xShinra Valentinex xxxxx๑xxRank - boss. xxxxx๑xxReason for fighting - to protect those I care about. xxxxx๑xxSpecialities - leadership and wisdom. xxxxx๑xxMain job - leading the family. xxxxx๑xxNotoriety level - low. xxxxx๑xxStatus - dead - killed by William Naoki Minoyaki, aged 23.
xList Heimheldx xxxxx彡xxRank - cloud guardian. xxxxx彡xxReason for fighting - to meet more people to care about and protect. xxxxx彡xxSpecialities - assassination, espionage and information gathering. xxxxx彡xxMain job - assassination work. xxxxx彡xxNotoriety level - high. xxxxx彡xxStatus - alive - currently working as a a freelance assassination, aged 43.
xFaye Minoyaki Heimheldx xxxxx₪xxRank - sun guardian. xxxxx₪xxReason for fighting - e-erm... why not? xxxxx₪xxSpecialities - support. xxxxx₪xxMain job - staying out of trouble and treating wounds. xxxxx₪xxNotoriety level - none. xxxxx₪xxStatus - alive - currently working as a surgeon in Germany, aged 39.
 xJasper and Jake Viersx xxxxx₪xxRank - mist guardians xxxxx₪xxReason for fighting - money, are you really that thick? xxxxx₪xxSpecialities - deception, fighting and information gathering. xxxxx₪xxMain job - fighting. xxxxx₪xxNotoriety level - extremely high. xxxxx₪xxStatus - alive, currently in the Federal Medical Center in Butner aged 43.
xFelix Kingx xxxxx₪xxRank - rain guardian xxxxx₪xxReason for fighting - well you know, it's a job... xxxxx₪xxSpecialities - strategy, fighting and black mailing xxxxx₪xxMain job - er, no idea really. xxxxx₪xxNotoriety level - low. xxxxx₪xxStatus - alive, currently working as a lead singer in a death metal band 39.
xShaun Gatesx xxxxx₪xxRank - storm guardian xxxxx₪xxReason for fighting - it's fun xxxxx₪xxSpecialities - murdering, killing, decapitating, I think you get the idea xxxxx₪xxMain job - fighting. xxxxx₪xxNotoriety level - medium. xxxxx₪xxStatus - dead, building collapsing on top of him, aged 19.
Nara Sayo · Wed Jul 18, 2012 @ 01:28am · 0 Comments |