My Transgressions

Fool, I feel like such a fool, trying to make nice with some people and make one simple mistake and someone hates me. I feel so torn up inside right now for what I have done. Trying to show kindness to someone and trying to be honest feels like it's going to choke me. Should I just lie and hide my shame in myself and never let anyone know? If the truth hurts so much, why does it keep stabbing me in the back so much?

For who I am with my imperfections, who might accept me if I opened my true side to them. I may never know that answer. The person you may be closest to in life may not want me when I tell them what I have done. What have I done to deserve this?Becoming wiser, will this help me? To let the past stay in the past and the future in the future, maybe that is the answer I seek.