Nyiegeay laid on the ground unable to move and covered in blood. His hand twitched and his glasses that were on the ground by his head were broken. His breathing was quick and shallow and he weakly turned his head to see his attacker's face. Sam crouched by him and chuckled darkly "You stupid mutt. THinking you can out smart your killer. Nyiegeay's eyes widdened when Sam raised the bloody troll claw and stabbed it into Nyiegeay's stomach.
Ama heard a ear piericing scream and started running towards the sound. Then she came through the bushes and suddenly took a couple steps backward. Nyiegeay lay on the blood stained grass. His stomach was covered in blood and he was barely breathing. Ama stumbled over to Nyiegeay and kneeled beside him. "Nyiegeay?" Nyiegeay opened his eyes and smiled weakly then whispered "It was him..." Ama gabbed Nyiegeay's shoulders then yelled through her tears "Who?! Nyiegeay I need a name." Nyiegeay whispered "Ama, I love you." Ama bit her lip then whispered "I need to know who killed you!" Nyiegeay coughed up some blood then opened his mouth to speak "Sa-" Then Nyiegeay gasped for air while blood was gurgling through his open moth and Ama cried "Nyiegeay don't die on me!" Nyiegeay was suddenly still and did not respond. Ama's throat tightened and then she laid her head on Nyiegeay's unmoving chest and cried. She heard some one calling her name then the bushes rustled and she felt a hand on her shoulder. Ryumi's voice sounded "Ama? What happened?" Ama whispered through gasps for air, "Ny-nyiegeay is -de-dea-dead..." Ryumi remained silent then whispered "Did he say anything?" Ama shook her head "He tried to say someones name but he died..." Ryumi sighed then Ama raised her head. Half of her face and most of her clothes were covered in Nyiegeay's blood. Ryumi hugged Ama close and murmured "Its alright" over and over again. Then Ama whispered into his shirt "No, nothing is alright"