat, she didn't want to catch a fish unless she had to

Yomi's eyes widened "OH MY GOD!!! are you ok Nana?!?" she saw how Nana acted and she tried to catch her and calm her down. She finally had Nana in her her arms and hugged her to keep her quiet and calm "it's ok.. it's ok your Dad isn't here to get you" then Yomi thought poor girl, she must have gone through a lot..

Nana calmed down and said "Daddy was an alcoholic and whenever he was drunk, he would abuse me and my mommy. I don't like dark forests because of him.."

Senri smiled and said to cooro "yeah.. both girls are good to have around"

Husky sighed as he picked up the wood he dropped: "i don't get you two"

Cooro looked at all the wood they had: "hey Senri, do you think this is enough wood?"

Senri nodded and said "yes, that's enough wood" then he started to lead the boys back to the area where camp is going to be set up

Husky followed him back to the sight and started setting up

Hime found some berries along the river as she started to pick them. She had a gently smile on her face as he ears and tail went away and she looked like a normal girl. She started to hum to herself.

Yomi replied "I see...well if you don't want to go in the forest, then i will go by myself if that will make you more comfortable" then she started to go into the forest

Nana sighed with relief "thanks.. I'll see you in a bit"

when he got there, Cooro put his wood down and looked over at Nana: "Where are Yomi and Hime?"

Nana said "Yomi and Hime are out finding stuff to eat and they'll be back shortly. I decided to stay and watch over the camp site."

Hime continued to pick berries and sing to herself. When she finished, she decided to sit with her feet in the river and play with the fish.

Yomi walked through the forest and she found some birds that could be killed and cooked for dinner. she took out her bow and arrows and aimed at the first bird and shot it, she did tha same for the other two birds. the birds were quite large so three was enough.

Senri helped cooro put the wood into a good position to make the fire. He wondered where Yomi and Hime were too.

Cooro looked at Nana: Oh, I hope that they stay safe.

Hime was still playing with the fish and singing. When it came to fish, she loved them. Well, actually, when it came to nature she loved it. So she stayed there a bit longer.

Senri finnished helping to set up camp and he said "I want to find hime"
then he walked to the forest to look for her

Nana stayed with Cooro and Husky to guard the camp site "I hope they are safe too"

Yomi walked back to camp after she shot and packed up the birds in a makeshift carrying bag "these birds will do nicely for dinner, they will taste great since we're cooking them over the fire"

Hime started to speak to the fish again with her royal accent on her tongue: "You are my friends, dear fish, and you will be as such. I do wonder why Father never let me have pets in the palace, but that is of no relavence now, I'm free."

Senri found Hime by the river, talking to the fish. he came to her side and sat next to her and said "I found you..we were worried" then he smiled and said "the river is nice isn't it"

Yomi got back to the camp and said "Hey everyone!! i have food to cook!!" she held up the bag. "hmmm, Hime isn't back yet, i wonder where she is"

Coor and Husky spoke at the same time: "Thank you, that sounds good. Where's Hime?"

Nana said "we don't know where Hime is either, Senri went to go look for her."

Husky exclaimed with a suprised expression "You mean to tell me that she's not with you!? I hope Senri finds her."

Yomi answered Husky: "I think Senri will find her and keep her safe" then she took the bird meat out of the bag and put them on top of the wood on the fire so they can cook

Hime looks up at Senri and smiles: "Yes it is, I love fish, well, actually I love all animals. I'm glad to be one too, it makes me special. Did you come here to get me Mr. Senri?"

Senri smiled at Hime and said "yes, i came for you"

Nana was hanging out with cooro, sitting under a tree at the camp site.

Hime got to her feet and made sure that the berries were safe: "Well, please lead the way Mr. Senri. I will follow." Hime followed Senri back to the camp site

Yomi saw Senri and Hime coming back to the camp safely "YAY! you guys are back! i got some food cooking"

Senri hugged Hime and he looked at the food cooking on the fire and sniffed it "hmm.. it needs something" then he took a litte handful of spices out of his pouch and sprinled it on the meat.

Nana was happy that Senri and Hime were back and she hugged Hime after senri hugged her

Husky sniffed the air: "That smells good Senri."

Cooro nodded his head: "It does, I can't wait ot eat it."

Senri turned to corro and Husky and said "thank you! it's almost done"

Hime hugged Nana, then went over to Senri with the berries: "I found these by the river, here." ~She put the berries down then walked over to a nice space for her to eat and sleep in~ "Sorry to have taken so long and worried you all."

Nana and Yomi said at the same time "at least you're safe!" then they smiled

Hime waved her hand as though it was nothing, "It's not like I'm such a bad survivalist that I was going to die. I am a fox you know, I can fend for myself if I had to." She smiled her koi smile as she looked over at Senri, "That does smell good Mr. Senri. I can't wait to eat it."

Cooro laid against the tree waiting to eat and daydreaming about food.

Husky went over to Senri's side, "Do you need some help with anything?"

Senri smiled and helped Hime to her feet "the food is ready now!" he turned "and no i'm fine Husky, thanks for asking"

Yomi checked on the food at the same time senri said it was ready "Yep, it's ready! come dig in everyone! thanks for the help Senri"

Nana tasted the berries that Hime Found and said "wow Hime! these berries are yummy!"

Hime went over to where Yomi was and started to eat very politely. She even had some of the berries. After dinner, she went over to the same spot she had picked for her place to sleep, and laid down.

Cooro and Husky continued to eat with the others.

Senri sat next to Hime as she laid down, he rubbed her back gently and smiled "good night"

Nana found a spot by a tree to sleep after she ate "nighty night everyone"

Yomi stayed awake with Corro and Husky, to make a conversation she asked "so... how did you guys become +Anima?"

Husky glared at her, "I don't like talking about it. It's none of your concern."

Cooro replied, "I've been a +Anima as long as I can remember. I don't know how I became one."

Yomi said to cooro "hmm..very interesting"
then she glared back at Husky "well fine then, Mr. Attitude" she snapped and crossed her arms across her chest

Senri fell asleep at Hime's side

Nana fell asleep too

Cooro looked over at everyone who was asleep and decided to go to sleep.

Husky ignored Yomi and went to sleep too.

Yomi couldn't fall asleep right away for some reason. she curled up like a cat and let her ears and tail come out and then she eventually fell asleep. And the Next Morning she was the first one awake, she got up and explored the forest for a while untill everyone else wakes up

Senri woke up soon after Yomi did, and continued to watch Hime sleep as she moved a lot in her sleep

Nana is still asleep

Hime wiggled around and said one thing while she did, "Father..."

Cooro and Husky were still asleep.

Yomi is still out in the forest, she uses her cat ears to listen for things and her catlike eyesight to see things. As she was walking she heard a noise like a twig snapping under someone's foot, but it wasn't her foot. she quickly drew her knife and said "come out! i heard you!.. show yourself!" then she heard a sound like a man breathing behind her, before she could react he had her in a choke hold and all she could do was manage a scream "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Senri heard the scream and shook Hime awake "someone's in trouble!!"

Nana woke up and heard the scream too, she let her bat ears come out and said "that was Yomi! she was captured by a strange man"

Husky jolted up and looked around, "Dammit!" He ran into the woods to help Yomi.

Cooro woke up too and used his +Anima to get a better view.

Hime woke up and looked at Senri, "Yomi!" She immediatly switched to fox mode and ran into the woods, following the scent she had on her nose. Her fangs were sharp and ready to tear anyone apart. "Yomi?!"

Yomi was tied up to a tree by her wrists and gagged with a cloth wrapped around her face and the man had cut her clothing with a knife, her top was ripped and her shorts were ripped too. yomi angrilly growled and was still in cat mode "grrrr you pervert!! you are gonna pay for this!!!" her speech was muffled by the gag.

the man said "now now kitty, let's not resist shall we?" he said sadistically as nelt down to Yomi's side and he had her chin is his hand to make her look at him.

Senri ran with Hime into the forest with his bear claw at the ready to attack. He saw the man with Yomi and he said "GET AWAY From HER!!!"
then he lunged at the man with his claw.

Nana flew into the sky and tried her ultrasonic screech to stun yomi's attacker, but he was out of range.

Husky got there and pulled out his staff and began to help Senri attack the man.

Cooro hovered next to Nana.

Hime ran over to Yomi and untied her, "What happened? Is he here for us? Is he part of the Astarian Military?" She was scared and she did her best to answer her own question, but was confused by his scent.

Yomi got up after Hime untied her "i'm not sure if he's from the military either..he just came up behind me and attacked me when he noticed that i was in cat mode. he might be a +Anima hunter" then Yomi hugged Hime "i'm scared too, i hope he doesn't go after the rest of us, i don't want us to end up like this.." then she showed Hime that her clothes were ripped and torn

Senri had the man pinned down to the ground, ready to be intrerrogated.

Nana continued to watch from above

Husky had he staff pointed at the man and interrigated him, "What's your business here? Why did you attack Yomi?"

Hime walked over to where the man was as her fangs and claws came out she knelt down and put one claw to the man's neck, "I'd answer if I were you. We might just kill you for what you did."

The man was scared "all right, all right i'll talk! I.. attacked the cat girl because i wanted her for...umm..my business..."

Yomi was furious, she hissed and spitted as an angry cat does "and what business would that be?!... you disgusting pervert!! she snapped

Nana was angry too "YEAH! what kind of business?!"

Senri still had the man pinned down

Husky didn't move his staff once as he replied, "You're a +Anima hunter. Well, how about we give you six +Anima, that is if you can catch us all." He had a devilish grin on his face as he said this.

Cooro flew down to Husky's side, "Yeah, catch us all, we are all +Anima after all."

Hime dug her claw into his neck, "A trader or killer, that's what I want to know. Or do you just like the girl +Anima because they bring up a good fight when it comes to fun stuff?"

the man groaned as Hime's claws dug into his neck and he replied "I-I'm a +Anima hunter...I sell the +Anima that i catch and this girl seemed like a good target...plus i just wanted to have some fun with her.."

Yomi hissed again and she was on all fours now with her back slightly arched "you.. you..BAKA HENTAI!!" she snapped at the man

Senri dug his claws into the man's flesh too

Nana said "KILL HIM! he doesn't deserve to live!!"

Hime didn't waste any time, after hearing Nana tell them to kill him, she did just that. She was raised in Astar, taught to fight there, and to show no mercy. She slashed her claw across his neck, and pulled it away with blood dripping from it.

Cooro and Husky stared at her in awe of what she just did.

The man dies from extreme blood loss

Yomi was relieved the the man was dead and she hugged Hime "thank you Hime!! he was really pissing me off"

Senri said "good job Hime" and patted her on the back

Nana was relieved too "yay! evil pervert dude is dead!!!"

Hime was tense as she changed back, then she saw the blood on her fingers. She shivered, and ran off to the river to clean it off.

Cooro sat down and looked over the man, "Well, I actually thought Senri was going to kill him, not Hime."

Husky nodded his head in agreement, "I didn't think that Hime would kill a person at all, she seems to innocent. I wonder what got hold of her when she did it?"

Yomi explained why Hime was able to kill the man "Hime was raised in Astar, and she learned to fight." she paused and continued "I was raised with her, so we have a sister-like connection even though we're not blood related, so that gave her the willpower to kill the man."

Senri watched as Hime went to the river to wash off the blood and he said "Hime did good, she's a good fighter but she should be careful"

Hime looked at the fish that came to sniff the blood, "Sorry, I have to soil your home with something impure." She got to her feet, and dried her hand on the cloak she was wearing. She went back to the camp sight and laid down to stare at the sky.

Husky seemed a little confused by everything, "Wait, if you were raised in Astar, then there should have been no reason for you to leave. Most of the Astarian people won't mind if +Anima live there, should they?"

Cooro shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't grow up in Astar."

Yomi looked over at Hime when she returned and continued the explination "that statement is only partly true in most cases, but with our case, Hime was the princess and feared that the people wouln't want to be ruled by a person who was part animal.. so that's why we left"

Senri was in awe "Hime was a princess?!" he was excited and went over to Hime and sat next to her and he smiled and stroked her hair gently like taking care of a prized possesion

Nana was excited too and she went over to Hime with Senri

Husky looked down at the ground and replied with nothing more than an oh.

Cooro went over to Hime with everyone else, and smiled at her.

Hime got up quickly, "Yes, I'm the Astarian Princess, whatever, stop acting so nice to me because you're afraid of me. It's stupid and dumb. Just leave me alone!" Hime ran into the woods by herself and climbed up a tree and hide herself with the branches and leaves.

Yomi sighed and said "you guys stay here, i'll go talk to her." then she followed Hime into the forest "Hime!! they are not afraid, they are just curious..."

Senri and Nana sighed

Hime threw a pinecone at Yomi, "Leave me alone Yomi, they don't understand, they'll treat me differently just because I am royalty. It sucks. Go away!"

Yomi caught the pinecone before it hit her and crushed it with her hand "look Hime, I'm sorry that I brought that up. They are nice people, they are treating you like any other person, they are not just being nice just because you're the Princess. All that happened was just curiosity and an interest in the story.

Hime flipped out of the tree and landed right on her feet, "Fine, then let's go back and see who is right." Hime walked back to the campsite and noticed that everyone was packing up.

Yomi saw everyone packing up too when Hime and her got to the campsite "huh? what's going on?"

Senri said "we want to move on to another place"

Nana nodded in agreement

Husky looked up at them, "You can come if you want."

Cooro went over to them and smiled, "Please come with us."

Hime looked at Cooro, "Alright. Let me help you guys get everything together." Hime went over to where she slept and started picked up her stuff.

Yomi said "thanks guys" and she started picking up her stuff as well "where are we gonna go exactly?"

Senri went over to Hime and helped her pick up her stuff "i'm glad you are coming"

Nana was already packed and ready to go

Husky finished and went over to Nana, "Wherever we want. The next town most likely. We really have no where to go, so we just go wherever we want."

Cooro finished and waited, "Pretty much what he said."

Hime finished quickly with Senri's help, "I'm happy to coming too Mr. Senri." She waited for Yomi to finish so they go on thier journey.

Yomi finnished packing and said "thank goodness there's a town nearby, I need new clothes, badly, considering what that jerk did to me." she smiled and walked with Hime and Senri

Senri held Hime's hand as they walked and on the way he picked up a flower and put it in her hair "this looks nice on you"

Nana walked with corro and Whispered to him "Do you think Senri likes Hime? y'know like like."

Husky went back to talk with Nana and Cooro, since he overheard what they were talking about, "I would be a little concerned if he did."

Cooro looked over at Nana, "I don't really know, maybe he's just being nice since she's royalty and all."

Hime giggled as he put the flower in her hair, "Thank you Mr. Senri, I do love flowers, I love all of nature." She smiled as she continued to walk to town with them.

Yomi saw a big archway with a sign that say's 'Maggieville' "hey guys i think we're here!"

Senri smiled back at her and then he showed her his book with a pressed flower in it "another pretty flower"

Nana said "hmm i don't think it's the royalty thing, i've noticed that ever since they showed up, Senri is like, going gaga over Hime"

Husky nodded, "Maybe, but remember he's a Kim-Un-Kur, and she's from Astar. They are natural rivals."

Cooro ran into the town, "Awesome, where should we stay?"

Hime looked at the flower, "Wow, that is really pretty." She giggled but when she looked up, she saw the colissium. "Wow, what's that? I've never seen one before."

Yomi smiled and said "that's a colliseum! i've only heard about them, but i've never thought that i'd get to see one up close!" then she looked around and turned to Cooro "hey Cooro! i think i found a place for us to stay!" she pointed to an Inn "but first i wanna get new clothes" so she started to walk towards a chothing shop. Inside the shop she greeted the shopkeeper with a bow and said "hello, i need to find some new clothes"

The shopkeeper bowed back and looked at Yomi from head to toe "my My, dear it does liook like you need clothes, let's see what we can find"
Then she got out a measuring tape and started taking Yomi's measurements

Senri looked at the Colliseum as well and said "do you wanna look inside later?"

Nana went with corro and Husky to reserve Rooms at the Inn

Hime started running towards the colissium, "Why not go check it out now?!"

Senri grabbed Hime's hand and said "we should wait for
the others"

At the shop, the shopkeeper showed Yomi a nice black tube top, a pair of black shorts, boots and a belt and arm coverings to go with them "l think that these will suit you necely" the shopkeeper handed yomi the clothes

Yomi took the clothes and said "thank you! i'll go try these on" then she went into the dressing room and made sure no one was gonna peek in her changing stall. Yomi out and the clothes fit pefectly! she walked out of the dressing room and paid bor the clothes "thanks again! bye bye" she waved and walked out of the shop

Nana had left Corro and Husky to go meet up with Yomi and she found her walking out of the shop "hey Yomi! those clothes look cool on you!" she smiled

Hime tugged at Senri's arm "Come on Senri! Where's your sense of fun!?"

Husky smiled, "Nice, now that you have your clothes and we set up a place for us to stay, shall we look around the place?"

Cooro already started looking around, "Um...that's sounds nice, but where are Senri and Hime?"

Yomi said "sure! let's go to the colliseum, i think Hime and Senri are there, Hime wanted to go inside" she led them all to the colliseum

Senri said "ok let's go inside, the others will probably meet us here"

Nana followed Yomi and the others

Hime walked around inside, "Wow...it's so big in here. I wonder what people do in a colissium?"

Cooro and Husky followed Yomi.

Yomi found Hime and Senri and said "wow this IS a big place huh. I think tournaments and other special events are held in places like this" she smiled as she looked at the place too

Senri looked at the place in awe and then smiled at Hime "hmm this place is interesting, who knew that this place is important"

Nana looked at the colliseum in awe with her jaw dropped "wow! this place looks awesome!"

Hime gave a big grin, "Special events, count me in." She ran down the corridor and disappeared around the corner. She ran into someone and asked them how to be part of the games, that's when she really disappeared.

Husky looked around, "It is big, maybe some of the prizes they hand out is money."

Cooro laughed at Husky, "Maybe, then we can buy some more food."

Yomi saw Hime disappear down the corridor and started to run after her "Dammit! wait for me Hime! Don`t do anything stupid!!"

Senri ran after Hime with Yomi "wait! Hime!"

Nana waited with the others "I hope they will be ok" she was tempted to go after them but decided not to

Husky looked out a window of the area, "Um...I think I found Hime. Come look at this."

Cooro came over and watched, "Wow, she's actually going to fight. I don't think Senri and Yomi are going to be too happy about this."

Hime smiled at the man she was opposing in battle, "Kind sir, I see you have a weapon, but I don't not. Do you mind making this a more fair a fight by putting your weapon down and fighting me like a real man would?"

Yomi saw Hime out in the arena from the entrance of the passageway that leads to it "dammit! she`s gonna get beat up, it`s my job as her friend and body guard to protect her! grrrrr dammit! she never listens to me"

Senri was frustrated too, he didn`t want Hime to get hurt either. he growled under his breath "Hime, don`t do this"

Nana was with Cooro and Husky, watching at the window. "ooh, I hope Hime is gonna be alright"

Hime looked at the man and gave him a wicked grin "well, what are you waiting for? come at me" man did as he was told, and once he got really close to Hime, she jumped in the air and moved around his body hitting each pressure point. He was paralyzed where he stood and when she landed on the ground she smiled at him again, "Sorry about this." She spin kicked him across the areana then ran at him with all her might. She jumped into the air and and landed right on his solarplex. She had won the match.

Husky looked amazed, "Where did she learn to do that?"

Cooro looked frightened, "Remind me not to get her mad."

Yomi saw what Hime had done, she was angry that Hime put herself in a dangerous situation. Yomi`s ears, tail, fangs and claws came out because she was mad and the pupils of her eyes became thin slits. she confronted Hime "what the hell do you think you were doing?! you could have been seriously hurt, or worse! you may have had combat training but this is ridiculus!!" she hissed

Senri was mad at Hime too because he didn`t want her to get hurt either "you shouldn`t have done that Hime! what were you thinking!?"

Nana watched what Hime had done in amazement "wow i wish i could do that. but why are Yomi and Senri mad at her?"

Husky replied to Nana's question "probably because she's a princess and she's not supposed to fight"

Hime shrugged, "Calm down Yomi, Mr. Senri. I did it so we could pay for the inn and because it looked like a lot of fun, and it was. Calm down a little, it's not like I was going to die or anything." She walked off and told Husky, Cooro, and Nana that she was going to the inn to help pay, then she left the colisseum.

Yomi calmed down a little since Hime explained why she fought in the games "alright, at least you didn`t get seriously hurt" she was walking with her to the Inn

Senri was relieved when he heard Hime`s reason too "ok, at least you`re safe now" he was walking with them at Hime`s side

Nana walked with Cooro and Husky "At lest she did well, and didn`t get hurt badly"

Once at the inn Husky turned around, "I was able to get two rooms. How should we split it up?"

Cooro looked at Husky, "I don't mind where I sleep."

Hime went to the clerk behind the counter and gave them the money. When she came back she gave her opinion, "I don't really mind where I sleep either, as long as I can take a hot bath. That guy was gross to the touch, and smelled of smoke. I want to wash that away."

Yomi smiled at Hime and said "yeah, a hot bath does sound good right now, I think i'll take one after you"

Senri said "I want to be with Yomi and Hime"

Nana said "ok three to a room, Husky, Corro and I in one and Senri, Yomi and Hime In the other"

Hime looked over at Senri, then at Yomi, "Alright, now that that's settled I'm going to our room to take a nice hot bath. Knock if you need me." Hime went to the room she was sharing with Yomi and Senri and went to the bath.

Husky nodded his head, "Alright." He went to his room with Cooro following behind him.

Yomi smiled at Hime "okie dokie then, enjoy. i`ll be taking one after you" then she gave a thumbs up and a wink. she claimed the bed she wanted to sleep on in the bedroom while Hime was in the bathroom taking a bath.

Senri smiled at Yomi and claimed the bed that he wanted to sleep on

Nana went with Cooro and Husky to their room "wow this is a nice room!" she said, admiring the nice comfy beds inside.

Cooro claimed his bed as he laid down, "You're right, this place is nice. We should thank Hime for paying for it."

Husky nodded as he sat down, "Yeah, we should all pitch in to help pay for things though."

Hime came out of the shower dressed, but her hair was wet and let down. She had long red hair and her ribbon was in her hand. She went of to Yomi's bed, "You're turn Yomi, I'm all done." She laid down on the bed as she watched Yomi leave.

Yomi smiled and said "sweet! i`ll be back" she got out her pajamas from her travel bag, which was a black spagetti strap tank top made of silk and black silk shorts and went to the bathroom for her shower. The water felt good running down her body after camping out and getting dirty "ahh this is nice" she said to herself

Senri went to sit with Hime on Yomi`s bed, he had Hime in his lap and was holding her gently "i want to tell you something..but i don`t know were to start"

Nana claimed her bed and got ready to go to sleep "i`m tired, good night guys"

Husky put his hand to the light, "Yeah, it's getting late. We should all get some rest. Good night."

Cooro was already asleep.

Nana is asleep too

Hime looked at Senri with her usual, happy smile as she replied, "What is it Mr. Senri? You can tell me, I promise to keep it a secret if you want me to."

Yomi got out of the shower and put on her pajamas and brushed her teeth and hair

Senri smiled back and said "well...ever since i met you, there's something about you that..I love about you and that makes me...umm... well.. what i'm trying to say is..I think you're beautiful and I..love you." he held Hime close to his chest in a hug

Hime smiled as she hugged Senri, "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me Mr. Senri. I...think I love you too."

Yomi walks into the room from the bathroom when she was done getting ready for bed right at the moment when Hime and Senri were Hugging "aww so cute!" she smiled "ok guys it's time to go to bed" she got into bed

Senri got off the bed as he stroked Hime's hair and smiled "good night, sweetie"

Hime blushed as she said good night to everyone and went to her bed and fell asleep.

Yomi said good night too and went to sleep "nighty night!"

Senri fell asleep too. Then the next morning he was awake first and decided to explore the town a little bit and meet the others back at the Inn when they all woke up. "ah what a nice nmorning" he said as he went outside quietly

Husky woke up and decided to wake the other up, "Nana, Cooro, get up."

Cooro woke up and stared at Husky, "What?"

Hime was still sound asleep.

Nana yawned, stretched and woke up "g'morning guys"

Outside, a man in a mask found senri and recognized him as a Kim-un-Kur. He snuck up behind him and sprayed knock out gas at senri and tied him up in a sack, with his head sticking out.

Before Senri could react, he passed out

Yomi sensed that something wasn't right and she woke up with a jolt "huh?! whats' going on?" she said to herself quietly. she quickly got dressed and left a note for Hime ~I'm going out for a bit. i'll be back to meet up with you and the others
she went outside and saw that senri was being dragged off in a sack "NO!" she ran after senri's capturer

Then another man came along, also wearing a mask, confronted Yomi
"well well, where do you think you're goin' missy?" he chuckled in his gruff voice

Husky heard the scream and ran to Hime's room, he woke up Hime and they all ran downstairs. Husky was prepared to fight, as well as Hime.

Cooro took to the air to find some help.

Hime's fox ears and tail came out along with her claws and fangs.

Yomi tried to not show her ears and tail but they popped out anyway "that's a companion of ours that you captured, we want him back!" she hissed at the man and was ready to pounce on him

The man saw that she was a +Anima and knocked Yomi out before she could react and put her in a sac too. "now now, be a good kitty" he chuckled

Nana screamed "OH NO! they got Senri and Yomi!!" she took to the air with Cooro

Husky pulled out his staff and started to fight with Hime by his side attacking with her claws and fangs.

the man that took Senri snuck back and took the sack with Yomi in it while the other man was preoccupied with Hime and Husky. then he took the two sacks to the slave auction place to get the captured +Animas ready to be sold

The other man grabbed Husky's staff and disarmed him and knocked him out and then defended himself against Hime's fang and claw attacks "man, this chick is a firecracker" he mumbled to himself

Hime's anemia started to kick in and she started to slow down and got weaker. She continued to fight with anything she had left.

The man got behind her and got her into a headlock, he managed to capture her with only getting a few scratches and bites, he tied her up with her hands behind her back and carried her in the direction that the man with Senri and Yomi went

At the slave auction place, Senri was the first for bidding on his price. the announcer says "here is a male Kim-Un-Kur bear +Anima, he posseses a wild power and might make a great fighter or body guard."

Senri stood motionless with a very stern expression on his face. his hands were bound behind his back

Someone said "I'll pay 7,000 gillah for him!" and then Senri was Bought

the announcer said "Sold!" then senri's new master came up and claimed him and put a leather collar on him, and senri started to get agitated. Yomi was next for bidding, the announcer said "next we have a female cat +Anima, she is a little on the fiesty side but if you dicipline her she should obey. She could be good as a house keeper or a bodyguard."
Yomi stood there as her description was being read and she started to get agaitated as well, the pupils of her eyes became slits, her ears turned back and her tail stiffened. she growled. her hands were bound behind her back as well. she thought to herself "man, where is Hime??!"

someone else said "I'll buy the cat-girl for 6,500 gillah!" and Yomi was bought and her master put a black collar with a chain on her

Hime continued to struggle, "Release me at once! I'm Kit, Princess of Astaria! I demand that you release me under royal decree!" She continued to struggle with all the might she had left.

Husky did his best to figure out where he was in the bag he was placed in.

Cooro watched the auction wonder what he should do to help and where Husky and Hime were.

the man who had Hime chuckled "well well, princess, looks like you're gonna get the 'royal treatment'" he still had Hime even though she was still struggleing. and finally got Hime ready to be sold.

Yomi's bindings around her hands were removed and her new master pulled her along by the chain "c'mon kitty, i've got work for you.. hehehe." her master chuckled

Senri got very very agitated and his bear claws came out and he slashed open his bindings, then he saw Hime being carried in and he yelled in anger "LET HER GO!!!!!!" then he lunged at Hime's capturer. he was out of control with rage because they captured Hime.

Yomi got even more agitated, so agitated in fact that she went absolutely crazy, she hissed at her master and yanked the chain on her collar from his hand and went on all fours and pounced on him with her claws digging into his chest "I am no one's so called 'kitty'!!!" she snapped at him and made him bleed to death from his chest wounds. then she saw Hime being carried in too and pounced on the man who had her and cut Hime's bindings

Nana went with Cooro to help Husky

Hime noticed how crazy Yomi and Senri were getting, so she jabbed Yomi in the back to calm her down and then ran in front of Senri, "Please Senri, calm down. She took the flower out of her hair and showed it to him, "Please calm down."

Senri was so out of control that his vision was distorted and was not thinking clearly and he scratched Hime on the arm accidentally, thinking it was someone else.

Yomi passed out for a minute because the area where Hime jabbed was a pressure point on her back. when she came out of the unconsiousness, she saw that Hime was hurt by Senri and she lunged in between them and said "NO! stay away from her!" she turned to Hime and said "this is the true nature of the Kim-Un-Kur, he may have been acceptible before, but not now. He's too dangerous for you!"

Hime got to her feet, but fell back down, her anemia was really kicking, but she did her best to respond, "Sorry, but you're wrong Yomi." She step around Yomi and looked at Senri, then she put her claw to her neck and dug it in, but she didn't last long, she passed out on the ground from the blood loss.

Yomi shook her head in frustration when Hime passed out. she took out the ribbon in her hair and let her shoulder length black hair fall into place and wrapped the ribbon around Hime's arm to bandage up the cuts on her arm and the tore a piece of clothing from one of the dead people and wrapped around Hime's neck to bandage the cuts on her neck. then she looked at Senri "senri, why did this happen?"

Senri Calmed down finally and said "it's a long story..." then he held Hime in his arms "when i was young, i became a +anima when my father was killed by a rogue bear..my father was a bear +anima and his power got passed onto me, and apparently even some of the power of the rogue bear along with it..."

Hime moved around as she tried to get a hold of herself. When she woke up and noticed where she was she jumped out of Senri's arms and sat still. She was scared, but tried to hide it as best she could.

Yomi watched as Hime woke up and went to her side to see if she was ok, she nelt down and sat and checked Hime's vital signs like her pulse and breatheing. "are you ok Hime?...Senri explained why everything happened.. apparently when he bacame a +Anima, some power from a rogue bear went into him and that's what made him go crazy when he got mad"

Senri watched hime closely too and nodded as Yomi explained what he said to her. "yeah, that's what happened. I'm glad you are ok"

The suddenly Nana flew in, exausted and breatheing heavily "GUYS! Husky has been taken to the city of Stella to be sold!! WE GOTTA GO QUICK!!" then she flew off again. quick like a flash.

Hime got up quickly and swayed for a minute, "Yes, I'm fine. We have to save Husky, who knows what kind of people will buy him, and how they will treat him." She started running, then realized they would need a plan to get to Stella in time to get Husky, she stopped ans asked "Um...how do you suppose we get there?"

Yomi suggested "if we can find something that will get us there quicker, like riding horses or driving a carriage, we can get there quickly"

Senri nodded in agreement

Hime decided to use her +Anima to find something to take them. She started sniffing around and got something, "I think I found some horses." She started following the scent.

Yomi used her +Anima too and caught the scent along with Hime "wow you're right! there are some horses across the field from here."

Senri said "good! lets' go!"

When Hime reached the horses she realized something, "Um...Yomi, we have a small problem. Remember those horse-back riding lessons I took? Well, I never really went." She gave a small giggle.

Yomi sighed "you should have gone Hime! oh well, i guess you can ride with me or Senri, horses are strong and can carry up to two people on their backs."

Senri nodded and said "yeah! you can ride with either of us or we can teach you how to ride."

Hime nodded, "I'll run for as long as I can as a fox, and when I get tired I'll ride with one of you. Let's hurry!" She changed into a full fox, but with a flower.

Yomi nodded and then she concentrated on the horse she wanted to get. she jumped on it's back and she stayed on as it bucked and kicked, she eventually got it to obey and she started riding.

Senri smiled and then caught a horse and tamed it too, which he was good at since he was one with nature as a Kim-Un-kur. He started riding not very far behind yomi.

Hime started running after them, she could still speak clearly to them, "Alright, should we look for Cooro and Nana? Or should I sniff out Husky?"

Yomi said as she was riding "Cooro and Nana are looking for Husky too, so I think meeting up with them will work."

Senri agreed and rode at Hime's side as she ran as a fox "are we close to where Nana and Cooro are? can you smell them?"

Hime nodded, "I smell apples, so that's what I'm following." She continued to run.

Yomi giggled "ok! Corro sure does love apples! good work"

Senri said "yeah. Cooro eats anything really."

Hime stopped and changed back carefully because of her arm, and looked up at the sky, "Hey!" She waved up at Cooro and Nana.

Cooro flew down, "Hey, glad you guys could make it."

Yomi smiled as Cooro and Nana came down "hey! we found you!! any luck with finding Husky yet? we came to help you" then she dismounted her horse and gave Cooro a hug

Senri dismounted and smiled at everyone "I'm glad you're all safe, now let's just hope that Husky is safe"

Nana gave Hime a hug and said "i'm glad you guys could make it too! Husky got sold already..to a man called Lord Hercius, he is a painter for the king of Sailand"

Hime gave a weak smile, "I could try and negotiate with Lord Hercius, but there might not be any luck to it. I mean, I have no jeristiction in Sailand, being the princess of Astar has nothing with Sailand, so all I can think of is to find him and go from there."

Cooro nodded, "Maybe if we become Lord Hercius's slaves we can break Husky out."

Yomi liked Hime's plan but thought Cooro's was ridiculus "What?! are you crazy Cooro?! I think we should go with Hime's plan" she smiled at Hime

Senri liked Hime's plan as well "all in favor of Hime's plan raise your hand!" he raised his hand

Nana said to cooro "Yomi is right, becoming slaves could be dangerous and risky"

Hime nodded "Okay, then let's go to Lord Hercius's home and start negotiaiting about Husky." She changed back into a fox, winced because of her hurt arm and neck, then started running. "Come on."

Cooro nodded "Coming. We'll go with your plan." He took to the air following the limping fox.

Yomi followed close to Hime so she can look after her since she was injured "yeah! let's go!" if you need to rest, just let me know ok hun." Yomi was in cat mode with her ears and tail out so she can act quickly if something happens

Senri Followed close to Hime too, he cares about her a lot.

Nana flew with Cooro

Hime yelled up to Cooro and Nana, "It's getting late! You two come down and we'll rest for the night." She changed back into herself and sat on the desert dirt.

Cooro flew down to her side and saw the bandages, "What happened? Did you get sold to a mean master?"

Yomi explained what happened "Hime was captured and senri and i saved her. But...senri got really mad becuase Hime was captured and he lost control and hurt her...we were all captured, but we escaped" she sat down next to Hime to check her bandages

Senri nodded as Yomi explained "yeah...I felt bad after hurting Hime accidentally too." then he nelt down and stroked Hime`s hair

Nana was amazed at the story Yomi told "wow...i`m glad you guys are ok now"

Hime winced a bit, not only at the fact that Yomi was undoing her bandages, but also because Senri was stroking her. She was still a bit scared that he would hurt her again, even though she loved him deeply, she still feared him a bit, and what he was.

Cooro gave a sigh of relief, "I'm glad you guys are alright. We don't know what we would have done if you guys weren't around to help us and all."

Yomi looked at Cooro as she worked "yeah.. the fact that we're +Animas helped a lot." then turned back to Hime when she was done changing the bandages "ok hun, all done" she smiled

Senri noticed that Hime was scared and tried to comfort her

Nana said "as soon we're done resting, we need to save Husky as soon as possible."

Hime nodded as she thanked Yomi and went over to a quiet place and went to sleep. She was tired and she was scared.

Cooro followed Hime example and also went to sleep.

Yomi watched as Hime went to sleep in her quiet place. when Hime fell asleep Yomi went to sleep too

Senri watched over Hime longer than Yomi did, he was very concerned about Hime like Yomi is. he quietly went to her side and stroked her hair gently without waking her up.."i'm sorry if that was a scary experience.." he said softly and then he went to sleep

Nana went to sleep next to Cooro...

Hime was fast asleep but she moved a bit as she rolled over.

Cooro was sound asleep.

Yomi was sound asleep too, curled up sort of like a cat.
The next morning she woke up before everyone else and just sat quietly, thinking to herself and meditating.

Senri was still asleep.. and then he woke up later and saw what Yomi was doing and he smiled and thought that was a good idea too so he started meditating too.

Nana was asleep still.

Hime woke up and went over to Cooro and shook him, "Time to wake up Cooro. We need to go save Husky."

Cooro rolled over and was still asleep.

Yomi saw that Hime was waking up Cooro and she walked over to help.
she started tickling Cooro to wake him up. "C'mon sleepyhead! time to get up!!!"

Senri smiled as he saw what Hime and Yomi were doing

Nana was still asleep but woke up from the commotion.

Cooro woke up and looked around, "Alright. When should we head out? Should Nana and I fly ahead?"

Hime walked over to where she was sleeping and picked up a white ribbon as she tied it in her hair, "I don't think that would be a bad idea, but you would need to be really careful. This is slave territory, so if they see you, they might want to make you their slaves, or sell you."

Yomi agreed with Hime "yeah, just look at what happened to us for example." she paused and then continued "since you have wings i think you will be fine for now, just don't get caught."

Senri walked over to Hime's side and said "we will watch your backs down here on the ground"

Nana let her wings out and stood by Cooro. "alright so let's get going"

Cooro nodded as he jumped into the air and started flying off.

Hime changed into a fox and started running in the direction that Cooro was flying.

Yomi changed into a full cat that was white but with the black band markings on the tail and ran alongside Hime, following Cooro and Nana. Yomi has never used her full cat form before so this was kind of new "wow this is kinda wierd but it feels awesome!!" she said as she ran

Senri followed closely behind and said to Hime " i think Stella will be easy to find"

Nana flew with Cooro, on the lookout for anything that could cause trouble.

Cooro stopped and flew back down to the ground when he reached a wall, "I think we found it."

Hime changed back into herself and stared at the wall, "Alright...now, to find Husky. Where do you think he'd be in a place like this?"

Yomi changed back into herself too and wondered the same thing Hime did "I'm not sure, but my instincts tell me that he would be in a room somewhere in the interior of this mansion, perhaps by a pool or his room has a pool in it..." then Yomi though of a plan "hey Hime, i have an idea, i think you can get inside if you act like a stray pet fox and win over Lord Hercius's heart with your cuteness. and once you get inside you can let us in and we'll get Husky." she paused and looked around for a moment "you can let me in through that vent over there and i can get in when i'm a cat and you can open windows for Cooro and Nana"

Senri listened to Yomi's plan and thought it would work "i think we should go for it!"

Nana agreed

Hime nodded her head, "Alright, if you all think it is going to work." She took the ribbon from her hair and tied it around her neck to make it a collar. She changed into a fox and pretended to limp to the front of Lord Hercius house, where she pawed at the door.

Lord Hercius came to the door when he heard Hime pawing. He looked down at the cute little fox and said "oh my! where did you come from little one?" he picked up Hime gently and held her in hs arms "you must be lost, but i think i can give you a good home here" he took her inside

Yomi and the others hid behind some bushes so they were not seen by Hercius and waited for Hime to do her thing

Hime purred as Lord Hercius picked her up and carried her inside. She waited for him to put her down so she could look for Husky.

Lord Hercius put Hime down so she can explore the house "ok little one, go and familiarize yourself with your new home!"

Hime sniffed the air and then limped off in the direction that she picked up Husky's scent. When she reached the room, she changed into herself and closed and locked the door. She turned around to face Husky, "Thank goodness you're alright." She opened the window and banged on the vent for Yomi.

Husky was in the water dressed as a girl and looked at her, "What are you doing here?! Where's everyone else?!"

Yomi heard the vent open and she turned into a cat and went inside, she fit perfectly. then she said to Cooro and Nana "ok guys! that's our cue!" then she snuck around in the house to keep an eye out

Senri stood watch outside

Nana flew with Cooro in through the window of Husky's room "Husky! we found you!!!" then she looked at his outfit "oh my!! that outfit..it's wonderfull!!"

Husky blushed as he pulled away from them, "Guys...what are you doing here? I don't need your help. I've got everything under control."

Nana's eyes sparkled and she clapped her hands together in happiness "we cane to get you out of here!" she giggled. then she turned to Cooro "ok you grab from behind and i grab up front??" she whispered to him

Cooro nodded, "Okay." Cooro went for Husky and grabbed his tail as he pulled him out of the water.

Husky struggled and argued with them, "Release me. I've got everything under control!"

Yomi waited in her Hiding spot for the right moment

Nana giggled "no you don't silly, if you did you wouldn't be here" she grabbed Husky around the waist and pulled him out of the water along with Cooro

Yomi saw lord Hercius coming down the hallway, so she still hid from him. then she decided to distract Him, she walked in front of him and then sat right in from of him and meowed "meeeow"

Lord Hercius was puzzled and said "huh? where did you come from little one? i don't remember getting a cat..hmmmm" then he turned his back for a moment...

Hime changed into a fox as she limped over to Lord Hercius. She snuggled against him like a pet.

Husky cursed as Cooro and Nana flew him away from Lord Hercius.

Yomi nodded her head at Hime and winked as she was cuddleing Lord Hercius along with her

Hercius scratched his head in confusion at the two cute animals snuggleling him. then he smiled and said "aww these two are so cute" then he nelt down and petted Hime and yomi

Hime purred as she limped over to the door behind Hercius and ran outside it.

Cooro flew Husky down to where Senri was and put him down, "There. Now we wait for Yomi and Hime."

Lord Hercius turned his back again and in that split second, Yomi changed back into her human form and knocked him out by kicking him in the solarplex like Hime did at the colliseum without him noticing that she changed

Yomi escaped through the back door of the house while Hercius was out cold. she met the others outside "ah! yay! we all made it!"

Senri was relieved that they were safe "yeah, i think they will get out alright. i'm glad this plan is working" and he winked at Hime and gave his best smile

Nana was happy that the plan went well too

Husky struggled and when he was let go he yelled at them, "What are you doing?! I had everything under control!"

Hime changed back into herself as she looked around, "Calm down Husky, we were saving your carcass."

Yomi looked at Husky and rolled her eyes and added to what Hime said "Yeah we were just saving you" she paused and continued "and no, if you had everything under control we wouldn't have had to save you in the first place." she had one hand on her hip and the other doing an "i told you so" gesture

Senri came over to Hime and said "you guys did well! now i think we should get out of this place...I think I would like to go to the mountain and see how my people are doing.."

Nana agreed with Senri "yeah! lets get the heck out of here!"

Cooro jumped into the air and started to fly, "Yeah, let's head to the mountains. This place is dangerous."

Hime nodded her head in agreement with Senri, but she walked over to Husky and whispered in his ear, "Myrrha, if you had this under control, why were you a prisoner?" She gave him a wicked smile and ran off changing into a fox.

Husky gritted his teeth, "Stupid girl..." He faced the others, "Is there a way we can get to the mountains, or are we walking?"

Yomi turned into a cat and started following Hime. She looked back at the others and said, "the mountain isn't far from here, we'll be ok."

Senri followed and nodded his head "yeah, it isn't"

Nana flew with cooro

Husky followed Senri with a bit of a pissed off look on his face.

Hime followed Husky, still limping, this time it wasn't fake. Her arm still hurt from where Senri had attacked her.

Yomi noticed that Hime was limping and pawed at her back to get her attention "hey, hun are you ok? you're limping and i think you need to rest a minute and let me see your arm."

Senri saw that Hime was limping too and agreed with Yomi that she needed to rest

Hime shook her head, "Not to worry. I'm perfectly fine." She continued without giving it another thought.

Cooro flew down closer to them, that way he didn't get too far ahead.

Husky looked at Hime and sighed, "Alright, if I have to ask, what happened to her?"

Yomi answered Husky's question "We were captured and she got hurt accidentally by Senri, because he wemt crazy."

Senri said "yeah, that's pretty much it" then he looked at Hime because she was still limping

Nana did the same as Cooro did

Hime ignored what they were talking about, but turned around, "How far till we reach the mountains?"

Husky replied, "Oh..." He nothing left to say in the matter.

Yomi replied to Hime "i see the mountains straight ahead!! not much farther!!"

Senri said "yes! we're almost there!"

Hime gave a sigh, "Wonderful. We can rest."

Husky watched everyone, "Why are we going to the mountains anyway?"

Yomi smiled at Hime and said "yes! you`re right, we can rest" then she turned to Husky and answered him "Senri wants to come here to the mountains to visit his people and see if everything is alright."

Senri said "yes, it has been a while since I`ve seen my people" then he looked at Hime and opened his arms for her to come to him "come here, you can rest with me"

Cooro flew to the ground, "Um...there's a bear ahead of us..."

Husky whipped his head around from Yomi, "What?!"

Hime sighed, "Great! How are we supposed to handle a bear?!" She ran ahead to fight, but forgot that she was in fox for and got hit away and banged into a tree. She yiped in pain and knocked out on the ground.

Yomi saw Hime get hurt. she shouted "NOOO!! Hime!" as she quickly turned to her human form and picked up fox Hime and held her in her arms "I`ll protect you" she wrapped fox Hime in a cloth to keep her safe.

Senri`s eyes widened at the sight of the bear..."wait...i know this bear" then he turned to Yomi and Hime and said "let me handle this" and his claws came out and he faced-off with the bear.

Nana flew above to stay out of the way and she watched.

Husky ran over to where Hime and Yomi were, "Is she alright? We better get out of here."

The bear fought with Senri, but activated his berserk self during the fight.

Yomi was still holding fox Hime in her arms and said "we should...but" she stopped mid sentence and notices Senri starting to go crazy "we should stay for Senri"

Senri was getting more and more crazy as he was fighting the bear. He slashed his claws at it and growled at it.

The bear winced and yelped in pain and ran off, but not before it hit Senri.

Husky ran over to Senri, "Are you alright Senri?"

Cooro flew down to help Senri out as well, "What happened to make you act like that?"

Senri was bleeding on the right side of his face where the bear had hit him and formed cuts. He was out of control and he was breatheng heavily and growling, he looked like he was ready to kill..

Yomi was still protecting Hime, she layed her down underneath a bush so Senri couldn't see her and she ran out in front of Cooro and Husky and assumed a defensive fighting stance "stay away, he's unsrable and could attack at any moment...this was caused by his rogue bear power awakening."

Husky took a step back, "What?!"

Cooro flew into the air with Husky in hand.

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