this is the continuation I had of the dream I talked about! in the next dream!here it is!
I wake up feeling refreshed and walk over to the water bowl. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I look over at Kakashi's empty bed. I walk into the medical tent and see that all the populars are in there watching Alora! they are whispering softly to her.I back out of the tent and listen. "She is surprising a good leader. I wonder if she got it from her mom or something" I here Alana say. "I bet if she had let us, we wouldn't have 2 people injured" Precious says. "Um hello? I heard that. and i was injured before we noticed that the teachers were gone" Crystal says in my defense. "Yeah, but if she didn't send Alora to collect the plates she wouldn't be injured!" Trinitie almost yelled.
"So what you mean to say is that you would have risked someone you don't like? like Roddrick?" I say, walking in casually. The populars jump an glare at me, all except Alana, the only popular that is nice to me most of the time. "Well yes, we do. And if we stayed where we were when Crystal got hurt, maybe Mrs. Bruhn and your mom would have turned up looking for us!" Trinitie says, throwing her arms up above her head. "If they did look there, they would be here by now! they would have thought that we continued on the path toward the village! That is how a concerned mom and teacher would think! Besides, it is logical that they might be at the village! so the sooner we get there the better!" I said before shooing them out. "Alora needs to rest if she is gonna heal" I say when they start to protest.
Kakashi just looks at Alora curiously and says," I can't believe they blamed you for that", pointing at her injuries before patting my head and walking out of the tent. "Hey Jordan, I don't think they noticed it but, what happened to Alora's cuts and bruises? it was way to fast for them to heal without a trace" Crystal says when I start looking at her leg. "And my leg doesn't even hurt as much! How did you do it?" She asks both curiously and amazingly."That, I'm afraid, is classified. Only me and Kakashi knows about it. He was the one that introduced me to the one that I learned it from. the best of the best." I reply, not making eye-contact with Crystal. "Come on, I know you, and you didn't do it, whatever it is, when you got cuts and scrapes during recess in 5th grade" she says, cautiously poking her leg, only flinching once."I didn't do it because one, it was public, and two, it wasn't anything serious like your's or Alora's wounds." I say while looking at Crystal's cast.
Crystal was silent for a while after that, and so was I. I told her not to move her leg to much and to rest. I walked out of the tent when Tavita came in to take his shift and started cooking breakfast. This time I made ants on a log. The boys found celery and peanuts growing while collecting firewood the other day. I cut the celery with my kunai and mashed the peanuts while I let the grapes sit in the sun. I then washed the celery and put 5 sticks of celery that were 5 inches long on each plate and put the peanut butter on. I had to wait a little for the grapes to fully become raisins before putting them on. I grabbed my "wake up call" rocks and rubbed them together. When the kids came out of the tents they ate the food quickly and got to work without me telling them to do anything.
Happily I go to where Pakun was supposed to meet me and Kakashi and summoned him. He appeared in a puff of smoke holding a scroll in his mouth. "You can go home now Pakun" I tell him before he poofs in another puff of smoke. I open the scroll and read it several times. "KAKASHI! COME QUICK! YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!" I yell over my shoulder. When Kakashi pushes the leaves away and stands next to me, he freezes, reading the scroll.
HA! CLIFF HANGER! YOU WON'T KNOW WHAT THE SCROLL SAYS UNTILL NEXT TIME! xD I know you hate me right now don't you. twisted