Welcome to my life

Hey, it's me Pheenix. I am going to start up with a thought of the daily what nots in my life. Note: I may not post every single day. Just probably my rants about how crappy or weird my life gets. Criticism I don't really mind, you can post it with whatever s**t you want.

Well, what's been going on in my life lately seems to be rather boring and kinda weird. For one thing, having such a nice personality, I tend to gather the wrong crowd of people in. In this case is woman, ones you would probably look and think. "What is wrong with this person?" Everyone is weird in their own way, but it just surpasses my tolerance. Now, I got texts and even Facebook messages from these two all the time.

Both of these girls apparently like me or something. I have no feelings for them because I have seen what one did with another friend while dating him and me personally being through bullshit while dating another. I enjoy being nice to women and other people, it's just when I want to look for a girl, I hook and catch the wrong kind of women. I have removed both of these girls off my Facebook and I really wonder what the heck is going to happen next.

Along with that and the fact that it's really also how crappy my love life is. Every time I have ever dated some girl, it was usually because of me or the girl had something seriously wrong with them. I suppose for my own problem is because sometimes I get impatient and I get caught up in the moment not realizing that things go for long periods of time. I don't even know if I am ready for something like that. Time is a cruel mistress who waits for no one.

When it comes to the girls whom I have broken up with because I didn't like their personality put me through drama and on the point of desperation. It's really when I don't think clearly, I don't even realize what I have done and I put myself between a rock and a hard spot with relationships. It just becomes one big pile of crap that can't be removed right away. Just trying to find my right path seems so hard. Truly, my love life has had so many mistakes. Being that I have met girls who meant the world to me, but I put them aside because I never gave them that chance by me being impatient.

Now, I always remember them in my memory and I will never have them back. Just at least to tell them I am sorry even though they may slap in the face and want to rip my own heart out stomping it on the ground. Love is hell when you don't know how to take it by the reins and take control of it before it controls you. Where life may lead me next, I just need to keep my head and keep on moving in life.