I doubt I'll do all the days as I'll most certainly forget to check the guild and probably won't have time, so I thought I'd post here of which ever one's I do decide to do.
The event: you have to do some sort of art with your choice of art medium (sketch, photography, craft, paint, etc) every day for 100 days straight. The piece needs to be based on/fit one of the 5 themes given that day.
Day 1
Theme choices: Self Portrait, Swan, Your favorite book, Mississippi R., Love
My Art Medium: Papercut (Paper, scissors rock and pencil)
Took me an hour to cut it all out @__@;;

Day 2
Theme choices: Art Style: Realism, Pelican, Film Noir, Atlantis, Light
My Art Medium: Sketch and Digital Color (pencil and PS CS3)

Day 3
Theme choices: Reinterpret a fairytale, Elephant, Fruit, Cavern, Dark
My Art Medium: Papercut (paper, scissors, craft knife/scalpel)

Theme choices: Reinterpret a fairytale, Elephant, Fruit, Cavern, Dark
Didn't like the finished piece that much...I liked the sketch though
My Art Medium: Digital (PS CS3)

Day 4
Theme choices: Design a Tattoo, Chameleon, Cold night, The beach, Seeking Solace
My Art Medium: Papercut (pencil, scissors, scalpel)

Day 5
Theme choices: Monochrome blue, Jellyfish, Crush, Germany, Break Away
My Art Medium: Papercut and pencil
I don't think I like this one as much as my previous ones. I drew pencil details on top since it was too small to cut out all the details I wanted...

Day 6
Theme choices: Draw your room, Rabbit, Fashion, China, Heaven
My Art Medium: Papercut
Rabbit on the moon pounding the elixir of life

Day 7
Theme choices: Art Style: Baroque, Frog, A friend, Fiji, Innocence
My Art Medium: Papercut
Not quite as good as the rabbit but I still like the flowers

Day 8
Theme choices: Make a small sculpture, Shark, Makeup, Amazon, Drive
My Art Medium: Papercut
One of my favourite so far, also one of my more complex.
Took 2 hours just to cut it out ^^

Day 9
Theme choices: Make a picture with collage, Kitten, Hands, Glacier, Breathe Again
My Art Medium: Papercut
I tried a millions times to do kitten but failed so did Glacier...then after I tried the kitten again and did ok =.=

Day 10
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing, Moose, Childish, Eiffel tower, Memory
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 11
Theme choices: Art style graffiti, Rat, Your favorite food, Morocco, Insanity
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 12
Theme choices: Challenge yourself: at least 2 people in the picture!, Coyote, NASA, Classroom, Misfortune
My Art Medium: Papercut

I managed to keep most of the off-cuts in piece too, usually my off-cuts are messed up.

Day 13
Theme choices: Snake, Bioluminescence, Singapore, Smile, or....Special Challenge (Create a freebie thread, in the freebie forum and draw 3 freebies.)
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 14
Theme choices: Draw a car or truck from photo reference, Platypus, Whispered secret, Russia, Silence
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 15
Theme choices: Monochrome green, Hawk, Swiss army, Kenya, Questioning
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 16
Theme choices: Art Style: Art Nouveaux, Spider, Sunburn, Power plant, Blood
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 17
Theme choices: Design a wedding invitation/save-the-date, Phoenix, Math, Tenochtitlan, Rainbow
My Art Medium: Papercut
I wanted to try to go for a Chinese art style/look.
I decided to add the circle in the background to try to represent the moon (the dragon represents the sun I believe? ) Also in Chinese art the circle tends to represent eternity and perfection, which I thought was nice symbolism for a phoenix.

Day 18
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character a 90's makeover, Seahorse, Superman, America, Gray
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 19
Theme choices: Art style: Pinup, Crab, Partner-in-crime, Versailles, Fortitude
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 20
Theme choices: Finish/Improve an earlier drawing, Giraffe, Tiny death, Rivendell, Vacation
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 21
Theme choices: Art Style: Abstract , Koala, Leader, School, Mother Nature
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 22
Theme choices: Draw/thumbnail a comic, Prim Mantis (in-joke was meant to be praying mantis but people drew 'prim' looking mantis'), Cute animal, Bridge, Filter
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 23
Theme choices: Design a character's summer/winter/midseason clothing, Panther, After the flood, Music Studio, No Time
My Art Medium: Papercut
Not sure how I feel about this one...

Day 24
Theme choices: Reinterpret a folktale, Mastodon, Satellite, Mexico, Trouble Lurking
My Art Medium: Papercut
Apparently Mastodon's were "predominantly forest dwelling animals that fed on a mixed diet of browsing and grazing with a seasonal preference for browsing, in contrast to living elephants that are mostly grazing animals."
And yes, I did need to look up the difference between grazing and browsing XD
So here is a browsing Mastodon.
For anyone interested apparently "grazing is eating grass or forbs, and browsing is eating woody twigs and leaves from trees and shrubs"
He came out fluffier/hairier than I had planned but I still like how he came out XD

Day 25
Theme choices: Monochrome pink, Angler, Hip-hop, 24h store, Tears
My Art Medium: Papercut
I wanted to try to capture the darkness so I gave it a go at just cutting out hi-lighted areas.

Day 26
Theme choices: Art Style: Expressionism / Fauvism, Donkey, Sickly, Fancy restaurant, Foreign
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 27
Theme choices: Art Style: Create something out of stone(s), Unicorn, Jester, Japan, Sorrow
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 28
Theme choices: Draw a building/skyscraper from photo ref (post photo too), Buck, Trip, Greece, Happiness
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 29
Theme choices: Create a piece of lineart (refined linework but no color or value), Catfish, Fairy Tale, Hungary, Under the rain
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 30
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing, Triceratops, Interpretive dance, Amusement Park, Flowers
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 31
Theme choices: Art Style: Impressionism , Bee, Car, Peru, Night
My Art Medium: Papercut
Bumble Bee. I was tempted to do a honey bee but I like how fuzzy bumble bees are.
It's one of my simplier ones, but I really like how it came out.

Day 32
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character an 80's makeover, Monkey, My own worse enemy, Great Wall of China, Expectations
My Art Medium: Papercut
Marmoset monkey...at least that's what it's meant to be XD

Day 33
Theme choices: Design a Jewelery piece, Goldfish, Hotel, Hospital, Stars
My Art Medium: Sketch
Ahh disappoint, I got distracted doing the event so I've only had time to do the sketch.
I plan on paper cutting this out sometime in the next few days.

day41 edit: I finally got around to paper-cutting this ^^

Day 34
Theme choices: Tomorrow Themes: Draw a childhood memory, Dog, Legs, Volcano, Hold My Hand
My Art Medium: Papercut
I tried to do a labrador, I was tempted to do a pomeranian or samoyed but decided against it.

Day 35
Theme choices: Monochrome brown, Sea Monster, Cloud nine, Hogwarts, Precious Treasure
My Art Medium: Papercut
...spent aaages drawing the boat but then ended up covering it all in tentacles @__@

Day 36
Theme choices: Art Style: Painterly, Wolverine, 7 deadly sins, Jupiter, Eyes
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 37
Theme choices: Choose someone's lineart from day 29 and shade/color it, Songbird, Sticky fingers, Rome, Abandoned
My Art Medium: Papercut
Song bird, I tried to do a nightingale but I don't think you can tell.

Day 38
Theme choices: Draw something while listening to some music that has no words, Butterfly, Valentines Day, Africa, Dreams
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 39
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character a 70's makeover, Lion, Circus, Center of the Earth, Rated
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 40
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing, Crane, Stitch, Log cabin, Teamwork
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 41
Theme choices: Design an object with an Art Deco style, Ox, Reality TV, Jungle, Standing Still
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 42
Theme choices: Draw a celebrity, Whale, Man's best friend, Forest, Dying
My Art Medium: Papercut
I tried to do a Humpback whale leaping out of the water...

Day 43
Theme choices: Draw a picture with hidden objects inside, Sphinx, Tea party, Gulf of Mexico, Two roads
My Art Medium: Papercut
I was tempted to do both the Greek and Egyptian Sphinx in the same picture but ended up just doing the Greek Sphinx.
"What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?"

Day 44
Theme choices: Art style: Native American, Boar, Head, Iran/Persia, Illusion
My Art Medium: Papercut
Spit-roasted wild boar...I've never had it before but it's the first thing that came to mind.

Day 45
Theme choices: Monochrome red, Squid, Fear, Mars, Magic
My Art Medium: Sketch
Just a sketch today, I'll get around to papercutting this later ^^
I did another giant squid (I wanted it to go with the sea monster giant squid I did before)

day49 edit: Got around to cutting it out ^^

Day 46
Theme choices: Draw an interior from photo reference, Ray, Sketchbook, France, Creation
My Art Medium: Papercut
I tried to do a Manta Ray. I ended up keeping the offcuts and liking it more.

Day 47
Theme choices: Challenge yourself: at least 3 people in the picture, Bear, Nobility, the South Pole, Childhood
My Art Medium: Sketch
Another sketch, I'm going to papercut this out at some point too.
A Teddy Bear picnic.

Day 48
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character a 60s makeover, Dragon, Snack, Desert, Stripes
My Art Medium: Sketch
My papercut resolve is fading, sketches 2 days in a row @__@;;
Another sketch today. Dragon.
I drew a Chinese-style one to go with the Phoenix one I did before.
I want to take my time cutting this one out (since I want to do all the scales like I didn't with the snake) so I'm not going to rush to finish it today.

Day 49
Theme choices: Ant lion, the Kitchen sink, New York, Breaking the rules, Special mini-challenge #2: Draw your current avatar. Make a thread with your drawing in the Art Critique forum.
My Art Medium: Papercut
An adult antlion (I didn't even know what it was so I had to google it lol)

Day 50
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing, Kangaroo, Facial Expressions, The Mediterranean, Sport
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 51
Theme choices: Art Style: Anime, Sheep, Cops and robbers, Jungle, Deep in Thought
My Art Medium: Papercut
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep.

Day 52
Theme choices: Create an art tutorial, Dove, Up, up, and away!, Strait, Keeping a Secret
My Art Medium:

Day 53
Theme choices: Draw the building you live in, Fox, Slimy Friend, Inter. Space Station, Kick in the Head
My Art Medium: Sketch
Gray Fox from the Metal Gear Solid game. I was originally gonna draw him with his sword but couldn't get the arm right, and when I did decide on arm position the rest of the body looked too static... I'll probably sort it out at some point when I'm more motivated...

Day 54
Theme choices: Draw a picture using only dots, Owl, Haunted House, Hong Kong, Waiting
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 55
Theme choices: Monochrome turquoise, Deer, Poison, Camelot, Danger Ahead
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 56
Theme choices: Art Style : Cubism, Pig, Iridescent, Art Studio, Sacrifice
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 57
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character a 50's makeover, Pterodactyl, Unexpected guest, Switzerland, Tower
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 58
Theme choices: Reinterpret a story from mythology, Wolf, Railroad, Mines of Moria, No Way Out
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 59
Theme choices: Draw armor from photo reference (post photo too), Shell, Chubby old man, Las Vegas, Rejection
My Art Medium: Papercut
Theme is Shell today so I decided to do a Hermit Crab.

Day 60
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing, Crow, Luck, The Himalayas, Quarantine
My Art Medium: Papercut
Crow, and a scarecrow that's not particularly doing a good job XD

Day 61
Theme choices: Draw a commission, Llama, Rainy autumn, Korea, Family
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 62
Theme choices: Paint a picture using only colours (not allowed to do sketchs first, go straight with colours!), Badger, Mannequin, Airport, Do Not Disturb
My Art Medium: Papercut
Badger...I probably should have put more thought into which areas needed to be cut out...I like the offcuts more again ^^;;

Day 63
Theme choices: Art Style: Propaganda poster, Firefly, A sport/sport team, Egypt, Multitasking
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 64
Theme choices: Design a holiday party invitation (any holiday you'd like), Turtle, Screw, Mercury, Horror
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 65
Theme choices: Monochrome gold, Seal, Sexy lady, Panama, Traps
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 66
Theme choices: Draw fanart for your favorite movie, Cricket, Sky, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Playing the melody
My Art Medium: Papercut
I have quite a few favourite movies but I decided to go with My Neighbour Totoro &3

Day 67
Theme choices: Create a creature (combine 2 or more animals together, and make a new species), Koi, Your favorite game, India, Hero
My Art Medium: Papercut
A stylised Koi.

Day 68
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character a 40's makeover, Sea Urchin, Beauty contest, Emergency room, Annoyance
Blah, not much time today...
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 69
Theme choices: Art Style : Gothic art , Hyena, On the head of a pin, Death Valley, Home shopping, St. Patrick's Day
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 70
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing , Cat, Trying too hard, Canada, Obsession
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 71
Theme choices: Draw the leader of the country you live in, Panda, Waltz, Machu Picchu, Mischief Managed
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 72
Theme choices: Design a t-shirt logo, Ladybug, Feet, Toronto, I Can’t
My Art Medium: Papercut
Ignore the rubbish text placement...

Day 73
Theme choices: Draw your bed, Chinchilla, Fancy dessert, Mt. Rushmore, Are you challenging me?
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 74
Theme choices: Draw a bathroom from photo reference (post photo too), Lizard, Battlefield, Sweden, Mirror
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 75
Theme choices: Monochrome purple, T-Rex, Bright spring morning, Shanghai, Broken pieces
My Art Medium: Papercut
I went for the broken pieces theme, so tried to do the broken strings of a discarded marionette...this looked cooler in my head...sometimes I wish I could just print from my brain lol

Day 76
Theme choices: Art Style : Expressionism , Camel, Crazy little girl, Saturn, Test
My Art Medium: Papercut
I went for the crazy 'psycho' type horror girl. I tried to give her a Joker/kuchisake-onna/jack the killer-creepypasta type smile.
...also just noticed...ignore the spelling mistake @__@;;

Also randomly I noticed there was a weird-looking face in the shadow...

Day 77
Theme choices: Design a villain, Duck, Cocktails, Arabia, Drink
My Art Medium: Papercut
I was tempted to do 'design a villain' but I really wanted to do a duck...

Day 78
Theme choices: Reinterpret a story from a religious text, Porcupine, Winter, Australia, Starvation
My Art Medium: Papercut
When I think of winter and papercut, I get reminded of those snowflakes you make by folding and cutting paper. I used to love doing this as a kid.

Day 79
Theme choices: Challenge yourself: at least 4 people in the picture!, Shrew, Your favorite holiday, Factory, Words
My Art Medium: Papercut
Elephant Shrew

Day 80
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing , Gorilla, Unlikely superhero, El Dorado, Pen and Paper
My Art Medium: Papercut
The first thing I thought of with Gorilla was Tarzan ^^;;
So here's my attempt at Tarzan...

Day 81
Theme choices: Fashion: give a character a 30's makeover, Crayfish, Monster under the bed, New Zealand, Can You Hear Me?
My Art Medium: Digital
This took way longer than it should have and I don't particularly like how it came out emo It looked better in my head...
I tried to do a cute monster...

Day 82
Theme choices: Revamp a Walt Disney character , Otter, Mascot, Catacombs, Heal
My Art Medium: Papercut
A sea otter bashing open a shellfish to eat on a stone balanced on it's belly, I saw it on a nature documentary.

Day 83
Theme choices: Art Style : Figurative art, Parrot, Bark, The Shire, Out Cold, Easter
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 84
Theme choices: Draw a picture using just 1 line from start to finish, Moth, Simpsons, Tundra, Spiral
My Art Medium: Papercut
Made by cutting a spiral out of paper ^^

Day 85
Theme choices: Monochrome orange, Griffin, Beat of your own drum, London, Seeing Red
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 86
Theme choices: Design a picture using only negative and positive space, Salamander, Pokemon, Hollywood, Food
My Art Medium: Digital Vector (adobe illustrator)
I used to be really into this way back when there was only 151 of them (not so much now, I can't really keep up XDD )
Pikachu was always my favourite >w<

Day 87
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character a 20's makeover, Hummingbird, Viking, Croatia, Pain
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 88
Theme choices: Make something using fiberarts, Horse, Moon landing, Baltic Sea, Through the fire
My Art Medium: Papercut
I tried to do one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (the war one) but it just looks like an anonymous knight on a horse @__@;;

Day 89
Theme choices: Art style: Your choice!, Puppy, Voodoo, Caribbean, Triangle
My Art Medium: Papercut
"She stood in silence, stripped of everything but the triangular pendant left to her by her dead father. She wouldn't discover it's importance till much later."

Day 90
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing , Sloth, Make a splash, Apartment, Drowning
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 91
Theme choices: Create a collage using pics you find in magazins, news pappers, publicities, ect, Tiger, Elven, Mt. Olympus, All That I Have
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 92
Theme choices: Draw something related to a popular youtube clip, (Electric) Eel, Breakfast cereal, Tokyo, Give Up
My Art Medium: Papercut
Everyone should know the youtube clip this was based on XD
If not here's a link ...and "You're welcome"

Day 93
Theme choices: Tomorrow Themes: Draw the street you live on, Bison, Summer sunset, Jungle, Last hope
My Art Medium: Papercut
Theme is bison. For this one I used word-play/pun.
There's a Chinese ancestor worship ceremony, which involves putting out food, lighting incense and burning paper money. According to wikipedia it's called 拜祖, pinyin: bàizǔ. But in my parents Chinese regional dialect it's pronounced in a way where it's sounds like Bison in English.
So I did some incense sticks burning.

Day 94
Theme choices: Art Style: Pop art, Bat, Fantasy, Paris, Advertisement
My Art Medium: Papercut
I decided to try and do a vampire character.

Day 95
Theme choices: Monochrome black/grey, Penguin, Your favorite song, Venus, Into the Storm
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 96
Theme choices: Fashion: Give a character a 19th century makeover, Chicken, Fishnet, The Nile, Safety First
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 97
Theme choices: Draw someone faking a smile and someone genuinely smiling, Octopus, Kitchen, North Pole, Puzzle
My Art Medium: Papercut

Day 98
Theme choices: Finish an earlier drawing, Mouse, Vampire, American Southwest, Solitude
My Art Medium: Papercut
A world famous mouse ^^
I cut this one out of white paper and placed it on to a black background.

Day 99
Theme choices: Self Portrait , Alligator, Good luck charm, Nigeria, Relaxation
My Art Medium: Papercut
I decided to ty and do a few lucky charms/good luck symbols.
Lucky 7, Rabbit's foot, 4 leaf clover, horseshoe, wishing on a star/falling star.

Day 100
Theme choices: Draw what ever you'd like : )
My Art Medium: Papercut
I was actually kind of stuck on what to do.
I decided to go with something '100' and celebratory based, since I didn't even expect to get past Day 3 XD
Party stuff: Fireworks, streamers, balloons, bunting and party food (drinks, sausages/cheese on sticks, cakes, jelly)

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