The voice through my head... Kiwikisses1
The name given to me... Kaito Basata
What I am willing to reveal... 356
I am an... immortal water elementalist
I can assure you, that I am... male
I prefer... males
I've been told... Kaito is mostly a quiet man. He doesn't say much, but his actions speak loudly. He will only talk to someone if he thinks they deserve it or if it's important. He mostly likes to read and write his short stories that he has published every month. But lately he has become lonely.
Where to start... Kaito has complete control over the water element. He can move it from one place or another in air. Take the water vapor from the air, from plants and animals, if he really needed to. He just can't make water come out of nothing.
He used to be just a regular human, but he was cursed immortality. At first, he had laughed at it. A curse? How could living forever be a curse? Then as the decades went by, he realized that it was very lonely. That he had to watch people die while he remained ageless. It was...rather depressing. So he kind of turned away from people and focused his energy on writing his boy love short stories.
What I'd like on a collar... Name tag, shield, bow, pink, tan, silver, magenta
I am known to be... one that is going to spoil the hell out of his pets
My property... Reserved for Konani_NTH

The voice through my head... KiwiKisses1
The name given to me... Fang Katalis
What I am willing to reveal... 980
I am a... Demon
I can assure you, that I am... Male
I prefer... women
I've been told... Fang has lived for a very long time and has learned not to trust or particularly care for humans or any other race. He's cold and demanding and is a man of few words. He hates stupidity and ignorance.
Where to start... Fang does not like to talk about himself. He will say that he controls the winds. He was born in a demon village and was treated poorly. He was constantly in fights to prove that he was better than the others. He eventually burned down the entire village and killed everyone before leaving.
He doesn't like to be touched and don't even think about sneaking up on him. He'll have his hand around your throat before you even have time to blink.
What Fang does not know is that he is looking for someone to calm him. A woman that can change his views on society.
What I'd like on a collar... Nametag, Pacifier, Leaf, Magenta, Orange, Silver
I am known to be... Cruel and Demanding
My property... Isra Rism

The voice through my head... KiwiKisses1
The name given to me... Cian Torrin
What I am willing to reveal... 156 but appears 25
I am a... Fire Shadow Demon– Looks like a normal human, but when normal form, his skin is black and red, a mix of shadow and fire.
I can assure you, that I am... Male
I prefer... Homosexuality
I've been told... Generally a quiet man. He doesn't like to speak a lot because he thinks that people are not important enough for him. He generally likes to be alone, but recently has decided to purchase himself some entertainment. He's a very dominate person, but loves a challenge. He wants to break down a royal, but they don't have to be royal.
Where to start... Cian has a lot of money that he had accumulated over the decades that he has been alive. He is very wealthy, but he doesn't like to flaunt his money. He does live in a very nice house, but it's not a manor or anything like that. He's kind of a man whore, so his new pet might have to endure the fact that Cian might bring random men into his room. During that time, he will expect his pet to leave him be.
He scammed people for their money, persuaded them. It was one of his powers, telekinesis. Depending on the mind of the person, he could force them to do things he wanted. Though, he did not use it that often. He liked free will as much as the next person.
What I'd like on a collar... Star, Rose, Moon, Purple, red
I am known to be... Demanding
My property... Korbi E'Hije

The voice through my head... KiwiKisses1
The name given to me... Kyoga Higa
What I am willing to reveal... 100
I am a... butterfly
I can assure you, that I am... male
I prefer... Bisexual
I've been told... that I am carefree and easy going. You'll probably never see me angry or upset. Not a lot of things get under my skin, that's why. And I am good at bottling up my emotions. I think it's a waste of time to worry about what happened or what could have happened.
Where to start... I move around with my sister as she moved. She's my older sister, but she doesn't have to take care of me. I am not a child. She's just a little older. I decided to come with her when she left our home so she didn't have to miss being with her own kind.
As the only son in the family, I was meant to be the next in line, but I immediately turned that down and gave it to our older sister. Being a King was just not my thing. Traveling with my sister sounded a lot better anyway.
Like Kyoko, I was spoiled as well, but I don't think I am a brat either. We just always had a lot of money. There's not much to say about me other than that fact that I always have been and always will be the fun loving guy.
What I'd like on a collar... name tag, cloud, fire, gloves, bow, teal, violet, gray, silver.
I am known to be... kind and loving and carefree.
My property... Kirie and Juliann

The voice through my head...
The name given to me... Calanon Beriadan
What I am willing to reveal... 25
I am a... Elf
I can assure you, that I am... male
I prefer... I don't have a preference.
I've been told... a very quiet person. He's kind of a loner, but he was not a loser. He just found more comfort with nature rather than people. But like any normal person, he became lonely with just his plants. He is very knowledge and doesn't care for idiocy.
Where to start... Calanon has always been an anti-social. He spent many of his days alone with his plants. He moved away from his parents as soon as he could and bought a huge house that was pretty much covered in all sorts of plants. He even had specialized rooms for special plants that needed a certain temperature or humidity to survive. He wore gloves for some of the plants that were sensitive to human oils.
His plants are his life, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if something ever happened to him, but as of late, he had been wanting something more, something that would actually talk back to him, interact with him.
What I'd like on a collar... Calanon is really just looking for someone that could help with his plants and a companion
I am known to be... kind and loving.
My property... [Slave's name]

The voice through my head... KiwiKisses1
The name given to me... Hayden Laveau
What I am willing to reveal... 18
I am a... human
I can assure you, that I am... male
I prefer... males
I've been told... I don't care what people think about me. I don't care if they think I am emo or whatever. I actually enjoy live and I like the way I dress. I think it suits me. I love music, without it, I would just die. Green is my favorite color. I live life the way I see fit and I do not like people telling me what to do. Homophobic? I don't care. I'm gay and I am proud. I don't need anyone's support or permission or whatever. I may sound sarastic, but I mean what I say.
Where to start... Lucky me, my parents know how to make big money. Since they love me oh so much, they sent me to live on my own in a huge apartment building. I think it's because they were ashamed of the way I dressed. But really...I don't care. I get to live in this bitchin' apartment all by myself. I do though, have managed to get me a job as a waiter in a gothic cafe. It was the only place that allowed me to keep my piercings and my hair color.
At the moment, I don't go to school, I just work. I do want to go to school. Just...not right now...because...I don't want too. Simple as that. I actually don't work often either. I am just an extra, called in if they need me, since i know that other people need the hours and cash more than I do. I still get an allowance.
What I'd like on a collar... To be honest, I don't even know what I want. Probably Nametag, maybe cloud....bow would be nice...I don't have color preferences either.
I am known to be... laid-back
My property... [Slave's name]
The name given to me... Hayden Laveau
What I am willing to reveal... 18
I am a... human
I can assure you, that I am... male
I prefer... males
I've been told... I don't care what people think about me. I don't care if they think I am emo or whatever. I actually enjoy live and I like the way I dress. I think it suits me. I love music, without it, I would just die. Green is my favorite color. I live life the way I see fit and I do not like people telling me what to do. Homophobic? I don't care. I'm gay and I am proud. I don't need anyone's support or permission or whatever. I may sound sarastic, but I mean what I say.
Where to start... Lucky me, my parents know how to make big money. Since they love me oh so much, they sent me to live on my own in a huge apartment building. I think it's because they were ashamed of the way I dressed. But really...I don't care. I get to live in this bitchin' apartment all by myself. I do though, have managed to get me a job as a waiter in a gothic cafe. It was the only place that allowed me to keep my piercings and my hair color.
At the moment, I don't go to school, I just work. I do want to go to school. Just...not right now...because...I don't want too. Simple as that. I actually don't work often either. I am just an extra, called in if they need me, since i know that other people need the hours and cash more than I do. I still get an allowance.
What I'd like on a collar... To be honest, I don't even know what I want. Probably Nametag, maybe cloud....bow would be nice...I don't have color preferences either.
I am known to be... laid-back
My property... [Slave's name]