Theme Song
Battle Music
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harharharhar"Well If you want to go to hell, let me help you get there ! ! " • • •
N A M E ✩ Yoshiro Nobuyuki (義郎 信幸) xxx G A N G N A M E / N I C K N A M E ✩ ❝ Tora / Yoshi ❞
A F F I L I A T E D ✩ Kagutsuchi xxx R A N K ✩ Leader
A G E ✩ 22 xx B I T H D A Y : ✩ July / 29 xx H E I G H T ✩ 5'11" xx W E I G H T ✩ 176lbs.
E Y E C O L O R ✩ Jade Green xx H A I R C O L O R ✩ Red w/ Orange tips xx G E N D E R ✩ Male
O R I E N T A T I O N ✩ Heterosexual xx C R U S H I N G ✩ None
O C C U P A T I O N ✩ Owner of the "Sinful" Bar and leader of the Kagutsuchi gang. xx
R E S I D E N C Y ✩ As he used to live at the abandoned amusement park some of his stuff is still there. Nonetheless He now resides on the second floor of the "Sinful Bar".
R A C E ( S ) ✩ Japanese xx B L O O D T Y P E ✩B
G A N G T A T T O O ✩ Yoshiro's tattoo is a tribal tiger that covers almost his entire back.
W E A P O N ✩
tab As Yoshi's tiger tattoo engulfs his body, the stripes found on the back of his hand can sharpen down his finger tips to become four inch black claws. But his claws aren't as worse as his bite. The small stripes found on either side of his lips extend into the enemy's skin when Yoshi bites. Other then that Yoshi carries a, all around black pocket knife with him.
S K I L L ( S ) ✩
tab The three years spent street jumping from place to place, and massive workouts kept Yoshi fast, and strong. The training with his two closest friends, helped build up his knowledge of combat.
tab Yoshi is able to instantly summon his special power. When this power is activated a blood red color surrounds his green pupils. The stripes of his tiger tattoo, on his back, spread throughout his entire body making it appear as if he himself is a tiger. This is how he earned the gangname of "Tora". With this power active Yoshi gains the strength equal to two tons and the stripes covering his body are impenetrable. The down side to using this power is the heat. The body raises in temperature as a person get mad. If your body heats up past 100 degrees It causes cell to denature and die. For Yoshi the closer he gets to the temperature of 120 degrees the more he'll lose his control of the power. Yoshi has tried to surpass that temperature limit but has failed to do so. To this reason Yoshi only uses his power when needed.
P E R S O N A L I T Y ✩
tab Yoshi is more of a "live in the present" kind of person who strikes first and asks questions later. Yoshi is a headstrong, loud and confident kinda guy. So if you call him a liar he'll kick your a** for it. He uses this to disguise or rather help cope with his past life. Which by the way he will never ever talk about.
tab Because he had to give up a normal childhood to support his family you can find Yoshi act more like a kid then his actual age. But of course when business comes to business Yoshi knows better to be mature and act like the fearless leader he should be. But of course he couldn't do it on his own. He get's help from his two trusted friends which are his second hand man and third hand man. Yoshi trust them to help him make decisions for the gang and the bar. Since his not too bright himself. So he usually discusses everything with them.
tab When his father passed away Yoshi felt as if failed as a son. This is the reason he protects and encourages his fellow gang mates giving them confidence like he would a family member. Yoshi treats His gang as family and trust each one of them.
tab Because of his mother Yoshi has a low opinion about women. He believes that they are all liars and tries to avoid them unless nature calls.
B I O G R A P H Y ✩
tab Yoshiro Nobuyuki was born into a normal family. This family consisted of his house, wife mother and his average, desk job working father. Even though food was scarce Yoshiro’s father did his best to put a roof over his family’s heads and Yoshiro was happy that his father did. Yoshiro’s childhood was that of an average one and he was content. However at the age of sixteen everything changed. Yoshiro’s father had collapsed at work, and was rushed immediately into the hospital. After being pulled out of school, the doctors had told Yoshiro that he’s father had a heart attack and because of his father’s frail body he had blacked out into a coma. When Yoshiro went to go see his father with his mom his father was tied up to a machine. It was on that day that Yoshiro truly looked at his father and saw how skinny, how fragile his father actually appeared. Yoshiro felt that he needed to be strong for his mother so he held back his tears but as he looked to see his mother’s reaction to the situation he was surprised to see a grin. Yoshiro looked at his mother wide eyed and only when she noticed his gaze did she start to weep. Yoshiro slept that night in question and shock, only being able to picture her cold grin.
tab With his father in the hospital Yoshiro dropped out of school and started to work two jobs. His mother, on the other hand, never looked for a job much less made an effort to find one. Nevertheless every last day of the month the medical bill would come, and it was so expensive that it took all of Yoshiro’s income to pay for it. He had to go into a life a crime, stealing and pawning whatever he could, just to make enough for himself and his mother to have food and a roof over their heads. As each month passed Yoshiro made sure to visit his father at least once a week. And even though he wasn’t sure if his father could hear him, Yoshiro always told his father about how everything was going to be okay, and how he was making sure to keep that roof over their heads. Soon it was December; a mass number of people had become sick. There were so many ill that the hospital over flowed and had to release some of its patients. Of course if you were rich your family would be lucky enough not to get that call, on the other hand Yoshiro’s family was not as luck. Yoshiro’s father was taken off of life support on the third of December. As much as he wanted to cry he kept his head up as his father was cremated. He kept his jobs so as to keep paying for the roof his father worked so hard for.
tab Yoshiro was eighteen when it happened. He came home early from his jobs only to catch his mother sleeping with another man. Yoshiro watched disgusted at the man who violated his mother. He then notice his mother’s eyes, she saw him and smiled. That’s when Yoshiro realized his mother’s true colors. Enraged by her actions he ran out of the house to a nearby playground.
tab Never was Yoshiro so angered in his life. He dropped to his knees in the sand and looked up to the stars yelling in pure rage and distress. His blood started to boil and steam. It was as if his if body was on fire. Yoshiro curled down as a huge pain started slashing away throughout his back. The next thing he knew it was morning he felt numb as he looked around, at what was left of the playground confused and terrified at the torn metal and his partially burnt clothes. Suddenly Yoshiro felt a sharp pain on his back followed by another and another. He rushed home and went straight to the bathroom, he then carefully pulled off his shirt as his back stung, he was without words when he saw the black tiger tattoo burnt into his skin. Yoshiro went to his room puzzled at what had happened. His back still hurt so all he did was change out of his burnt pants into clean new ones. He sat on his bed trying to make clear of what happened.
tab As Yoshiro was in thought his mother entered his room. He looked away as she sat next to him. She then proceeded to tell him all about the man he had seen the night before, how she had been sleeping with him long before my father was put in the hospital and how stupid he was to never figure out. With every sentence that escaped her lips the more and more enraged Yoshiro grew. With sweet words his mother tried to comfort him then she took her hands and tried to seduce him. That’s when Yoshiro lost it. He pinned her to the wall by her neck, her jade green eyes glared into his. In a matter of seconds dark red surrounded his green pupils, as the tiger tattoo’s black stripes spread throughout his entire body. Yoshiro’s mother looked at him in fear pulling at his around her neck, desperately to get free. Yoshiro spoke to her in a calm, hard voice about how his father was a great man and how he worked hard to keep his family happy, and ended by telling her how his father never deserved such a low animal for a wife. Yoshiro’s mother closed her eyes as the black stripes on the tip of his fingers sharpened into four inch claws. He looked at her for the last time as his body returned to normal and he let her go. He turned his back on her telling her that she was too low for even death.
tab Yoshiro left that house leaving all of his memories with it. He moved to a new town, and worked, even stole, living at an abandoned theme park to save money. Yoshiro trained himself and his powers becoming strong. Along the way he even made trustworthy friends who like, himself, possessed strange powers. After three years he had saved enough money and was able to open up his own bar and along the way created a new family. A family of furious tigers, a gang that resembles fire, the Kagutsuchi gang.
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