Creator: Darkness Lin
Leader:Himitsu Ketsueki
Whereabouts: Unknown
Kekkai Genkai: Chi-chū no akuma 血中の悪魔
Advances work of blood manipulation to the level of where they can either kill themselves or the enemy. This Kekkai Genkai is very dangers and many user don't make it pass the age of twenty-four. The reason being that how advance the blood manipulation is to the cellular level thus making any forum of jutsu like its own living thing. Each main blood line has the Clan Symbol on their back for one reason it is the only way to use the three most dangers arts that where created by Yami Megami. The gates as many call them hold increasing power of sight, hearing, and smell thus using or unlocking one of these gates have major draw backs as Oichi Ketsueki learn. Only those who have undergone years of training and she had yet go under such thing. This clan numbers at the best of times has only reach about a hundred but that was a few years back they normally keep about only fifty or so out and under direct control of the Kage.
Howere they keep about twenty-five well train ninja at all times reason why simple that they must teach the younger ones not to get themselves killed and such. Also make sure any secrets that might leave the safety of the clan. Those who try such thing are never seen from or heard from again thanks to Himitsu Ketsueki ability to break down and consume a body. That is sign of a true master of the arts however rumors have spread within the clan that there might be a clear way to explain how Yami Megami has been able to stay alive for long that she found a way to become immortal. Over all the clan is highly level of blood bending.
As to why the blood demon for the name that is simple after the third gate is unlock the user gains all three bones of smell. sight, hearing, and there body change. The body is said to twist and forum a blood shield around the person while they lose all control of normal thinking meaning this is dangers and that they will attack anyone that gets in their way however it can be control but once again training and they must ask Himitsu to teach them how to control such thing. That is the demon that hides in their blood. A dangers weapon for a deadly clan.
Clan Symbol:
Bio: The clan was found by Yami Megami her real name has been lost or is being withheld by the current leader of the clan. Speaking about the current leader she grew up under one of the few legends within the clan her father and mother both master of Chi-chū no akuma and Houtai however when she got to the age of fourteen they were killed in a battle that crush most of the clan and create the lower numbers of members and teachers. Ever since then she had worked hard and long to become a strong leader and has pass such thing down to her daughter. She herself has master the are of Chi-chū no akuma but is still working on Houtai.
She has kept the clan under type lock down order meaning no secrets and such are allowed to leave the clan no matter what and thus those who break this rule she will consume them no matter what reason. This clan follows the leader and only the leader no matter what the leaders order is law and thus the leader is the key to this clan as long as the leader doesn't feel threaten they will work with the village but if and when they do feel something isn't right they will break ties and leave. This is no joke the clan is one of the few who numbers are the only thing this clan is worry about since they are trying to rebuild their clans.
However lately events have happen that has rumors have spread in the clan that Yami Megami has come back and thus many believe that she has found some forum of immortality within the clan however this is very unsure of and thus many are trying to find out if this is true or not. The leader of the clan has mange to keep it within the clan and doesn't wish for any of this mess to come out.
Leader:Himitsu Ketsueki
Whereabouts: Unknown
Kekkai Genkai: Chi-chū no akuma 血中の悪魔
Advances work of blood manipulation to the level of where they can either kill themselves or the enemy. This Kekkai Genkai is very dangers and many user don't make it pass the age of twenty-four. The reason being that how advance the blood manipulation is to the cellular level thus making any forum of jutsu like its own living thing. Each main blood line has the Clan Symbol on their back for one reason it is the only way to use the three most dangers arts that where created by Yami Megami. The gates as many call them hold increasing power of sight, hearing, and smell thus using or unlocking one of these gates have major draw backs as Oichi Ketsueki learn. Only those who have undergone years of training and she had yet go under such thing. This clan numbers at the best of times has only reach about a hundred but that was a few years back they normally keep about only fifty or so out and under direct control of the Kage.
Howere they keep about twenty-five well train ninja at all times reason why simple that they must teach the younger ones not to get themselves killed and such. Also make sure any secrets that might leave the safety of the clan. Those who try such thing are never seen from or heard from again thanks to Himitsu Ketsueki ability to break down and consume a body. That is sign of a true master of the arts however rumors have spread within the clan that there might be a clear way to explain how Yami Megami has been able to stay alive for long that she found a way to become immortal. Over all the clan is highly level of blood bending.
As to why the blood demon for the name that is simple after the third gate is unlock the user gains all three bones of smell. sight, hearing, and there body change. The body is said to twist and forum a blood shield around the person while they lose all control of normal thinking meaning this is dangers and that they will attack anyone that gets in their way however it can be control but once again training and they must ask Himitsu to teach them how to control such thing. That is the demon that hides in their blood. A dangers weapon for a deadly clan.
Clan Symbol:

Bio: The clan was found by Yami Megami her real name has been lost or is being withheld by the current leader of the clan. Speaking about the current leader she grew up under one of the few legends within the clan her father and mother both master of Chi-chū no akuma and Houtai however when she got to the age of fourteen they were killed in a battle that crush most of the clan and create the lower numbers of members and teachers. Ever since then she had worked hard and long to become a strong leader and has pass such thing down to her daughter. She herself has master the are of Chi-chū no akuma but is still working on Houtai.
She has kept the clan under type lock down order meaning no secrets and such are allowed to leave the clan no matter what and thus those who break this rule she will consume them no matter what reason. This clan follows the leader and only the leader no matter what the leaders order is law and thus the leader is the key to this clan as long as the leader doesn't feel threaten they will work with the village but if and when they do feel something isn't right they will break ties and leave. This is no joke the clan is one of the few who numbers are the only thing this clan is worry about since they are trying to rebuild their clans.
However lately events have happen that has rumors have spread in the clan that Yami Megami has come back and thus many believe that she has found some forum of immortality within the clan however this is very unsure of and thus many are trying to find out if this is true or not. The leader of the clan has mange to keep it within the clan and doesn't wish for any of this mess to come out.
Basic Houtai
Houtai, is a symbiotic that uses its host as a source of energy (chi chraka anything that isn’t Life Force or Soul). The trade off for this is that the Houtai will aid its host in times of need and will defend it in life threaten events. Even thought houtai has a will of its own it attends to act off of the user’s wishes thus no commands such as talking or yelling is needed. It works off of thought and reaction. Other then the fact that it will defend it host it can at times if able to touch others it will leach off of that users and store that energy for its host to be able to use it at a later date. There is a danger to this. If the houtai doesn’t either get enough energy from its users or it over stores it then the houtai can become berserk and kill its host. The host must maintain a steady flow of energy to the houtai to prevent this happening giving it to much will trigger this. There are limits to the type of energy it can steal such as life force and even soul. The other types of energy it can’t steal Kinetic energy thus meaning thrown objects or items in motion cannot be stop since this energy is not base of inner energy (chi and Chraker and others like this). It cannot heal its user if it’s receives damage and as to its ability to defend its user may vary on the user. Everything Houtai does does need energy from its host or energy it may have store to use. Thus is only as strong as its user and over time if the user doesn’t gain any more energy its ability to do stuff will lag and eventually it will kill its user.
[----Houtai Color/Ability----]
White-This is default for many in the clan and is able to do all of the other colors ability's at a normal level.
Black-This is very rear and acts very much like a shield. Its block almost all types of incoming attacks to the user. It is the most hardest one to destroy out of all the others.