not to long ago when something bad would happen to me i would just let the bridge connected to my problems crumble. never again. i'm rtying so hard to be a strong person, no matter what i face i guess i'll just take on one part at a time no matter how difficult. and i know i'll never give up on my hopes and drams. alot of people say that things you dram are far from your grasp. but i wont let them stay that far from me. i dont care if i have to move mountians, swim rivers, run valleys, and go thru all bloody hell to accive my drams, because thats why i live. i live for my goals in life. i cant tell you how many time i've almost given up. locking myself in the bathroom with assortments of pills and razors. and then i look in my reflection and say " dont be strong for yourself be strong for what you want most in life' i know preobly no one reads these when i post them casue i rarely get comments in my jounal posts but i dont care.. i just needed to say this. not only to let people know but to assure the confidence in myself and stop my stomach from being in a knot. i know i'm not perfect liek the perfect child i was"born to be" but i feel like i'm the ultimate me and continueing to grow. i know i can go anywhere i wanna go and do anything i want ot do just becsue i know atleast one person in this world believes in me smile thanks again i cant say it enough. like how i always say i'll keep my promises to you