Welcome to
A Little Piece of Khaos
For those of you who are new to me, Hello! Hi! Welcome!
My art shop is now reopened since I've gotten my scanner to behave. W00t! But anyways, down to business. I have original pricing, and those of you who have received comish from me before know that I work at a very respectable pace. Make me an offer, the price is no longer 2k per hour. If you want a picture to be finished early, I doubt it will happen, but I will charge an extra 4k for being so damned bossy. D:< On another note, I do not want to be swamped with requests. If you want to be nice, I will accept item donations in exchange for my artwork. Please go to my profile for my wish list. Items that are not on my wish list, which are items I usually have no use for, will be rejected. Payment must be given before the artwork is forked over (but I do not take early payments, I will simply let you view a small version of the picture before sending the larger version). Keep in mind that colored and detailed versions take longer. I also do signatures. These pieces of work took me from two to four hours, several took even longer.
Examples of my work can be found here.