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Do dreams ever affect you in real life? Do they ever seem to be so real? Or do you just want to remember a dream forever && ever? All these things happen to me. A lot. Take the dream I had last night, for instance. I wanted to remember it. It felt like something was different, and it seemed so real. But of course, something like what happened in my dream could never be real. So why am I feeling like this?
xxI think why I feel like this is because I want it to be real, but I know it can never be. Its like hearing a good song. You like it so much, and you can't seem to stop listening to it, or singing it to yourself. And its like sometimes you wish, 'Why can't this happen to me?'. We all want something exciting to happen in our lives. Anything, really. Like a love triangle, or something exciting. Just something to make your life seem fun, exciting and full of adrenalin.
xxIts like you have a dream about somebody you like. And that dream was so fantastic, you wish it could be real. But everything is still the same. Nothing has changed. And your a bit disappointed. I get that a lot. I know, stupid, right? Well, don't blame me for hoping. I already know nothing is going to happen, but I always secretly hope it does.
xxI really wanted to go to school today due to my dream last night, but I couldn't, because I'm sick with the flu. Even though I tried to get up and go, my mom made me stay home. I really hope I go tomorrow because I've missed the Mon-Thurs. so far. Well, I wanted to go on Monday because I went to thr skating rink on Friday night, and lots of stuff happened, but when I got up I was really, really sick. So that was a bust. So I've been laying around, angry because I lost my phone && because I'm sick and I want to go to school. But my dream cheered me up.
xxMy dream included me, my best friend, my crush && a boy I've never met before. And it was so weird. We were on this like, mission thing, into tihs crazy hospital or something. Well it had a room we could stay in, so we did, and some time during it, that other guy *died* maybe. And my best friend and my crush got together, I think. And then suddenly we were at school. It was just me and my crush though, and for some reason we were laying on the ground, and it looked like we were holding hands. We were talking about my best friend && him getting together. And at the skating rink (on Friday in rl), my best friend blurted out that I wanted to go out with my crush to my crush ( xD ). So, in the dream, he's all like, 'well, why would you like me?' and then it got really weird, cause then one of those really old planes (it was cyan o.o ) crashed really close to the school. So I ran over, and the pilot wasn't dead...But he should have been. It was weird. Well, then it got weirder. I was suddenly in what looked like a library, and I was crying. My crush and Mandi were there, too, and their both like, 'Don't cry, little sister.'. I was so confused (in rl).
xxIt was sure a weird dream, though I wish some parts of it were true. Theres more to the dream, but its not that important. So i'll leave that out. Well this sure has been one long entry. I should probably stop here. I have nothing else to talk about. Sorry for the rant.