Dusting off Tiger's old Journal
Well hello there guys. Whoever you are that still reads this. Which is like... no one, haha.
Has anyone noticed that Journals need a major revamping? I mean, my Tektek post styles don't even show up here. Lame.
So, what's new in the life of Tiger to tell y'all about?
First of all, you should all know I have not slept yet tonight. AND HOLY SNAP IT'S 9 AM! AVATAR IS ON!
So, even though it's been no time for you folks, it's now an hour later for me. And because of Avatar, why don't I start there?
So, everyone knows The Last Airbender is coming out. I kinda want to see the movie. Kendall wants to see it too, but he wants to watch the TV show first. So, I've found it on Nicktoons TV! And I loooove it. But I keep finding random episodes that take palce all throughout the different seasons, so I'm so confused!! lol.
Speaking of Kendall. He's only my quasi-boyfriend right now. We're slowly working our way towards a break, but because we're also best friends, this is a bad time to be broken up and not talking to each other. So we postponed our total breakup until August sometime. Woot >>
Not sure how I feel about all of it yet. I kind of want to be single, but I do love Kendall, even if he does annoy the s**t out of me sometimes. WHY AM I ALWAYS SO COMPLICATED!?!? xP
Ummm... We went to the beach :3 I got freckly, lol.

Tiger doesn't tan, she gets freckly. AND I DIDN'T GET SUNBURNED! =D
Um. What else.
I'm home. Done with college. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? D: I'm a college graduate! Now what? Haha. I'm looking for a job close to home-ish, cause, well... it's easy and I can save money.
So the reason for me being up all night? GIANT ******** BUG. I thought I saw it scuttle across my floor, but then couldn't find it, so I got my Kitty. She sees something on the wall a little later ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF MY ROOM D: D: D: D: So, we try and kill it. It flees out into the hall and by the time I get out there and get a light on to see, it's halfway down the hall. So, I go after it and boom. Thing ends up in my parents room gonk
Let's see... do I have anything else? Ooh, I did get my new phone biggrin And Texting blaugh I really really like it.
*looks through old-recent entries to get ideas*
OOH! I saw Toy Story 3 with Adam. IT. IS. EPIC. I'm not a big fa of the Toy Story series, but this movie had me bawling. Even if Adam's mom was all emo about it >.> Stupid emo people, gettin' on my nerves.
I repeat what I've always said: Life is what you make it. If you're gonna expect life to suck and bad things to happen, that's what you're gonna get. If you wake up in the mornings going "I'm going to have a good day today" or "Life is good. I have X, Y, and Z to be happy about" then that's how your day and your life will be. I mean, I can't say too much cause sometimes I wake up and I'm just like "******** YOU WORLD." But then, eventually, I force myself to suck it up because it's no use making myself and everyone around me miserable because my moods are in flux.
So, on a slightly related note, Adam and I went to BaM and were reading horoscope books. Basically, Geminis are split personalities xD But I already knew that. Being a Gemini embodies the whole idea of twins- two. Duel. You go from one extreme to another and it's crazy. It was funny cause when I checked it with Pisces, it said we're both split personalities- the twins and the 2 fish. All I had to say was does that mean Kendall and I's children would be mermaids? lol.
As we were looking at the books, we also looked at a bunch of different other interesting things. I have much to learn ._. Chakras were interesting. And OMG, there is this Tarot book that I WANT. The Idiot's Guide to Tarot. Seems silly, yes, but they had like 24530845 different spreads you can do as well as an interesting breakdown of everything else.
Maybe I'll become a witch <|:-} lol, I made a witch smiley face.
*cricket chirp*
Ok, that's all!
Quotiness: It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. ~Edmund Hillary