Well right now I'm gonna talk about random stuff from my day I had so far. I ate cereal, my dad fixed my hair; as in cut my hair so it wasn't as crooked as it was; took a shower, did the dishes, then my aunt Dolly(dollie?) came over so her and my mom could schedule when they're gonna sew. My mom took weekends off so she has free days now. Her and auntie Dolly used to sew in the past but then my mom started working more so she didn't have a lot of spare time.
Anywho after that I started doing some science, then I checked a few guilds I joined, quit a guild because it seemed to complicated, did dome more science, fed my goldfish in my aquarium here on gaia, watched some you tube videos, did even more science, and now I am doing this. PICKLES! sorry about that. I just seemed this was getting REALLY boring so I added a random thing-a-ma-boob.XD
well bye!*waves good bye*
...*sees you are still here* what do you want?*throws cookie at you*
...*sees you just sitting there, staring at me* WHAT?! I GAVE YOU A DANG COOKIE! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT A RIBBON?! *waits for you to stop staring at me and leave*
LEAVE!!!! NOW!!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO HERE SO GO! GET OUT NOW! *slams door in your face*
*opens door and sees you are still there* I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY TO YOU! BE GONE!* does spell that teleports you back to your house*