I go back home ... tomorrow or today. However you want to count it. I can already feel the creativity bubbling in me. I can imagine new designs and coding. I'm so excited. I'm almost.... scared I'll start shaking ^^ Oh so happy. I ... I'm just simply happy. Over-joyed to be going home. Home. =w=
So before I go home I drop my cousin at the airport. It's been a crazy time with her. She has this terrible habit of poking me T___T but they are PAINFUL T___T I tell her to stop but... she's 13 so ... I think she just focuses on how fun it is. [/ sigh] But she's able to pick up on my mood swings of irritation owo she's so much older now... going into high school. SO OOOOOOOLD. I watched over her when she was a baby. I love her so much. Her hugs.... melt into me.
She has exhausted me though. I had a ton of things I needed to get done but she just wears me out so that at night all I can do is sleep. Had to pay for my school tonight, right before leaving cause she finally went to bed and I took a nap today =A= I NEEDED IT. My mom FINALLY let me take one. >.> my parents blame naps for my mood swings but really, I'm just so worn the ******** out. If they let me take naps, maybe I wouldn't be as snappy at times... w/e they just have bad, bad memories with me and mood swings. We won't talk about that though.. no no. NO we won't.
[/ sigh] But yes, I had a great time with my cousin. We came to realize last year I didn't go visit them ;____; so I really have only seen them once a year if even that. How sad. Connecticut is so lovely and they are... wealthy >,> they have a new house I haven't seen. I wonder if I even want to see it... I have so many memories with the old house. I'll miss it for sure. I'm sure the new place would be fun too ^^ I'll like it too <3 They live there after all XDD
I'm going to miss her.
My first day of school is Tuesday. I have night classes Tues and Thur. MWF I have morning classes so I can be on all night. Will be a nice schedule. I've got to really excel this semester, push past all my s**t. I can't let myself down this time! I really want to do well <3
I want to start living again
don't you agree,
haven't I mourned enough?
don't you agree,
haven't I mourned enough?