if i ever forgot you on this list, let me know, or else i apologize for forgetting crying
12/18/12 Thank you From Emi <3
12/17/12 thank you -Skullbow! crying emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
12/01/12 thank you wtfmonichu !
11/30/12 thank you Crystalemum2! emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
11/25/12 bought @ the mp for 1.3m QAQ <33
11/25/12 [ QAQ ]From Emi gonk emotion_bigvein emotion_bigheart girl quit raeping me..
11/23/12 From Emi gonk emotion_bigvein emotion_bigheart
11/2O/12 : From Emi 4laugh heart
1O/26/12 : bought @ MP for 285k
1O/21/12 [ * A * ] ThePottyMouthPrincess thank youuu emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
1O/14/12 : bought at MP 1O/O1/12 [ OH MY GOODNESS. SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL .] l son zack l crying emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
quest for lost stoic boy: 1O/14/12 t oo t ed: 150k! 1O/12/12 thewingedmuffin: items worth 80k-100k and 150k for my quest!
O9/30/12: -Skullbow gonk my goodness woman i must get you. O9/27/12: -Skullbow crying emotion_bigheart O9/24/12: sunshineonthebeach crying omg ty heart O9/23/12: [OMG WAI &33] t oo t e d: thank you crying emotion_facepalm O9/2O/12: -Skullbow heart O9/18/12 : lisonallie eek emotion_facepalm gawd woman ily. O9/17/12 : [ OMG TRADE RAEP ] B l oo p scream ily twin!
O8/O5/12 got these items to finish a dream avie. LOL woot shopping spree. O8/O4/12 bought @ mp for 160k &O& O8/O4/12! thank you Dullahans_ Scythe for selling this to me emotion_hug and thank you my kind friends for helping me and supporting me on getting these! crying
donators for oisins: yoojinie: 1m orehiroda: items worth 1OOk-3OOk+ paristower & zackology: 1.5m B l oo p: 1.05m
O6/12/12 thanks skullbow! emotion_hug
O6/1O/12 bought it at the mp ninja
O6/O1/12 crying overkill. thanks Rawr doud again emotion_bigheart eek emotion_bigheart x infinity
O5/31/12 crying thanks Rawr doud aka sarah emotion_bigheart emotion_hug
O5/27/12 thank you B I oo p emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
O5/25/12 thank you pandi_sun emotion_bigheart emotion_hug
O5/2O/12 thanks irresponsibledrunkard!
O5/19/12 omg. QAQ my luck with this rig is amazing.
O5/17/12 thank you Hipsterism/Lani emotion_bigheart !
, O5/15/12 thank you KupoWrath!
/, O5/14/12 thank you lisonallie emotion_bigheart
irresponisbledrunktard go phones
cheriechapstick: scenic quest, bunbun pjs
Alledee: the cosmos
GIFT/serenith: coco plushie,1OOk eek
Fly Upon Wings of a Dream: starlit promise, 3OOk
tooted: A lot of gold. this girl's donations always help me with my quests crying , angelic manner
Keithiya: so many commons from my quest thread plus gold emotion_facepalm , gold, a dress and january birthstone anklets
KupoWrath: s-pop Rayna, mona's potion crying
I-PandAppleZ-I: submarine capsule and a lot of items worth 2OOk @_@ and s-pop taja, sailor boy, queen of cups set crying
Madame Lee: Astra XV: Cruising Cumulus, gemini mood bubble
Calq8r: Doki Doki Deito
ParisTower: juno lace, demon vasal, trendy dark skinny jeans, purple tam beret Lunabiie: 5OOk
quassu: zodiacal
All Da Things: halftone hero, zoo snacks
iwillfightwithfire: Sugarsuite,Astra-XIII: Music in the Air
ThePottyMouthPrincess: grizzly hoodie, mint chocolate queen of cups
Allergictosilence: blue belle
iiAzn_Cookies: memetically speaking
Dewie_Chew: AFK scarf, Pirate Sando's Vest
B l u m i: Tangy Citrus Deluxe, alternate moira's top
Lisonallie : Midnight rainbow, Black Gphone, masquerade 10th gen, PINK MARIONETTE, cheerful conjuror crying
Vaiche: Kiwi Chocolate Creme
SimplyMeliny: for those items when we had our gold wars. rosa romance
ChachiFEVER: you know why i thanked you emotion_awesome
Durri: Button's Tea Party
Penguin-Mochi: little lucie 3rd gen, sweet lunarian, cream tam beret, zodiacal 12th gen
OnigiriPai: Verizon glasses
I LYK MUSTACHES: Frosted Affection, Jittery Jill
Wynter Kinomi: Jittery Jill
Demonically Disturbed: Checkered Remorse, Monsieur Panda
ninja guy1819 : unicorn
Pretty Little Prince: Geronimo High Uniform Skirt, Bunny Luv, Melonpan of Haruharu (headband),Cherry Blossom, Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy
Gothik Belle: Moira's alternate top
and everyone in pure hearts DTTPAY and Audacity for your kind donations and meeting awesome people there!!
IQUIT5EVARAAAAHHH · Sun Apr 01, 2012 @ 05:09am · 1 Comments |