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Sometime in October I entered a competition in a magazine to win a Nintendo DS and Nintendogs game. I had to draw a picture of a giraffe. And so I drew it, sent it in and awaited the next issue for when they would announce the winners. The issue was due for the next fortnight, but they decided to change it to a monthly so I had to wait another excruciating few weeks.

After that, to my awesome surprise and joy, four days after my birthday on November 16 that I won. Four phone calls, and Four months and two weeks later the guy at the other end of the phone said "Oh, yeah. It's right here, but I guess It kinda slipped my mind?"


(Mind you, during Feburary I was thinking of this game at least twice a day and in March even more often. It was driving me insane!)

So one weekend later I'm back at school and starting to stress over my maths SAC I will have in three days. When I arrive home my mum informs me of its arrival!


But I told her to keep it hidden from me. This puzzles me and makes me proud of myself (because once I get that DS it won't leave my hands for at least a week of continuous play :O~).

I better get good on this SAC!


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Oct 14, 2006 @ 04:28pm
I realised something interesting today. As I was looking through my journal, the only person who's commented is YOU~! Quite interseting really, so i'm here to repay the favour!

Btw, how'd you go in that SAC? And are you playing you DS madly? I wanna see it!! I still haven't seen it!

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