your role is to play someone at school and become his best friend.

The one who Sees Ghosts
He was a boy with not enough reality to keep his feet planted on the ground. He would sink into his fantasies when the clock hit 11:11 and stay awake listening to the pulse of his mind beating against the cage of his delusions. He was a boy who never realised that writing poems on his bandages was pointless, because words are just words, and in the end they can’t hold you together- no matter how much one believed that they would. He was a boy who made a living by scribbling his story onto paper napkins at the corner diners, hoping that maybe someone would come along and read it- read it and believe in it, believe in him, because that’s really all he wants.
Jinx and his parents moved for the fifteenth time this year. Looking at the house that was to be called his new home. There was a ghost in the house… he just knew it. His mother and father had told him not to be silly and to grow up. This happened to often now and his parents didn’t believe there were such things as ghosts or spirits. Jinx was eighteen now, although he knew when he told his parents about sightings of the spirits or ghosts whatever you wish to call it. He couldn’t ignore them. It was as if they were attracted to him! If you asked him why he thought he saw ghosts or spirits, he would have given you a very convincing answer, unless you yourself had have had a feeling of something good or bad being about to happen for no particular reason.
Walking up to his room that had all his things already there. Going threw the box’s to find what he needed for school the next day. He jumped when he saw a female from the corner of his eyes. “s**t…” he cursed as he sighed out. There girl stood there with her hands linked behind her back. Jinx ignored her, not wanting her to find out that he could see her. He sighed out as he leaned his weight on a box as he dipped his head. “w-what do you want?” he asked defeated as he couldn’t stand someone staring at him. ‘why are you stammering like that?’ she asked. ‘are you scared or something?’ Jinx turned around as he looked at her as he raised an eyebrow. Before when he was younger he would run to his parents but a lot of good that got him. “You tell me, I see things other people don’t… so yes in a way I am.” he said annoyed. He started to unpack once more. ‘what’s your name?’ she asked as she floated over to him. “Jinx.” he said as he moved a empty box out of the way to counter her coming closer to him. ‘Jinx… that’s a funny name.’ she said with a smile. He sighed as he looked at her. “what do you want?” He watched as her head seemed to dip as she looked at her own feet. “I’m stuck between worlds.” she whispered. Jinx shrugged as he looked away. “Not my problem.” he said as he walked out of his room. Running down the stairs as he pulled on his boots. “I’ll see you latter, gonna run down to the school to pick up my schedule for tomorrow.” He yelled out to his parents who were still unpacking. Half way to the school he sighed as he stopped and looked back. “why are you following me?” he asked the ghost as he looked at her. She said nothing, with that he continued to walk. Soon enough he was at the school and the last bell hand rang to head home. The students pilled out of the doors so it was hard to try to get into the school. Giving up as he stood there waiting for things to settle down. Once it did he went to the reception asking for his schedule for tomorrow. Once he had it he walked around the school looking for his classes. The school was huge, so just walking around took some effort to find the right classes as it took him a while to find out there was a left and right wing and there were two buildings that were labeled A and B. Although he was looking for his classes he never forgotten about the female that was following him. great... can I not have a normal life? walking around the corner as he bumped into someone causing whoever he bumped into sprawl across the floor and their things scatter. "I'm sorry... my mind is else where." he said as he knelt down and started to pick up the things.