Hello, everybody. This is the first time since I joined Gaiaonline 5 years ago that I
have even clicked my journal. Before I would write senseless babble, talking of
nothing in particular. I'm not usually one of those people who write in journals, I'm
not really sure why, I just keep everything in my mind. But sometimes I get into
these moods where I want to talk about things, but I don't want to talk my family.
Get an outside opinion? Maybe.
Well for starters, my name is Kaitlin. I live in Virginia with my mom and brother. I
have three older brothers, the oldest is living with his girlfriend and their three
children. Technically they are common-law married because they've been together
for over 7 years. They could've even had a ceremony for all we know. They tell us
nothing. My second oldest brother is currently serving in Iraq, and won't be back
for a year, possibly more. The third is living with our mom and myself. When I was
about 12 my parents separated. Don't think I'm sad about that, because I'm not.
The man that helped my mother conceive me is a disgusting excuse for a blemish
on the face of society. I will probably include why I think of him so lowly in the
latter entries. They're still not devorced because my mom can't afford a lawyer. The
lawyer that was representing her before knew my dads lawyer, and my moms
lawyer helped my dad.
That's all for now.
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Zombie Florist
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