Windows has its advantages and disadvantages, however he same thing is true to Apple, as well as Linux. In this report both the advantages and disadvantages of each will be shown, and an explanation as to why one is better then the others will be explained. Bear in mind this is all a matter of opinion. Each one is unique in its own way. Now it is time to explore the advantages as well as disadvantages of Windows, OS X, and Linux.
Some of the advantages of windows is that it is wide spread, not expensive, windows is supported by most programs, the series is much stabler and secure then it was in the past, and all source codes are closed and owned by Microsoft. As for the disadvantages windows has a few of them also. windows is not strong enough for high security, they are buggy and big, and the earlier series are unstable and insecure. These can cause a problem at different levels. The low security can allow hackers and viruses into the actual computer its self. With the series being buggy to begin with this poses problems for the program its self and allows glitches. The program being large takes up memory in the computer and makes it slow down just like vista did when it was released into computers that only had 2 gig of RAM. The advantages makes windows the best option when it comes to affordability, and and ability to get most programs to work on a desktop or laptop computer.
The advantages and disadvantages of apples programs OS X is very different. The advantages include easy use, virus free, you can use boot camp to run XP or vista, and with parallels you can run windows programs on OS X. The disadvantages include a small software base compared to windows, non-customizable, and missing features that are basic to windows. Apple may have the public's attention with there products, unfortunately the creation of the names is lacking. Apple has successfully managed to make Americans obsessed with their products. The only other problem with OS X is it may have less viruses then windows, but the software does not support the Macintosh. Other then that apple does fine for the people who are obsessed with apple products.
The advantages and disadvantages of Linux are fairly simple and to the point. The advantages of Linux is that it is stable, its free software, it runs on old hardware, and its secure. these alone can make sure that the actual operating system doesn't crash very much. the disadvantages is that it takes time to learn, it has equivalent programs, more technical abilities are needed, and not all hardware is compatible. These disadvantages could make a person think twice before switching operating systems.
All of these programs are excellent. However if your looking for affordability look either into Linux or windows. However, I recommend windows. Windows is more affordable then Apple, and its easier to learn. If you want a program that is simple and affordable go for windows. Also, most programs work with windows so if there is a program that you would like to use it is fairly likely that it is able to work on a product that has windows installed.
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Yes this does have some of my older work in it, but it is mostly facts and history.