Rawrrrrrrrr. I feel like writing in this since I haven't for a while, only giving quotes. Hehehe. I'm glad so many of you guys actually take the time to read my crap. I literally really love writing, and this journal means a lot to me, even if it may not be a "real" journal. ANYWAYS! I only have a couple of days before school finishes. ( Last day is June 14th) So, which probably gives me about 9 school days left? I really don't know what I'll be doing this upcoming summer, really. I recently made a summer reading list, since you guys know I adore reading a lot. I currently have about nine or ten books on that list, maybe I'll find more? IF NOT: Suggest me a book! k, thanks. <3. I also recently decided to join the girls volleyball team. I don't think I've mentioned that so far in here, eh? BUT NOW YOU KNOW! Tryouts are soon; and if I get in, then the real season begins August. Which means I really need to start getting in shape, even if I may hate sweating...hehe. Least I'll have my friend Gloria trying out with me! ( Kinda forced her though.Hehe.) Yeah, that's pretty much all of my summer plans. Well, we're going to go on vacation somewhere. However, that hasn't been established yet on where we're exactly going. Yeahhhh, that's pretty much all for now. YUPPPP, BYE BYE! <3.