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Fear Darkfangs
This is the journal of Fear
Fear Darkfangs' RPC
Fεαr nστhing. Prστεcτ Evεryτhing. Unτil τhε dAy yσµ diε. Rikkε Frσsτ

╘Basic Character Information:

[ -~X~-]True Name: Fear Nexus Decimus Novelia Kordeus Mortekei Lunisia Tometsu Shorin Jerichus Neffaria Cainus Meridious Tenshira Shinigami Darkfangs.
[ -~X~-]Nicknames: Fear, Nexus, Neffaria.
[ -~X~-]Affiliation: Darkfangs Clan, Pravus.
[ -~X~-]Occupation: King of the Darkfangs Clan.


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[ -~X~-]Appeared Age: Late 20’s to Early 30’s.
[ -~X~-]Actual Age: Roughly 50,000 years old.
[ -~X~-]Date of Birth: 823rd Eclipse Cycle of the Necrovoid Realm. March 28th in human terms, unknown year.
[ -~X~-]Gender: Male.
[ -~X~-]Sexuality: Heterosexual.
[ -~X~-]Zodiac: Aries.
[ -~X~-]Place of Birth: The Necrovoid Realm of the 17th descension from the null realms.
[ -~X~-]Race: Born pure Demon but is now Full Nexus Reaper.
[ -~X~-]Heritage: Father was an Infernal Hellguard Demon of Fallen Origin. Mother was an Celestial Angel that was turned into a Demon through affiliation with Fear's Father in the Demon Realms.
[ -~X~-]Height: 7' 7"
[ -~X~-]Weight: 240-250 lbs.
[ -~X~-]Build: Athletic/Toned.
[ -~X~-]Skin Color: Lightly Tan.
[ -~X~-]Blood Type: Unknown.
[ -~X~-]Natural Eye Color: Crimson.
[ -~X~-]Natural Hair Color: Born with Black hair containing Blood Red Streaks.
[ -~X~-]Current Hair Color: Over Time the hair has become Silver-White. But since fusing with Sin and unlocking more souls, his hair is now Raven Black once more.
[ -~X~-]Hair Length: Very long, beyond his knees.
[ -~X~-]Hair Style: Straight but the style changes depending on mood.
[ -~X~-]Defining Facial Features: Multiple Scars on face and neck, a few seals on his neck and a birthmark under his right eye.
[ -~X~-]Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous.
[ -~X~-]Speech Patterns: Logical, Strong, Clear, can sometimes get irritated.


[ -~X~-]Marital Status: Married to Aredhel Montiqueue.
[ -~X~-]Birth Father: Jherikus Cainus Meridius the Fallen.
[ -~X~-]Birth Mother: Fa`yenix Novelia de Lunixia.
[ -~X~-]Siblings: Taara – Sister, Deceased. Winter – Brother, Deceased (Killed by Fear.). Discord – Brother, Deceased.
[ -~X~-]Children:
Aurora - Daughter of Fear and Taalym, born from the Angelic soul of Taalym being touched by the tears of Fear resulting in a fusion of Pure Demonic and Pure Angelic creating Aurora.
Leiri - Daughter of Fear and Montiqueue, born with demonic and angelic influences resulting in fused soul of both Angelic and Demonic power. Twin sister to Archer.
Archer - Son of Fear and Montiqueue, born with mainly demonic influences, very minor touches of angelic influence. Twin brother to Leiri.
[ -~X~-]Family Finances: Fear funds the clan mainly.
[ -~X~-]Best Friend: Sin.


[☼]Major Personality Traits:
[ -~X~-] Intelligent.
[ -~X~-] Protective.
[ -~X~-] Passive.
[ -~X~-] Conservative of power.
[ -~X~-] Loyal to his cause(s).

[☼] Likes:
[ -~X~-] Loyalty.
[ -~X~-] Honesty.
[ -~X~-] Justice.
[ -~X~-] Respect.
[ -~X~-] Reason.

[☼] Dislikes:
[ -~X~-] Liars.
[ -~X~-] Manipulators.
[ -~X~-] Abuse of power.

[ -~X~-]Bad Habits: Gets extremely protective of his family and is quick to use power to make his point heard.
[ -~X~-]Good Habits: Is respectful to those who are respectful to him and his family. Stays neutral as much as possible and always tries to do the right thing.
[ -~X~-]Best Memory: When Aredhel accepted the proposal of marriage.
[ -~X~-]Worst Memory: Finding his first love, Taalym, and seeing her die before his eyes.
[ -~X~-]Proud Of: His Clan and his lack of any and all discrimination.
[ -~X~-]Temperament: Calm and sagely but willing to fight to protect what he cares about.

[☼] Friendships [Allies]: Pravus, Castigare, Reavers, LaCour, Shoukin, Cassiel, Dra`ken, Blacklust.

[☼] Rivalries [Enemies]: None of real note.

[☼] Quotes:
“Don’t attack what you cannot kill, don’t threaten what you are afraid to fight, don’t insult if you will only run away, these will make your death more painful and I shall not weep for my blade upon your neck means you deserve no tears.”
[ -~X~-]
“Fear Nothing, Protect Everything, Until the Day You Die.”

[☼] Biography:
[ -~X~-]
╠The man's name is Fear, he is the King of the Darkfangs Clan and Fear himself is the last remaining Nexus Reaper Judge, which is now extended to the inherited title of King of the Reapers. Fear was born a pure demon in the Necrovoid Realm, this realm's time flow is significantly faster than the flow of time in the human realm which meant that although he is only in his late-20s by human time standards, he is actually about 50,000 years old due to the rapid time flow in the Necrovoid Realm. Fear was found by the second born child of the original Reaper named Arkanous Shinigami, the son's name was Sin and he found Fear in the darkness of the Necrovoid and gave him the choice to become a Reaper. Fear took this offer and thus did he begin to lose his demonic influences and became a Reaper.

╠The Nexus is an elite group of Reapers within Arkanous' bloodline, these Reapers were known by the names of Wrath, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Sloth, and Death. They were the highest council in the Reaper’s hierarchy and they regulated the actions of the Reapers as to ensure that balance is kept. If a Reaper broke one of the laws, the Nexus of Sin would send a Judge to eliminate the Reaper who had broken the laws and to take their soul so that balance could be restored. Fear was able to rise through the ranks within the Reapers and was selected to become a Judge Reaper of the Nexus. With this, Fear was taught how to use the Reaper energy that was only usable by the strongest of Judges, Pure Nexus Energy.

╚Thus does Fear have the ability to manipulate Nexus energy, this is a powerful version of Reaper specific energy. Nexus energy is a manifestation of the will to survive and to protect others. The stronger the will to protect is, the more powerful the Nexus energy becomes, this energy can be used to amplify the powers and strength of the object it surrounds. Nexus energy can also be used to construct objects of semi-physical form. Nexus energy is similar to Willpower Manifested, the stronger the willpower and the determination is, then the greater the strength and power of the energy of the Nexus energy.

═Fear has spent most of his life in training, and thus has mastered the abilities of Pyrokinesis
(Pyrokinesis is the ability to manipulate and create fire or flames of all forms using mental ability or thought.), Hydro-kinesis (Hydro-kinesis is the ability to manipulate and control water molecules and liquids of all kinds no matter which state of matter they are in using mental ability or thought.), Geo-kinesis (Geo-kinesis is the ability to manipulate minerals, rocks, or anything of sedimentary similarity using mental ability or thought.), Aero-kinesis (Aero-kinesis is the ability to manipulate and control air, wind, and pressure, allowing for control over air currents, wind currents, and pressure waves or pressure in general using mental ability or thought.), as well as the ability to manipulate and control Demonic Energy as well as some Angelic energy.

═Upon fusing with Sin, Fear gained the natural abilities of Sin, including the power to use psycho-kinesis. Psycho-kinesis is the ability to control and manipulate matter or space with mental power or thought. Fear can use this power to move objects or matter with his mind, also allowing him to produce powerful psychokinetic barriers and shields around him to protect himself from projectiles and strikes. Fear can use psycho-kinesis to learn and gain knowledge at an exponential rate without the task of having to read books and study as he had to before. This gives him incredible insight into situations and conflicts allowing him to have extremely detailed knowledge of races, powers, techniques, mechanics, magic, psionics, logic, reality, dimensions, and practically any topic imaginable or considered. This means that information is always naturally ready for Fear to learn and understand with ease.

═Fear has mastered the ability to use and utilize Mana, the purest form of energy and magic in abundance. Fear possesses the genetic trait that his mother carried, the ability to naturally regenerate mana. Fear constantly cycles his energy through his body to keep his energy free and ready to be used at a moment’s notice. By doing this, he creates a vortex of minor proportions that draws in the natural mana from the surrounding area and regenerates any mana that he has lost. This passive ability occurs constantly, even while Fear is asleep. Fear is able to use this mana to amplify or accelerate many of his other abilities. One such utilization is that Fear is able to rush his mana through his body to accelerate the natural functions and capacities allowing him to react and move 10 times faster than normal while still cycling his mana through his body to prevent drastic mana loss and fatigue from occurring.

═After being reborn into the 5th soul in the chain,
(Click here for the information on the Souls.) Fear returned from the Soul Realm in what appeared to be only a few minutes after his death, when it was really more like 700 years of waiting to Fear. Within the Soul Realm, time flows significantly faster than the human realm. So a mere few minutes in the human realm is equal to about 700 years in the Soul Realm. Fear sent this entire span of time within the Soul Realm learning and training new abilities, the results of this training was the ability to channel and call upon Celestial/Cosmic energy to use as he wills it.

╔Fear has control over the powerful energy source called Dimensional Energy. Dimensional Energy is the energy that is exerted upon the expansion and collapse of the dimensional universes. The expansion of the universes would require a massive supply of energy to break the non-dimensional planar limits and then to reshape that space into space, which has the dimensions and the form similar to the universe in which, it has been formed into. This would give off an immense quantity of pure existential and creational energy due to the action-reaction theory of physics, which states that everything has an equal, and opposite reaction. So the force and energy that was needed to create the new space of dimensional area is exerted back out into the already formed space, Fear gained the ability to channel and harness this energy after thousands of years of practice, this is now fully under his control and can be used by his will.

╠Dimensional Energy can be used to reconstruct dimensional reality on one or several dimensional planes of reality, meaning that a strike from this form of energy could possibly alter the dimensional reality of the target and space around the target upon impact or contact. This could be focused to flip the reality and deconstruct the existence of the affected objects causing them to be changed into a completely different form of existence or, if concentrated well enough, removing the object from existence entirely. This would mean that the target could be erased from the plane of reality making it so that they never existed in the first place, undoing any event that they influenced or changed whether that influence was direct or indirect or even circumstantial. This would all be undone and the events would be altered in such a way as if the target had never influenced the event.

╠This energy could also be used to construct things from dimensional reality into full physical form. This would also be used to make a dimensional fluctuation in the fabric of dimensional reality by amplifying the amount of Dimensional Energy that is being released or concentrated into the space. The result of this fluctuation in dimensional reality could be a rend or rift in time-space reality leading to an alternate dimension of reality.

╚Another possible use of this energy would be for the purpose of forming a dimensional gateway between two or more alternate dimensional realities and bringing things from the other dimensions through the gateways and into the reality of Fear’s current existence. This would most definitely kill anything of organic structure that is pulled through the gateway if the gateway is not strong enough to support the transportation of a living organism between realities. More often than not, objects such as weapons, projectiles, inorganic objects, and mechanical beings/objects.


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╔Fear’s armor is unique in almost every way, his helm is solid and formed in such a way as to allow for perfect hearing, sight, head motion, and room for his horns to protrude. His arms are encased in the same form of armor, his hands bearing dark gauntlets of demonic claws and symbols burned into the back of the palms. Upon his chest is the guard of the same form as the rest of his armor, the chest guard is incredibly strong but deceptively light, the armor itself is very lightweight but extremely strong. Fear’s greaves are no different, strong but light and bearing the burned in symbols upon the armor. This armor helps Fear to channel his monstrous amounts of energy, energy is stored inside the armor itself to reduce the amount of pressure being exerted onto Fear.

╠This armor also amplifies Fear’s kinetic and psionic abilities, allowing him to perform much stronger techniques with less wear on his body, and without consuming as much energy as once needed. This is particularly useful when fighting against an opponent with great endurance when kinetics and psionics are vital. Fear’s natural powers such as his Celestial Energy control and Dimensional Energy control are also amplified by the armor, allowing Fear to focus and concentrate his abilities with extreme precision. The armor exerts Fear’s natural demonic aura into a manageable and controllable form of energy known as Demonic Syntheo-Aura.

╔Demonic Syntheo-Aura is very similar to constructive energies of other aura forms; it can be used to form weapons, shields, and various other objects, which are subject to only the will of the owner of the aura. This is a rather unique form of aura since, to use such an aura, the energy from the core of the demon must be condensed and focused to such a degree as to take the aura from a semi-gaseous/semi-physical form, into a physical or metaphysical form. Demonic Syntheo-Aura is only available as long as there is enough demonic energy to condense into the aura. If the energy runs low, the aura grows weaker and the strength of the physical and metaphysical objects becomes varied.

╠In this armored form, Fear’s wings are encased in the demonic gear with the feathers protruding from the armor and the feathers are now pure white. This is caused by Fear’s own source of alignment balance, his darkness being balanced out with light. The feathers are manifestations of Fear’s balance, as such; they can be transformed into various useful items such as weapons, orbs, shields, trinkets, mechanical wares, and other things but not used as such during combat situations. The feathers also have the capability to explode with pure mana being the explosive agent within the feathers. The wings serve to function as normal wings would, for flight and movement. Fear’s capabilities to use his wings are practically endless and they are very useful as well as very sensitive additions to his body.

╚Fear’s appearance is made more suiting by the addition of his tail, formed from the dark aura which engulfs his body and the armor, his tail is about 3 feet to 4 feet long, has spikes and prongs going down the sides of the tail, and has a barbed tip like a serrated blade. The tail carries a toxin within the prongs and spikes, which is more detailed as a neurotoxin, and a toxin that paralyzes the muscles of anything that is struck or stabbed by the tail’s sharp add-ons. This would eventually lead to the heart muscle which would then be forced to seize up and paralyzes the muscles that make the heart pump the blood causing cardiac arrest and death.

Fear's entire armor set including the armors for his tail and wings was crafted by Seppa Ilmarinen, Seppo Ilmarinen, and Sepira Ilmarinen. Thus, all of their work is proven to virtually never break unless struck by the hammers of the Ilmarinen which were used to make the suit.

╘Offensive/Defensive Traits:


[ -~X~-] Pyrokinesis: Fear has the ability to manifest and manipulate fire and other forms of flame using mental ability and thought.

[ -~X~-] Hydro-kinesis: Fear has the ability to manifest and manipulate water in all its possible forms using mental ability and thought.

[ -~X~-] Geo-kinesis: Fear has the ability to manipulate rocks and minerals in most all possible forms using mental ability and thought.

[ -~X~-] Aero-kinesis: Fear has the ability to manipulate wind and air currents as well as pressure using mental ability and thought.

[ -~X~-] Demonic energy: Fear was born a pure demon, which gave him the natural capacity to control and manipulate demonic energy in multiple ways. However, Fear was born with an extraordinary amount of energy and his very presence caused the darkness of the Necrovoid to grow thicker and saturated with accelerated energy flows of Fear’s own energy.

[ -~X~-] Angelic energy: Fear’s mother, Fa`yenix, was a Celestial Ascended Demoness. She was a Celestial Angel that was turned into a Demon through her being with Jherikus in the Demon Realms. Her angelic powers were passed down to Fear but only on a minor scale.

[ -~X~-] Nexus Optica Reprieve: Fear's eyes are optically enhanced by his Nexus Reaper powers. His eyes can detect the familiar movement patterns of objects, allowing him to follow movements even at incredible speeds. His eyes can also see the soul links that connect people to those who they have become acquainted with over the course of their entire lives. Fear can follow these soul links from person to person allowing him to locate a certain group of people or a certain person so long as a memory of the person is held by the original target. Fear's eyes have a distinct "X" shape for the pupil which is the physical alteration that the Nexus Optica Reprieve causes. Further physical alterations caused by the Nexus Optica would be the rings around the pupil, six rings in all, the innermost ring is a rich Amethyst Violet color, the second ring is a deep Sapphire Azure color, the third ring is a Burning Amber color, the fourth ring is a Pure White, the fifth ring is a brilliant Emerald Green color, and the final ring is Pitch Black with glowing Crimson runic markings within the black of the ring.
Nexus Optica Reprieve Full Form allows Fear to see things beyond the possible sight of most humans and allows him to follow the movements of all objects in his focus with minimal delay of reaction time. The delay of the image being reduced to merely a fraction of a second regardless of how fast the target or targets are moving. Using Nexus Optica, Fear can detect and follow the aura and energy of spiritual essence and existential presence, the aura of life and existence. Fear can follow that aura, using it to track and follow his original target meaning he could discern the true target from any decoys or “clones” that would be used against him. The Reprieve form of the Optica allows Fear to see things on all spectrums and in multiple dimensions while utilizing the capability to perform a “freeze frame” of what he is seeing. This means that Fear can perceive a moment in time from multiple angles and dimensions practically without any time passing save for a nanosecond or so for the connection to his brain to be made.

[ -~X~-] Reaper Omnidirectional Area Sensory: Utilizing his centuries of training and teachings with the Reapers, Fear was able to develop the ability to sense the presence of all objects around him in a full spherical range of 50 yards in radius from him from all possible dimensions and directions. If anything interrupts the reaper energy field or displaces the continuous and regular wave echoes within the field, Fear is able to sense it and react. This ability draws a lot of energy and requires great focus for Fear to maintain, thus does he only use this technique when he is resting his muscles or trying to concentrate and doesn't wish to be disturbed.

[ -~X~-] Natural Mana Regeneration: Fear possesses the genetic trait that his mother carried, the ability to naturally regenerate mana. Fear constantly cycles his energy through his body to keep his energy free and ready to be used at a moment’s notice. By doing this, he creates a vortex of minor proportions that draws in the natural mana from the surrounding area and regenerates any mana that he has lost. This is a passive ability that occurs constantly.

[ -~X~-] Reverse Dreadnaught, 5th realm of light: This creates an inverse realm of the Dreadnaught technique. Within this realm, there is no darkness, only blinding light, purest white and almost heavenly in appearance. Within this realm, Fear's eyes adjust quickly due to his Nexus Optica Consumption and he is able to strike at his target while they are perhaps disoriented by the intensity of the light.

[ -~X~-] Demon’s Bane, Aura of Purification: Fear can amplify the natural ability to absorb and purify any and all forms of energy or waves that come too close to Demon's Bane causing the area of absorption to increase from only a foot in range to roughly 9 feet in range, this creates a barrier of sorts around Fear that protects him from an incoming energy based attack, the barrier forming within a matter of only 3 seconds as it is expanded from the blade. This is done by Fear rushing his mana into his soul blade (Demon's Bane) accelerating the power and magnitude of the absorption causing it to have to expand to a larger area to compensate for the sudden surge of energy flow.

[ -~X~-] Soul Purge: Fear calls upon the Nexus energy and infuses it with his mana, he then manipulates the energy into a spinning vortex of Nexus energy and Mana and launches it towards his target. The Nexus energy and Mana will then collide and this would result in a cataclysmic explosion of Nexus energy and Mana that creates a massive pillar of powerful energy that would be able to incinerate the very soul of those who get caught within the range of the pillar and/or the initial blast. The blast expands from a vortex about the size of a well grown full size pumpkin out to a blast radius of about 500 yards with the range of the immediate death zone being at 0-250 yards from the impact zone which is covered in roughly 5 seconds with 15 seconds being the time until the blast reaches full range of 500 yards. The pillar spirals around like a massive tornado, the width of the pillar expanding from the impact point and the blast range of 500 yards out to roughly a mile wide with the pillar exploding upwards to a maximum height of about 5 miles straight up with the pillar's rotation moving at about 200 MPH. This usually takes 3 posts to perform the full power technique and this leaves Fear slightly tired and consumes much of his normal Mana supply.

[ -~X~-] Xa’dren Ascension: Fear draws his celestial and nexus energies into his core as he allows his mana and the energies to consume him, he glows faintly forming a small but extremely powerful barrier around him as his skin burns dark grey and his hair grows to become pure black with slight red streaks. His wings shine darkly and he rises into the air as he brings his hands together upon the hilt of Demon's Bane channeling the mixture of mana and celestial and nexus energies into the blade creating a distortion of the space around the sword. Fear then rushes at his target as the edge of Demon's Bane cuts through the air slicing open a rift in the space caused by the violent fluctuation of distorted particles from the celestial and nexus energies colliding as the rift is then slammed shut again causing the space where the rift was at to momentarily implode upon itself creating a massive collapse of pressure and space into the implosion that crushes anything within 30 yards of the implosion site as Fear is protected from the violent event by the barrier around himself. The space then expands again as the objects that were crushed in the implosion are then scattered out like a spray of mana infused projectiles that are stopped by Fear's barrier but would probably shred apart anything that was struck by the projectiles that could not avoid them. Usually takes 2 posts to perform this ability.

[ -~X~-] Dreadnaught Realm: Fear can create a realm of pure darkness from his wings and the realm prevents any outside forces from interfering. Within this realm, Fear can create illusions of himself that are significantly weaker than him to torment his target.

[ -~X~-] Accelerated Functions: Fear has extremely fast reflexes which are made possible by increasing the rate of mana flow within his body speeding up its motor functions and muscle movements.

[ -~X~-] Pressure Bomb: Fear has the ability to pull in the energy from around him and using his mana as an accelerator he can release all of his built up energy in the form of an explosion releasing a shock wave that creates an extremely powerful pressure wave that has a crushing force equivalent to that of a 3 kiloton nuclear blast.

[ -~X~-] Mana Manipulation: This allows Fear to unleash powerful blasts of mana that he can modify with a variety of additional traits.

[ -~X~-] Demon's Bane, Soul-bound Release: This allows Fear to release the soul of the Fire Angel which resides within his blade, the soul can take the form of a spirit fox of pure white fur with heavenly flames trailing from her coat and tails, she has a pair of soft angelic wings which are usually cloaked in the heavenly flames as well. This fox has the ability to create holy seals for powerful attacks that usually take a few posts to perform, such as calling upon the angels to unleash their fury at a target by firing blasts of Angelic and Holy fire at the target. (3 posts) This spirit fox can also expel her flames to wrap around Fear forming a barrier that allows him to regain some of his strength by giving him time to rest and regain some of the lost energy from his techniques.

[ -~X~-] Raging Vortex: Fear can form a small super-heated twister of roughly 20 yards in diameter and 25 feet from ground to top. This is done by rotating his body rapidly while horizontal in the air, he releases a stream of his mana from his blade as he spins to heat and pull the air around him into a vortex, using his mana Fear would begin to rapidly heat the molecules as he turns causing them to become super-heated. Fear would then turn his body vertical while increasing the speed of his rotation to bring the cold and super-heated air crashing together to form the natural rotation that would lead to the formation of his mana based super-heated twister.

[ -~X~-] Natural Enhanced Movement Capabilities: ═Fear has mastered the abilities that give him his great speed over many centuries, but still his foes always seemed to be surprised to find that Fear is usually a lot faster than he ever let on. His speed capable of leaving illusory images or dusted space where he would have once been standing. No teleportation, no portals, no rifts, just pure speed and movement of air and space is all Fear uses.


[»] Demon’s Bane.
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╔Upon Fear's left hip is the blade known as Demon's Bane, after Fear's soul was originally split in half; the half of his original soul that contained virtually none of the demonic influence was split in half once more. The first half was sealed into a soul crystal, which was then bound into an amulet that Fear strung with Void Steel from the Necrovoid Realm that he was born in. The second half was taken by Fear and manipulated into a soul weapon, the soul weapon formed into a katana styled blade, the hilt being a foot and a half (18 Inches) in length, the blade itself is 6 feet (72 inches) long and 2 inches from edge to back bracing. The blade itself is a manifestation of Fear’s soul, but the metal which gives the soul blade such true shape was forged of Fear’s pure soul, Void Steel and Star Iron main core, and Fae`zan Tierdrahl Diamond for the outer layer of the blade including the edge. The entire blade was forged and reinforced by the hammer of Seppa Ilmarinen, the Great God of the Divine Forge whose work has been proven to never break, dull, chip, rust, bend, fold, or weaken unless struck by his own hammer.

╠Within the blade resides the soul of Fear's first love, the Angel of Heavenly Fire, Taalym - Kaji Tenshi. The soul has given the blade strong purifying capabilities, allowing for the cleansing of poisons and other harmful afflictions within a subject or target. The soul can release itself from the confines of the blade and manifest itself into a real form to protect Fear and give him time to rest and recover, or if Fear is unable to move or act, the soul can carry Fear in a shell of Heavenly Flame taking him away from danger and to safety. The soul can manifest itself as a young woman clothed in angelic robes with flowing red hair and tails of white fur. The soul can also manifest into the form of a spirit fox with a coat of white fur, which often times is engulfed in heavenly flames. The fox would have numerous tails that are trailed by heavenly fire.

╠The blade itself has the ability to absorb and then recycle all forms of energy that come within a foot in range of the blade, the soul within the blade can purify the absorbed energy, removing the influence and control that the original source had over the energy and then cleansing it of any and all harmful properties. The energy is then made usable by Fear, allowing him to send the energy right back at the target later on or contain the energy for use in another way. The blade was crafted from Fear's soul, which makes the weapon bound to him. If Demon's Bane is removed from Fear's hand, the blade will stop absorbing energy from around the blade and will instead begin to pump the dangerous and deadly poisons and the harmful properties that were removed from the absorbed energies into the body of the wielder that is not Fear. To return the blade to his hand, Fear simply wills the blade to return to him, the weapon will then follow the soul link back to Fear's hand and will apparate to him.

╚Demon’s bane is Fear’s soul blade and is called such for a good reason. The blade was crafted from his soul, which allows him to have control over the strength of the blade. The soul that forged Demon’s Bane can be made stronger in power by Fear’s will power, his desire and determination to protect what is precious to him, the stronger his will power is, the stronger his blade becomes. This is also applied to the power of the souls now within his blade; the Soul of Taalym is made stronger and driven by her desire and her will to protect Fear, her strength lies in her devotion to him. Fear’s fifth soul was absorbed into the blade upon its release from his body; this means that Fear has yet another soul within Demon’s Bane, which is driven by the same willpower that drives Fear. All three souls are made stronger by their willpower, and Fear’s soul that made Demon’s Bane and the soul that was absorbed into it are consumed by his willpower. Taalym’s love for Fear is undying; this makes her devotion to him and her will to protect him unwaveringly strong.

[ -~X~-] Scythe of the Fallen.
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═Hidden within Fear's Reaper soul, Fear wields the Scythe of the Fallen. A gift from the King of Reapers to Fear, the Scythe brought into Fear the power of the ancient pureblood Reaper allowing him to tap into this power and use it to its maximum potential without the energy possibly corrupting him and turning him into a pure Reaper, which would be overcome by an unquenchable thirst for souls.

[-~X~-] Jericho.
╔After the fusion with Sin, Fear gained the powers to use the guns of Sin’s soul, Rage and Grace. These are twin pistols, which fire off energy rounds formed from spiritual energy and soul manifestation. These guns bear a direct link to the soul realm where the power of the souls freed by the reapers collects and thrives. This would mean little in detail due to the point being that the guns would be hard to wield since Fear only had his two hands. Therefore, for the sake of convenience, Fear went to Seppa and Seppo seeking to fuse the two guns into one. This was done successfully and the pistol called Jericho was formed. Jericho is kept hidden away in Fear’s mana flow, able to be called to his hand and manifested from his mana in a matter of 2 seconds or less and ready to fire right away due to the direct link that the gun carries to both the soul realm and to Fear’s energy itself.

╚Jericho carries the ability to fire off the existential energy of spiritual existence which is taken from the souls used to give ammo to the gun aside from Fear’s own energy. The existential energy of the souls can be used to destroy the spiritual construction of the target upon contact resulting in total annihilation of the target’s soul/spiritual power and existence, meaning their mana and other soul based energies would be destroyed and the body would be a soulless shell.

[-~X~-] Hanmaken
═ This was a gift, passed on to Fear from Kilos Archleone. Although upon first glance dismissed as a regular katana, Hanmaken is several times thicker and has no cutting edge. Thick as a man’s wrist, the one-sided blade has several gaps amongst its edge, much like the teeth of a comb that are meant to catch an opponent’s blade and aid the wielder in breaking it. Weighting nearly 100 lbs, the blade has no cutting power, but holds incredible potential to crush and pulverize. Heavy and almost impossible to wield by most, Kilos had been the only man to properly hold his own in battle with it, due to his superhuman strength and experience. Too thick for a sheathe, the blacksmith had taken to carrying the blade across his back when wearing it to battle, only held by two tightening leather clasps.

[ -~X~-] The wedding ring: Upon Fear’s left Ring finger was the wedding ring, which bound him to Montiqueue in matrimony.
╙The Zodiac Rings╜
[ -~X~-] Ring of Aquarius: Just in front of the wedding ring is the Ring of Aquarius
[ -~X~-] Ring of Cancer: Upon Fear’s left middle finger is the Ring of Cancer
[ -~X~-] Ring of Gemini: Upon his left index finger is the Ring of Gemini
[ -~X~-] Ring of Pisces: Upon Fear’s left thumb is the Ring of Pisces
[ -~X~-] Ring of Capricorn: Upon his right thumb Fear wears the Ring of Capricorn
[ -~X~-] Ring of Aries: Upon his right index finger is Fear’s own original Ring of the Zodiac. Fear wears the The Ring of Aries upon his right index finger which he understands better than any of the other rings and has mastered control over the ring since receiving it upon becoming a Judge of the Reapers of the Nexus.
[ -~X~-] Ring of Sagittarius: The ring upon his right middle finger is the Ring of Sagittarius
[ -~X~-] Ring of Scorpio: Upon his right ring finger is the Ring of Scorpio
[ -~X~-] Ring of Leo: The ring directly above the Ring of Scorpio is the Ring of Leo

[☼]Combat Theme:
[ -~X~-]
Disturbed - Monster

Disturbed - Fear

Celldweller - Wings of Icarus

Celldweller - Eon

Ephixa ft. None like Joshua - Song of Storms

(Still under construction.)

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