Write 100 random things about yourself.
1. I like the smell of air fresheners
2. My favorite band is We Are the In Crowd
3. I started listening to WATIC two weeks before they got signed onto Hopeless records in November 2009 (well, longer, but I like the sound of two weeks)
4. I think Jordan Ekes is not just sexy but has an amazing voice that harmonizes with Tay Jardines perfectly
5. I also love the band The Ataris, their song In This Diary speaks to me
6. I can't do a day with out music, actually I'm not sure - I've never tired and I'm not planning on it
7. Coffee is my best friend. Nothing will ever change that
8. I'm a coffee mastermind, I can make regular coffee taste like an ice capp.
9. I never used to believe in best friends, now I have three.
10. My favorite version of For the Win by WATIC is this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-mTA9UHHk4&feature=related I say this because I'm listening to it now.
11. If you like the band I'm happy, but just remember they're MY band smile
12. My hair smells like pink flowers, and the rest of me of chocolate raspberry because I just took a shower
13. I like the website Gaia, because I get to meet new people.
14. I'm an occasional smoker, I'm not going to lie about it. I'll take a cigarette if offered, and buy when I'll be with company that smokes
15. My absolute best friend is my cousin, hes also the one that got me into smoking
16. I'm horrendously vain, you have no idea
17. I'm completely unsure of what university I want to go to
18. I'm very artistic, although it doesn't shine through as much as I'd like it to
19. My favorite flavor is mint, no if ands or buts.
20. I love working with hair/makeup, its another form of artwork I excel at
21. I'm a confusing person to get to know, and I often speak in my own language called "Ivy speak"
22. My nickname is Ivy, its followed me through my life starting when I was only a few years old
23. I can be a down right b***h when I feel like it, and it makes me happy. So after I've been a complete b***h I usually cheer up quite a bit, and really, only a few people notice that.
24. I'm content with being single, I think boyfriends are a hassle. As well as anniversaries and the whole 'couple-y' thing
25. My horoscope never fails to be right, its shocking.
26. I have the gift that I know what the universe wants other people to know, but in return the universe constantly screws things over for me
27. Weirdly, I know all about something thats going on, with out someone explaining it to me beforehand yet when something is huge or about me/family/friends I have no idea. I think it goes along with the point above
28. I have a twitter I use quite frequently, granted I have a lot of retweets, but it doesn't really matter.
29. I love wolves, I want a wolf paw tattoo on my shoulder blade soon, and I'm designing it.
30. I have an addiction to Starbucks, I'd gladly spend all my money on coffee from there.
31. I always, always, always order a venti, very few times will I order a grande. I refuse to get anything smaller than a grande
32. I've been known to jump from friends to friends and become really close to them then move on again quickly, but this time, I don't want to let these girls go
33. I'm unsure if I'm an introvert or an extrovert, I think I'm perfectly blended in the middle, and depending on my mood and the situation one shines out more than the other
34. I think my Candy Cane lip gloss by Philosophy is God in lip gloss form. Again, its minty, and it tastes good
35. My dream is to publish a book, and to have it loved by millions.
36. J. K. Rowling is the reason I started writing. Her amazing descriptions, pure talent, and ability to let me go to far off places with out leaving my room while things go bad is astonishing. It makes me want to be able to achieve that feat myself. Thats also the reason I think Harry Potter has become so much more than just a good read to me.
37. I'm starting to move away from fantasy novels and get into books like the Shock Doctrine (Which I think should be mandatory to read)
38. My favorite class at the moment is World Issues. I'm ending up learning a lot more than I thought I would, and it really makes you think and WANT to be informed
39. I also really love politics, I'm not entirely sure where it came from, but I like it.
40. I'll end up forgetting all about you in a few years, I wont say sorry because its the truth.
41. I love calligraphy, and improving my own hand writing
42. Perverts make me laugh, it doesn't mean I like them
43. At some point I probably will, or have made fun of you, and not in the way I sometimes will just to tease you. Theres only a few people I haven't made fun of because I actually like them.
44. I'm rude if I don't know you, or I'm overly sweet to your face and behind your back, or in my head, its a different story and thats the honest truth.
45. Theres reasons I don't remeber things, and people, one either I wasn't impressed by them, or two I just don't care. Thats probably the reason I forgot about you.
46. If we met randomly on a forum or at a random event, I won't remember you either, unless something spectacular happened and against all odds I remember you.
47. In four years, and theres a new website we use, don't add me saying "Hey! we used to be best friends in high school" Well, I mean you can, but don't be sad when I don't remember you, and if I'm bitchy. Its not you, well maybe it is... You know what, add me, and if I answer back and I'm nice pleasant and I think I know you thats a green light. Other wise, don't bother me.
48. I was in a car crash this year with five other people, and I almost got into about four more this summer.
49. I have a habit of hurting myself somehow whether falling off a cliff and into a lake or smashing my finger on a door it'll happen to me.
50. I like getting scars, they're always interesting stories to talk about, because, well, you know its true- when talking to someone the conversation will come up. My favorite person to talk about injury's with is Jacqueline, because she gets hurt more than I do, it makes me feel better. Kidding, kind of.
51. I DON'T want to hear your life story, especially if I first met you. Those things come with time effort and good friendship. If I'm rude, deal with it, no one cares.
52. I like colourful things, they make things seem so much better. Also, my favorite colours are Silver in the lead, Green a close second and Black bringing up the lead. Slytherin much? (FUN FACT: Neon colours are my best friend, be jealous.)
53. In a choice between Left and Right, I chose left. Why? I just like that side better. Why? I honestly have no idea, I hate the right side, it so... unnatural, and weird. Also, I like things to be even on both sides or in numbers. So lets say I step on a crunchy leaf with my right foot, it'll feel weird if I don't do the same with my left. And if I'm eating say, Skittles by twos, I'll get pissed if theres an uneven amount.
54. I hate doctors and dentist, and others of similar professions. As people they're fine, but GOING to the doctor or dentist, I hate it with every fiber of my being. I have to force myself out of the door, every ounce of me is resiting.
55. I have temper tantrums, I bet you didn't know that aha. But they are controlled and when I'm the only one around. Sometimes my frustration level sky rockets and I can't keep things bottled up any more so I have to let it out some way. I never had them as a child, and frankly I hate them, but I just need to lash out at no one instead of strangling the next person I see. Also, strangulation is my choice of murder, and a bad choice. Why? You get caught right away, and its hard to strangle someone with your bare hands. Not that I'd ever murder someone, of course, its too much work. I mean think about it, you kill someone right? Then you have to hide the body, and live your life in fear of getting caught if you're not right away that is. Much better to just ignore them, or make their life miserable and get them fired, or expelled. Yeah, I'm lazy, but I still manage to be pretty evil. Oh and to properly dispose of a body is insanely difficult. You can't let your hatred of someone be shown, you have to get rid of their finger prints, hair, teeth and anything else recognizable. You can't live near the dump site, you need an air tight alibi, and an amazing lawyer lined up if you were sloppy. You might have to burn the victim's body and all that jazz, get rid of the bones, ground them up into dust if they didn't burn off with the flesh and hair. Drive way out into the wilderness where no body every goes and sprinkle their ashes away slowly and not in a concentrated area. Might as well do it on a road trip, aha. Or... Yeah way too much work. And, I watch way too much Bones/CSI...
56. I like sewing, and making things out of random objects. I also like to design clothing.
57. I love getting into arguments/debates, I find them to be thrilling and exciting. And I'm not talking about the school yard fights like Oh YOUR MOMMA is.... I mean ones actually about an issue facing the world, or something in history, with actual facts to support your claim. Interestingly enough, I hate the standard debate etiquette, and doing them in class.
58. The media is Hitler, unless you want an hour long lecture on why I believe this so strongly, don't get me into it, aha. And, you know its not really "Hitler-ish" Well, it is, but... Yeah I'm not getting into it.
59. I have strong views on a lot of things, and I will fight for them once you get me going.
60. I'm a 'Roman Catholic' who doesn't believe in religion, and constantly disproves the bible. Why? Simple, its all fake, and I want actual proof. Theres proof we're probably just organisms that have evolved into what we are now, and not made by "God". I'm not saying 'God' doesn't exist but I'm not saying he exists either. Something may exist out there, but it might not. And we may never meet our 'creator' I'm happy with believe what science has proven to be real, or has subsequent information to make me believe something. Science can be wrong and disproved easily, but its something solid to hold on to.
61. I don't like plain white milk, and now I'm starting to hate chocolate milk, why? My taste changes all the time. For example, before I liked mushrooms, now even the thought of them makes me want to puke. But, sometimes will always stay the same, oranges will make me puke, so will beets, even the smell of either of them will make me sick, beets more so, and pineapple will forever make the inside of my mouth start to bleed, when its fresh at least. I can eat cooked pineapple at times, depends on how its make.
62. I need a high paying job, I'm a spender and I know it. Especially on make up, fabric, shoes, and purses. Oh, and I can't forget about my Starbucks <3 My lack of money is what set me back from being as creative as I can be.
63. I love philosophy, its extremely interesting. I also love ancient and foreign languages (which is every language under the sun), history, math (ONLY simple algebra, simple trig and things like that, its like a puzzle, and I love puzzles, especially sudoku), history, psychology, chemistry, biology, and so on. I like knowing the way things work and finding solutions to a problem, funny thing? I'm not left brained, I'm right, creativity comes easy to me, but I'm interested in a lot of left brained subject, and if I wasn't so lazy I could excel in them.
64. I go off topic easily, its a curse. You've probably noticed already.
65. My brain functions strangely. It can concentrate on more than five things at once, going through everything I know about the subjects. It messes me up sometimes because when I talk to someone, I'll go back to a topic we talked about earlier, and it'll just confuse the conversation at times. When someone does that to me, or I get wrapped up in my thoughts its like I have to reboot my brain. Think of it as the internet, with a lot of tabs open with a moderate connection speed, when an unexpected error comes up, the internet crashes, and it takes a little while to get it going again. But you can open up your lost tabs once it comes back, well, most of the time at least.
66. I over analyze things, constantly. A simple word, touch, smell, feeling, can be over a hundred possibilities, and I can't rest until I've exhausted every possibility. Its one of the factors that causes me insomia.
67. Dreams are the windows to your soul, your future, your past and your possible outcomes. I believe this in its entirety.
68. I also believe that there are worlds out there at have every out come imaginable. And those, those are a lot of worlds out there.
69. I could never change anything in my past, I think its silly when people want to. Mistakes are meant to happen. The smallest mistake could have a huge effect on your life that you don't even realize. Stop yourself from failing a test you didn't study for could lead to possibly dying the next day. If you weren't so upset at failing, you could have been out celebrating a great mark and all of a sudden get hit by a drunk driver. Bam, you're dead, nothing can change that. You some how go back and keep your self from dying, you could make your best friend miss out on the best day of her life because of it. Thats why I scoff and think its the most absurd thing I've ever heard about when someone asks me that question, or when someone wants to change something. Sorry, you're an idiot.
70. I like good music, well, what I define is good music. Example, my i-pod will go from Wouldn't Change a Thing (Demi/Joe [theres a good beat to it, and its good for those blah days]) to Sweet Dreams (Marilyn Manson [which just so happens to be one of my all time favorite songs. Manson is a God just saying.]) 71. I used to be depressed and unhappy with everything, until I learned to say ******** it all. And no not ******** life, I mean ******** PEOPLE and ******** STANDARDS. Be who you want to be don't be dragged down by bitches and don't forget to just stop giving a s**t. I can now say I'm happy with my life. And I don't wasnt things to be differen't.
72. I hate change, I'm afraid of it and I fully admit it. I like things the way they are, and unless I get bored of it, and I don't like it anymore, I don't want things to be different. I know what hurts me the most are the little things, because thats what counts the most.
73. Simply enough, when you first get to know me, I could tolerate you, talk to you and be friendly with you, pretty ,uch be your best friend or I could just not give a s**t about you, and you could hate me.
74. I prefer not to hate or dislike anyone, it makes it seems as if I actually give a damn about you, and don't kid yourself, I don't
75. Right now you're probably thinking, wow, what a ******** b***h. You think I'm mean, rude, nasty, all these things are true, but thats just one side of me. If I like you, and if we're friends, I'm nice, I'll do net to everything for you. I'll make you look like the bell of the ball when I do your hair and make up. I put more effort in how I make others look then how I look myself. Why? Simple, because if you don't deserve me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best, and the effort I put into others is a glimpse at what I could be. Its up to you to notice that, and make the effort to be my friend, and make the effort to get to know me, and not talk about me behind my back, and see me for me. I have reasons for everything I do, their not always mean. If I make your life miserable, its because I want you to get a ******** back bone and do something, and don't let yourself be pushed around. Lucky for you if you're one of these people, I lose interest quickly, I'll forget about you quickly, well, I won't be rude to your face at least.
76. If your reading this, let it be known you have pissed me off in the past. Only, well, less then ten people haven't pissed me off yet. Three probably wont. I've been upset a few times at the three, but never pissed, congratulations.
77. If you haven't noticed yet, I'm fickle, and things make me angry very quickly. I just don't show it, which means its on the low side of my anger scale. My friends have rarely gotten past a 4, which means I still like you all. If I'm not near you/talk to you a lot, someones been getting on my nerves out of the group and you associate with them. Or I'm reating space so I won't blow up at you. See, I make an effort to be nice.
78. I'm deathly afraid of arachnids.
79. I swear to god, I'll have people asking me if I hate them/dislike them, be warned now, DON'T. I may dislike you because of it. Only a few people are in the clear, and shouldn't be asking questions or even thinking them because I have told them a few times in the past I do like them. Indefinitely.
80. I never thought I'd make it to eighty, wow. And just so you know I'm actually trying to get things most don't know about me.
81. To be considered one of my best friends you must have/be: Survived plumbing issues with me, that we will never let each other forget, be in a car crash with me, do poses such as 'Pride of the Griffin' in front of me, know pretty much all of this about me, be in a car crash with me and prove friendship conquers, share my love of coffee just on a lesser scale, be comfortable to unzip your pants and use you boobs as a table while eating dessert in front of me, be able to sleep in the same bed as me, understand my love of anime/manga/fanfictions, realize I'm amazing, LOVE Harry Potter, and just be amazing in general. If you don't fall into this category, don't worry only three do, and my cousins the exception, since hes my male counterpart <3
82. I'm a nerd, I love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, anime/manga, certain comics and so on and I'm DAMN proud.
83. I'm a hard core supporter of the LGBT community. http://fckh8.com/FCKH8.com/FCKH8.html <(I love this video, CAUTION: theres a lot of ******** swearing)
84. I'm a bad person, I admit, I laugh at racism. Sorry, but the jokes are funny, and well, sometimes you can't help but say them. And I love sexist jokes, and sexist views, they're hilarious. They're wrong, but they're funny. Its like laughing at a dead baby joke, it mean and so wrong, but you have to laugh sometimes.
85. I play guitar and piano, also, I can sing, just not well.
86. I'm doing this instead of English, which I really need to get to. If I don't do it Ms will kill me, and I'll kill myself I'm working on the whole procrastination/distraction thing as you can tell its not working. This is taking longer then I thought it would.
87. I don't think I'll finish this tonight
88. Well I was right, today is Friday November 19 2010. Today Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out (part one). I will be seeing it with Jacquie today at 10 pm and possibly sleeping over? Also, yesterday was Yvonne Wowk's birthday. I like them both
90. I believe I'm an open book, but looking back on this I realize I'm actually not.
91. I'm slow to trust, but when I do I completely trust you with almost every aspect of my life.
92. There are a few people I wish I was friends with, I may have never talked to them, or we were just never really close, but I know we'd be great friends. I would also like to apologize to a nameless someone, he doesn't have facebook, and he'll never see this but I am sorry for the way I acted. I was silly rude and really immature, I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for what I realize now was nothing, and I shouldn't have been so... well, weird. Although, as far as I can tell, we've never fully seen eye to eye. But I know I missed out on a really great possible friend. I'm also sorry for being fickle and not easy to befriend, if you tried at first I apologize, I couldn't tell (though, you should have done a better job of it if you were). I'm also sorry for being random and just someone who the complete opposite of myself, you seem like a great person and I wish I didn't mess things up three years ago. I wish I could talk to you about our shared interests but I can't now. Hopefully one day before we graduate I can muster up the courage to tell you all of this, and hopefully you can find it to forgive me. I know I bring up the past a lot, but somethings been missing, and I think its your friendship. Please forgive the silly little goose I am?
93. Its hard for me to apologize, really hard, and it comes once in a blue moon. I know when I was wrong, and I'll try to make it up by means other than apologizing. Sometimes I will say I'm sorry, but I don't actually mean it. Theres very few times I've actually meant it, and when I do it takes me a while to get out what I want to say. For me an apology isn't just saying sorry, you need to know what you've done wrong, or at least attempt to know. Any one can say sorry for the smallest thing, but to me its different. And when someone apologizes to me I expect the same thought I would put into it for them.
94. Theres a part of me that wants to live forever and rule the world. Its a near impossible dream, but I am quite ambitious and I don't mind stepping on someone to get what I want, I'll make it. I'm working on the solution as we speak, well I'm typing you're reading. But there is that little voice in you head that dictates to you what I'm typing, and the voice quite possibly could be mine so, you know. Have fun with it.
95. I randomly fall into a British accent without even realizing it, and its hard for me to get out of it. I think its because of my insistence in the the past to be exactly like in Harry Potter. I often confuse telemarketers with it, and I am quite rude to them. I also do this in public at times because I can, and I enjoy the weird looks I get.
96. I like being me, I wouldn't want to be anyone else. I like being random silly and immature at times. i don't mind weird stares and people laughing behind my back, why? Because their afraid to do something that will leave them vulnerable. And I do admit, somethings are just way too weird, but you don't think about those things when you're having fun, and isn't that what you should look for in life to be happy? To have fun, stay young, and have great realtionships with those around you?
97. In this point in my life the most important thing to me are my friends, and family with the exception of my cousin(s) second. I'm young, my life revolves around my friends. In your teenage years your friends define you and it will continue with you through life (thank god I have amazing friends now). I spend most of my time with my friends at school or outside of school, and I talk to them constantly through facebook, twitter, text, phone, email and msn. Why wouldn't my friends be at the top of my list? I talk to them more than my own parents. We live in the ME generation, the technological generation, if we went back a hundred years in the past, I'm hypothesizing family would be first with me.
98. I have an older half brother, hes my dads son. He is 16 years older than me, and lived with us until he was thirty. Although he s lived in my basement for more than half my life- I don't know him and I'm not sure if I want to. I'm comfortable with our relationship as it is now, but a part of me wishes for the older brother figure when my cousins not around. Fun Fact: My family revolves around the number 16, especially marriage wise. My parents are 16 years apart, and so are my dads parents, me and my half brother are 16 years apart, and there are birthdays 16 days apart. Also, I have a high chance of having twins, why? My mother's a twin and my dads sisters are twins, I believe it goes on the fathers side, but it always skips a generation, my family has a lot of twins.
99. My cousin is my absolute 'best friend', he is another me in male form but there are slight differences, the biggest I'm a girl, hes a guy, and hes two years older then me. He likes his coffee with hot milk, I prefer it with cold. We both love wolfs eagles and a lot of other animals, we also want a wolf based tattoo, me a wolf paw on my shoulder, him a wolf on his upper arm. We have a habit for destruction and getting into interesting situations, we're not easy to get along with and have those few friends we're close to. The party starts and ends with us, and we'd do anything for our friends. He's like an older brother to me and so much more. I hardly ever see him, considering he lives in a different a different continent, but I know even when I'm upset he'll help me. He's a sort of security blanket for me, when I feel alone and scared hes there like a guardian angel. I see him in all my best friends as well, well, the tame version of him. Can you believe he's wilder then I am? I'm white he's black, but without shadow and light the world could not exist and essentially, despite the differences, they're one in the same. Yeah, you wish you knew him, and you wish he yes your 'best friend'. Though, best friend isn't exactly the proper title to give him I'll just stick to that. And we're so close, if I have a son, I'm naming him after my cousin, okay well... that can be his middle name, aha.
100. Finally, the end, I could write so much more, but I don't want to give away all my secrets. I'm weird, hard to get along with, insane, the complete opposite of normal, obsessed with the silliest things and the smallest little thing can hold my attention for hours. I don't like new people generally, and I'm a b***h. I like energy drink and I have a lot of shields that shoot up when people want to get to know me. Thats one of the reasons everyone thinks I'm so strange. Almost everything I say has a double meaning, and I'm one of the fakest people ever. I expect you to put in some effort to get to know me before I return the favor. I value friendship highly and its my most treasured asset. I'm nice most of the time, but watch out when I'm angry. I do like people, just not all the time. I could spend years alone and not care, but I'm too afraid to lose my best friends. Before my best friends now, i would have been happy being an I hate the world loner. Thanks to them I'm happy, and I have a life. My confidence in my looks isn't very high, but I know when I look good and I embrace it. People mistake the fact I don't care about most things for over whelming confidence. I have more confidence in myself as a whole. Under contrary belief I'm not a slut, and I'm not a whore. I'm not insane either, okay so that may be a lie, you can never be sure if you're insane or not. I love disproving things people believe in so greatly, I take joy out of it. I love philosophy and world issues, if there was a way I could combine those with lit, languages, history and a few other interests on mine and make them into a job in politics I'd be set for life. I like getting things my own way, even if I do procrastinate in almost every aspect in my life. I'm late for almost everything and its not always my fault. If I don't like you I'll forget you. I know everything I need to know about things I don't need to know about. I like talking in riddles and quoting things in daily life. I believe I should see a therapist, they'd have a field day with me, and who knows, I could be a new form of insanity. I have diagnosed myself with over twenty different issues, and I know what I'm talking about, although amazingly, I still seem pretty normal. Most of the things I make fun about are because I've been in that situation and i know later on people will think to themselves what the ******** was I thinking and laugh at it. I'd make a good therapist, too bad I don't try at school to get good marks. And finally, my very last fact, there are more than a hundred facts in this.
If this has turned you off from trying to be my friend, I don't hold it against you. If this has intrigued you, be my guest, I like talking to new people, and I challenge you to attempt to be my new best friend.
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The Ramblings of a Crazy Stranger.... continued
just a bunch of random things put together
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Get out, Get out of my mind, and come on, and come into my life