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mi heart song cuz it all comes from there
chapter 2
tyi- tre move i have work ta do an no time for ur kinky games
tre-~holdin up handcuffs~ lmao i wanna play!!!!!
tyi-~slaps tre~ an continues typing maybe later boo

Stacy had returned home from a long day at work. It seemed to her that things were getting more expensive as the years went by. She had arrived home expecting her beautiful daughter to be home when she got there so she could help her bring the groceries in.

She had just entered her house when she called, " Teylore! Teylore are you upstairs? I need some help bringing in the groceries."

Stacy heard no response and the house remained quiet. Her son was over at a friend's house for the afternoon and she wasn't expecting him until a little later. She knew that her daughter had to teach a class at the dojo and that she would be stopping by the library to investigate the new books that the director had received.

She turned her head towards the clock on the wall and furrowed her eyebrows together. It was past 5PM and her daughter was not home yet.

It was not like her daughter to be late getting home. Tey knew how she worried about her every time she would arrive late. She checked her answering machine to see if her daughter had left a message but to her surprise there was none.

She picked up the phone and started dialing numbers. She called Tey's sensei and he had told her that Tey had been there that morning and stayed until about 1PM saying she had to go to the library and meet the director there.

Stacy said her thanks, apologized to have bothered him, and hangs up the phone. She quickly dialed the library and asked for the director. When the director finally came on the phone she had asked him if he had seen her daughter. He replied yes that she had been there earlier in the day, but that she had left to go home about 4PM.

Stacy thanked him for the information and hung up the phone. She called all the people she knew to see if they had seen her daughter but no one had seen her that day.

Stacy rushed outside, and looked frantically around the shrine grounds. She was yelling her daughters name hoping that she was just engrossed with a book somewhere around. She looked everywhere for Tey but she couldn't find her anywhere.

She had no choice now. Stacy rushed into the house and called the police. They came over to the house to take a missing persons report. The police knew who Tey was because she was very well known in the area as the child prodigy. They all knew her to be a sweet girl and someone who would never do anything to upset her family like this.

They had brought in dogs to see if they could find or at least track the girl around the area. The dogs for some reason, unknown to their handlers, kept going to this one empty area on the shrine ground. It was like they were picking up on the girls scent and then it vanished. They had no idea what was going on as they lead the dogs out of the area.

The area that the dogs were sniffing around was the area where the building for the old well once resided. Now all that was left of the old well was an empty area devoid of any life.

The police, having gotten all the information they could from Ms. Higurashi, left the area to see if they could find her. No one knew who could have wanted to hurt this young girl who had so much to give to the world.


James had returned home from his friend's home to find that the police were all over the shrine grounds. He heard the police whispering about the missing Higurashi girl and his heart stopped. His sister was missing! Immediately James took off towards the house in search of his mother. He came rushing through the door of the house as he stopped in front of his mother and looked into her eyes. He had never in his life seen such sadness coming from his mother's eyes.

Tears started to fill his eyes as he rushed into his mothers awaiting arms. He knew that he would never be able to see his big sister ever again. She was gone and now it was just him, his grandfather, and his mother.

Stacy could do nothing else for the rest of the day. Her thoughts were consume with the daughter that had turned up missing today. She felt a stab deep in her heart; it was a pain so great that she could hardly stand on her own two feet. It was telling her that they would never find her sweet daughter.

That night she let her son hold her until he had fallen asleep in her arms. He was afraid to let go of her for fear that she too would disappear from his life. She took him upstairs to his room so he could rest as she made her way back down the stairs and then outside.

She walked until she came to the Goshinboku and stood in front of it. She walked up to the tree and placed her hand on it, and silently she said a prayer, 'Please, protect my daughter wherever she is. I know that she is still alive but I feel her so far away from me. Please protect her and return her to me one day so I may tell her how much I love and cherish her.'

Tears were now running down her cheeks as she looked at the tree. It seemed to be saying to her that her daughter was well and that she would be well protected.

A gentle breeze blew by at that moment as it gently caresses her cheeks. She felt comforted by the breeze that told her that everything would be all right. She sighed as she went inside. She needed to stay close to her son incase he woke up in fright. She would wait patiently, she knew that her daughter would return home one day.


In the darkness of the forest that surrounded the shrine, two sets of eyes watched as a mother cried for her child. The sadness that radiated from this person was great as they watched everything that happened.

They had been there all day at the shrine. They had watched as the building mysteriously appeared on the shrine grounds.

They observed everything, when the building started to glow with a bright light, as a beautiful girl came into view. They watched as she walked into the building to take a look around, and sensed when the youkai came through and pulled her into the well.

Shortly after that happened, the building disappeared, never to be seen again.

They left that night as they headed west. Their employer would want to know about this. After all they were the ones that sent them there to watch over the shrine. They had suspected that something like this was going to happen.

The two left under the cover of darkness hurrying on their way so they could make their report before retiring for the night.


Chris was flying across the land. He was heading north toward the mountains that were located in his territory. There he would find the village of Midoriko, a village that was built on the side of a mountain that protected it on one side and around the rest of the village they had a high wall. This village was known as one of the best youkai-exterminating villages around.

Although the village made their living in killing youkai, Inutaisho had a deep respect for them. They would only kill if the youkai was out of control in an area and didn't want to listen to reason. If they could convince the youkai that it needed to leave the area alone, they would work out a compromise with the ningens that would allow the two to live in peace, as they would rather do this than shed blood.

As he flew he turned his attention to the little one that he held in his arms. She was young, but she had a fiery spirit in her that he had never seen before in anyone in his life, be it youkai or ningen. The anger in her eyes could even rival that of his eldest son. Even though on the outside she controlled that anger, it still showed clearly in her eyes, like a storm ready to be unleashed.

She was powerful and strong, yet he saw gentleness and kindness in her eyes, as she spoke about wishing to help the villagers that were about to be attacked. Her scent was pleasant and sweet. She was a rare creature to behold just like her scent. The Night Blooming Jasmine was a difficult flower to find, as it releases its fragrance only at night. Its sweet smell was intoxicating much like the little one he held in his arms.

While he was flying he was deep in thought, 'I have to find a way to conceal her from prying eyes. It would not do for the ningens at the slayer village to ask me questions about the girl. I do not want anyone to see her just yet.'

He continued to think as he got an idea. First he placed her in an enchanted sleep. She was beginning to wake up and he didn't want to fight up in the sky. Next he concentrated on her clothes. Even though he liked seeing her in them they just revealed too much for his taste. If he was correct in his assumptions his son will be drawn to her power and he didn't want him to see her like this.

He changed her clothes just slightly to make her fit in a little more for this area. The short white juban she was wearing was replaced with a longer white kimono that would cover her upper body and it had long wide sleeves. He didn't make them too wide so she could still move with ease, but he did make them wide enough to still show that she was unmated.

The strange gray hakama that she wore he replaced with a light blue one that was not so form fitting but still gave her freedom of movement. It was pulled together at the ankles so the length would not interfere with her moving about the area. Her strange shoes were converted into black boots, like his own, and she had on a light blue obi that was tied around her waist to secure the sword and daggers she wore.

He then took his tail that was resting on is shoulder and wrapped it around her body. The long fur covered her body perfectly as he rested the tip of it on his shoulder and brought her closer into his chest. He cradled her in one arm while she was hidden under his tail, this allowed him to move his other arm, incase he had to fight.

The only way you could tell that he was carrying anyone was because you could still see her long blue/black hair cascading down his arm. It mixed perfectly with his silver hair.

Then he cast a concealment spell on her weapons so no one would recognize the sword that she was carrying. He wanted to make sure that they were hidden just in case something was wrong. If she did steal the sword from its protector then he wanted to know how she did it, she would have to break through several seals and enchanted barriers to get to it.

Now that he had her safely tucked against his chest and concealing her face from anyone's view, he was ready to meet the ningens of Midoriko's village. He continued heading north as he was getting closer to his destination. He could clearly see the village from the sky as he started his descent.

Chris heard an alarm being given as the village men ran into the center of the village with weapons raised.

The leader of the village came out of his hut as he looked into the sky. The Jyaki that this youkai was releasing was powerful as he looked for the youkai with worry in his eyes. 'If the youkai's Jyaki is this powerful then we will have a hard time bringing him down.'

His eyes searched the sky when he spotted a youkai on a cloud as he was coming down. The leader recognized the youkai as he made his way to the center of his village.

He called for everyone to stand down as he watched the youkai lord finally reach the ground. The leader of the village kneeled as he said, "Welcome milord to our humble village. To what do we owe the honor of your visit?"

Chris had to keep from wrinkling his nose as he touched down on the ground at the village. He knew that if he did, wrinkle his nose, it would be an insult to this village. He managed the odor of the ningens as best he could. Smelling dead skin along with sweat and un-bathed bodies was disgusting in his option. Ningens never bathed regularly, therefore the stench was almost unbearable. He had to make this visit quick so he could leave this place and properly breathe again.

He saw the leader of the village kneel before him as he heard his words. "Ah, my friend Andre, how have you been? I have come to make sure that everything is all right with your village. I have been having problems with youkai attacking ningen villages on my lands and I had to come to make sure that the sword and jewel are still safe here."

The village leader known as Andre rose to his feet as he said, "Yes milord. The sword and the jewel are still safe in Midoriko's cave. All has been quiet around here for a while."

Andre noticed the bundle in the lords grasp as he asked, "Milord, is that someone with you? Are they hurt? We could have the village healer take a look at them while we go to the cave."

Chris shook head no as he said, "This little one I found battling 6 Oni by herself. She managed to kill them all before they attacked another village. She is just tired from the battle. She is in a healing sleep and will not wake up for a while. I will keep her with me while we walk to the cave."

Andre could not believe what he had heard. This small one had battled 6 Oni on her own, killed them all, and survived. He could not see what she looked like, because the youkai lord had her covered with his tail, as it held her close to his chest.

Andre got his focus back as he turned to the youkai lord and said, "Very well milord, if you will follow me, I shall escort you to Midoriko's cave."

Chris nodded and followed Andre to the cave. He knew the way to the cave but it always made the ningens feel better if they escorted him about their village, it was their way of keeping an eye on him to make sure that he would not attack them.

Ningens were strange creatures. They never trusted anyone except those in their own village, but even then, someone from within their own village could easily betray them.

As they walked Inutaisho got a report of everything that they have been involved in for the last two weeks. He was starting to see a pattern to the unrest that the youkai were having on his lands. None of the other lords of the lands were having any problems that he knew about. He had been gone for over a week now and he knew he would have to return to the western palace soon. He will have to find out what was going on before something happened.

As they continued to walk toward the cave Inutaisho noticed a young onna following them dressed in a slayer uniform. He turned toward Andre and asked, "Andre, you are training pups to be slayers now?"

Andre chuckled, as he said, "No milord. This is Tyi'esha and she is my daughter. Yes she is still a pup in my eyes but she is old enough to be mated. I have not found the right person that she would accept as a husband. My daughter, you see, has a very nasty temper, an emotion that is highly discouraged in any young girl."

Chris chuckled at what Andre had to say. His situation reminded him of his own pup. His eldest was old enough to be mated but has refused any advances from any demoness. He, on a number of occasions, had to save the demonesses from his wrath. He would not hesitate to kill them, if he thought, that they over stepped their boundaries.

"I understand Andre, I have a similar situation with my own pup. He is old enough to take a mate but refuses. I just wished that he settle on one female and mate." Chris said as they continued on their way to the cave.

Andre heard what the youkai lord said as he turned to him and smiled, "Maybe he will take a liking to the young one you have in your arms. From what you have told me she has great powers if she took down six Oni by herself. She just might be the one that could spark the passion in his heart."

Now there was a thought. He had known that his son would be drawn to her because of her powers but would she entice him enough to mate with her. He will never find anyone else that could rival her powers. She is beautiful, strong, kind, gentle, and caring. The only thing that he would need to find out is where she was from. They would have to meet with her clan, if his son was serious about mating with her.

They were finally getting to the cave where the sword and jewel were located. The first of many enchantments were passed, as they got closer to the cave. They stopped right outside the cave as they saw a light coming from inside. They all walked forward as they were making their way into the cave when Inutaisho heard Andre give a yelp in pain.

He turned as he saw them standing just outside the barrier that protected the cave. He raised an elegant eyebrow at him wondering why they could not follow him inside the cave.

Andre was surprised when the barrier would not let them in. It has only happened a couple of times that he could remember. On each occasion Midoriko's spirit had not let them pass. It was her will if they were given admittance into the cave. He turned as he looked at the youkai lord in the eyes, and said, "Milord, please continue going in. The spirit of Midoriko does not wish for us to be present."

Chris nodded his head as he continued to go deeper into the cave. He had no idea why the spirit of Midoriko would not let them pass. She had let them in before so what was so special about today that they could not enter the cave?"

He continued making his way into the cave to where the sword and jewel were located. Many thoughts cluttered his mind as he continued to walk, trying to discern what was going on. He finally made it to the center of the cave and the source of the light. There, in front of him, stood the stone version of what was left of the once Miko Midoriko.

The statue, that was all he could think of it to be, was an actual depiction of what happened to her in her final battle. As the story goes Midoriko was battling over a hundred youkai all on her own. Word had reached him of her plight but he was unable to go to her assistance. He had his own battle that he was engaged in with the panther youkais of the south.

He shook his head to clear his mind of those thoughts as he continued to gaze upon the statue. He remembered them telling him that she had fought them for seven days and seven nights. On the last night of the stand off one of the youkais became all-powerful as he consumed all the other lower class youkais and made himself stronger in order to defeat her in battle.

She had used the last of her remaining strength to create the Shikon No Tama, and sealed her soul along with the youkai she was fighting with, in the jewel. It is said that still to this day she still fights the battle from so long ago.

He looked down as he walked over to where a sword and jewel were laying on a soft pillow. There lying on the pillow was Kenjikago, the sword that Midoriko carried with her in life. He moved the girl away from his chest as he uncovered her sword. He got a closer look at her sword and noticed that it was identical to the sword that was in the cave.

'How could there be two of the same swords? Both swords have the exact same power. So where did this sword come from?' Chris thought as he continued to scan from one sword to the other.

Then his demonic hearing picked up the sound of a pulse. He looked up to see that the Shikon No Tama was glowing softly. It was a perfect pale pink in color. In all the years that he has checked on the jewel he has never seen it do this before, 'Why is the jewel glowing like this? Could there be something wrong with the jewel?'

He heard a moan coming from the girl in his arm as she started to stir. 'This can't be! I placed her under a sleeping spell to keep her safe, but now she is waking up. How can she break my spell?'

He kneeled as he held the girl in his lap. He saw as her eyes opened but when he looked into her eyes they were glazed over, like they had no life in them, or she was still deeply asleep. He watched as she got up from his lap and walked over to the jewel.

Her hands went to either side of the jewel but never touched it. The jewel glowed brightly as it engulfed the entire cave in its light.

Chris was worried about the girl. He had to turn his face away from the light so he wouldn't damage his eyes. When the light receded, there standing in front of him was Midoriko with the little miko in her arms.

Midoriko, the once powerful miko and long time friend to Inutaisho, stood in the middle of the cave with the young girl in her arms. She looked down at the girl as a smile came to her lips. She leaned down and placed her forehead against hers. She muttered something under her breath as she pulled away. She gave her a kiss on her forehead as she bestowed the mark of a powerful miko. A blue teardrop suddenly appeared on her forehead along with a star on the bottom.

When she had finished with what she wanted to do she turned her attention to the only other occupant of the cave. Her eyes softened as she said, "Lord Chris! It's been a long time since I have seen you. How is your lovely mate?"

Chris couldn't help the smile that came across his features. He had missed his friend as he said, "My mate, Jasmine, is doing well. We had another pup since you have been away, another male."

Midoriko smiled wide as she said, "What! How on earth did you convince Jasmine to have another pup? The last time I talked to her she said that hell would freeze over before she would bare you more pups. She said that the pain was just too much for her to handle."

Chris chuckled at her words. Yes his lovely mate said that she would not bare any more pups for him. But he had managed to change her mind and they had another. But his natural curiosity got the better of him as he asked, "Midoriko, who is this little one that you bestow the mark of a powerful miko?"

Midoriko chuckled, she didn't know if she wanted to answer that question but figured that he deserved an answer, "Milord, this little one will help protect the lands from what is to come. Though she has no idea of who or what she is, but I do. The only thing that I can tell to you is that you must protect her. She still needs more training to bring about her full abilities."

Chris rolled this information around in his mind as he looked back up at the mikokoro standing in front of him. He needed more than this if he was going to protect her. "Midoriko, I understand that she is special. I saw that today when I saw her fighting six Oni all by herself and win. The only reason she is with me is because the fight weakened her and I was able to defeat her in battle. Otherwise, I would not have been able to get close to her. She was dressed in strange clothes and she said she was lost and was trying to find her village, but she won't tell me where this village is located."

Midoriko understood what he was saying. He wanted more information on why he should go all out to protect this little one. She looked up at him as she started to answer his questions, "I understand milord that you are a little confused about where she comes from. I cannot tell you that information. In time she will confide in you and tell you all what you want to know.

I bestowed the mark of a powerful miko on her because she is powerful. She finished purifying the jewel for me, so now the youkai that resided inside are gone. Only the youkai essence remains in the jewel, their souls if you will.

She is the Shikon in ningen form. She is the jewel that will help protect the lands. She is powerful and will need to find a powerful mate in the near future if she is to stay in this world.

Her full abilities have yet to be released. She has no reason to release them, but when she does, she will need help to bring them under her control. I ask that you protect her until such time as she finds a mate that will protect her for the rest of her life. If she was to die then the evil will win the fight against you.

Your lands are starting to receive the first signs that something is amiss. Youkai are destroying ningen villages for no reason. More attacks are coming and you must be prepared for them. I can only reveal this much to you. For if I was to tell you anything more, then the fates will change what is to come.

The fates so far have changed the outcome of the future to allow this little one to be here. But her heart must find someone to love if she is to be truly happy. Her happiness is the key to everything that will happen in the future, though the path there is not an easy one, but it's one that she must undertake."

Chris understood what she was saying; somehow the future of his lands was in the hands of this little one that has caught his interest. He had no choice he would have to protect her, if he is to make sure that everything stayed peaceful in area.

He looked at Midoriko as he said, "Very well, I will protect her like she was my own pup. I will make sure that she finds a mate that is suitable for her and that can protect her from any harm."

Midoriko smiled at the youkai lord. She was happy that he would see to her safety. Midoriko grew serious again as she said, "Milord, the Shikon No Tama and the sword can no longer stay in this village. This evil is trying to find the jewel and if it stays here they will destroy this village and everyone along with it."

Midoriko then turned to the girl that she was holding in her arms as she floated up into the cave. She released her hold on the girl, as Tey floated right in front of her.

The Shikon No Tama flew up to where Midoriko was waiting for it along with her sword. She grasped the jewel in her hand as it started to glow a pure white in color. The jewel disappeared from her hand as the essence from the jewel formed around the girl.

Tey's body was engulfed in a white light as the jewel merged with her body. The sword that looked exactly like the sword that Midoriko owned vanished from sight as it merged with the sword on the girl's hip.

When everything was said and done the girl floated down to Inutaisho as he held his arms out to take the girl once again. He pulled her into his chest and purred. It seemed to soothe her as she completely relaxed in his arms.

He lowered his head as he nipped her ear, which caused it to bleed. He cleaned the wound and when he pulled away he noticed that a crescent moon appeared on her ear. It was a dark blue just like the one his son had on his forehead, it signified that he was the heir of the West.

The mark he just gave the girl signified that she was part of his clan and is under his protection. She was to be treated like his pup. No one would dare hurt her for fear of this wrath.

He then turned his attention back to the Mikokoro. She was smiling at him as he heard her say, "Thank you my friend for protecting her. The mark you bestowed upon her will protect her until she finds a mate."

He nodded as he said, "Midoriko what happened to your sword and the jewel?" He knew his curiosity was going to kill him one of these days.

"The jewel does not exist anymore. The jewel has now been merge with this little one. She has merged with the power of the jewel. The jewel does not reside within her, like I said before she is the jewel.

My sword does not exist as it has been merged with the sword that the girl is carrying. They are now one in the same. When you leave you will have the jewel and my sword with you. Thank the villagers for protecting them for as long as they have, but I now pass that responsibility on to you. Please keep her safe."

Midoriko the great miko of the past started to fade away from sight. She looked at the little one with yearning in her eyes. 'My daughter, please be safe and find the love that I could never find when I roamed around this country. For I know that your future mate is powerful enough to protect you from any harm and has a heart big enough to love you the way that you deserve. I never found that love and I wish with all my heart that you will find the love that I never did.'

Chris watched as Midoriko faded away. He saw the look in her eyes and he knew he had seen that look before. He couldn't remember where he had seen it but he knew that the expression in her eyes meant something, but what?

He looked down as he pulled the little one into his chest once more. He purred as she calmed and fell into a deeper sleep. She has had a busy day and she needed her rest. Again, his tail came up, wrapping itself around her form, hiding her from prying eyes.

He turned as he said his farewells to his friend and headed back toward the entrance to the cave. By the time he reached the entrance to the cave night was almost upon them. He spotted Andre as he walked out of the barrier that protected the cave.

He stopped right in front of him as he said, " Andre, it is Midoriko's will that the jewel and sword leave your village. There is an evil presence that is looking for it and she wants the jewel to be kept safe. She has entrusted the jewel to me along with her sword so I may protect it. This will keep your village safe from any attacks, from those seeking its power."

Andre understood what the youkai lord was saying. He had come here numerous times and has never taken the jewel with him. He has always left it there for his people to protect. Now he was taking the jewel with him to protect it and his village at the same time.

He looked up at the youkai lord as he said, "Yes, milord I understand what you are saying. If it is Midoriko's wish to move the jewel and the sword then so be it."

Then Andre had a thought as he asked, "Milord, it is getting late and traveling at night is dangerous. Would you do us the honor of staying the night in our village? That way in the morning you can head out early."

Chris held his nose up in the air as he took a sniff at the scent that drifted in with it. He growled as he said, "I thank you for the offer for a place to sleep for the night, however, there are youkai that are approaching your village. I fear that they are looking for the Shikon No Tama and the battle will be a bloody one. If I leave now then I will be able to make them follow me and leave your village alone."

Andre was shocked to hear this as he asked, "In which direction are they coming from milord?"

"They are coming from the south. It feels like there are about 10 youkais of different shapes and sizes. I must leave before they get any closer to your village." Chris said in a rush as he turned to leave the area.

Chris knew that he could not leave the village from this location. The enchantments near Midoriko's cave were strong and wouldn't let anyone, not even him, use his youki to leave the area. He turned as he hurried toward the center of the village.

Andre was running to keep up with the youkai lord. They were heading toward the middle of the village when he voiced his thoughts, "Milord, please allow us to help you defeat these youkais. We will come with you to confront this threat. The girl may stay here to be protected. No harm will come to her."

Chris growled at what Hiro was saying to him. This ningen really wanted to see what this little one looked like. He shook his head as he said, "No Andre, the girl stays with me and I will take care of this irritation. You are to stay here and protect your village. The time of you protecting the Shikon is at an end. It is now my burden to accept and I will protect it. Midoriko would not have told me to take it, if she felt, that I was not able to protect the jewel."

They arrived at the center of the village as the cloud of youki started to form under the youkai lord's feet. Soon he was in the air flying towards the threat to the slayer village. He could detect them just down below as he flew slowly over them. He wondered if they would stop heading toward the village once they felt that the jewel was no longer there.

He didn't have to wait for long when he noticed the youkais stop and look up at him as they started racing after him. Chris smirked. He was going to have some fun with these fools.

He looked around the area and found a clearing. He landed gently as he put his precious cargo down on the ground. He made sure to put a barrier around her that will protect her while he dealt with the nuisance.

He walked out of the barrier as he waited for the youkais to come to him. He didn't have to wait for long when they came crashing into the clearing.

The youkais that were chasing the jewel came into the clearing. There they saw the youkai that was riding on the cloud. They could tell that he had the jewel as they came closer. Once they were close enough the leader of the group stepped forward and said, "We want the Shikon No Tama. Give us the jewel and we will leave you alone. Refuse and we will be forced to kill you."

Inutaisho raised an elegant eyebrow as he eyed the youkais in front of him. A smirk came to his features as he said, "You think that you pathetic weaklings are strong enough to defeat me. You must be delusional."

At that moment Inutaisho let his youki spread throughout the area to let his power be known. He saw them take a step back in fright. They didn't turn and run like he wanted them to do. They stood their ground, as they demanded that the jewel be handed over to them.

The youkais had enough as they started their attack. They wanted the jewel for their own purpose so they could become stronger. They didn't care that the youkai that possessed the jewel, at the moment, was the most powerful youkai in the area. All they wanted was the jewel.

Inutaisho sighed as he saw them coming. He figured that from now on he was going to have this kind of trouble if the girl stayed with him. He flicked his wrist as his golden whip came out and sliced through every youkai in front of him. He saw that some of them had survived his first attack as his claws started to glow an eerie yellow.

He flexed his fingers as he extended his claws. In one leap all those that survived his initial attack were now dead at his feet. He shook his hand to get the blood off them as he turned and made his way back to the girl. Her safety was the most important thing to him at the moment.

When he returned to her location she was still asleep and the barrier had not been disturbed. This pleased him as he lowered the barrier and then picked her up in his arms once again. He cradled her form to his chest as his cloud formed under his feet and they took off into the night.

As he traveled back to the west a thought went through his mind. 'I wonder what Jasmine is going to think about having a ningen as a pup. She will need to be a mother to this little one. There is much that she does not know and will need to be instructed on.'

He pondered this question and many more as he flew west. It was going to take him some time to get home. Plus he knew that he was going to have to take care of some unwanted company as he traveled. When the youkais around the area noticed that he had the Shikon, they would try to attack him to take it away but what they would not expect was that he would fight fiercely to keep his little jewel safe from all of them.

He looked down at the bundle in his arms and smiled. His inner inu was purring at the sight of the little one. His inner beast had already accepted this little one as his own pup and he would protect her no matter what, just like he would protect his own pups and mate.

He flew on as the darkness of the night weighed heavily on his mind. The half-moon that was in the sky shone brightly against his hair as it made it glowed with an unearthly beauty. His hair was gently blowing behind him as he made his way home. Home and to find out what else was going to happen today when he introduced this little one to his mate.

tyi- shooooooo im finished!! oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah
tre-now we play??
tyi-nopes im goin ta bed see u in da morning!
tre-da hell u is woman! ~grabs tyi an drags her into his room ~
tyi-~screams~ tre no mandingo d**k !!!!
tre-shut up woman u are mine!
tyi-damn dog demons
tre- u loves me !~slams his room door~

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