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Journal. Just everything.

Sugar Nymphet
Community Member
One of Those Really Long Quizes That Almost No One Finishes.
Started Page: 684

1. Hello! What should I call you?
2. How old are you?
3. What month is your birthday?
4. Where in the world are you?
5. What is your native language?
6. How would I say "hello" in your native language?
7. Do you live with your parents or on your own?
8. Do you currently long for the opposite?
9. Do you have any siblings?
10. What about pets?
11. Roommates?
12. Are you the oldest child?
13. How many years do you have before you are done with school forever?
14. What do you want to be when you grow up? If you are already what you want to be, then what are you?
15. Are these questions too intrusive?

16. What is 1 + 1?
17. 2x2?
18. 3 divided by 3?
19. How many quarters are in a whole?
20. 861 x 1259.11?
21. Multiply your favorite number by 15.
22. Did you use a calculator for #20?
23. Did you use a calculator for all the math problems above?
24. Were those questions too easy?
25. Give me an even number.
26. Give me an odd number.
27. Give me a number that is a multiple of 5.
28. Give me a prime number.
29. Do you hate math?
30. Are/were you good at math in school?

31. Do you giggle immaturely when someone says "balls"?
32. What is your favorite kind of ball?
33. Do you own any balls?
34. What do you think of when I say: baseball?
35. Soccer ball?
36. Football?
37. Golf ball?
38. Dodge ball?
39. Tennis ball?
40. Ping-pong ball?
41. Medicine ball?
42. Volley ball?
43. Curve ball?
44. Whiffle ball?
45. Write a joke about balls.

46. What is your favorite color?
47. What color do you use to complement your favorite color?
48. Are you obsessed with your favorite color?
49. What is your least favorite color?
50. Do you avoid wearing or buying things that come in a color you hate?
51. If you could control reality, what colors would you change the rainbow to?
52. Did you enjoy coloring books as a kid?
53. What movie does the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" come from?
54. Can you sing this song without looking up the lyrics?
55. Have you ever seen a colorless film? What was it?
56. Name a color that you are wearing now.
57. What piece of clothing or accessory does that color belong to?
58. What color is my username?
59. Did you answer with "black"?
60. Are you annoyed that I've been spelling it as "color"?

61. Are you a careful person?
62. Are you a risk-taker?
63. What is the most dangerous activity you've done?
64. What dangerous activity do you want to try?
65. Have you ever ditched friends because you didn't want to do something dangerous? What was it?
66. Have you ever been close to death? What happened?
67. Are you someone who generally ignores safety instructions?
68. Do you jaywalk?
69. Do you partake in activities that medical research deems dangerous to your health? What are they?
70. Do you care at all?
71. Do you know who Evel Kinevil is?
72. Did you look up Evel Kinevil?
73. What dangerous stunt would you do for a million dollars?
74. What dangerous stunt wouldn't you do, even if offered a million dollars?
75. Should stunt men have their own category at the Oscars?

76. Good evening! How was your day?
77. Do you associate "Good evening" with vampires?
78. Is it evening where you are now?
79. What time does it get dark these days?
80. Have you ever wondered why it's called "evening"?
81. Did you look up the origin of "evening" after answering #80?
82. How many hours is it before you have to go to bed?
83. Or did you just wake up? Why are you awake right now?
84. Are things scarier when it gets dark?
85. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? For what?
86. Are you mostly active at night?
87. Does it get colder or hotter for you in the evenings?
88. Are there any activities that you specifically reserve for the evenings?
89. What are you doing tomorrow evening?
90. What did you do last evening?

91. What is your favorite food?
92. Drink?
93. Place to hang out?
94. Subject in school?
95. Hobby?
96. Animal?
97. Band or musician?
98. Song?
99. Book?
100. Film?
101. TV show?
102. Cartoon?
103. Sport?
104. Game?
105. Person?

106. How long have you been on Gaia?
107. How did you find out about Gaia?
108. Why did you join Gaia?
109. Why are you using Gaia now?
110. How many accounts do you have?
111. Of these accounts, how many do you use actively?
112. Which forums on Gaia do you frequent?
113. Do you use the House feature on Gaia?
114. Do you use the Aquarium feature on Gaia?
115. Do you have more than one million gold?
116. What is your favorite pastime on Gaia?
117. What is your greatest achievement to date on Gaia? (excluding Achievements)
118. What is your most embarrassing moment on Gaia?
119. Are you filling out this quiz to obtain something on Gaia?
120. What is it?

121. Have you heard of the band Red Hot Chili Peppers?
122. How hot is it right now?
123. Does your house have an A/C unit?
124. Do you live in the southern hemisphere?
125. How close are you to the equator?
126. Do you tan or burn?
127. Do you usually wear sunscreen?
128. Do you like hot drinks?
129. Are there any celebrities that you think are hot?
130. Do you hate it when people use "hot" to describe the attractiveness of someone?
131. Do you believe global warming exists?
132. Have you burnt yourself before? Doing what?
133. How long do you wait for food to cool down before you eat it?
134. Have you ever burnt your tongue on a hot food or drink?
135. Are these questions making you hot?

136. Do you know who Vanilla Ice is?
137. Do you usually put ice in your drinks?
138. Do you drink the beverage even when all the ice has melted and made it watery?
139. Do you chew the ice?
140. Have you ever made ice cubes out of juice or soda pop? What flavor(s)?
141. Can you ice skate?
142. Does it get so cold where you live that ice forms outside?
143. How cold does it need to get for you to bundle up?
144. Do you eat ice cream and if so, what flavor is your favorite?
145. What about snow cones?
146. Do you eat the icing on cakes?
147. Have you ever watched ice melt?
148. What does it mean when someone has ice running through their veins?
149. Have you ever had your tongue stuck to something frozen?
150. Are you cold right now?

151. Have you heard of the band Journey?
152. Have you shopped for shoes at Journeys?
153. Have you ever been on a road trip and if so, to where?
154. What is the longest you've been on a journey and where were you going?
155. What kind of transportation where you using?
156. Were you bored during this trip?
157. Are there any other journeys you'd like to go on in the future?
158. What do you usually use to get from one place to another?
159. Do you have your own means or do you rely on someone else?
160. Have you met anyone interesting while traveling? Who and where?
161. Do you usually bring something to entertain you when you go out?
162. Do you usually bring snacks or drinks with you?
163. What is the weirdest thing you've seen on your journeys?
164. Do you like traveling?
165. Is life a journey?

166. Knock-knock.
167. Apple.
168. Knock-knock.
169. Apple.
170. Knock-knock.
171. Orange.
172. Orange you glad I didn't say "apple"?
173. Was that joke lame?
174. Would you punch me in the face if I told you this joke in real life?
175. Do you know another lame knock-knock joke?
176. Is this entire section lame?
177. You write a knock-knock joke, then.
178. How long did it take you to write a joke?
179. Will this joke make people laugh or boo?
180. Did you tell someone this joke? What was their reaction?

181. How often do you lie?
182. Have you ever gotten away with lying? What did you lie about?
183. Do you lie to your friends or parents?
184. Do you lie to authority figures?
185. Would you lie in court to save the life of a friend or relative?
186. What was the worst lie you told someone?
187. Did you get in trouble for it later?
188. Have you ever told a lie that came true later?
189. Do you lie when you're online?
190. Are you lying to me right now?
191. Make up a ridiculous lie that no one would ever believe.
192. Make up a lie about nature.
193. Make up a lie about a famous person.
194. Make up a lie about yourself.
195. Make up a lie about Gaia.

196. Do you watch movies often?
197. Do you prefer watching movies at the theatre or at home?
198. What is your favorite film of all time?
199. What do you think is the worst film in existence?
200. What is your favorite genre?
201. What is your least favorite genre?
202. What is the oldest film you've seen?
203. What is the newest film you've seen?
204. Are there any films coming out this year that you are looking forward to?
205. Who is your favorite actor?
206. Who is your favorite actress?
207. Do you have a favorite director?
208. Do you watch the Oscars every year?
209. Would you like to become an actor or film director?
210. Have you ever helped create a film?

211. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
212. If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
213. If the Professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
214. Can blind people see their dreams?
215. What came first: the chicken or the egg?
216. Why is it called Alcoholics Anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say "Hi, my name's Bob. I'm an alcoholic"?
217. Why did the chicken cross the road?
218. What the hell was man doing when he discovered milk?!
219. If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?
220. Why does bottle water have expiration dates?
221. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why's it still #2?
222. Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?
223. If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?
224. Why can't woman put their mascara on with their mouth closed?
225. Now it's your turn to write a stupid question.

226. Name one thing you like about yourself.
227. Name one thing that you dislike about yourself.
228. Name one thing that you have to do today.
229. Name one thing that you would rather not do today.
230. Name one thing that you wish you could do today.
231. Name one Gaia item that you are wearing.
232. Name one Gaia item that you wish you had.
233. Name one Gaian whom you think is cool.
234. Name one forum section that you don't visit very often.
235. Name one Achievement that you've obtained.
236. List one question that you had a hard time answering.
237. List one question that you answered "no" to.
238. List one question that you answered "yes" to.
239. List one question that you answered with more than one word.
240. List one question that you answered with more than one sentence.

Play Time
241. What is your favorite playground equipment?
242. Have you ever gotten hurt playing on it?
243. Have you ever played hide-and-seek?
244. What kind of card games do you like?
245. Are there any board games that you enjoy?
246. What about video games?
247. Do you play any tabletop RPGs?
248. What about TCGs?
249. Mind games?
250. How do you usually feel when you lose a game?
251. Would you let a younger or less skilled opponent win a game?
252. Have you ever cheated in a game? (excluding cheats/glitches in video games)
253. Do you participate in the Word Games forum? If so, which game is your favorite?
254. Have you ever created your own game?
255. What is your favorite game?

256. Is this the first Gaia quiz you've filled out?
257. How many quiz questions do you think you've answered to date?
258. Have you ever created a quiz?
259. Why are you doing this quiz?
260. What kind of questions do you prefer?
261. What kind of questions do you hate to answer?
262. Do you think you'll be able to answer all the questions?
263. Have you ever finished a quiz? How many questions was it?
264. Are you answering these questions truthfully or just writing random things?
265. How long have you been answering these questions in one sitting?
266. How long have you been answering these questions overall?
267. Are you enjoying this quiz so far?
268. Have I repeated any questions so far?
269. What will you do once you finish this quiz?
270. Ask me a question!

271. Do you get angry easily?
272. Has your anger been a problem for you and your friends or family?
273. What makes you angry?
274. Do you rage quietly or loudly?
275. Have you ever been so angry that you cried?
276. What is the angriest you've ever been?
277. Have you ever gotten so mad that you physically hurt someone or broke something?
278. Has anyone you know gotten so mad that they've hurt you or something you own?
279. What do you do to calm down?
280. Has this solution ever worked?
281. Do you avoid angry people or strive to help them out?
282. What do you do to make others calm down?
283. Has it ever worked?
284. Are these questions upsetting you?
285. Scream something that pisses you off!

286. How much gold do you have right now?
287. How many friends do you have?
288. How many days have you been on Gaia?
289. When was the last time you changed your avatar?
290. When was the last time you updated your status?
291. How many items do you own?
292. How much gold have you made at the Marketplace?
293. How many guilds have you joined?
294. How many forum posts do you have?
295. How many forum topics have you created?
296. What is your daily post count average?
297. How many Achievements do you have?
298. How many more Achievements do you need?
299. What is your level in zOMG!?
300. What are the most creatures you've killed in zOMG? (badge count)

301. What time is it right now?
302. Write this time in 24-hour format.
303. What do you normally do at this hour?
304. What is your time zone?
305. How long have you been browsing Gaia since you opened your browser?
306. What time do you think you will stop browsing Gaia today?
307. What should you be using your time for instead of doing this quiz?
308. Do you have any appointments today?
309. Do you wear a watch? On your right or left wrist?
310. Is there a clock in the room you're in?
311. Do you use your cell phone to tell time?
312. Could you tell what time it is just by looking at the sun?
313. If you have a watch, clock or cell phone that tells time, compare it to the time on your computer. Are they the same?
314. Does Daylight Savings exist in your area?
315. Life's too short. Would you agree?

316. Do you believe there is life beyond our planet?
317. What is your favorite planet? (real)
318. What is your least favorite planet? (real)
319. Name a fictional planet.
320. Would you live on this planet?
321. Name a fictional planet you want to avoid.
322. Why do you want to avoid this planet?
323. Should Pluto be considered a planet?
324. What is your favorite star?
325. What is your favorite constellation?
326. Do you read your horoscope regularly?
327. Have you ever eaten a Milky Way?
328. Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?
329. How soon do you think we will be able to live on other planets?
330. Would you move to another planet given the opportunity?

331. Are vampires overrated?
332. Do you like vampires?
333. Why do you like or don't like vampires?
334. What is your opinion on Twilight?
335. What do you think of Dracula?
336. Name a vampire who isn't Dracula or from Twilight.
337. Are vampires who suck blood cooler or worse than those who don't?
338. If you were a vampire, would you kill yourself or go with it?
339. If you were a vampire, what vampire power would you abuse?
340. If your significant other were a vampire, would you turn too just to be with them?
341. Do you wish you were a vampire?
342. Do you like garlic in your food and if so, what is your favorite dish?
343. What is cooler than a vampire?
344. What is worse than a vampire?
345. What do you think of real life vampires?

346. Can you swim? How long have you been able to?
347. Do you drink water regularly?
348. Do you prefer to drink from the tap or drink bottled water?
349. Do you like anything that tastes better than water?
350. What is your favorite water animal?
351. Have you ever been to the beach? Do you like it?
352. Don't you think water bears are adorable?
353. Do you like seafood? What's your favorite?
354. How often do you bathe?
355. Do you take showers or baths?
356. Do you try to conserve water use whenever you can?
357. Has there ever been a flood in your area?
358. Do you like it when it rains?
359. Does rain stop you from going out?
360. Have you ever drank rain water?

361. What number does X represent?
362. Have you ever had sex?
363. Can you think of another word that begins with X besides "xylophone"?
364. Did you consult Google or similar to find that word?
365. Have you ever been to the doctor for an x-ray? If so, for what?
366. Have you ever used FedEx to send or receive something? If so, what was it?
367. Are you excited? For what?
368. Do you hate it when people replace similar-sounding letters in words with "x"?
369. Do you hate it when people put Xs at the beginning and end of their usernames?
370. Post 10 Xs, one in each post.
371. What does XOXO mean?
372. What does it mean when a film is rated X?
373. Do you think T-Rexes are cool?
374. Do you watch or participate in extreme sports?
375. Do you realize how hard it was for me to think of questions related to X?

376. Name something yellow and edible.
377. Name something yellow and inedible.
378. Use a smiley, any smiley (so as long it's yellow).
379. Use a smiley that is not yellow.
380. What is your favorite yellow thing?
381. What is your least favorite yellow thing?
382. Are you allergic to bees?
383. What about bananas?
384. Say something that would confuse a dumb blonde.
385. Name a yellow animal.
386. Name a yellow Pokemon that is not Pikachu or one of the other 'Chus.
387. I just called you "yellow". Whatcha gonna do now?
388. What color do you mix with yellow to create green?
389. Post the word "YELLOW" in giant caps and in yellow.
390. If yellow is not your favorite primary color, what is?

391. On a scale of 1 to 10, how threatening are zombies to you?
392. Do you prefer slow zombies, fast zombies, or people that aren't really dead, but behave like zombies anyway?
393. Do you think you can outrun a zombie?
394. Where would you hang out during a zombie apocalypse?
395. What kinds of weapons would you stock up on for a zombie apocalypse?
396. What kinds of food would you stock up on for a zombie apocalypse?
397. Who would you want by your side in order to survive a zombie apocalypse?
398. Who wouldn't you want by your side during a zombie apocalypse?
399. Have you read The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks?
400. How many zombie films have you seen?
401. Do you have a favorite zombie film?
402. What is you favorite way of killing a zombie?
403. What is your least favorite way of killing a zombie?
404. If a zombie bit your loved one, would you kill them or keep them around while looking for a cure?
405. If a zombie bit you, would you take your own life or turn?

This or That?
406. Red or blue?
407. Black or white?
408. Apples or bananas?
409. Up or down?
410. Coke or Pepsi?
411. A pool or the beach?
412. Night or day?
413. Friends or family?
414. Pirates or ninja?
415. Paper or plastic?
416. Cats or dogs?
417. Mario or Sonic?
418. HD DVDs or Blu-rays?
419. TV or radio?
420. Left or right?
421. Buy or rent?
422. Microsoft or Apple?
423. CDs or MP3s?
424. Twitter or Tumblr?
425. Cash or credit?
426. Facebook or MySpace?
427. Lobsters or crabs?
428. A personal vehicle or public transportation?
429. Tea or coffee?
430. This century or last century?
431. Originals or remakes?
432. Juice or soda pop?
433. Universal Studios or Disneyland?
434. VHS or Betamax?
435. One lump or two?
436. Whales or sharks?
437. Plane or boat?
438. AM or PM?
439. Girls or boys?
440. Men or women?
441. You or me?
442. Him or her?
443. Us or them?
444. Yes or no?
445. This or that?

446. What time did you wake up today?
447. What will/did you eat for breakfast?
448. Will/did you brush your teeth before or after you eat breakfast?
449. Will/did you clean up and get dressed before or after you eat breakfast?
450. Or will/do you go about the day in what you wore last night?
451. What are/were your plans for today?
452. What will/did you eat for lunch?
453. Will/did you brush your teeth after lunch too?
454. What will happen/happened after lunch?
455. Do/did you have to be home by a certain time?
456. Or will/were you home the entire day?
457. What will/did you eat for dinner?
458. What are/were the evening activities?
459. Will/did you brush your teeth before bed?
460. Will you be/are you going to bed or will you be/are you pulling an all-nighter?

461. Is it early in the week or late in the week?
462. What day of the week is it?
463. What are your plans for this week?
464. What are your plans for next week?
465. Are there any plans for the week after next?

466. Do you have any plans for next month?
467. What about two months from now?
468. Three months from now?
469. Was this month worth it?
470. Did anything really special happen this month?

Multi-Posts! (mwuahahaha!)
471. Write your username one letter at a time, which each letter in a separate post.
472. Now write your username backwards, again with each letter in a separate post.
473. Post each smiley as a separate post.
474. Post each letter of the alphabet in a separate post.
475. Now do it backwards, again with each letter in a separate post.
476. Bump this thread 10 times.
477. Post the name of your dream item 10 times.
478. Post the amount of gold you wish you had 10 times.
479. Quote yourself 10 times.
480. Name each of the post styles in separate posts while using that post style.
481. Create a post with Roll Dice set to 100 sided.
482. Count up to the number you generated in #481, in separate posts.
483. Create a post with Random Number set between 1 and 100.
484. Count up to the number you generated in #483, in separate posts.
485. Did this section take too long?

Ten Things
486. List ten items in your inventory.
487. List ten colors that aren't standard (do not use red, yellow, orange, etc.—use lavender, aqua, chartreuse, etc.).
488. List ten fruits.
489. List ten animals.
490. List ten famous people.
491. List ten fictional characters.
492. List ten smilies.
493. List your 10 favorite letters.
494. List ten films, TV shows or books (do not combine all three).
495. Count from 1 to 10 in a single post.

Let's Wrap It Up
496. We're almost there! Are you excited?
497. How much gold do you have now?
498. What will you buy with all that gold you earned from this quiz?
499. Any last words?
500. Post "The End" and PM me with the link.

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