The stories of the person, potion maker, inn keeper and mother. For I have no other place to put them all.
The Workshop
Welcome into the heart of my home, The soul of my mind. All good wishes to you, But should dark deeds reign in your heart... Cast them out. Or shall you be castout by fiery wings, Look upon this sign and know. Only good, kindness and empathy are accepted here.
Welcome to my workshop, this is where I create, research and write down all I know about potions and potion making. That is what I do as a side job after all. Not that people pay me to make potions often, but in this dangerous world (and for my lack of fighting skills this is my best defense. Please look around if you will at the things I keep. The door to your left leads to my room, which also has a few points of interest.
Below are the few things I do keep around the workshop that doesn't really have to do with the potions themselves, but I am big on decorating though.
Charms: Sometmes I keep charms around the room, though really I don't dabble in magic itself, charms are a good way of keeping certain aspects and keeping things out.
Journals: These are the journals belonging to my children and pets. I had kept them out front, but it didn't look so well. So instead I put them here where people can check them out.
Hey! I was just looking over this poking around for new breedables, but on a few of them, I couldn't find the originals... Can you tell me where to find the doll original thread, the Neko Koneko, and I think that there were two called Painted Soul's and Alchemist's lair.... Those might have already been covered, but I'm too lazy to to back and check. xD Thanks! Just pm me. biggrin
xxdarowxx · Community Member · Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 09:14am