Several eras have passed since the Hero of Time last defeated Ganondorf and in that time, evil and corruption plagued the city of New Hyrule. The world of Hyrule has changed much since the last reincarnation of the Hero of Time. The world is no longer a lush country side but rather a busy metropolis controlled by the power of the Triforce. Ganon's rise to power was easy without the interference from the Hero of Time and used his piece of the Triforce to take control over most of New Hyrule. His plans for Hyrule are unknown. All information that he has given to the people of Hyrule is to find the Sage and Hero of Time.
The people of old wondered where their hero of legend was while the old city was falling to pieces by the hands of the reincarnated Ganon and his line of predecessors. Whispers tell of a new era coming forth to vanquish the evil from New Hyrule and establish a just and secure nation. Who the new Hero of Time is is unknown.
New Hyrule

Kokiri District. Most of the older generation lives here. This district is fairly safer than New Hyrule.

Lost Woods Bar

Gerudo. Hometown of the Ganons and the super highway of black market trade.

Triforce Power Station. Used for corruption.

The New Hyrule currency remains to be Rupies [R]. Navi has become a cell phone service.

Master Sword USB

Character Profile Name: Age: Place of Origin: Marital Status: Brief History: Image:
Brief history about the Hero of Time, Sage of Time, and Ganon.
The Hero of Time is destined to vanquish the evil of the reincarnated Demise from the land of Hyrule. The origin of the green clothes and hat is from the time when the people of Hyrule lived in the clouds in a civilization called Skyloft. The green clothes were worn by the Skyloft Knights when they graduated. Their form of transportation, the Loftwing, has since been an icon on the Hylian Shield for ages. Upon coming into contact with the Master Sword, the Hero of Time has no idea the power they possess. The piece of the Triforce the Hero of Time posses is Courage. The Hero of Time is commonly referred as being a mute, only making sound effects. It's unclear as to why the Hero of Time cannot or will not talk. The birth parents of the Hero of Time are unknown. Ages ago, the Hero of Time had a horse named Epona.
The Sage of Time has long since been the mortal reincarnated form of the Goddess Hylia, the creator of the Master Sword [Then called the Goddess Sword]. The decedents of Hylia would later become known as Hylians and later would establish the Kingdom of Hyrule on the then called Surface World during the Era of Prosperity. The mortal reincarnations of Hylia were born into the Hyrulian royal family and the daughters of the royal family inherited her name and powers. The Sage of Time guides the Hero of Time to rid the world of the reincarnated Demise. The piece of Triforce she possesses is Wisdom. Ages ago, the Sage of Time had an alter ego named Shiek, a Shiekah. She is also commonly captured by the reincarnation of Demise and the Hero of Time has to rescue her. She protects the Triforce.
Ganon is the reincarnation of Demise and seeks to control all of Hyrule. The only one who can defeat him is the Chosen One aka the Hero of Time. He is often classified as being power-hungry and a megalomanic. Ganon was once a human named Ganondorf. He was born in the Gerudo desert, famous for female pirates and thieves. Because he was the first male born in Gerudo in a century, he was by birthright named King of Thieves. He used his power to manipulate his way into the Sacred Realm, which housed the Triforce. In his feeble attempt at gaining the Triforce, he was successful in only obtaining a piece of the Triforce; Power. In later eras, Ganon became more and more powerful. He is also a very skilled organ player.
The Goddesses: Din - Power, red, fire Nayru - Wisdom, blue, water Farore - Courage, green, wind
They are the creators of the Triforce and the land of Hyrule. Din created the land, Nayru set law and order on the land, and Farore created all life on the land.
ADSOC · Wed Nov 21, 2012 @ 01:38am · 0 Comments |