I now am excited since I was promoted from member to Crew in the BPD. I also were able to make peace with the US ARMY guild in a very strange way. I now also join other guilds to help gaia or see if I can go undercover in any of them. My favorites are though SWAT AND BPD. I joined few amounts of guilds compared to their daily schedule of member invitations. I was though excited about being a crew member.


This is the SEALS banner that I got. I showed them the idea and the banenr can be found on my profile and several other pic of what guild I am in are on there also.

Lately I've been posting and looking at forums more than spending time with others, I think it's just a repeated stage I am going into because of the Police Cop Guilds. It's good to see a crime post or anything like that so I can help track them, and even at times stop them. I try my best to hang out with my friends, but so much is going on lately that I can barely even go to a rally and talk for about ten minutes without getting a PM about the Guilds. But at the same time, it's a thrill ride that relaxes me in many ways. Not sure how that works, but still.


I was in the GPD forums and I found out that my old account, iipancakedpwnd, was promoted to Crew after it got banned. I was angry at first but then thought of what I only did on the GPD forums, which was only reading it. I barely even tried to catch any criminals. But now, I became more active to it and have gained alot more experience in the field.