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oh my god this
Rose: Ah, hello there.
John: oh, hey rose!
John: i wasn't expecting it to be you.
Rose: Oh?
Rose: Well, lesson learned, I guess.
Rose: Expect the unexpected.
John: haha, yeah, i guess.
John: but then the expected would become the unexpected
John: then it's just like one big cycle of expectancy!!
Rose: Such a paradox.
Rose: Do all such statements swirl through your head like this, John?
Rose: What would you make of this statement, then; Your mission is to decline this mission?
John: woah! that's weird, too.
John: thinking about it makes my head hurt, actually.
John: don't send me any more, those will keep me busy for the rest of the day
Rose: Oh, and I was just getting into the swing of it.
Rose: But alright.
John: so what's up in roseland?
Rose: Haha. Well, I've applied to several universities, and I'm planning on moving out.
Rose: Soon.
Rose: Sooner rather than later, at least.
Rose: And yourself?
John: wow, university, already? that's really early.
John: as well as moving out, i didn't think you couldn't handle your mom * that much * ..
John: i'm not doing much, really, just watching some movies!
Rose: Early? I daresay that finishing the twelth grade surely constitutes age enough.
John: i guess so... but i haven't thought about it!
Rose: As for my mother, it's a subject I'd rather not breach.
Rose: And if you plan to go, I'd suggest you start thinking about it.
John: well, yeah, i do wanna go... i guess i can get dad to help me out with it or something.
John: or you can help! you're smart.
Rose: Well, if there's any way I can help- chosing subjects or campuses or anything like that, I'm certainly here if you need ask.
Rose: And I'm sure your father would be thrilled to help you out with this sort of stuff.
Rose: My mother is concerned, but I think she's supportive. Maybe.
Rose: No matter, I'm doing it anyway.
Rose: I haven't told her I'm moving out yet.
Rose: I'm not looking forward to it.
John: well, i'll depend on you if my dad has no clue, which i'm kind of guessing he won't.
John: i mean, he's really old! so the last time he was at school was like 25 years ago!
John: and i wouldn't wanna be hanging around for when you tell her.
Rose: Hahaha, oh John. Aged as he may be, I've the impression he's an intelligent man.
Rose: If he hasn't a clue how to help, I'm sure he'll try to find out.
Rose: And if not, well, I am always here.
Rose: ....
Rose: As for my mother, I wish I didn't have to be around when I told her.
Rose: Things have been a little difficult recently, and it won't help matters in the slightest.
Rose: Alas, it's a thing that needs to be done.
John: well, when it's done, it'll be done
John: and then you'll feel better?
John: good luck telling her, though.
John: i think my dad would flip out and bombard me with 'stay home' cakes if i try to leave.
Rose: Hahaha, but at least he cares, yes?
Rose: He'd be concerned for you. He only wants what's best for you.
Rose: It's very sweet. And almost a little insecure.
Rose: But it's endearing.
John: well, yeah, i know he cares.
John: i just don't want all this betty crocker stuff.
John: but i'm not planning on leaving home any time soon, so there's no need to worry about cakes for now!
John: ... but if he starts dressing up as a clown - no, a * harlequin * - i'm out.
Rose: Hahaha.
Rose: I'm pretty sure if that really is something that your father gets up to on his own time, he's going to continue to be very careful in keeping it out of your business, dear.
Rose: I'm sure it's a lot more entertaining from the sidelines, though.
Rose: I don't have to deal with baking and harlequin and lord knows what else.
Rose: Only...
Rose: Well, hey. I grew up knowing how to look after myself to some extent, at least.
Rose: Anyway.
Rose: If you do end up attending university, what sort of subjects do you think you're likely to take
Rose: *?
Rose: Blasted keyboard.
John: harlequins and baking aren't the worst things that could happen, i suppose.
John: but yeah, university!
John: ectobiology, of course. hence the chumhandle. jeez, i thought you would've known that!
Rose: Oh dear, that's a slap on the wrist for me.
Rose: However could I have been so foolish?
John: hee hee, no need to be so sarcastic
John: i don't know what else i would take, though, there's so many subjects.
Rose: Biology... what about physics or chemistry?
Rose: Math, too. Statistics, maybe.
John: chemistry sounds the most fun.
John: even though we've never actually blown anything up so far..
Rose: Hahaha, because that is not really what chemistry is about, John.
Rose: Well, for example, I'm majoring in psychology. And to back that up my electives are sociology, english and social sciences.
Rose: So once you've got your major, you choose other subjects to compliment it, perhaps.
Rose: Of course, run this by your father.
Rose: And check which campuses offer what.
John: so... biology would need other sciences, right?
John: haha, maybe i could take psychology, too, and we could be in the same class.
Rose: Either that or mathematical subjects.
Rose: Assuming that we attended the same university? Yes, that could happen.
John: well, it could happen! though i bet you'd go to like
John: the university of smarty mc brainypants people
John: and i'd just go to a normal one.
Rose: Hahaha, oh John.
Rose: Well, right now I just wish someone would accept me at all, so I'd know where to look for an apartment.
John: you've got time, i guess! ... i think
John: i mean, you always plan stuff ahead, so yeah, you've got time.
John: ... but then if you think you have time, you might put it off and you won't have time...
John: and it's back to the paradox thing again.
Rose: Don't think about it too much, dear.
Rose: You might hurt yourself.
John: haha, okay, i'll try not to
Rose: Oh, you know I mean it all in fun
Rose: But yes, I cannot wait to get out of here. I have no illusions it's going to be hard.
Rose: But I'm sick of this. Beyond it. It'll be nice to have space to hear myself think.
John: you'll feel better once you move out, so just keep looking forward to it!
John: i guess you wouldn't want to live at the university?
Rose: Well, if I have to I will.
John: it might be really loud there, and the person you share the room with might not be so cool...
John: but you can do the psychoanalysis thing on them, i guess.
John: which is a plus, for you.
Rose: Hahah, yes. And need the situation ever arise, I shall most certainly look forward to it.
Rose: So, drifting from that topic, how have things been going in the world of John Egbert lately?
John: just... john egbert - y, i guess!
John: more harlequins, cakes and nic cage movies.
John: and dave telling me how lame i am, but that's dave.
Rose: Haha, yes, don't mind him.
Rose: He has issues he needs to work out. If only he'd accept that.
John: i think his brother has more issues than him.
John: puppets are creepy.
Rose: Yes, you're quite right there.
Rose: And I have no doubt in my mind that his brother is at the very root of several of Strider's own problems.
Rose: Perhaps not in any malicious sense.
Rose: But an enabler at the very least.
John: maybe next time we all meet up, you can explain it to him in detail.
John: i bet he'd love to hear that!
john: but he's too ironic and cool for issues, apparently
Rose: Oh, I've tried. I really have. And yes, I've gotten that same response.
Rose: Oh!
Rose: Something I've remembered. Ah.
Rose: John, can I speak to you in confidence about something?
John: oh? yeah, of course!
John: if it's a secret or anything, i won't tell anyone.
John: not even my dad's pipe.
Rose: Well, that's very good to know.
Rose: That pipe's a bit of a gossip, I'll have you know.
John: hee hee.
Rose: Anyway.
Rose: Ah, I know this is an uncomfortable subject, but...
Rose: You remember what happened a couple of years ago?
Rose: That horrible, convoluted 'bad dream'?
Rose: At least, I believe that's what was decided on for it.
John: yeah, of course i remember that.
John: i don't think i'd be able to forget, haha.
Rose: Haha, neither will I.
Rose: Had to make sure, though; the human mind will often erase traumatic things.
Rose: Anyway, sorry. Back on topic.
Rose: I don't know about all of you, but I was never really quite content with what those therapists told us about that.
Rose: I'm sure you realised that. And I'm not sure whether the rest of you believed them or whatever- Jade certainly did.
John: well, i don't really know how they would know about the 'root of that problem' anyway...
John: it was just really weird how it was shared between four people.
Rose: Yes, my thoughts exactly. I think Dave's surpressed it entirely, which is why I asked you if you remembered.
Rose: Anyway. You know the story, dream, hallucination, overactive imagination, whatever awful theory you were fed...
Rose: I was cleaning out my room the other day whilst my mother was once again out drinking.
Rose: Dug right back into my closet, clearing out ridiculous stories I'd written in journals and old forgotten knitting and all that.
Rose: And I found a couple of disks.
John: what kinds of disks...?
Rose: Game disks. And it made me remember everything that happened.
Rose: Hell, I'd forgotten I still had them. I could have sworn I'd thrown them out.
Rose: Well, more my mother.
Rose: But knowing my younger self, I probably sneaked them back when she wasn't looking.
Rose: Foolish.
Rose: But that's not the point.
Rose: John, if that entire incident was a dream, why have I got these disks?
John: i.. don't know.
John: maybe we had the disks before and the dream based around that?
John: like, something we all had..
Rose: It's really bothering me, John.
Rose: I really want to stick the server disk in, just to see what happens.
Rose: But something's telling me that's a really bad idea.
John: i have to agree with that something.
John: if it wasn't a dream, it was still really, really bad.
John: and i don't want to go through it again.
Rose: ...
Rose: Neither do I.
Rose: Although...
Rose: If I do install this game, whatever it is- ridiculous thing doesn't have the bloody title on the disk- and something does happen, it'll prove we weren't crazy.
Rose: And, I mean, if I install it and it does absolutely nothing, it'll prove once and for all that there was nothing to fear in the first place.
Rose: And maybe that would help us get over it once and for all.
John: ... i don't know, rose.
John: it would be nice to know it does nothing...
John: but i don't want to be around if it does something.
John: and the something it does may be worse than the previous something!
Rose: ...
Rose: You're right, there.
Rose: Maybe I should just get rid of them once and for all.
John: .....
John: but i'm curious, too.
John: i might still have mine somewhere..
John: now i'm torn.
John: maybe jade and dave have theirs, too?
Rose: I tried talking about this to Dave, once. He just told me to be a good woman and 'stfu'.
Rose: And then started getting really nasty about it and claiming he hadn't a clue what I was on about.
Rose: As for Jade, she's still very, very tender about the subject, the poor dear.
Rose: Mind you, I hadn't found the disks at those points.
John: well, dave is just dave. maybe he still remembers, but i know he wouldn't let anyone know how he feels about it!
John: and maybe jade would have calmed down about it?
John: i bet they're both really curious, too!
John: or, really scared.
Rose: ... I must admit, my fear certainly rivals my curiosity.
John: same here...
John: maybe we should and get it out of the way?
John: but then i would never be able to go to university!
Rose: Hahaha, oh John. Even if you haven't meant it, your priorities never fail to brighten my day to some degree.
John: i try.
John: often without trying.
John: but, we have a lot of time to think about it.
John: more time than you have to get university and a house sorted out!
Rose: And, of course, there's always the chance absolutely nothing will happen.
Rose: It'll have all been a sham, and we can laugh ourselves silly.
Rose: Or we could just throw the disks away, call it a day, and pretend it never happened again.
Rose: ...
Rose: And yes, because my time on those are relatively limited.
John: well...
John: i don't think i want to throw them away.
John: i definitely want to try them out...
John: but i don't know when.
Rose: God, the thought is daunting.
Rose: I don't remember anything in great detail. We'd be starting from scratch.
John: i think i remember a bit more than everyone else, when we talked about it, and it was pretty scary.
John: but knowing nothing happened would be a relief.
Rose: Absolutely.
Rose: I certainly don't remember as much as I did then
Rose: I remember there being lots of Daves, as silly as that sounds.
John: haha, i remember that, too.
Rose: And I remember that in my part of whatever it was, there was lots of light and rivers and it was astonishingly beautiful.
John: i remember my rocket pack!
John: pchoooooooo
Rose: Hmn....
Rose: I also distinctly remember a bathtub finding its way through your wall.
John: yeahhh.. that, too. that was annoying.
John: and something about salamanders and rabbits?
Rose: Something about Jade's dog.
Rose: And at one point, your portion of whatever it was was on fire, and I also remember not really being quite sure how that happened.
John: i also remember a sharp pain in my chest...
John: then waking up to find.. well, i'm not really sure.
John: but i have a feeling it was bad.
Rose: Yes...
Rose: I remember sitting in Dave's part of whatever it was, and everything was lava, maybe.
Rose: And then everything went black.
Rose: And that was it.
Rose: That's what scares me the most, I think.
Rose: You all remembered a lot more beyond that. But I seemed to have hit a certain point, and then nothingness.
Rose: It's.... unsettling.
Rose: ...
Rose: God, just thinking about all of this is making me feel a tad nauseous.
John: i remember... a few things after that, but they're kind of blurry.
John: yeah, this is nightmare fuel for a few days.
Rose: ... Ugh.
Rose: If I can talk my mother into paying for the travel, how do you feel about coming and staying here with me for a week or so?
Rose: It'd be lovely to see you again.
Rose: We could get your university stuff started.
John: wow! that'd be great, i can't remember the last time i saw you
John: i'll bring a cake or something, haha
Rose: It'll keep me sane; hopefully my mother will behave herself.
John: i'm sure she will.
John: well..
John: maybe.
John: i'm not too sure, with the things you tell me about her, haha.
Rose: Ah, not much has changed...
Rose: Her drinking has gotten worse.
Rose: But that is probably about it.
John: oh, then she'll be fine, i bet.
Rose: It's less a danger to anyone I'm worried about than it is her just embarrassing herself.
Rose: Again.
John: it'll just be me! she won't embarrass herself.
John: unless she does something REALLY embarrassing.
Rose: And it also depends on what sort of embarrassing we're talking about.
Rose: Whether it's another of her heart-felt confessions of love, or bringing the night's binge up on one of our shirts.
Rose: It's a disgrace, really it is.
Rose: Perhaps I could send her in your place, while you visit.
Rose: That way we have peace and quiet from her, and your father can start straightening her out.
Rose: He strikes me as a very strict man, if very sweet.
John: haha, maybe. i always thought our parents would get along kind of well, for some reason...
Rose: So did I, strangely enough. God knows my mother needs friends.
John: i think since nanna died, dad's kind of put all of his attention on work and me!
John: so if he does have any friends, they're his workmates.
John: betty crocker doesn't count.
Rose: Huh.
Rose: Then perhaps my joke wasn't too far off a conceivable plan.
John: haha, so we're gonna trade me for your mom for a week?
John: that'll be fun
John: kind of like wife swap
John: but..... now with wives
John: not*
Rose: Oh god, that show.
Rose: The only episode I saw of that godawful show was an absolutely strictly religious family swapping wife for femme with a family with two daughters and a pair of fathers.
Rose: What a splendid idea that was.
Rose: But yes, I guess it would be very much like that.
Rose: And whilst your father undoubtly puts up with my mother's grievances, we can start getting you sorted out for tertiary education.
Rose: And perhaps play some videogames, if you're still into them.
Rose: And perhaps I'll finally watch Con Air.
Rose: I'll admit that Deep Impact and Wickerman were not as horribly awful as Dave lead me to believe, but still.
John: yeah! videogames and.. uh.. education. you know, the first one sounds more fun.
John: but we are definitely watching con air!!
Rose: Hahaha, of course it does, dear. And I'll make sure it takes up a majority of our time-
John: i can imitate the scene with the rabbit perfectly!
Rose: And what on earth have I gotten myself into.
John: a nic cage moviefest
John: doesn't it sound great??
John: i'm suddenly a lot more excited about this.
Rose: Well, I'm very glad you are.
Rose: Excitement is what I'm going for when I extend such invitations, you see.
Rose: But, I feel the need to ask; in exchange for indulging in your admittedly slightly puzzling fetish for Nic Cage, may I insist that you play one of my favourite games through for me?
Rose: I do so enjoy watching people play games through.
John: uh, yeah, i could do that!
John: what do i have to do?
Rose: Oh, nothing much. It's only an Xbox game.
Rose: So if you're capable of holding a controller, it should be fine.
John: yeah, i could do that.
John: i'm so awesome at xbox games.
John: you'll be amazed at how good i am.
Rose: Perhaps you've heard of it- Call of Cthulhu; Dark Corners of the Earth?
Rose: Haha, then this will all work out perfectly.
John: wow, i've heard of it, but i've never played it.
John: i've read about it in gamebro.
Rose: Oh, it's such a brilliant game. You'll love it, I'm sure.
Rose: .... also, I continue to fail in seeing the appeal of that magazine.
Rose: Maybe it's a "boy-thing".
John: yeah.
John: it's a boy thing.
Rose: Damn you, social gender structures.
Rose: In any case, next time my mother is somewhat close to sober, I'll inform her of our little plan.
Rose: I'm sure she'll agree.
Rose: And if she doesn't, it shall happen anyway.
Rose: I'm good with these things.
John: haha, okay.
John: i'll tell my dad about it soon
John: once he stops making cakes...
John: i like avoiding him when he bakes.
John: if i don't i'll get dragged into it!
Rose: Perhaps he could teach my mother a thing or two.
Rose: And I imagine so, haha.
John: hopefully he does! they can both learn from each other.
Rose: Yes.
Rose: My mother can learn how to bake.
Rose: And your father can learn to be a useless drunkard.
John: haha, i'm sure there's more to your mom than that
John: i bet she could teach my dad that shaving cream is for shaving
John: not squirting at his son
Rose: Hmn, that would be a useful skill indeed.
John: but if i do come back to tons of liquor in my cabinets, i'll blame your mom!
Rose: I've been trying for god knows how long.
Rose: I just hope that this does her some good at least.
Rose: Maybe spending some time away will be good for her.
Rose: Alright then. I'm sure she'll take full responsability.
Rose: Oh god, I think she's home.
John: oh? does that mean you have to go now?
Rose: Urgh, yes, yes, that is indeed her.
Rose: I might be able to stall a while. If she's sober enough to get herself to bed.
Rose: Do you mind if I pop down just to see if she's alright?
John: no, i don't mind!
John: i'll still be here.
Rose: Alright. Thank you, John. I won't be a moment
John: no problem, see you in a bit.
Rose: Ugh, alright.
Rose: Sorry about that.
Rose: I've gotten her into bed, she should be fine from now on.
John: oh! it's good to hear she's okay now.
John: i bet you feel like the parent sometimes, huh? haha.
Rose: Sometimes is pretty much a gross understatement, my friend.
John: at least you know you won't be like that when / if you're a mom?
Rose: Haha, that is a very good point. I don't think that's particularly likely, though.
Rose: Not the mothering type, I don't think.
John: you can't be really sure until it happens, though!
Rose: Yes, yes, I guess you're right.
Rose: Can you really imagine me as a mother, though?
John: uh... no, not really.
John: but i can imagine you older as a very professional person.
Rose: I shall take that as a compliment. I like professionalism.
Rose: .... I can see you as a street performer. Someone doing something they enjoy.
Rose: I doubt you'd be able to keep something up that you didn't like.
John: well, i am the trickster!
John: so maybe i'd be a good street preformer.
John: i know a few magic tricks.
Rose: You'd get bored, you'd drift, and eventually just go.
John: maybe i could make movies, too...
John: or i could be the next nic cage!
Rose: Hmn...
Rose: I could see you taking film in school, yes.
John: so, it's ectobiology, chemistry, psychology.. maybe.. and film!
Rose: Yes.
Rose: If you were feeling really ambitious, you could take two of those subjects and take on a double major.
Rose: But that's only a suggestion if you're prepared to really, really knuckle down.
John: well, we can sort that out when i go over to your house!
John: that's what the visit is for.
Rose: ....
Rose: Yes. Of course.
Rose: So, what are you up to now, John?
John: now? well, i've turned the movie off, i'm finding something else to do.
John: but i don't know what... i'm thinking about doodling, but my doodles suck, so.
Rose: Haha, I don't think they do.
Rose: I mean, if you put a tad more effort into them they'd be better.
Rose: But they're not awful.
John: they're just doodles, they don't need effort in them!
John: i think they look a bit better than dave's old comic, though..
Rose: Oh, that comic was hilarious, though.
John: it was. but the drawings improved as dave drew more!
Rose: There was one thing I never understood, though; he was such a good artist. Still is.
Rose: Why on earth did he do... well, what he did?
Rose: That boy needed a dictionary. Throwing the word "irony" about as he did.
John: maybe because whatever he should've done wasn't cool enough?
John: effort isn't cool. even though he puts a lot of effort into just his hair alone!
Rose: Haha, indeed he does. Indeed he does
Rose: ....
Rose: I'm going to slap him.
Rose: I'm chatting to him right now, you see. I think he just woke up.
Rose: He just called me "Rosie". Ugh.
John: haha
John: i think i'll have to use that nickname
John: Rosie
Rose: Don't you dare, John.
John: Rosie's a cute name, though!
Rose: Do you really think "Rosie" suits a young woman such as me?
Rose: Answer this very carefully.
John: um...
John: there'll only be a short amount of time when it's acceptable to call you 'rosie'...
John: and that's almost over!
John: so let me have some fun ~ smile
Rose: .....
Rose: Oh, alright, alright.
Rose: But it's a privilage only you have.
John: yay!
John: i'll use it just enough to annoy you...
John: but not enough to give you a hernia
Rose: Well, that'll be very much appreciated.
John: so, expect me to use it almost all of the time!
Rose: There is still a limit, John.
Rose: I have to save myself some scrap of dignity.
John: in return, you can call me johnny or something stupid like that.
Rose: I think I might call you Johnny-boy.
Rose: Or something ridiculously emasculating like Jay-jay.
John: haha, i don't mind, as long as it doesn't spread to dave!
John: he'd make fun of it for a few months.
Rose: Which do you prefer?
John: uh, johnny - boy, i guess.
John: jay - jay sounds like a rapper.
Rose: Oh god, it does.
Rose: Strike it from the record, then.
John: it has been.. striked? struck?
Rose: Stricken, dear. Stricken.
John: it was stricken from the record!
Rose: Thank you very much.
John: so... so far, we just have johnny - boy?
John: looks like that'll be my nickname, rosie.
Rose: Hmn.
Rose: I think for the next month or so I'm going to be plagued with a nasty reactionary twitch.
Rose: Nothing to worry about; tis only in my left eye.
John: are you sure you're okay with the nickname? maybe i won't say it around your mom.
John: then she won't pick it up.
Rose: I...
Rose: It's something she used to call me when I was a bit younger.
Rose: That's all.
Rose: Back when, you know. She didn't drink this much.
John: oh! um..
John: yeah, if you don't want me to use it, i won't"
John: !*
Rose: No, no, it's alright. I'm over it now. She hasn't called me Rosie in years.
Rose: .... heh, when she was drunk she used to call me "tulip".
Rose: Ridiculous woman.
John: that's a cute name, too.
John: i think she does care about you!
Rose: I think she was too drunk to tell the difference between the flower she'd named me after and the flower in the vase on the kitchen table.
John: haha... ah. well, still, it's a cute name.
Rose: I guess so.
Rose: .... gosh, this is going to sound incredibly silly.
John: oh? i'm sure it won't be silly, whatever it is.
Rose: ....
Rose: Sometimes I wish she'd still call me that, you know?
Rose: I mean, the feeling never hangs around very long and I get over it as soon as I realise how silly it is.
Rose: But... still.
John: well, maybe you could ask her to?
John: or... put tulips around to remind her.
Rose: Bah, I doubt she remembers she even did it to begin with.
Rose: And I can't ask her a thing like that. It's just not done.
Rose: Not to mention embarrassing as hell.
John: it's worth a shot, though! i mean, leaving flowers around, not asking her directly.
Rose: She'll probably just one-up me by putting them in prettier vases or something.
John: then get the most extravagant vases ever!
Rose: Haha. Then she'll do something ridiculous like put little bows on the stems of the tulips or something.
Rose: You underestimate my mother's determination.
John: i guess she just wants the house to look nice.
Rose: You're a very optimistic and naive lad.
John: maybe you could be an interior decorator or something, since your mom keeps pushing you to make things look better!
Rose: Ugh, interior design. That's certainly not my alley, John.
Rose: ...
John: i know you'd rather be a psychologist, i was thinking of the best thing that could happen...
Rose: Psychology is my strongest suit, is all.
Rose: I. Well.
Rose: Ah.
Rose: How do you think I should go about telling my mother I'm moving out?
John: hm..
John: if i was telling my dad i was going, i would probably make him a cake beforehand!
John: maybe you could get her.. alcohol..?
John: though, that doesn't sound like the best idea.
Rose: ... no. And please, for future reference, don't ever suggest that again, please.
John: alright, i'll remember not to.
Rose: Thank you.
John: but the point is, perhaps you can do something nice for her before you tell her?
Rose: Then she'll know something's up, though.
Rose: I could... buy her a card..?
Rose: Or make her one.
Rose: Write her something.
Rose: Knit her something.
Rose: God, I haven't knitted anything in years.
John: knitting her something would be nice, then.
John: but i know what you shouldn't do!
John: you shouldn't tell her on her birthday.
Rose: Well, no, I never did assume that was a good idea.
Rose: But her birthday isn't for a good few more months, so we're safe on that front.
Rose: In fact I will probably have physically moved out by then.
John: oh! that's good, then.
John: we don't have to worry about that!
Rose: .... okay, I have to admit, I'm a tad scared of telling her.
Rose: As I said before, her drinking has been getting worse, and worse.
Rose: ....
Rose: I don't want to be responsible for a downward plunge, as it were.
John: i don't think it would really be your fault...
John: and it may not take a downward plunge if you explain it to her nicely!
Rose: "I'm sorry, mother. I'm moving out because I can no longer handle your ridiculous drinking. I'm sick of the neglect, I'm sick of the dependance, and I'm sick of spending a good deal of my life looking after you like a child."
Rose: ...
Rose: Is there any way that can be explained nicely? Really?
John: no, no! more like, um...
John: let me think about it.
John: 'i'm sorry, mom, but as i go to university, i want my own free space, mostly to have plenty of room to put all of my work and school - related.. stuff! i'll visit you once in a while, if i have time, and' ... um...
John: 'i'll miss you'?
Rose: ... well, that certainly sounds gentler.
John: so, you could soften it up instead of telling her the cold, hard truth.
Rose: I... yeah.
Rose: Would you.. would you mind if I used an explanation more akin to yours?
Rose: God, what am I asking?
Rose: Of course you don't mind, or you'd have not said it in the first place.
Rose: Ugh.
John: no, i don't mind!
John: i just want you to be able to do this without feeling awkward or anything.
Rose: I don't want to be lying though, either.
John: it'll be, um... stretching the truth?
Rose: .... I guess I could live with that.
Rose: As distant as I feel, she is still my mother.
John: i could help you decide what to say, too!
Rose: That'd be really nice, actually.
Rose: I'm not... I'm not really used to situations I don't know what to say in.
Rose: I don't like them.
John: when i come over for the university thing...
John: you help me choose what i want..
John: and i'll help you do that!
Rose: Alright, that sounds fair enough.
John: gosh, it'll be a busy week.
Rose: I can't wait.
Rose: Not only for those, but also just to see you.
Rose: Indeed it will be. Can you handle it?
John: i'm looking forward to seeing you, too!
John: and of course i can.
Rose: Christ, I feel like I haven't seen any of you for any number of years.
Rose: This week cannot come soon enough.
John: absolutely! i can't wait. maybe i can organise to see dave and jade at some point, too.
Rose: Oh, that would be wonderful.
Rose: I'm going to go and visit Dave, actually. In a couple of months' time.
Rose: I miss him, and his brother.
Rose: You could come along, although I'm not sure that my mother could pay for that one.
John: oh, no, i'll pay for myself, obviously.
John: maybe we could convince jade to come, too/.
John: then it can be the four of us all at dave's place, haha
John: we could just sleep on piles of puppets
Rose: Haha, that would be exciting.
Rose: The only problem is that you know how hard it is for Jade to get anywhere.
John: yeah... it's really lame that she lives on a random island!
John: yet, she still gets internet....
Rose: Somewhere down in the south pacific.
Rose: Australia? New Zealand? Perhaps even Tasmania?
Rose: I've never really know.
Rose: *known.
Rose: Goddamned keyboard.
John: maybe, i don't know!
John: i've never asked
Rose: Neither have I.
Rose: Gosh, how slack.
John: well, we know to ask her where she lives next time, then.
Rose: Yes, and we shan't forget.
John: i'll even write it on my hand!
Rose: That is a definite failsafe, john.
Rose: Oh, damnit.
Rose: John.
John: yeah?
John: oh!
John: the keyboard.
John: oh, jegus
John: i wrote it on my hand in permanent marker.
Rose: ...
Rose: You really are an entirely loveable moron, John.
John: uh, thanks!
John: i think?
Rose: It was intended as a compliment this time, don't worry, dear.
John: oh! then, yeah, thanks.
John: time to go rub off half of my skin to get it off, yay!
Rose: Or you could wait for the skin to peel off over time naturally, you know.
Rose: That would give you more of a chance to remember it
John: but that'd last, like, a moooooooonth. a long time.
Rose: Well, you be careful with it, then, okay?
Rose: Would you like me to let you go and get back to you tomorrow or something instead, then?
Rose: I mean, I daresay I've taken up quite a bit of your time already.
John: i don't mind, i can still talk to you, i'll just be scrubbing at my hand.
John: but you seemed kinda busy before we got into a conversation, so you can go if you want?
Rose: Oh, alright then. No, it's perfectly fine.
Rose: I have nothing to do now that mum is home and in bed.
Rose: And conversation is keeping my mind off nastier things.
John: then we can keep talking!
John: and i'll give up on my hand once it goes a bit red..
Rose: You be careful with that then, John. I don't want you hurting yourself.
John: i won't! don't worry. and it's just my hand.
Rose: Haha, it's just as much you as any other part.
John: but i've got another one right here!
Rose: ... really, how did you not realise it was permenant marker?
Rose: Another marker, or another hand?
John: i don't know!
John: i just picked up the first pen i saw.
Rose: Oh, John.
Rose: Be more careful next time.
John: i'll try! i've learned my lesson now.
Rose: Well done, then, John.
John: always check the pen before i write on my hand.
Rose: That would be a brilliant idea, John. And I suggest you keep steady to that practice in every single instance.
John: right, i'll be sure to!
John: and then i won't have anything on my hand for longer than a few hours.
Rose: And thus, your dignity is saved.
John: horray! i need all the dignity i can get.
Rose: Hahaha, oh John.
Rose: You never cease to brighten my day.
John: haha, i'm like a sun!
John: this means every day for the week i come over, your life will just be constantly bright.
Rose: Oh, how I wish I had a cool pair of aviators to aid me in this endevour.
John: maybe dave has some to lend you, haha.
Rose: Oh, I wish. He'd never let anyone even touch his collection of shades.
John: i feel proud! i gave him the shades he wears every day and never takes off. i think he must just really like them!
Rose: I certainly think he does, John. You did well, haha.
John: i can see right through coolkid dave. > smile
John: maybe next year i can get him a new shirt or something.
Rose: And I assure you it will never leave his form.
Rose: Perhaps that's not the brighest idea, haha.
John: ew, just one shirt for the rest of your life?
John: that'd be so gross!
Rose: Haha, it seems love knows no bounds in some cases. I wouldn't put it past him.
Rose: I doubt he wouldn't wash it inbetween.
Rose: Perhaps whilst he was sleeping.
John: haha, still totally gross.
John: maybe i won't get him any clothes, then.
Rose: Perhaps some gloves? Or a hat.
Rose: A book? No, that wouldn't suit.
Rose: A necklace. A bracelet?
Rose: A little silver chain for his wrist would be nice.
John: oh, yeah, i guess it would
John: and it wouldn't be gross if he kept it on.
Rose: Indeed. I can help you choose one if you like.
John: oh, that'd be great.. when it gets closer to his birthday, of course!
Rose: Haha, of course, of course.
John: i should get you, something, too!
John: i've never seen you wear any jewellery.
Rose: I tend not to wear the jewellery that my mother buys for me.
Rose: She buys it because she knows I won't wear it; she's waiting for the guilt to break me down for it.
Rose: If you did buy me something, not that you'd ever have to, I'd certainly wear it.
John: even if you didn't wear it, i'd want to buy you something.
John: it'd just be rude for shopping for someone's birthday present without acknowledging the person you're with!
Rose: Haha, oh John, you are quite the sweetheart.
John: thanks again! i'm getting quite a lot of compliments today!
Rose: Hahaha, I think you've earned them.
Rose: Oh, goddamnit all.
Rose: I think my mother's been sick.
Rose: Urgh. I might have to head off now.
John: oh gosh
Rose: Is that alright with you, John?
John: it's fine!
John: you go take care of her.
Rose: Thank you, dear.
Rose: But hey, you look after yourself, alright?
Rose: And I'll get back to you tomorrow and all that.
John: alright, i'll try my best not to kill myself or something!
Rose: The effort will be most appreciated.
John: next time you talk to me, my hand will be free of ink and not red at all.
John: good as new.
Rose: That I look forward to, dear.
Rose: And I'll hold you to that.

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