Katherine She lives to be 10 years old. Summary: She is very pale and fragile, she has light red hair and freckles on her cheeks. She was born March 10, 1994, she dies exactly ten years later. Her mother dies when she is 3 years old driving her father to madness. He blames Katherine for weakening his wife and blames her for her death, this leads to years of severe physical and sexual abuse toward her from him. From the beginning she is too young to understand why her father is doing these things to her and doesn't understand where her "mommy" went, she begins to understand that this isn't normal when she goes to school (she makes it to fourth grade) and sees all the other kids with their parents having fun. Her father forces her to stay quite with many threats and warnings. Personality: Shes very innocent, shy, and reclusive. Though, depending on how old she is when you write her, she loses much of her innocence as she ages.
Outfits: (around the house, never to school. Her father made sure to present her well so no one would be suspicious.) When she is alive, she would wear something of a very baggy blood-stained shirt as such, bruises would litter her body and incessant tears fall from her eyes. Given her age she should only have very, very small breasts if drawn close to the time of her death.
She would always look forward to the school days, her father would clean her up, feed her well, brush her hair, and most important to her was the hug in-front of the teacher before being dropped off. Her teachers wondered at her bruises but never questioned because of her father's attitude during meetings and such. Colors and style are all up to you uniform-wise, the school did not have a dress code so anything lolita or "rich" looking would suit her father's tastes.
Additional Information to be added later. Any questions should be PMed to me.
Artwork will be added as I get it. Home:


VaugeNymph · Wed May 04, 2011 @ 01:36am · 0 Comments |