→1: Obey Gaia's T.O.C., or Terms of Conditions.
→2: No Flaming Shall be Tolerated, thanks.
→3: You MUST BE LITERATE TO ADVANCED LITERATE IN YOUR POSTING. This means no posting in *actions in these stars*, ((out of character context in these)). Write in Past Tense, 3rd Person Point of View.
→4. Post length is being set to the old terms of
Literate → Advanced Literate : Standard post length should be between
300 to +1000 words per post. That's anywhere from 3 to 8 well rounded paragraphs of actions, aside thought, and character speech. This does not include formatted words for your character profile.
You do not have to follow strict word counts, but you better be able to at least try to follow this. The more you type and contribute to the plot, the better the overall story will be and the better writer you will become! There is a learning curve, which is understandable, but give enough details to support the story and your characters actions so that other people have enough content to work from.
→4.5 Stick Around ^w^: If you commit to the RP, please don't drop within the first week. You don't have to feel comitted to posting every day, but a minimum of one to three posts a week would be very welcomed. Once you join, we'd like to continue the story line WITH your characters, please. If you do, you'll have lots of fun, and there are cookies!!!~~~ <3
→5. Send me a PM with your Profile Sheet/Request for a Cannon Character. Name the PM Title "Beware the Dreamer", and Include a Sample Post to reflect your writing. This can either be a past work from your character, an opening post, or a normal post. It should be direct example of your writing style. Now go make sure you read the rest of the rules.
→6. Character limits for now are unknown. There are multiple characters in this RP already, including shadowed/understudied NPC characters. For now there is no real limit to character, for the 'Cannon' NPCs come and go, but I think the number of Original Characters should not exceed over three. The word count limit does not apply to NPCs if you're using them strictly for dialogue, but it applies to each of your characters.
→7. No Mary Sues.
Litmus Test Here.
→8. Romance/Action/Violence is encouraged, but keep is PG-17 or under. Het/Yaoi/Yuri, Swearing, Blood and Gore are all okay in my book as long as it progresses the plot and character development; Don't take it over the top though. Avoid fighting for the sake of fighting. This is an epic, not Mortal Combat. Also take IC-Cybering to PMs and PMs ONLY.
→9. No Godmodding; Do not be Omniscient; all-knowing, Omnipotent = all-powerful or, Omnipresent = everywhere at once. You should only be acting through your character's eyes, strengths and weakness.
→10. Posting Format: I've noticed that on Gaia, posting formats has become rather huge-ish, ie: decorating the posts with song lyrics, character pictures, thumbnails, quotes. etc. This is completely optional, although I'd rather have everyone post in a Font size 8 to 11 and use different colors for your characters. Also do not use pictures that are bigger then the content itself!! A standard Rule for me is if you can't write enough lines to go past or close to the height of the picture don't use it (please try editting it in Paint, Photoshop, or crop it down to scale in Photobucket editors please. Do not have 1000pixel height pictures to One line posts, etc)
→11. Humor and be Respectful to your other players and myself.
→12. Rules are Subject to Change; Keep this in mind.