1. Shoot me a PM with the avatar you want drawn. Please send me a Tektek. Please do not simply say, "current avatar." I have had many cases where people change their current avatar while I'm in the middle of working on their art. *OCs ok; send reference photos instead
2. Send a trade with 25k. *No art trades *Price may change during school sessions
3. Accept the trade after I approve (so that on your side you have the checkmark and I have the question mark). I won't accept the trade until your art has been sent to you.
4. If you would like me to modify/resize your art after I have sent it to you, let me know!
---------------- Estimated Delivery Time: 2 days - 1 month
Why I May Decline Your Request (Your trade will be declined) and Some Solutions
- Your avatar is too cluttered or too complicated. As you can tell, the art is pretty simple.
In your PM, send me a Tektek of your avatar with only a handful of items OR let me omit whatever I choose.
- Something school-related has recently come up that needs my attention.
Please be patient and wait. If it's the near the middle or end of the quarter (for school), chances are you're probably going to have to wait for a month for art.
I don't have a store; up until this point I have only accepted requests from people who PM me after seeing my work somewhere on Gaia. Hey, it works.