The Bengal Tiger (pictured on right)

I have found a new version of the Bengal tiger. It lives in the grasslands and jungles of India. There is tall grass and trees all around. They live in a habitat that includes deer, antelopes, and wild cattle, pigs, and boars. This animal is a large, warm-blooded, carnivorous vertebrate with fur. It has the exact same pattern and coloring as old Bengal tigers. There is plenty of shrubbery, grass, trees and rocks in this tigers habitat depending on where you are.
I found a recently deceased elderly tiger while on my trip. It had bones and claws covered in metal and had high concentrations of metal in the bones. Its fur had high concentrations of metal in it. The skin started to rot and shrivel almost instantly and it rotted very fast. I believe this will dramatically cut down on killings. The new tiger can actually change colors when needed. This means camouflage for it's environment whenever. That means it ks easier to catch prey and hide from humans. If not for humans the Bengal tiger would have nothing killing it. With these new adaptations soon even humans won't be a problem and the tigers will live in relative peace.
The natural prey for tigers is just about anything with hooves that lives in the same habitat. The new organism will have to compete with the other tigers for food. But since the old tigers are still being hunted it will make it easier for the new ones later on. The niche for these new tigers is relatively the same, keep animal populations under check by killing the weak. these animals also interact with their environment a lot. They scratch on trees, kill animals, drink from rivers, sunbathe on rocks, dig holes for their wastes, swim in rivers, rub against trees, walk through grass, chew grass, and sometimes climb trees. If these new tigers over produced then food and shelter would be fought over. There wouldn't be enough or they would kill of too many.
Food and space. Those would be the main sources of Competition between the new and old species of tiger. These are two necessity everyone needs that would now be threatened by two species living there. Even though they need water that is plentiful. Food wold dwindle while both species are alive and so would space. So the new tigers might need to drive out the old ones.
The old species is not cut out for the human hunting parties like the new one is. The new ones also start driving the old tigers farther and farther out from the habitat. The new one survives hunts and make the old tigers leave so they get food and space.
The new tigers have driven off the old ones and the old ones are now extinct. The new ones will reproduce and that requires meiosis. The new species has 42 chromosomes that will end up being divided into 21 during meiosis. These 21 chromosomes are the sex cells ore gametes. the go together withe the gametes from the opposite sex. Together that makes a child during mitosis.
I call this new tiger Panthera tigris metalus or Metal tiger. It is in the Animalia Kingdom because it is an animal. It is in the phylum Chordata - subphylum Vertebrata because it has a vertebrae. It is in the class Mammalia because it is a mammal. It is in the Carnicora because it eats meat. It is in the family Felidae because it is a feline. It is in the Genus Panthera because it can roar. and it is in the species tigris because it is a type of tiger.
In conclusion the new tigers will need no help surviving except for making sure theie habitat survives. That would be the only danger to them... that or poisoning.