Name: Kraid
Age: 237
Weapons: Scythe
???: He's a reaper.

Name: Doc
Age: Ageless
Weapons: An energy sword

Name: Ezio (He's italian =D! )
Age: 24
Weapons: Clockwork sword, polearm, and a revolver he calls "Boomshot" cause he can put random tiny objects in there and theyll shoot pretty nicely.
???: NO clue.

Name: Abel
Age: 22
Weapons: Is a fallen angel
???: ---

Name: Jared
Age: 19
Weapons: He be Werewolf.
???: No idea.

Name: Kane or Kaine
Age: 20
Weapons: Gauntlets of bone reinforced with carbon fibers, A long and thin greatknife, and teeth.
???: He's a demon human. (More human features than demon features)

Name: Nico or Nikko
Age: 17
Weapons: His fists (He's a "Stinger" Style shot boxer) and his little EPIC SHEEPLET.
???: Fights... but only when he needs to.

Name: Kyram
Age: 19
Weapons: That big black sword. (He calls it Pain) and the chains.
???: Modern-day demon hunter.