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For any random ranting I do.
Before I start on this, you should know I'm rating this rant P-13 for swearing, other than that enjoy, or don't, your choice.

F@#k Everyone!

People of Gaiaonline, those I know and friends I sort of know and the ones I hold dear. I do love this country, but by all that is sanity it is now f@#ked up nearly beyond repairs. Having little bits and pieces that just grant a giant clustered mess of issues and annoyances that I'm going to start ranting on right now. So grab a chair because this is going to be a doozy.

F@#k the public education system, the way these schools are funded, taught, and over all handled are generally not well. Now not all teachers/principals are bad infact many of them are good. However there is still a plethora of dumb, ignorant, spiteful teachers that're only teaching because they couldn't do their dream job of journalism, or be an athlete, or an actor. These are the ones who never wanted to teach, but had no choice, they are the ones that constantly torment students and try to undermine their creativity for the bland, mediocre detail because they feel the little sprat is 'going to have a negative impact on the other student's self-esteem'.

As well as just the teachers that have sex with their students. I don't give a damn if the kid is a boy or girl, or if the teacher is hot or a female. It. Doesn't. Matter. If this atrocity is done, the teacher deserves to have their private parts removed with a rusty butter knife, spoon, and maybe even a heated railroad spike! It's sick, and unprofessional, I'm not going to go into that the kid 'didn't know what they were doing', as while it is true that most of the time they don't, sometimes the little punks do know what it is they're doing.

Getting off teachers as, like I said, there are good ones out there. The classes these jack asses in High School teach are sometimes completely useless no matter where you go, or they just don't fit with what career you already know what you want to do after High School. I just want to be a Game Designer, I don't see why I have to take a full semester of Chemistry for that, if I need to look up what elements do what mixed with another, I'll do just that. Look it up on the internet. Algebra? Useless flagrantly, I have never seen a subject so accepted yet it is completely and utterly USELESS! I have only maybe seen one, one, problem or equation that would be used in real life, and it is only if you specialized in construction. {As well as it's more geometry than Algebra anyway} 'But it's in the curriculum', WHY?! Why is it in the curriculum, tell me that! 'Because the School Board said so'. I have asked that question to every algebra teacher I have had, and that is the same answer I've gotten, Every. Single. Time. And I've had about . . .seven or eight algebra teachers folks. If you can't answer 'Why' with a good reason, then maybe you should rethink what it is you're doing!

F@#k college education, it's 'optional' doesn't fly anymore, it is now a full requirement to even have jobs that pay minimum wage, like Starbucks. It's nonsensical in its own right as well, it teaches classes that would otherwise not be needed by the career we've chosen for our lives. Why does, me, a want-to-be-Game Designer, have to take f@#king Psychology!? 'To get to know how to sell things to people', Yeah I think there's also another thing for that its called 'Business and Advertisement!' you f@#k-twats its two completely different things for marketing-sales, and actual psychology. And I won't even get into the fact that these' institutes cost thousands of dollars per semester for classes so bland and uneventful, it makes my High School actually look like a top of the line university!

F@#k organized religion of any kind except Hinduism, they're at least mellow and don't try to convert people through hysteria and propaganda tactics. I have never made it unknown to use my Freedom of religion and speech to speak how much I loathe Christianity, Catholicism and any real religion that only promotes a select group of people and says the other people are worthless trash to go to hell and burn just because they were 'misguided'. It's nonsense, it's shameful enough it's been proven that Catholicism has flat out lied to its subjects for thousands of years, and even covering up child-molesting priests for decades. Worse yet, instead of flat out calling this religion a giant lie, people still openly worship it with pride and fascism that makes me ill. And for anyone who says Christianity and Catholicism is different, tell me one damn thing: How? Yes, they follow the Lord differently in some slight ways, but they still follow the same deity, the same on that made a bet with the devil to prove his follower was loyal!

F@#k the Human Rights Activists, these are the bastards that make sure prisoners have warm beds, hot food, H.D. TV, and Internet in their prison cells for the crimes they committed on law-abiding citizens. They're the c**k suckers that are against the death penalty with the 'it's in human' or 'it's too expensive' bull crap. Do you know why it is so damn expensive to execute someone? Not because the poison its self is lethal, but because they have to spend four DECADES in a prison cell being taken care of to await their date with the needle. And, let's just say it does cost more to kill someone than keeping them in prison for life, you know what's cheaper than lethal poison and works just as well? A gun with one bullet, or 12 feet of rope! There, problem solved!

And don't give me the 'It's not right to do that to them' speech, you know what? F@#k them, f@#k each and everyone one them before they're killed. I'm talking about the murderers, rapists, drug overlords and all other such that have either killed, or ruin the lives of one or more other human beings. My motto is 'If they've harmed, or removed the freedom's of another, they have revoked their freedoms when found guilty in a court of law.' I find it more cruel that a family of a murdered person now has to pay for that killer's jail time as he gets all the free porn, Youtube, and Comedy Central he wants!

F@#k African Americans who use the 'racist' bit whenever they don't get what they want, or just want to be an a**. Sometimes you didn't get the job because you spelled your name, with a number! This is not the 60s anymore people, Civil Rights Act is over an done with! Now, there are still some actual white racists out there, but black people, and I say this because it's fact black people stereo-type white people as racists than any other minority out there, still think that just because they couldn't get a job it's because the person was white, and is therefore a racist. It gives real black people who want a good job, and have a quality education, to be ashamed, you ignorant pricks. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling in his grave right now if he saw half the things they call 'racist'. And just to clarify, I know not all African Americans are racist like this, I know many, in fact, who aren't; but still it's such a common issue now a days it makes everyone question in the authenticity when a real racist is brought to court without sufficient evidence. You're the a** holes making it harder to convict real racists because you keep complaining about the McDonald's employee got your order wrong because he's a KKK member in disguised, that employee of course was fired unfairly when his boss heard the word 'lawsuit'.

F@#k people who want everyone to be politically correct all the time. I'm not a politician, I never will nor want to be one, so I will not be politically correct. I am so suck and tired of being afraid to say 'Merry Christmas' to people because of the chance of being sued for $6,000 for 'Emotional distress'. It's, a, saying. If you don't practice Christmas, don't take it of any meaning other than 'have a nice day' you assholes! You're the reason why there are no more Christmas Pageants in schools, why people can't have Christmas ornaments outside on their property that are specifically Christmas-related. Stop acting like anyone following Christmas spirit is pissing on your Hanukkah, Kwanza, or if it's in that year, your Day of Ashura. We're merely celebrating, if you don't celebrate it fine, don't. But if you think just because you don't celebrate it I'm taking my Christmas tree down, or putting up my Santa and baby Jesus lawn decorations down I will shiv you with one of the icicles on my house's gutter!

F@#k females who constantly think that every man on this planet is out to make them look weak and timid. They are out there but when I hold open a door, it's to be a nice guy, not because I think you're weak willed! This happened to me, once, I went out to a gas station to get some snacks and as I was leaving, I saw a women also leaving with two bags full of snacks and cigarettes in both hands, so I hold open the door for her. She went into me about 'I don't need a man to hold open the door for m--' she got cut off by the door hitting her straight in the nose as I slammed it, purposely, into her and then went on with my merry day. If you want to talk about making women a more stronger role in society, go b***h and whine about the female celebrities sucking c**k for acting roles. Get your priorities into line before you sue someone for sexism! Dammit!

F@#k hospitals, doctors and anything medical including Insurance. This, needs to be fixed people, hospitals over charge on everything from the room, to $50 dollars a pill of a drug we can easily go buy at Walgreens for $15 for 80 in a bottle! They have free pricing and can range anything they believe 'fair' with impunity. Insurance companies will b***h, moan and drag their heels to not pay for a life saving treatment, which is cruel to the people suffering who can't get their lungs transplanted because they won't know for sure if they'll be covered. Doctors are usually corrupt bastards who will sacrifice their patient's well-being if it means they direct them to a specialist in their own building so they will get your money and not the more efficient hospital across town that can get your cancer treatment started in four days, rather than two months.

F@#k the RIAA and another recording industry with music, film or otherwise bitching about being 'ripped off' with illegal downloads. Look, piracy is a big issue in the internet, but these nazi regime bastards went around suing anyone, child, adult, single parent, disabled person for thousands, if not millions, of dollars, for songs that would balance out in about, at most, the 500~ dollar range. They used unlawful, dirty tactics to try and extort what they could and ruin over 100 civilian's lives by making them file bankruptcy, most of them being college students and having to drop out of college, there by losing any chance of government funding.

F@#k anyone trying to tell me how I should eat. I eat what I want, when I want, and where I want. If I go to McDonalds one more time to eat their McNuggets, and some a** to be bitching inside of how much this food is unhealthy, I will drag him out to the side of the building by his arm and punch him in the face so hard he will piss out the enamels of his teeth! This food is clearly unhealthy, if you don't want to eat it, fine don't. But don't start bitching about how unhealthy it is at the restaurant, because no one wants to hear it. Likewise for people who get fat for eating fast food twice a day for weeks at a time. A blind chipmunk could see that food is fattening and wouldn't eat it if it was in the garbage.

F@#k lawyers, these are the bastards who protect criminals, make the innocent seem like monsters with slanderous assaults and dirty tactics to get under their skin. They sue home owners when someone who was breaking into their house, tripped and broke his arm going down the stairs with that family's f@#king TV! They don't care who they persecute, what they did, or if they're even innocent or guilty if enough Benjamen Franklins are in front of them.

F@#k this Government, it SUCKS! It's corrupt, full of Senators that are in there for life terms it seems like when they constantly f@#k up things, give themselves bonuses when they did nothing but pass three laws that year that strip your freedoms more! They do not even read the bills being sent through their floor, even though its their job. 'B-But legislation are so thick sometimes', Yes, I get it there's a lot to read. But you know what? IT'S YOUR F@#KING JOB TO READ! You are to serve the people in the state you represent the best you can, if you don't read the paperwork going through why should we vote for your sorry a**!? They also bring in bills that are irrelevant to the serious issues to this country. Taxes? National Debt? War? Environment? The Economy? Education? Nope! It's SOPA time folks!. . . Ugh.

And finally. . .

F@#k the average American Citizen, you people make me sick, to the point where I nearly have to run to my bathroom to vomit. You moronically vote for crappy representatives, presidents and other laws that you have no actual understanding of who they are, or what the laws will really do and can be abused. Less than 15% of the American Population even know half of their rights and freedoms, people, you have a voice! You have power if you'd just figure it out, we can have a vote to knock down a bill we don't want passed through the Senate. We have freedoms no one has even acknowledge in decades and is quickly dying. If only people would take an hour at most out of their day, to stay politically attuned to this government.

This country is coming to a turning point folks, and it's us who decides how it goes. Either through diplomatic politics of removing our useless senators and building this back up from the foundation to fit the time, or through what may be either a quick and simple, or a bloody and terrible civil war. It's only a matter of time people, if you, if we don't act now, things will get much worse, very quickly. We need to stop just doing what we're told because 'it's the law' or 'because they said so', this country was founded on people who were against this kind of oppression, let alone blacklisting certain topics in school to make sure the average populace is kept dumb. Question laws, put them in different circumstances and think how they can be abused against you, how it can help or hurt people, become more active in your politics on a regular basis. LOOK UP YOUR OWN DAMN FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS!! Protest if they try to pass something that will hinder them, don't make this country a sh*t stain on the world as its rapidly going to day by day on this course. Don't let the thousands of revolutionists from the 1700s of died in vain, don't let the millions who fought and kill their own brothers and died in their arms in the Civil War go to shame. If it means changing the way this government is run, then it needs to be done. We won a revolution against a group of tyrants before, we can do it again if it needs to come that.

I'm going to end this because I'm sure all of your Gold Fish-sized attention spans have long gone and died off by now, but if you're somehow still here with me. Then there's hope yet, If I have offended you in some way shape or form because you were one of these targeted demographs, then good it's meant to. Maybe you'll think about what you're doing in this thing we call Life after reading this whole thing.

Or maybe you won't, if you've read this and don't think any differently than before, and feel as though I'm a hater and don't care for anyone in this country. Then write a hateful comment, post, PM me it and then go on with your life and be oblivious and even more ignorant than I am. You don't deserve the chance to save this country or survive if you're that thick-headed.

But, if I've somehow had you feel something other than other disdain, maybe even understanding of these issues. Then let other people know! Tell them this, force it down them if you must, we don't have time to be nice about this! This country is degrading faster into debt, and closer to war! Get the message out there now!

Ippiki Ookami no Kokoro
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Ippiki Ookami no Kokoro
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