Lucius had never worked as a bodyguard before… and if it wasn't because the head of one of the most famous and influential mafia families, 'The Valtori family', had given him a massive amount of money; it would have stayed like that.
Lucius was one of the most renowned killers for sale; his methods were quick, ruthless and he was a mystery to the police. They knew that he existed, and that he was the cause of more than 20 murders, but even so they never found any DNA or other evidence at the scene of the crimes… it was as if he was a ghost.
The only people who could get in contact with him were the mafia. They were the ones who hired him, and the ones who dared to contact him when a rivaling family became too much of a bother. He never chose a side; He simply followed the orders given, took the money he was promised, and then disappeared.
That was, until the Valtori family contacted him. At first he was skeptical towards the job; to guard things did not come naturally to a man who's fingers were accustomed to the cold steel of a gun… but even so, they persuaded him with the largest sum of money he had ever been offered.
He was lead through the long corridors of the Valtori family's main house by one of the many servants, who worked there on a regular basis.
As always, Lucius' posture was cold, confident and indifferent. He was wearing a long dark trench coat, pants in a matching color and a white shirt underneath – the whole outfit was clean, in strong contrast to many killers who didn't bother to wear nice clothing, and it radiated a strong sense of control and style.
Even though the servant tried to hide it as they walked, Lucius could smell his awe mixed with a slight sense of fear. It was not an unfamiliar feeling for him; to be feared with no apparent reason, but none the less he never killed without a direct order… and he was no thrill killer. It was pure business; not a perverse way of having fun.
"W-we will arrive shortly, M-mister Giordano."
Lucius couldn't help but feel a slight sense of disgust by the way the servant struggled to form a full sentence. Fear was an unneeded emotion; fear made man weak, fear made man do illogical things and fear made otherwise rational people forget about their honor to save their already invaluable lives. They were Trash.
When they finally arrived, and the servant left; much to Lucius' relief, he was lead inside a small office.
He had expected to meet the Valtori family's head, the one who had offered him the job in the first place, but what met his eyes was something he hadn't braced himself for.
The room was rather small, the walls painted in a nice beige color, and the drowsy rays from the sun, shun through one of the many open window. It smelled like lavender in there… and even though several pieces of furniture decorated the room; a huge desk, leather chairs, shelves filled with books and so forth, Lucius' eyes were unwavering from the young girl who stood in the middle.
Because of Lucius' path in life which was soaked by blood and pain, he never regarded himself as someone who could see beauty in simple things. But even so, he was presented with the purest form of beauty in that moment… he was sure of it.
The young girl had beautiful pale skin; much alike marble and it seemed flawless down to the last detail. Her eyes were a deep brown color that seemed to suck the mere breath out of his lounges when she slowly lifted them to look at him, and the long wavy locks of auburn hair that cascaded along her fragile shoulders framed the soft curves of her face in the most perfect way he had ever seen before.
Lucius had never been too fond of women; they were usually dumb, vulgar or greedy. They didn't own a single drop of shame and they had never been anything beautiful to his merciless green eyes.
But she was different.
Even though she hadn't uttered a word yet, he could tell that she was not like the others. She was young, yes, but the way her eyelashes fluttered slightly by surprise when their eyes met and the way a soft smile slowly formed across her thin lips to make him feel welcome, made the cold killer feel something… just a slight sensation of something he couldn't put words on.
"Good morning, Mister Giordano." Her voice was delicate and smooth like silk. "I'm sorry that my father isn't here yet but he said that you could stay here until he returns." Her smile widened further and she tilted her head lightly as if she was trying to study the man before her "He plans to make you my bodyguard...though I feel that is completely uncessary...". She bowed her head to him respectully and said "He'll be here shortly. I must go now" and turned around to leave.
Even though womanly curves hadn't been his greatest passion in life until that point, he couldn't help but notice how sinful her body was… and at such a young age. She was wearing a white summer dress that stopped by her knees which, too obviously even for Lucius, presented every curve of her body on a silver plate. Her waist was narrow and her arms thin; small and petite… but even so, she had curvy hips and a bust that he figured most women would be envious of. She was a woman… but yet, her eyes still radiated child-like innocence.
Aldo Valtori chose to enter at that moment and said "Ah Mr Giordano! I am glad you could come...I see you have met my daughter, Delilah..."
Lucius simply nodded and decided to be straightfoward "What does the job require from me?" He figured that it would be preferable to know all about his new 'job'. "6 months is a long time, even with the amount of money you are offering me." The money was alluring, yes, and he took pride in always completing a task at hand, but to protect was not a thing that came natural to him. Could he actually do it?
"I know I know, but I hoped that you would understand." Aldo smiled in an attempt to apologize. "You see, because we're gonna marry Delilah to the heir of another influential family, she's a frequent target of kidnappings and even attempted assassinations. I guess that not everybody approves of their marriage."
They talked for a few more minutes until they reached an agreement, after which Lucius rose from his chair and left the room. The job was simple; protect the young girl 24 hours a day until she turned 18 – by then, she would be married to another family's heir, and she would no longer be of his concern. It seemed like an easy job; 6 months with a 17 year old girl and hardly any trouble… or, so he thought.
Because everythig had turned upside down the moment he saw her. It was unavoidable that his trigger hand would long to touch the young girl's flesh, to manipulate and smother, to crave and posses.
Delilah Valtori – the girl who could lead the otherwise cold killer to his death.
((So this is a Mafia-Romance RP. Bodyguard/Bride pairing. You may change the bodyguard's name if you wish to do so...please PM me if interested))