Why, hello, chap!
It's been forever since I last posted to this journal. I mean, hell, I don't even know what the firk I wrote last time. And I hardly ever visit Gaia, and when I do, it's to mess with my character and add stuff to my profile because I'm bored. So ha-ha.
But, I do indeed enjoy posting on here. I'm almost 100% sure that nobody actually reads this, but I like posting on the interwebs instead of in a diary so that there's at least some chance somebody will happen across my online journal and be able to appreciate my razor-sharp wit.
So what to write about? Whatever I please, I suppose.
Let's see.... what have I been up to?
Well, let's start with the obvious. This past Sunday was Christmas. What did I do? I came and stayed with my parents for the winter break. Last Thursday was my youngest sister's first birthday, so I celebrated that with the family and then immediately afterword we celebrated early Christmas with mi mama. Then off across the street to my fathers house I was shipped, and the next day was spent going out taking my little brother gift shopping and go-cart racing. There's nothing incredibly earth-shattering to discuss about my winter break thus far, and I'm sure that no one who reads this gives two shits about little things like that. LOL.
Either Friday or Saturday night (can't remember which) I went with a number of great people to a local restaurant that I'd never tried before called Hawaiian Grindz. BEST TALAPIA I HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF RELISHING.
I also learned of a drink called "kava". Apparently, the old Hawaiian royals would drink it to get a buzz, and it's now considered an insult to refuse kava if it is offered to you. It looks like dirty water and tastes like mud and is made from a root. You're supposed to knock the whole cup back at once instead of sipping it. It makes your mouth and throat kind of numb and give you this really cool feeling in your head and shoulders and makes you generally relaxed. The band that plays at Hawaiian Grindz drink it before they perform and produce totally beautifuuuuul music.
It's like alcohol that won't mess with mental clarity or destroy your liver. Best. Drink. Ever.
I've recently discovered this new-ish band called Weird Owl that envokes the spirits of old acid rock kings. They're totally chill and the guitar is wicked, and I stronglyyyy recommend that one takes a look. I suggest "13 Arrows 13 Stars" and "Skeletepathic". I faja bought me their CD, "Ever the Silver Cord Be Loosed", for Christmas.
Ok. So I'm pretty sure everyone's heard of Tom's, and I think it is the most stupid-a** thing ever that even though certain people secretly think they're cool, they won't wear them because apparently Tom's are "hipster" shoes. I don't even know what the hell that is. So. Tom's are cool, in my opinion, and even better, they donate a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair of shoes purchased. I know that they are a bit pricey (at least they are for me), but hey, you're making some poor kid happy somewhere. So that's my opinion on Tom's. Don't be shoe-predjudiced just because of a lame stereotype.
Oh, and on the subject of stereotypes, I may look, behave, and have similar philosophies to a hippie, but I am not a pothead, nor do I drop acid. Just sayin'.
Well, alrighty then, I think I will take my leave now, so thanks for making it this far.
Ta-ta for now!
-Kiersten, with love.
Peace in the Middle East!
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