Character Name: Kandace "Candy" Kane, A.K.A. KK or Double K
Age: 23
Skull Gang: Candy Skulls
Personality razz shycotic/sweet
Weapons: M134 Mobile Minigun, Modified RGW 90 class "MATADOR"capable of firing anti armor rockets and antipersonnel rockets, Diferent conventional explosives (C4, Frag grenades, pulse grenades and other) stored at her house and some set as traps
Weapons Description: (What is it & How does it function.)
Special: Human with cybernetic implants (Arms, eyes and legs) limbs look human and so do eyes
Bio: Candace Louise Kean was quite a normal girl, until one day something snapped on her brain, maybe it had to do with that little accident she have at the age of 17, caused by a fight between Skull Hunters and Skulls, Candace almost died, lossing her arms and legs in a explosion, that also rendered her blind as a bat, the terror had her screaming for days and nights without end, the painkillers couldn't ease her pain, the goverment, to silence her fathers protest agreed to pay for Candace cybernetic implants, which at that time were civilian classed.
Barely recovering after the trauma of the explosion, she was exposed to the operation, which was even more painful, as her already seared flesh was opened, the scarred wounds pained her even more after the procedure, traumatizing the young girl even more, the screams and nightmares returned until one day, she looked herself at the mirror, her sight recovered, she studied every bit of herself, unconsciusly, she started to put make up on her face, creating a sort of devil's clow appearence, dotted with eroticness and beauty... that was the first thing she did, the second well, was murdering her parents for to what in her opinion was cowardice for letting themselves be buy by the goverment, obviusly she didn't stop to think they made it out of love for their daughter, details.
In that same year, Candance, now promptly self named Kandace Kane entred the underworld of gangs, crime and violence, a world that welcomed her as she did too, learning everything she could about weapons, explosives and a bit of cybernetics, she retoned her implants to make them into military classed implants, later on, she did what was left, joining a skull gang and kick a** as much as she could, Kandace is a little pretty phsycopath who loves big guns and explosions