I decided to take a few pictures of all the Shaman King stuff that I have. Uh.. Ignore all of the other photos on the walls.
With this one, I forgot to add in my three video games that I had. So I edited the picture. I hope it looks okay, either way.
I have three different types of Shaman King cards. 1. Six boxes of the Shaman King TCG Starter Decks. 2. Shaman King Poker cards. 3. Shaman King Japanese cards.
I have the full anime of Shaman King. However, the translations are CRAP.
My Anna beads aren't that of a bright blue. But the flash makes it light up like that. Really pretty!
If you haven't noticed, by the boxes, I have a Horohoro and a Tao Ren figure. I'll have to buy one of each again, though.. because the colors faded and I had to use super glue because they broke. -Cough.-

I have all 32 Shaman King books. I am still waiting for Kang Zeng Bang and Flowers to come out in English. ( And why do I keep almost typing "boob"!?

So tell me, what do you have? c:
llx Horohoro xll · Mon May 09, 2011 @ 04:37pm · 0 Comments |