Thursday, March 2, 2006
Current mood:
Current music: Lovefool - The Cardigans
For the past few hours i've been singing this song and dancing. I'm seriously in love with it. Not alot has happened lately and that pisses me off. I suppose we should start on what did happen.
I broke up with Eric. Why? Because... I'm a jerk like that. I mean, I know this sounds shallow but he's not someone I can be proud of. I would hesitate to say that we're going out. I knew this would happen from the beginning. And he's so... social. I know that also sounds stupid but he is. He just talked way too much. and you all know i'm quiet a shy and quiet person or atleast I am in real life. I would actually fake sick and fake being tired so he wouldn't talk so much. He's still really sweet and nice just... now that i'm not dating him we get along better. The fact that he follows me to my lunch table does bother me a bit. I suppose i'll just have to deal with it.
I've been hanging out with kieran and Jecika alot more lately. We've officially become mischief buddies. ^-^ Causing mischief all over school or atleast pretending we are. Our mornings before school usually consist of Kieran climbing melinda the tree, some form of running around, dancing to the band while it's practising before school, and yelling things across the courtyard. It's amazing... I've becomes way less gothic. Most of you know that I was a major scary gothic freak about 7 months ago. Now I'm just Terra. I wear what I want and of course I will always enjoy my visits to Hottopic. ^-^
I've been slaking off at school. I'm sorry. I feel really bad. I feel like i've let down my family. Atleast report cards don't come out for another 3 weeks so I still have some time to straighten things out. I'm going to buckle down so I don't have to live as a hobo for the rest of my life. I think the reason i've taken my attention off school is because of myspace and gaia. I'm so sucked into the online chatting and "popularity contest" on these sites. If you're popular online how cool can you really be in real life? You spend all your time on her and you have a pimped out avi. I guess you don't have much of a social life.
I've also decided i'm going to try and be nicer to people. Not talk behind their back and be more tolerant of people. I'm alot nicer than most people but yelling at stupid guys in my health class for being immature isn't going to help even though they do need a good beating. Most of them i'd just like to set on fire but there's not much I can do about that. I mean, farting and calling eachother tubby or booby face is not that attractive. They can ruin their lives if they want to. I will not be dragged down with them. And I will not continue to be everyone lacky and servant. I do like the attention but it's one of those negative attention things.
I've realized that I'm not going to be cute for much longer. I've gained a repulation for being that small, cute, adorable, huggable girl that everyone loves. Widening my big puppy dog eyes and acting adorable isn't going to get me out of everything for much longer. I've thought about using my evil powers as much as possible while I still have them but I don't want to end up like hannah. She's so small and has that sweet little voice that melts people. I just want to ring her neck. I'm sure she's a sweet person but she just annoys the s**t out of me. That "i'm so small and innocent and i'm going to use that to get whatever I want and to get other other people in trouble" voice. Well, I guess I should cut her some slack. She came in during the middle of the year because she decided to skip a grade and she wants to be accepted in some way. I wanted so badly to be accepted when I moved here I put up the cute adorable act too. In alot of ways i'm like her too. She just has more friends because she doesn't dress as creative as I do and she's way cuter.
And don't have much more to say so I guess i'll talk to you guys later.